Nrgiseternal ago search "between truth home and goat rock" you're welcome

Littleredcorvette ago

Found this and I'm just throwing it out there

It's an incomplete campground list for bohemian grove.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Bohemian Grove is absolutely hunting grounds. For example sworn testimony in the Franklin case they shot child porn snuff films there and did child hunting parties on the grounds. The things about the teachers on the school website with no pics when u click the names is definitely odd. The restricted areas are highly suspicious, if someone lives close by its worth investigating if possible, sketchy area with money. For PIG I found: In earlier cultures such as ancient Egyptian the pig (sow, specifically) was considered a Great Mother and were symbols of fertility and abundance. Here the pig was sacred to Isis, who embodied fertility.

Death2Masons ago

Nice thread amidst the garbage that the scumbag mods attempt to create here...Hello Vindicator, Millennial_Falcon ...

Laskar ago

Great comment.

Littleredcorvette ago

Lady Gaga visits Sonoma county August 2012. Here's where she visited:

Celebrities are no big deal in wine country: We're used to visits from the glitterati jetting in to marry, wine and dine, and occasionally visit the in our backyard.

But any appearance by the It Girl of international fame demands special mention, and over the weekend we received several tips via e-mail, twitter and facebook that Lady Gaga was in both Napa and Sonoma counties, dining at top eateries and making stops all over the place. Gaga reportedly dined at French Laundry in Yountville Friday night, according to, which posted photos of a delirious-looking fan and an autographed menu. Girl and the Fig confirmed that the singer and performance artist did indeed join them for Sunday lunch. According to the restaurant's facebook, Gaga dined on mussels, a beet salad, a croque madame and some of the restaurants signature fig kisses.

Gaga seemed to be in good spirits, posing for fan pictures after dining with her boyfriend. "She was not wearing her meat dress," Girl and the Fig posted, "We would have loved to wrap her in John's award winning coppa though." Gaga also paid a visit to specialty food purveyor . "When she came in I just noticed the stiletto heals, and I knew that she couldn’t be from Sonoma," said owner Gayle Jenkins, "But when she started to talk, that’s when I actually took a closer look and realized it was her." Gaga was kind to the staff, even posing for a photograph, at right. "She was just really really sweet, really nice," said Jenkins. Gaga's next move was north: She took dinner at Geyserville’s Catelli’s Restaurant, according to, a food news blog. What was Gaga doing in town? Her usually active twitter account gives no hints, as it's been dead for a few days. So, is the singer buying a house? Rumors abound that she took some viewings at Sonoma's and in Napa. Or, was she just taking a relaxing/romantic weekend? Do you know? Do you subscribe to the Napa Patch newsletter? It brings our latest stories, blogs, announcements and the day's calendar events to your in-box early each morning.

Nana66 ago

that pic makes me think Lady GAGA is Marina's daughter or something...they look alike.

equineluvr ago

They're both Jewish.

nameof ago

This is from.upcoming sonoma event poster for redwood cafe put on by heart space. Blayant usage of pedo symbols. They are def gearing up for summer in Sonoma and i agree that is the dc connection to elites location wise. Its also like they are bragging when this stuff is so clear now as for example in Minor Attracted Person, the mapper language, pedophile backward speak. Is it worth organising awareness around this event, this locale?. I believe so. This poster has boylover logo. That's the poster the event is hosted by heart space that also blabs pedo double heart symbol.

Ok yes to this post because it's true. Just take one look at the town Bohemian grove. Satanic! The down town store is actually called "worldly goods" that's enough for me. Its weird. Off topic but As weird as Sleepy Hollow in Marin County which is a neighborhood that is THE epicenter of breast snd prostate cancer in the world- all the street names are about the ichibod crane story. They know! Bohemian grove has a very designated place. Designated - By design. I worry if the event i have posted about with the posters having pedophile symbol being pushed hard by facebook as thats where i first saw it, being used to lure kids to their hunting grounds.

jstayz44 ago

Also girl love logo is in bottom center of the poster linked to by @nameof.

carmencita ago

Just looked up Sleepy Hollow and here is what I found. What was the age of the female and why was it not given. Protection of Criminal?

