The28th ago

'J P Ash and Sons' appear to have 2 farms in the UK ...

Updown Farm House, Ramsgate Rd, Margate CT9 4DT, UK

Newlands Farm, Newlands Ln, Ramsgate CT12 6RH, UK which lies between 2 schools namely the Foreland Fields School and the Royal Harbour Academy - Lower Site. +44 1843 592661

cutelobster ago

As Factfinder points out below, the whole thing was originally attributed to a clairvoyant (which means it was probably written by a spook.) It looks and feels like disinfo.

Psychanaut ago

good to know, thank you...yet I'm still going to look at these locations in UK

RuthUp ago

A cryptic e-mail from John Podesta RE: Ash ...

Podesta Email RE: Ash

RuthUp ago

Another e-mail with a book attachment Also a quote from a book reference [sekret machines by Tom DeLonge] attached as a pdf to the e-mail, sent to Podesta in another Wikileaks e-mail (included the word Ash, but the language and context is just odd)... almost like there is more to this communication than a book sharing...

“The rancher I mentioned before, Nate Hapsel, owns a great deal of land. Some of it is very close to facilities in my senatorial district, which utilize those classi ed budgets we were just discussing. e money I received enabled me to have parts of Hapsel’s land included in an environmen- tal survey that identi ed a number of endangered species native to the area, some sh—the Ash Meadows Speckled Dace and the charmingly named Devils Hole pup sh— along with the Southwestern willow ycatcher and, for good measure, that old favorite, the gray wolf.


Vindicator ago

@Psychanaut, I am going to go ahead and give this a "Potential Lead" flair, despite the fact that the source is anonymous, since @Carmencita did turn up a what may be corroborating information. It at least bears further scrutiny. At this point in the investigation, I would rather err on the side more digging. I get the feeling from the Comments that's what most here desire. Thanks for posting. :-)

@think- @Blacksmith21

lovely1 ago

great find! the old post mentions the origin of jp ash. he was killed with weights before testifying against clintons

Factfinder2 ago

Reminder: The origial poster of this Pastebin told where the info came from in this Voat post a year ago (it was from a clairvoyant):

Other Voat threads discussing it:

think- ago

The origial poster of this Pastebin told where the info came from in this Voat post a year ago (it was from a clairvoyant)


carmencita ago

UPVoat This Post. Amazing Post by @Psychanaut


Wow! This is an unbelievable post. Thanks for the info and the hard work.

Blacksmith21 ago

Holy shit. Check this out. May be worth a post of its own. A lot here:

Psychanaut ago

COPIED HERE IN FULL, for convenience: (link above in main post)

The following outlines some of the properties in that John Podesta and other elite pedophiles use for ritualistic abuse and murder of children. Many political figures and other 'friends' use these locations. These are only a small number compared to to the vastness of the tentacles that cover the planet.

DC Each branch of Gov. has many that frequent many establishments known and unknown. There are 3 large mansions that have been built for the purpose of the sick entertainment.

For any that might discover or approach this area, the mansions are gaited and guarded at all times. There are American Flags on each building and the structures are made to look like Government Buildings.

Inside they are totally different with gold, glass and marble. There are many rooms for times chosen during parties. These ''party'' rooms can be single or multiple.

Each of these has a ''kill room'' in the basement and none of the children brought against their will survives. Others that have been brought by family or bought, come and go with no normal life. They are kept locked in rooms until the next time.

Podesta is the life of the party. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Monte Rio, Ca. in a hidden campground near Bohemian Grove 2 large buildings made to look like supplies for equipment. Inside, very different. Parties held and the same as above. There is always a ''kill room'' - sex slaves brought. Ceremonies always and most children die. Only those bought or chosen to return will live.


Miami,Fl 3 large mansions, made to look like beach homes, isolated and gated. Same as above.


Los Angeles, Ca…high in the wooded hills 2 large mansions, gated & guarded Same as above.


Podesta uses his own name in this country only. Many politicians and friends brought.

England…the Lake District - deep in the mountains Podesta uses the name J. P. Ash One large mansion is here and he brings guests. Same activity as above. …………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Va….Hamptons Road Many CIA, Dept. of Defense and other Federal Agencies meet under the guise of business. Gaited and guarded. 2 large mansion-buildings….American Flags… Kill rooms…. Same as above. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Bangkok,Thailand Podesta uses J. P. ASH PODESTA has large mansion….many brought as guests….same as above.


Madrid, Spain J.P. ASH shares mansion with gay man named Philipe Toulouse. Many brought ….as above….gaited….secretive.


