jangles ago

This is a plea to mods Don't remove this post.

jstrotha0975 ago

This isn't Pizzagate related.

jangles ago

Pedophilia in a pizzeria helps build the case. I will use this to Red Pill people.

TrishaUK ago

Thank you jangles. I thought it was worth a mention. jstrothan0975, I said while not elite, it is Pedophile + Pizza connection, so does relate to pizzagate in a way.

TrishaUK ago

Whilst not an elite, this PEDOPHILE RAPIST DOES OWN A PIZZA SHOP. Coincidence? - I wanted to give a shout out to this young UK man, Alex Gillingham, who has started his YouTube channel TNTV Total News T.V a few months ago. He is exposing, among other things, the pedophiles, in the videos he airs. This video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1C4wctD6pM 'Britain First Exposed Ramsgate RAPIST' (ff 2minutes 20 seconds) is of an activist woman, sick and tired of the raping of young girls being hushed up by the media so she confronts the criminals head on. I think some more vigilant members of the public should consider these kinds of exposures, especially since the MSM are not interested in reporting on them. Good luck to Alex, I wish him well with his endeavour to expose injustices in the UK!