Strawtinman ago

Minicams for intel should have been done in many areas a long time ago.

Shillfest2017 ago

While possible, I think doing something like putting cameras in these places could be incredibly dangerous.

Strawtinman ago

Not in....around exits. Safety first.

Strawtinman ago

Surely, one realty co will begin with Soth..., just like Jersey Island and app to view various ones and same agents. And in MD, realestate pattersn, too.

10300075? ago

VOTL is disinformation, sadly...

Jem777 ago

This account is connected to @victoryoflight who also provided intimate details of the elite & Satanism.

KillAllPedos ago

Is @islandofdelight ....Kabamur????

Littleredcorvette ago

Remember Podesta's pizza mansion? Wasn't it near bohemian grove?

TimesUp ago

Yes -- I studied the maps and videos of researchers last night and the "John Podesta's Pizza Mansion" icon (which is now gone) was placed about 14 miles from Monte Rio which is the general location of Bohemian Grove.

Littleredcorvette ago Here's the video about the property

TimesUp ago

I should clarify: Camp Cazadero is 14 miles from Monte Rio (Bohemian Gove area) but the town of Cazadero is closer (9 miles or so). Relevance: Camp Cazadero was apparently linked to the mysterious map coding for "John Podesta's Pizza Mansion," if I recall correctly...

TimesUp ago

Thanks -- yes, I reviewed that last night. Monte Rio is miles away, but not far...

kazza64 ago

fiona barnett said she was taken to bohemian grove as a child to be abused and hunter s thompson made snuff films there with children

Truthseeker3000 ago

Are u sure it was Fiona Barnett? This happened to Paul Bonacci 100% factual, I don't know about Fiona Barnett and Hunter Thompson.

dickface88888 ago

Old mate hojuruku before he got banned came to the conclusion that Fiona is OTO herself and is designed for disinfo and to muddy the waters. He had some good points that I can't remember off the top of my head.

Narcissism ago

Smart move banning Hojuruku - he kept playing the anti-gay card as a deliberate distraction away from the Elite.

KillAllPedos ago

Banning @hojuruku was stupid on the mods part!! He has valuable info to share, banning him was a DISSERVICE to all fellow researchers!

bibigirl_ ago

Do you know where to find him on other social sites

kazza64 ago

she is definitely the real deal and her life has been threatened since she came out

carmencita ago

This looks like one of our pile on and research posts. Get Ready. Get Set Go. Upvoat.