Paris, France

J. P. ASH and Philipe Toulouse ….large mansion….many brought….same as above>

Psychanaut ago

@kevdude or other mods, can you please mark this possible lead? Thank you

Blacksmith21 ago

@think- @vindicator Flair as lead request

think- ago

I'm about to go now, @Blacksmith, I will let @Vindicator look into this. The problem is that the pastebin is from an unverified anonymous source.

We looked into this before (a couple of months ago) and were not able to find addresses / verify the info, but @Carmencita might be on to something.

Factfinder2 ago

The source is a clairvoyant. See my other comment.

think- ago

A clairvoyant?! looks puzzled

carmencita ago

I can't even believe it. The Box of Rocks of Voat.

Edit: Maybe it's nothing.

think- ago

@Psychanaut: Please see my reply to Blacksmith above.

Blacksmith21 ago

Must read. Reading for a 3rd time now...

carmencita ago

Blacksmith21 ago

Two thumbs up for @Psychanaut

I can't begin to think how the hell you would identify a place like that. There are thousands and thousands of houses like that in DC. Everything on Embassy Row is gated and guarded. Every 5th vehicle in DC is a blacked out Tahoe and/or has Dip plates on it.

Every single city on that list has neighborhoods just like I described. Bigger in places like Miami, Madrid, Paris....everything is walled and gated.

Psychanaut ago

They mention the flags a lot...?

Blacksmith21 ago

That would be Embassy Row:

Embassy Row

think- ago

That would be Embassy Row


Blacksmith21 ago

Flair please.

Blacksmith21 ago

DC Each branch of Gov. has many that frequent many establishments known and unknown. There are 3 large mansions that have been built for the purpose of the sick entertainment.

For any that might discover or approach this area, the mansions are gaited and guarded at all times. There are American Flags on each building and the structures are made to look like Government Buildings.

Inside they are totally different with gold, glass and marble. There are many rooms for times chosen during parties. These ''party'' rooms can be single or multiple.

Each of these has a ''kill room'' in the basement and none of the children brought against their will survives. Others that have been brought by family or bought, come and go with no normal life. They are kept locked in rooms until the next time.

Podesta is the life of the party.

lamplight ago

Everyone should read the entire Pastebin link above. This is definitely pizzagate related.

Gothamgirl ago

I have seen it before but could never track anything down.

carmencita ago

The funny thing is that in the Pastebin it spelled his name Phillipe when it is actually Phillippe. I knew that and just automatically type it correctly. I don't know if that is it or not.

Gothamgirl ago

There is 4 very old deeds wth Johns name on them in, Dade county Florida, but when I look up tax records there is no property listed in his name, anymore.

carmencita ago

Did you try that name? J. P. Ash I would not be surprised. That is Trafficking Central down there. I shudder to think abut it. I am still in shock. Never in my wildest dreams did I think anything would pop up. Thanks to OP for posting Pastebin.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes no hits on that.

carmencita ago

Possibly he no longer has those. Could be someone found out. Just like today. Too bad the Pastebin didn't give more info on Fla. Pretty vague.

Cc1914 ago

According to this there are 2 houses in JP Ash's name .. I remember this coming up over a year ago and here it is

There are two properties owned by "JP Ash and Sons" at Updown Farm House, Ramsgate Rd, Margate CT9 4DT, UK, but that's far from the Lakes district.

carmencita ago

OOPS! That was @Psychanaut

carmencita ago

Yes. Thank You for jogging my memory. I remember that too. That thread link provided this answer:

There are two properties owned by "JP Ash and Sons" at Updown Farm House, Ramsgate Rd, Margate CT9 4DT, UK, but that's far from the Lakes district.

This is the answer I found:

Newlands Farm, Newlands Rd, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 6RH

Taking it One Step Further:

Have no idea if this is correct but it does list J. P. Ash as Letter E but the Letter E is placed over something that could read either Broadstairs or Breadstairs

@think- @Psychonaut

Gothamgirl ago

I went house to house searching for days, when this first came out with no luck. I do know for certain he did have a house a little north.

tem351556aA ago

I wouldn't admit that. Could be considered stalking.

Gothamgirl ago

Not physically only online.

carmencita ago

I bet something will be done really quick about this discovery. Scrubbing. So possibly someone found out about it and it is sold. Moved to a new place. If it gave more info, i tried all different combos nothing came up.

carmencita ago

OK. So it says that JP Ash has someone in Paris named Philippe Toulouse and I found such a person. here is the link

Get A Load Of This!