nameof ago

Sleepy hollow is renown for being super rich with nice mansions but it's all radioactivradioactive dump fields from the 40's world's most cancer ridden. Anyway not surprising super rich kidnapping stuff happens in those places ransom and what not I expect. But Doug Piitman? I ask myself all the time WTF? Doug Pittman. Its clear someone's getting kickbacks and he's pretty much the guy for this area. So when we're talking kidnapping or even child exploitation in this area he is the guy. There's a huge meth problem in Marin and he's the guy who's supposed to be in that too so i ask wtf doug? Also wtf? Lieutenant De la O?

carmencita ago

Well he was booked on charges, but was never fully charged. In the beginning of the article it said female and at the end they called her a woman. We will never know if it was a child or not. Since you say he is connected to drugs, maybe he is allowed to use the place in exchange for drugs. He probably had some rich person pay his bail and fix the charges. They did not post her age on purpose, imo. Possibly underage. Pedo Charges are the scourge.

carmencita ago

In the first link you can also see the Illuminati eye. It is right in the middle. They somewhat hid it by the art work, but it is visible if you look. Edit: Again, hiding in plain sight.

nameof ago


islandofdelight ago

I cannot say much about these details other than it was sourced from a clairvoyant that I feel is reliable. I have information about several of Podesta's mansions worldwide that I'm not sure what to do with. General locations, some physical descriptions, but no exact addresses.... I also have an alias that Podesta uses outside the US - JP ASH.

  • Monte Rio, Ca. - in a hidden campground near Bohemian Grove
  • 2 large buildings made to look like supplies for equipment.
  • Inside, very different. Parties held and children die in ceremonies. There is always a ''kill room''
  • sex slaves brought. Only those bought or chosen to return will live.

There are additional 'party' mansions in Washington DC, Virginia (Hamptons Road), Miami FL, Los Angeles, England (Lake District), Bangkok, Madrid, Paris... I have some details about the mansions in these locations but you have to be open to clairvoyant-sourced info. I submitted this info before, but it doesn't work as a post that cannot be sourced. I hope someone is able to find some of this useful.

Silverlining ago

Just dump everything you have. Other people will help do the rest.

kplusk ago

I have info that coincides with some of the locations you've mentioned here.

I found some other real estate that JP owns that's designated as 'agriculture'...ranch, farm, as well.

I'll check out your pastebin when I can access my research on laptop.

Lastly, what do you mean when you say details were sourced from clairvoyant? A psychic? (Not that it matters if info directs us to lead(s) on this POS.)

iamthepizzanow ago

Make a thread and throw that info out there. It's worth a bit of digging for sure. I know he has a place in Cali, found it in the emails long time ago, it was like a vacation house outside small town in middle of the woods. Trying to find it.

YingYangMom ago



OP, I think you should take a look at this email entitled PIG:


To: [email protected] Date: 2014-10-18 11:19 Subject: Re: Fwd: **Pig **

I will try to stop by.

On Oct 18, 2014 4:49 AM, "Tony Podesta" <podesta> wrote:

We are partying Sunday night.

Sent you an invite but know how busy you are.

Come when you can early 600 or after book club.

John passed around your email as we were leaving Salvatore's the agriturismo on Lido

Everyone missed you guys

Thrilled Gabe is home

Hope to see you both



Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "James A (Personal)" <jamesacorp @>

Date: October 17, 2014 at 10:08:47 PM GMT+2 > To: Tony Podesta <podesta @>

Subject: Pig

..sent from my handheld...

James A sends an email entitled "PIG" (with no particular content)

Tony Podesta says 'they' are partying on Sunday night. (Who is they and what kind of party is this?)

Tony says John passed his email around. (The email entitled 'PIG', with no content?)

Tony says they are leaving "Salvatore's the agriturismo on Lido" (Lido is an island in Venice, Italy and agriturismo is a style of vacationing in Farmhouse resorts found in Italy)

Take everything in and connect the dots? PIG, PARTY, LIDO, ITALY, AGRITURISMO.

wokethefkup ago

"After book club" who else remembers mama podesta the 23 children and the code word book club when they all meet up, more like ritual.

jstayz44 ago

I've wondered about the meaning of "book club" for awhile. Even John has a "reading" at a book club in one of the Podesta emails. Wtf? Is it sacrifice time?

