think- ago

So why would Richard Branson (NXIVM connection), BlackRock and William + Kate team up?

We should look at the BlackRock shareholders. BlackRock has become more powerful than many banks, but somehow has been staying under our radar.

IIRC, the Bronfmans have been holding shares in BlackRock.

carmencita ago

I just found that Blackstone backs GEMS Education and they are a SA Org. They are teaching Multicultural Education. We know that NXIVM was responsible for Rainbow Cultural Garden which also was all about Multicultural Teachings. Idk, if that is the answer but we know they all seem to be one on this concept.

carmencita ago


neptunium1 ago

Just found an archived post with more on Sorrell and WPP

Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. He worked under the present head of the CIA … Leon Panetta as White House deputy of staff under Bill Clinton. Philip Lader is an “inside” authority on international affairs and business. He is the non-executive Chairman of WPP Group, Senior Adviser to Morgan Stanley International, and a board member for think-tank RAND Corporation. He is also a trustee of UC Rusal (largest aluminum company in the world) the British Museum and St. Paul’s Cathedral Foundation. Ambassador Lader has addressed trans-Atlantic audiences from the U.N.’s General Assembly Hall to state chambers of commerce and local world affairs councils, is a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations. Philip Lader (CFR) is a key player driving toward world government. In addition to running the Public Relations for Evergreen International Aviation … Lader is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.

Sorrell is married to Christiana Falcone, director of media and entertainment industries at the World Economic Forum

carmencita ago

WOW. Thanks! Amazing Find.

carmencita ago

Founders: Ambassador Philip Lader Linda Lesourd Lader Mary-Catherine & Whitaker Lader

The pictures on this page are Jaw Dropping Hillary and Bill RBG Bill Gates etc.

The Weekends

The continually revitalized "grand-daddy of ideas festivals": Inspiring innovators of all ages, with exceptionally diverse perspectives, building bridges for 35+ years.

CEOs, venture capitalists & entrepreneurs, Nobel laureates & Pulitzer Prize-winners, artists, educators & scientists, astronauts & Olympians, judges, diplomats, social entrepreneurs & non-profit leaders, change-makers of Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Wall Street & Main Street, professors & priests, Republicans, Democrats & Independents.

More Jaw Dropping pictures of Mark Kelly George Takai etc.


In 1981, friends lamented that there were rare occasions to learn from their fascinating work and everyday-life acquaintances in a personal, substantive way. Consequently, 60 families shared Phil & Linda Lader's four-day New Year's "house party" on Hilton Head Island.

Long-time "regulars" & extraordinary newcomers: New Year's Renaissance's 1,000+ participants and smaller Weekends, at other holiday times, retain the founding spirit.

Renaissance Weekend's 25th Anniversary was co-chaired by past participants Presidents Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton. 2014's Weekends marked the 100th Renaissance Weekend.

Wow. The pics are Amazing Diane Sawyer Barbara Streisand etc.

neptunium1 ago

Very interesting organisation...hmmm...

carmencita ago

I can't believe all those people....... Just shocking actually. And there it is right on the internet. I am thinking what else there is out there. I am sure they did not gather together to improve Our Existence.

neptunium1 ago

What are Renaissance Weekends?

For more than 35 years, Renaissance Weekends® have celebrated ideas and relationships through inter-generational, invitation-only retreats for preeminent authorities, emerging leaders and their families.

carmencita ago

Will this give us a clue? Idk.