Philippe Toulouse is an educator specializing and working in association to Dunkirk, the AAE main missions are aid to the homeless and abused children. This association is financed by public funds. Budget cuts are endless both for the reception of children for the employees of the association. In 2012, Philippe Toulouse discovered a parallel accounting on the 6 main leaders of the association that shows that huge sums are used for their personal purposes without justification and that more than 15 years.

There are many articles to click on about him and pictures and even a video. Wow. Homeless and Children.

The28th ago

'J P Ash and Sons' appear to have 2 farms in the UK ...

Updown Farm House, Ramsgate Rd, Margate CT9 4DT, UK

Newlands Farm, Newlands Ln, Ramsgate CT12 6RH, UK which lies between 2 schools namely the Foreland Fields School and the Royal Harbour Academy - Lower Site. +44 1843 592661

carmencita ago,1236027#editDescription Bean Farm? They have live stock and also a B&B and it says Staff of 2 Huh? Scroll down there is more Incl. Address


Gothamgirl ago

I found a David Ash a owner of the farm from above, he is involved with this charity:

And yeah they have livestock all over the fb page.

carmencita ago

Under Patron it lists HRH The Princess Royalty I believe that is Princess Anne no? Pretty sure. Also Richard Ash is a Trustee and notice how many have the title of Sir. We know how those are earned. Yes. Livestock.

Gothamgirl ago

I was looking at an aerial of the farm earlier, and I noticed many vehicles, so no way to just 2 employees.

carmencita ago

Oh yes! There definitely are many more with all those trucks and vans but that is what the page said 2 employees. I also saw that they had the best B&B and that it was a Bean Farm. I could see having just 2 employees for a B&B but not a Bean Farm and so many vehicles. Goofed up for sure.

Gothamgirl ago

There was someone here the other day that made a post about beans and toast video's on youtube. I wonder if it's also connected. I am sure the post is gone now.

carmencita ago

Wow. too bad it's gone. Strange it was at this time too.

carmencita ago

Oh God, the little piggies are adorable. I love them so. But we know what this means.

The28th ago

Bumble Beez family entertainment centre is a huge set up that neighbours JP Ash in Ramsgate. Of special interest is the drive-in laser area at the end of the complex. What's the white fruit and veg van doing in the laser shed? At the back of the complex/property is a large fully fenced parking area of white camper vans/buses. Looks like a serious traffic flow business. This is bigger than I think anyone could ever conceive it to be. Let's see is there a pig farm close by too. Album 20 pics - Album

carmencita ago

There is so much pointing at some kind of nefarious possibilities in this whole area. A perfect storm so to speak. The link did not supply info. I have not found a pig farm as of yet.

The28th ago

Now gone. Scrubbed!,1236027#editDescription

carmencita ago

Thank you for your research. Looks like we are the only ones working on this right now, although I do appreciate the info @Gothamgirl has shared with us. Very helpful as well.

I have not found a pig farm as of yet, but I have a feeling there is one and not too far. Possibly they have pigs too, since I saw livestock with their name as well. The odd thing I found about them also just having 2 employees is startling since they are billed as a Bean Farm and B&B.

The28th ago

Pleasure. Did you go through each of the 20 photos from the album I sent on the farm area and specifically Bumble Beez? The camper type vans in the enclosed parking area the back make it look like a serious op. No need to be chasing the kids on farm land for the adrenaline kick when you've got a laser shoot em up area. And what's with the white 'fruit and veg' truck doing in there?
Forelands Fields next door to it also is for special needs / esp autism spectrum and has 'UNICEF' endorsement. It has a link to ceop.police UK on the top of its webpage. 'Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?' Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors
Yes the area definitely looks like a potential pedo's heaven or rather hell.

carmencita ago

EEK!! Child Protection Advisors is similar to our CPS Child Protective Services! Alarming Indeed! Please try to send the Album again. Thanks.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the update but no the link for the album did not open correctly. Could not see.

The28th ago

Sending again ... hoping you can open,,, Album of 20 photos from JP Ash Farm surrounds near Bumble Beez and the special needs school, Forelands Fields - Hope you have a great day with your mum.

carmencita ago

Very suspicious that B.B. is next to Ash. How convenient and the ceilings too. All those children right there - Scary. As I always say - A perfect storm.

The28th ago

Bumble Beez family entertainment centre is a huge set up that neighbours JP Ash in Ramsgate.
Of special interest is the drive-in laser area at the end of the complex. What's the white fruit and veg van doing in the laser shed? At the back of the complex/property is a large fully fenced parking area of white camper vans/buses. Looks like a serious traffic flow business. This is bigger than I think anyone could ever conceive it to be. Let's see is there a pig farm close by too.

carmencita ago

This area is a Pedo's Haven. Kids Everywhere! Also I have seen JP Ash & Sons is described as a bean farm, but I have seen livestock as well in the description. So are pigs included. Near schools, petting zoos and also please LOOK AT THIS!!!

