carmencita ago

Near the Summerhill Surgery not too far is Ramsgate Airport which has been turned into a industrial estate. What is that? I think that needs looking into. So far we have a Farm with lots of horse trailers, a nearby Academy with boys and girls. A place to do surgeries and a piece of property that is large in stature and could house anything. @Littleredcorvette This is all near a body of water. This is not dead. Yes we can bury this after we dig and find nothing. But so far I think there are enough things here to continue.

EvaEverywhere ago

Sounds like it's really J.P. Ash and sons if a bunch of Ashes petition the EA. And also, EVERYTHING in life is next to a school. I looked into this initially and came up empty. It is an intriguing clue nonetheless.

carmencita ago

There is also a Summerhill Surgery @Littleredcorvette that is right near there as well.

Gothamgirl ago

Great find!

Jem777 ago

Have posted the link below of former UN General Secretary JP Ashe who died mysteriously this summer (2016) from having his throats crushed "by barbells" in an "accident" just days before he was scheduled to testify against Bill & Hillary Clinton HRC. In 1993 he funneled money into the US democrat party to HRC illegally. This all coincided with Vince Foster "suicide"

EvaEverywhere ago

This connects to the matter at hand much more than searching the world for any J.P. Ash

thisisnotagame ago

what's the deal with all the FARMS?

Littleredcorvette ago

I think that horse trailers are being used to transport kids. That's why there are so many horse ranches near a lot of our property finds.

Horse trailers in and out of isolated areas. Nobody suspects a thing.

carmencita ago

Have you given up on this? I noticed a couple of people did not think it had much to it, but I found the Summerhill Surgery near there as well and I think it is still work looking into. It could go no where but that's how we find our clues, by digging deep into a rabbit hole.

Jem777 ago


Posts above about the "death by barbell" of former UN Secretary General JP Ashe this summer right before he was to testify against HRC.

rooting4redpillers ago

Two previous subs regarding Podesta properties, with mentions of JP Ash, either in the link, or in the comments:

[Anon] Anonymous informant - Please copy/paste or bookmark this info as it will probably be deleted. Not LARP - DIG into this provided info, please. ( | submitted 2 months ago by 1697288

The following outlines some of the properties in that John Podesta and other elite pedophiles use for ritualistic abuse and murder of children. Many political figures and other 'friends' use these locations. These are only a small number compared to to the vastness of the tentacles that cover the planet. ... Podesta uses the name J. P. Ash ...

John Podesta's Pizza Mansion , "CAMP CAZADERO " "Goat Rock" ..... "Hunting Grounds" For The "Elite??" (New Information) (pizzagate) | submitted 1 month ago by Northern_Soul

Video on John Podesta, Voice Clip and Pizza Mansion @ Camp Cazadero, Near Bohemian Grove, California ...

jstrotha0975 ago

Good work, upvote

DarkMath ago


The voat search feature stinks so people just use Google with site defined.

carmencita ago

Do you think I should post something if the story is still developing? I found the story while checking on the school that is mentioned in this post. It is a story about a satanic ritual place found in a skating park in NY. There is some info but not too much yet.

DarkMath ago

"Do you think I should post something if the story is still developing?"


carmencita ago

Two people feel my post may be a spoof. I am really disgusted that someone would even spoof about satanic rituals murders and a child.

carmencita ago

It almost worked. They almost got me down. But I am not falling for it. I wonder if someone thought it would be funny to mock pizzagate? I hope not. As I found out, there are really a lot of sick people out there. It might even have been a pedo.

carmencita ago

I think I happened on something, there are a lot of these Skating Parks all over, NY, Tenn. etc. I saw a teen on youtube supposedly at this park skate boarding and it scared me. They found teens in that place.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I'm sorry to sound silly but what does site defined mean?


Add that to the end of what you are searching?

DarkMath ago

The text in bold:

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Thank you :)