Illustrative Topics Include

Disrupt or Die Combating Terror Transforming Healthcare Empowering Your Rock Stars & Screwballs Aging's Off Switch Searching for Alien Planets


What Spies Do Why Does Evil Exist How To Keep Your BRAIN Young Humanity's Future Beyond Earth

There are many many more.

neptunium1 ago

Bloodlines of Illuminati

Years ago this author’s newsletters exposed Hilton Head Island, SC as a watering hole of the powerful elite incl. retired generals and admirals, and the site for the elite’s Renaissance Weekend "meat market". Remember, that at one time Hilton Head Island was private, with imported alligators in the water around it. A person was only allowed on the island by going through security gates with a clearance. In a later newsletter, Disney’s Hilton Head Island Resort was mentioned. This resort, built by Disney Vacation Development, Inc., is located on a 15-acre private island linked to Hilton Head island by a narrow bridge. Members to the Disney Vacation Club can exchange time for vacations at Disney and other resorts around the world. Memberships cost minimum $9,412.

carmencita ago

Wow. Is this like their own Epstein Island in SC? This is amazing. Meat Market. Imported Alligators? What? This surely sounds like A Playground of the Rich Famous & Evil. If this involves Disney, Ugh.

neptunium1 ago

Lol. Chelsea Clinton met her future husband there:

carmencita ago

Omg. that is hell-arious. She talks about giving her mother grandchildren. Yikes! The thought of leaving a child alone with her............

neptunium1 ago

I wonder if that's where Chelsea learned to wear upside crosses.

carmencita ago

I can't believe people do not notice that during public appearances. It surely is possible. I wonder how evil that place is. A den of iniquity. If there is not evil there, these people would not be going. Bill the Science Guy George Takai David Gergen (CNN)

Gergen joined the Nixon White House in 1971, as a staff assistant on the speech-writing team, becoming director of speechwriting two years later.[5] He served as director of communications for both Ford and Reagan, and as a senior adviser to Clinton and Secretary of State Warren Christopher.[6] He graduated with honors from Yale and Harvard Law School, and has been awarded 25 honorary degrees. These people are all here for a reason. They are connected to Bill and Hillary Clinton in some way or their Foundations.

neptunium1 ago

From the articles I found there seems to be a number of people who think that Charleston is connected with satanism and that RW is too.

carmencita ago Dr. Ruth and Mike McConnell. She was there to talk to 13 - 16 yr olds about sex. I Bet.

Of course, diminutive sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer was there to get her message out as well. She said her session on relationships – for 13- to 16-year-old set – was a big hit. "The kids know they can ask me about sex," she told the paper.

carmencita ago

Well the people that are pictured, surely qualify as Satanists. I think I have heard stories about Charleston/SC. Always thought they where kind of ghosty, but now not so much.

neptunium1 ago

Interesting, Philip Lader belongs to the Knights of Malta.

Buzz Aldrin is a high ranking freemason

neptunium1 ago

Hundreds of off-the-record lectures


carmencita ago

Yes, that too. God only knows what they were. Or who was involved. Were others brought in? Hmm.

carmencita ago

Lady Christiana Falcone-Sorrell Senior Adviser to the Chairman, World Economic Forum

BA in Political Sciences, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy; MA in Law and Diplomacy; SIOI, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy; MA in Humanitarian Assistance, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, US; postgraduate certificates in business management, strategy and leadership. Has held management positions with international organizations, global corporations and the media worldwide. 2004, joined the World Economic Forum to lead the Media, Entertainment and Sports Industries; since 2010, working for the Executive Chairman. Member of the Board: Internews; School of Nutrition, Tufts University; Viacom; Revlon. Principal Consultant on partnership development, Inter-American Development Bank. CEO and Trustee, JMCMRJ Family Foundation.

The World Forum Mission

The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.

Again we have SUSTAINABILITY @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt warned us about Sustainability and how it is connected to Racine and Bill Clinton

neptunium1 ago

I just had a thought... about the contaminated water in Cape Fear we were posting about yesterday. I believe that area is very close to Racine. If this is deliberate maybe it has something to do with the Sustainability Agenda. My brain is fried now. Time to take a break.

carmencita ago

Yep. about 19-20 hours traveling time.