Internet Rumour: Ramsgate Abduction Attempts - Man With Grey Hair & Glasses Driving a Red Car

This message, which is circulating rapidly around Facebook and other social networks, warns that a man with grey hair & glasses driving a red car has been attempting to abduct children near schools in the Ramsgate area. It claims that the man hangs around where children play and tries to tempt them to go in the car with him. The message also claims that police are aware of the abduction attempts and asks that users pass on the information to warn others. The location specified in the message apparently refers to the seaside town of Ramsgate, in east Kent, UK.

Recent news reports indicate that Kent police are investigation two abduction attempts involving children in the Thanet region of the UK, specifically Ramsgate and Margate. In one case, a man encouraged a five year old girl to get into his car. In the second incident, a man entered a house yard and spoke to a three year old boy. Police say that the two cases may be linked.

This is Highly Suspicious. Grey Hair & Glasses. Ramsgate and Margate. Please Read the Entire Article.

The28th ago


Gothamgirl ago

Also there is this post from last year.

Gothamgirl ago

I remember this tweet:

Says cereal farm here: (which if true makes another prediction by @FLYNNL1VE5 true)

Then there is an Nick Ash named here, he is partners in JP Ash.

carmencita ago Wow! Crematorium and Cemetery nearby. Thanet is the

same name as Hospital

Gothamgirl ago

You know what made my stomach turn, seeing a Queen Elizabeth hospital nearby because Madonna's Malawi charity stuff was intertwined with that hospital I believe.

carmencita ago

Yuck! This place is a Nightmare for Kids. See the comments by @The28th Also I found the article about a guy rumored to be looking for kids in a red car with grey hair and glasses. JP has grey hair and wears glasses. This is in the Ramsgate and Margate area. I have to stop looking into this, because I have to spend Mom's Day with my Mom. Stomach Turning. Yes. Thanks for that info on Queen Elizabeth Hosp.

carmencita ago When you click on Hospitals up comes Lydden Day Treatment Unit and Thanet Mental Health

These somehow ring a bell especially Thanet

carmencita ago

Look what I found. What do you make of this? I actually found it when I typed in JP Ash and Spain. Odd. Still researching this.

carmencita ago

Not shocking is it, that it just happens to be right between 2 schools. I know that we researched this a while back and I think there is an old bldg. on a landing strip or military bldg and it is near a body of water which we thought was extremely well placed as well. Some things are returning, but not all. It's been awhile. Let me see what I can find. I can't find anything in our search bar on JP Ash but I did under Ramsgate and look what it is Ramsgate Rapist at a Pizza Place This may be very important. I am going to ping the OP of the post. @TrishaUK

The28th ago

Margate Pedophile Case - where the other JP Ash farm is located.

carmencita ago

TY. Will check out.

The28th ago

You're truly amazing!

carmencita ago

TY. Just doing my job here. I am gonna keep on this. Hope others do too.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

What's wrong with dark circles under the eyes? Like, what's the implication here? I'm out of the loop on this... Also, I've got puffy dark under-eyes similar to that and they just get more pronounced the older I get :/

carmencita ago

Sometimes those that have been abused have dark circles under their eyes. Especially children, but I have also see it on adults. Now are there people that have them and are not abused, of course. The reason it is important is who he is with. An abuser.

Psychanaut ago

HOLY COW! Great find.

The28th ago

'J P Ash and Sons' appear to have 2 farms in the UK ...

Updown Farm House, Ramsgate Rd, Margate CT9 4DT, UK

Newlands Farm, Newlands Ln, Ramsgate CT12 6RH, UK which lies between 2 schools namely the Foreland Fields School and the Royal Harbour Academy - Lower Site. +44 1843 592661

Psychanaut ago

This is amazing. great lead.

carmencita ago

I really did not think I would find anything! I was shocked actually. Holy Cow is exactly what I said when I saw it. It was the only location with a name added. I am really not that tricky with the tech stuff.

oftotc ago

If you please, what is passeurdalerts(dot)org? It is embedded in your link.

new4now ago

passeurd means deportation

goggled it with alert

Factfinder2 ago

Very roughly, it means "passer of alerts," like news alerts, I suppose:

carmencita ago

Idk, not too tech smart. I think it is probably a french site. Since it is in Paris. Otherwise I do not know. That's what popped up. I did not go to the site. It just popped up when I typed in his name .

oftotc ago

Cool. Thanks :-)

carmencita ago

sure :)