fartyshorts ago

He seems fine in the new one. Maybe he just felt like he overreacted?

New vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r42B1Sm_2Y

ThruTheHaze ago

David S. couldn't handle his redpill. I remember when he first turned, frantically posting pics on twitter till he got suspended. I think at one point he thought he was poisoned. Like someone else said, his role in this is exposure. He's not really doing any digging or coming up with leads. He gets our stuff out there. Edit: spelling

Chimerarose ago

Yeah, he has not been red pilled for very long. When it happens, it's a shock to the system no doubt. Making videos while going through the process is clouding his judgement. He's in that panic, can't sleep cause its all I think about, paranoia stage. It will go away eventually. I went through something similar after 9/11 when I woke up.

ThruTheHaze ago

^^This. And MSM still reporting that Russia has settled a ceas-fire between the dictator Assad who kills his own people, and the courageous rebels(ISIS) sponsored by the US. Than they end the article with "The US. was not invited to the peace talks". No shit.

EDIT: re-reading my post I got heated. Where the fuck is congress btw. Thumbs up their asses squabbling about who knows what.

doubletake ago

somebody's got to tell him to chill. there's no way Trump is going to address PG anymore than he has until after the 20th. the fuse is lit, and it's huge. can't push the river.

flyingcuttlefish ago

The one where he wanted Trump to address pizzagate? uh-oh. Yes he looked like he had just run a mile.

Thakiddds ago

Weird. Sure it was him?