Sustainability is the Key. The hoarding of the water. As we speak Bill Cinton is organizing Major Cos. to meet in Fla. and head to Puerto Rico all in the name of setting up another Cc of Haiti and in the name of Sustainability.

neptunium1 ago

Why are these people not in jail.

carmencita ago

They have been flying under the radar. Until Now.

carmencita ago

Sir Martin Sorrell Misconduct

Sir Martin Sorrell’s iron grip as chief executive of WPP is under threat after the advertising group hired a law firm to investigate an allegation of personal misconduct.

In the last five years alone Sorrell has been paid well over £200m for running the world’s largest advertising group thanks to lucrative and highly controversial reward schemes. His £70m payout in 2015 was one of the biggest in UK corporate history.

The trouble at the top has once again put a spotlight on the issue of succession at WPP amid accusations of a “Sorrellcentricity” – the view that Sorrell runs the giant business autocratically as a personal fiefdom, dominating decision-making.

Who Is Sir Martin Sorrell

MONEY BAGS Who is Martin Sorrell, what’s his net worth and why has he stepped down as WPP boss?

He was educated at the prestigious Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School and studied at Christ's College, Cambridge before completing an MBA at Harvard.

In the 1970s he was appointed group finance director for Saatchi & Saatchi, where he was often referred to as "the third brother" for his indispensable role.

In 1985, he formed WPP after taking control of a shell company, Wire & Plastic Products, and established it as a marketing services group in 1986.

As CEO of the company for the past three decades he has built up an advertising empire with 3,000 offices in 112 countries.

The razor sharp businessman was KNIGHTED in the 2000 New Year Honours.

Sorrell is married to Cristiana Falcone, director of media and entertainment industries at the World Economic Forum.

At 43, the impressive businesswoman is three decades his junior.

She gave birth to their first child, Bianca Sorrell, in November 2016.

Their marriage breakdown - reportedly due to Sorrell's obsession with work - resulted in the largest divorce settlement in British legal history.

The three sons followed in their father's footsteps by going to Cambridge University.

Jonathan Sorrell is a president of the Man Group - the world's largest publicly traded hedge fund company.

Lord Livingston of Parkhead Chairman of the Board of Directors, Man Group

Ian Livingston was appointed to the Board as a non-executive director and Chairman designate in January 2016 and was appointed as Chairman of the Board in May 2016.

With over two decades of board level FTSE 100 experience, most recently as Group Chief Executive Officer of BT Group plc until 2013, before which he served as Chief Executive Officer of BT Retail and as Group Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining BT, he was Chief Financial Officer of Dixons Group plc.

Ian is a serving member of the House of Lords and from 2013 to 2015 was Minister of State for Trade and Investment. He is Chairman of Dixons Carphone plc and a non-executive director of Belmond Ltd.

Board of Directors Includes Dame Katharine Barker

carmencita ago

Wow. Did not know that. Amazing. I feel this Sorrell is compromised up to His Eyeballs.

carmencita ago

UpVoat! Outstanding Post! I chose headstogether to look into but julia hans rausing trust caught my eye. Harry and William have so very much disappointed me, especially how their mother Diana tried so very hard to show them the right path. That is why she is no longer here. They did something to those boys to turn them inside out. Kate is more than happy to oblige. The will pass this sick way of life on to their brood. I hope Kate is done shooting them out. Considering they are for Depopulation, they are not good roll models.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are the best poster at pizzagate at the current time.

neptunium1 ago

Thank you :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I used to do what you do. Then my mind got beat up. I appreciate you. Please continue. Humanity needs world class research and you deliver :)

carmencita ago

Here! Here! I Second That Motion!!

carmencita ago

When you go to Heads Together and scroll way down you will see;

You will see a list of Grants but scroll down again and you will see

Institute for Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy

Founded in 2000, the Institute for Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy is the only national charity in the UK devoted exclusively to funding research into cancer immunotherapy and vaccines. Both its research and other studies around the world have shown that this approach works and has enabled many patients to live longer and enjoy a better quality of life.

