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Madwack ago

Years ago this was the Russian River Golf and Country Club and Hacienda Inn, later called Skippy’s, where old timers say Bing Crosby once worked and played golf. Skippy’s is now a boarded up hulk of a former steakhouse and cavernous cocktail lounge that a magazine writer once called the best bar in California.

SKIPPY'S ? I also member another place called the best pizza joint in Wash.

random find no idea if it means anything.

anonOpenPress ago

This seemed interesting, and after some digging I ended up posting a follow up here

/v/pizzagate/1794954 (More about the location, including pedestrian bridge and several owner families)

Northern_Soul ago

Thanks dude... Something look into. The Same article goes onto say ~

"You can still visit the Rio Nido Roadhouse, a restaurant, bar and swimming pool collectively called “the center” by regulars who go there for everything from neighborhood meetings to picnics outside on the lawn. On Saturday nights, local rockers such as the Thugz play on an outdoor stage."

"The Roadhouse is now the only business left in Rio Nido, although there is hope that the historic Rio Nido Lodge next door, fenced and vacant, will someday be resurrected by its new owner, Dennis Judd."

Micheal84 ago

Skippy?? I know a guy named Skippy. ;)