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neptunium1 ago

So thanks to @swordfish69 the first mention of the Child Mind Institute on this forum had to do with a wikileaks email: BREAKING: Secret Wikileaks invitation places John Podesta, David Brock and James Alefantis together at Rothschild home

But it gets weirder. Tijuana Picnic has hosted parties with familiar faces mentioned in the Pizza investigation, including Walis Ahluwalia. Dan Neidich, who hosted the first reception, is on the board of directors of The Child Mind Institute and MoMA. You can connect the dots if you like. Also pictured is Lucali Pizza owner Mark Iacono, whose pizza place became extra popular after Jay-Z called it his favorite in Brooklyn.

Dan Niedich with Hillary Clinton at CMI

with Christine Mack

Christine Mack is also on the board of World Childhood Foundation

NCMEC, Ark of Hope and pedophiles

Strongbow's most recent post talks about a Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse funded by Darkness to Light. Darkness to Light is partnered with the Beau Biden Foundation and with Sweden's Queen Silvia's World Childhood Foundation. This is an article on Sweden purportedly being run by right wing pedophile rings.

carmencita ago

There are reasons these Pedo Stars call out their favorite Pizza Joints (like Jay Z) I remember Obama calling Pi Pizza his favorite in St. Louis Mo. This is a call out to their Pedo Friends. These places are Pedo Friendly.