Recent funding from the Julia and Hans Rausing Trust has allowed the Institute to employ a consultant investigator to co-ordinate a series of clinical trials for a variety of cancers. The institute hopes that this important project will allow it to translate more of our findings into the clinic.

Cancer Vaccine Institute -

neptunium1 ago

So thanks to @swordfish69 the first mention of the Child Mind Institute on this forum had to do with a wikileaks email: BREAKING: Secret Wikileaks invitation places John Podesta, David Brock and James Alefantis together at Rothschild home

But it gets weirder. Tijuana Picnic has hosted parties with familiar faces mentioned in the Pizza investigation, including Walis Ahluwalia. Dan Neidich, who hosted the first reception, is on the board of directors of The Child Mind Institute and MoMA. You can connect the dots if you like. Also pictured is Lucali Pizza owner Mark Iacono, whose pizza place became extra popular after Jay-Z called it his favorite in Brooklyn.

Dan Niedich with Hillary Clinton at CMI

with Christine Mack

Christine Mack is also on the board of World Childhood Foundation

NCMEC, Ark of Hope and pedophiles

Strongbow's most recent post talks about a Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse funded by Darkness to Light. Darkness to Light is partnered with the Beau Biden Foundation and with Sweden's Queen Silvia's World Childhood Foundation. This is an article on Sweden purportedly being run by right wing pedophile rings.

carmencita ago

There are reasons these Pedo Stars call out their favorite Pizza Joints (like Jay Z) I remember Obama calling Pi Pizza his favorite in St. Louis Mo. This is a call out to their Pedo Friends. These places are Pedo Friendly.

neptunium1 ago

Child Mind Institute Raises $6.6 Million at Annual Child Advocacy Award Dinner for the Advancement of Children's Mental Health and Brain Research

The event, hosted by Meredith Vieira, honored Ram Sundaram, partner at Goldman Sachs and Child Mind Institute board member, and Pasko Rakic, MD, PhD, director of the Yale University Kavli Institute for Neuroscience

Linnea Roberts on the Board of Directors at CMI is also a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: 'Is curing patients a sustainable business model?'

neptunium1 ago


For many who follow the financial industry, Jersey came into the spotlight when Goldman Sachs trader Fabrice Tourre stated that Jersey-based companies arranged the Abacus deal that made New York hedge fund manager John Paulson billions, and led to Goldman paying half a billion dollars in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

neptunium1 ago

Are Clinton Foundation carbon credits on sale in this London carbon trading scam?

London Carbon Credit Company is the most recent carbon trading scam to be exposed by Daily Mirror journalist Andrew Penman. According to London Carbon Credit Company, “the future is bright for carbon trading”. But not for the people who buy the carbon credits.

However, London Carbon Credit Company’s website still claims links with another organisation – the Clinton Foundation

kestrel9 ago

Awesome posting! CERS is the 'Don't go to jail, collect $$$ free' card for the Cabal to pollute the planet as they promote their scams, all the while setting up extortion and leverage against whatever country they want. Sheep got to 'invest' in the carbon credit trading scam.

neptunium1 ago

Senator Freddie Cohen

There is so much more I want to say on what is going wrong in the States Chamber, but for me the only problem I see right not is the 29 members who consistently vote with Philip Ozouf. We can bring questions. We can bring propositions. We can hold rallies. We can drink Kir Royale at the Grand Hotel, but at the end of the day it's those same 29, who seem to lack any independence of thought, backed by a Council of Ministers telling a pack of lies. Yet these 29 vote with them every time. How is it that these 29 people voted for Chief Minister Le Sueur's Commissioner led review, over Deputy Hill's P9 and THEN when the Deputy of St Martin's asked the Chief Minister to bring a statement to the House regarding Napier's review, more or less the exact same 29 voted against it? Make no mistake. The Jersey child abuse scandal has fully exposed the ineptitude and morally and socially corrupt attitude of this government.