Joe10jo ago

Yes, and funny you mention it because after reading about Mama Podesta and knowing that Hilary is probably a member of the same "club" it got me wondering..... obviously after reading about Mama P it's clear that the Podesta brothers are generational Satanists. Hilary and Bill, not so much, right? Or were they raised in generational Satanism but the families were able to hide it?? And the other day someone posted something on Voat about the meaning of "pizza party" and all the comments that followed, like "baby meat's the best," etc.... How do all of these people come together? Like, how does the average person who eats baby meat and rapes them, etc.. find out that "soandso" does too? Is it because most all of them are generational satanists? Because let's just say that most of them aren't and that most of them wear pantsuits ala Hilary during the day and come home to a family of 3 at night.... what I'm asking is this.... how does one come to know that they even think that they'd like the taste of baby meat without having grown up in an atmosphere where others were doing it?? do you follow me?

equineluvr ago

Hitlery and Slick Willie are ROYALs. I garontee you there were raised in that crap.

carmencita ago

Tony has restaurant in Italy forgot where it is. Is this near it? It could be at his place or at the restaurant after hours. It would be just like them to do their horrible deeds there and have people dining there during the day. Sick is their MO.

YingYangMom ago

Iirc Tony's restaurant is in Venice. And Lido is an island close to Venice that can be reached by boat or "Vaporetto" from Venice, but it's not IN Venice. There are other islands around Venice that can be reached by boat as well, such as Murano (Where they produce the famous 'Murano Glass') Burano (For its famous "Lace"), Torcello, Lido, et al. It's about a 10-15 minute "Vaporetto" ride from Venice to Lido on the Adriatic Sea. Was there twice myself, but didn't get to visit Lido.

carmencita ago

You are one lucky lady. It takes the glow off the experience when these perverts dirty our places, food, etc. When I think of my favorite movies and actors and now I don't have any since I trust no one. I can imagine what goes on on an island called Lido. There must be a reason they are going to an island.

YingYangMom ago

It takes the glow off the experience when these perverts dirty our places, food, etc.

Tell me about it! When I saw that Tony actually owned a place in Venice and it was creepy art stuff and that there were other creepy places just like it there (which display baby-like dolls in containers) I didn't notice or see while visiting there because they are probably part of the underground world of Venice), I was so turned off by all of it, that it almost destroyed the 'romantic side' out of my own experience, but decided to not let it 'fuck it up' for me and moved on...

carmencita ago

Yes, well it is the country with the Vatican and the Mafia, so what did we expect? Some semblance of decency I suppose. Yes, well they think they have it all hidden, but we know what they are doing, but not always where. Islands, Tunnels, Hidden Estates, Floating Yachts, and the list goes on.

Sheitstrom ago

Camp Cazaredo sounds like dialog from a missing scene in True Detective. (and no, there was no season two, just like there are no Matrix sequels).

Madwack ago

Years ago this was the Russian River Golf and Country Club and Hacienda Inn, later called Skippy’s, where old timers say Bing Crosby once worked and played golf. Skippy’s is now a boarded up hulk of a former steakhouse and cavernous cocktail lounge that a magazine writer once called the best bar in California.

SKIPPY'S ? I also member another place called the best pizza joint in Wash.

random find no idea if it means anything.

anonOpenPress ago

This seemed interesting, and after some digging I ended up posting a follow up here

/v/pizzagate/1794954 (More about the location, including pedestrian bridge and several owner families)

Northern_Soul ago

Thanks dude... Something look into. The Same article goes onto say ~

"You can still visit the Rio Nido Roadhouse, a restaurant, bar and swimming pool collectively called “the center” by regulars who go there for everything from neighborhood meetings to picnics outside on the lawn. On Saturday nights, local rockers such as the Thugz play on an outdoor stage."

"The Roadhouse is now the only business left in Rio Nido, although there is hope that the historic Rio Nido Lodge next door, fenced and vacant, will someday be resurrected by its new owner, Dennis Judd."

