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islandofdelight ago

I cannot say much about these details other than it was sourced from a clairvoyant that I feel is reliable. I have information about several of Podesta's mansions worldwide that I'm not sure what to do with. General locations, some physical descriptions, but no exact addresses.... I also have an alias that Podesta uses outside the US - JP ASH.

  • Monte Rio, Ca. - in a hidden campground near Bohemian Grove
  • 2 large buildings made to look like supplies for equipment.
  • Inside, very different. Parties held and children die in ceremonies. There is always a ''kill room''
  • sex slaves brought. Only those bought or chosen to return will live.

There are additional 'party' mansions in Washington DC, Virginia (Hamptons Road), Miami FL, Los Angeles, England (Lake District), Bangkok, Madrid, Paris... I have some details about the mansions in these locations but you have to be open to clairvoyant-sourced info. I submitted this info before, but it doesn't work as a post that cannot be sourced. I hope someone is able to find some of this useful.

Silverlining ago

Just dump everything you have. Other people will help do the rest.

kplusk ago

I have info that coincides with some of the locations you've mentioned here.

I found some other real estate that JP owns that's designated as 'agriculture'...ranch, farm, as well.

I'll check out your pastebin when I can access my research on laptop.

Lastly, what do you mean when you say details were sourced from clairvoyant? A psychic? (Not that it matters if info directs us to lead(s) on this POS.)

iamthepizzanow ago

Make a thread and throw that info out there. It's worth a bit of digging for sure. I know he has a place in Cali, found it in the emails long time ago, it was like a vacation house outside small town in middle of the woods. Trying to find it.