rhy ago

In short: Very unlikely. The missing students were college-age. I think the main reason these sick fuckers are trafficking infants is for parabiosis. This is a scientific process wherein you steal the blood of a younger organism to make an older organism more youthful and healthy. The fact that they are doing it in sick sexual satanic rituals is just some really disturbing frosting on a total shit cake. At any rate: Parabiosis doesn't work unless the victims are very, very young. So probably not the missing college kids.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Seem to be a lot of users questioning the relevance of this. Flairing for relevance.

Theupsidedown ago

This is such idle speculation. These were adult students who went missing three months before the party. The idea that they coerced a bunch of adults to their party is fucking laughable. These people like little kids, remember.

AreWeSure ago

There's absolutely no way this were related. Good God.

This was a very famous case in Mexico

Haldelos ago

Nope...college aged students are too old.

noworldorder ago

Most of the 43 bodies were allegedly found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Iguala_mass_kidnapping

YingYangMom ago

No. There were 28 bodies recovered out of 43 which means 15 are still missing.

EllaMinnow ago

The article says that the 28 burned bodies were determined not to be the students

YingYangMom ago

You're right! This means the 43 students are still missing. Thanks for pointing that out. I swear I thought I read that they were...

Wolftrail7272 ago

Holy shit. News to me. On a related note: how would one go about discovering mass graves or mass body disposal? Ground penetrating radar seems to be the best, as well as a chemical air test for specific kinds of nitrogen, but if you have suggestions or anything, I might be able to work with it.

YingYangMom ago

You were right, but to say that most were found, seems a bit of a dismissive comment. I just felt like the 15 missing human beings should have been pointed out in light of the events. 15/43 = little more than a third.

noworldorder ago

So what I said was true. MOST of the bodies were ALLEGEDLY found.

Devious1 ago

There able to produce babies

noworldorder ago

Are you saying that 18-year-olds are never trafficked? Or, perhaps, that we should be less concerned that an 18 year old is being sex-slaved and murdered?

waxdino ago

Am I missing something? The students went missing in September, the timeline given ends in November. The article is from December 2, the questionable party was December 28.

dbstfbh ago

Yes, but every party needs preparation. Don't expect to find 100 kids go missing on the 27th.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Very good point

EQJ ago

Here's the original email With the questionable fresh tortillas..... And weird wording. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/17313

wokethefkup ago

I was researching about a German cannibal and they used a forum called cannibal cafe to "role play" about eating women and putting ads asking women if they would want to be eaten by whoever put ads. They would refer to them as long pigs or just pigs(they mention suckling pig in 117313 podesta email)even a few times they would say cow though I feel like maybe that was what the male was. They had a site that talked of women like cattle and they get trained before being sold it was very eerie) The posts are archived if interested. Even a simple Google search will bring up all I had read and shit was it something.

doubletake ago

"The students had travelled from a teacher training college" -- these are college aged students.

noworldorder ago

Human trafficking happens to all young people.

dbstfbh ago

Ah, was wondering what I did wrong. Thanks!

dbstfbh ago

I was reading this thread - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1524629 and decided to start looking into what was happening in mexico around the time of the email and came accross this article.

43 students 'missing'

TheCuckedFather ago

What the FUCK do missing adults in Mexico, who were college grads have to with PEDOPHILES in DC? Nada

R the mod's CUCKED or do they just run this bile to keep off of Jews, Kline, Saudi, and DOJ??

@KevDude @millennial_falcon @crensch

The students in Mexico was a poltitical murder and all victims were over 20+ years of age, this story has FUCK to do with pizzagate.

Pizzagate709 ago

Yes thats exactly what it is. The mods are now encouraging thread sliding by telling users to post comments as a discussion post. Fucking abysmal.

wokethefkup ago

Thread sliding? Sorry to be a pain in the ass but ya explain

Pizzagate709 ago

The mods wouldnt let me post anything about them because its "thread sliding". as in sliding good threads off the front page. Now they are encouraging people to post shitty comments as threads.

wokethefkup ago

That's what I assumed glad it was verified as a long time lurker I've noticed mod activity to be peculiar. Is there anyone left who can stand their ground? We must be the strong. These assholes think they can pull one over but little do they know the damage is done even if the Internet goes away I have purposely made sure to document all evidence on paper and have printed things such as Web pages and wiki emails so even if they kill us all and take the net down the pen is mightier than the sword and they are royally fucked. I suggest everyone do the same print and make your own proof booklets. When shit goes down they can try and erase this and that but if plenty of us document it and make it tangible than we have the upper hand.