Micheal84 ago

Skippy?? I know a guy named Skippy. ;)

FE_Rebekah ago

On the school website I found this video about Common Core with cartoon kids. I find it disturbing the whole concept of putting up measuring sticks around kids. The "students" look scared and sad when she's talking about how America is not measuring up to the rest of the world.

I just found it creepy, had to share..

Watch “Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards” on #Vimeo

Silverlining ago

Wasn't Trump scathing about Common Core. Wasn't he going to ditch it?

carmencita ago

I remember something about it recently, but do not know if he ended it or not. It was a favorite of Arne Duncan. Another jerk, imo.

ArthurEdens ago

I've stopped in Redding for lunch. Creepy as shit

Northern_Soul ago

Can you share your account??

ArthurEdens ago

It was your nice normal rednecks, nice normal mexicans, but also a fair amount of creepers in the corner eyeing us in the diner. They watched us leave and get in the car. Then we saw them on the freeway 50 miles away checking us out. Then nothing

doubletake ago

"CAZADERO" = "hunting grounds" ??????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who came up with the name for this place?

carmencita ago

Yes, is this a name from years ago, or something thought up by JP? This has been going on a long time, so could have been there by another owner that frequented BG.

Northern_Soul ago

Spics of "European Royalty" is my guess.

IAMDeMolay ago

Correction... You mean The Egyptian Royal Family, The Seed Of Cain

Gothamgirl ago

Do you know the address of the mansion in Cali?

kplusk ago

The addresses from the youtube video are:

22359 King Ridge Rd, Cazadero, CA 95421 & 22175 King Ridge Rd, Cazadero, CA 95421

Here's a map that includes both addresses - 14 min walk/3 min drive from one location to the other...

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you, if you come across a combination of these numbers 921938213 please let me know, especially if there is a basement.

kplusk ago

How did you come up with Cuttthroat's Saloon @ Lake Tahoe? Just out of curiousity...

IMHO, this could be yuge - this could tie together some interesting/revealing research I've done on JP. But it's missing a piece of puzzle...


Nana66 ago

Fresh member at time of post...

kplusk ago


Nana66 ago

Brand new account.

kplusk ago

Oh, duh...thanks! Shoot, I wish I could find out how person came up with Tahoe's Cutthroat's Saloon @ Hyatt. Could be missing piece of puzzle that would connect JP in 2 sizable ways. :-/

Northern_Soul ago

State Park Road, Tahoma by any chance??

TomFord ago


In 1903 the wealthy San Francisco banker Isaias W. Hellman obtained land and built the Pine Lodge, now also known as the Hellman-Ehrman Mansion. The house was designed by Walter Danforth Bliss, facing Lake Tahoe.

The estate included a tennis court, two boathouses, and cabins for the 27 resident staff. Hellman's family spent summers on the estate for decades, and sold it to the state in 1965 when the park was established. The family still provides funds for the upkeep of the mansion and property.'berg_Sugar_Pine_Point_State_Park#History

Isaias Wolf Hellman (October 3, 1842 – April 9, 1920) was a German-born, Jewish, American banker and philanthropist, and a founding father of the University of Southern California.

@kplusk Maybe your both right...

2impendingdoom ago

wasn't this found a few months ago to be a hoax? Podesta's place is in Truckee, near Donner Pass, not near Bohemian Grove.

MightyJoe ago

Are you kidding me.... These places, these swamps, these are the breeding grounds for the satanic elite. I just used google maps, all the streets OP listed are close to one another. Very STRANGE!!! Other schools nearby strike me odd also, the websites are very unfriendly, the complete opposite you would expect from a child friendly school.

I pulled some links for you, to touch upon it more...



AngB23 ago

The whole area looks creepy. Zoomed in on the buildings around the school and some look abandoned, torn up and stuff. Not sure if it's because I can't get it focused in good or if it just looks completely like a dump. I wouldn't want my kid going there.

Northern_Soul ago

As crazy as it sounds, I think your right yano..

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Published on Apr 13, 2017

I am reaching out to those on 4Chan, Reddit, and Voat. Please contact me. This matter is urgent.

MightyJoe ago

You think he's got a "Hot Potato?"