urbanmoving ago


Vindicator ago

@jewfighter33, this is a compelling research post, and I am not trying to bust your balls. Your timeline asserting these people all worked together at HP is blockbuster material...except you don't link to the primary source(s) that support it. As you know, we require all major claims to be linked to supporting sources (Rule 2), which means I have to flair this post until you edit that in. Please add a link for each of these people's purported work history. If LinkedIn requires a login to see the info, please provide a screenshot of the page, as well as the link to their bio. Some users will not want to log into that site to verify...others will. Please reply to this comment when you've done so, and I will very happily remove the flair and replace it with "New Evidence".

Reminder: Anyone who wants to help jewfighter33 document the HP connection should jump in and add the needed links in Comments so he can edit them into the thread.

jewfighter33 ago


Vindicator ago

Thank you, JF, for taking a stab at that. There are still a couple of issues, though before I can replace the flair:

Laura Silsby, worked at HP Boise for 6 years in 1990s source

We need an actual primary source showing that Silsby worked at HP Boise. The guy commenting on Reddit without any supporting link isn't any better evidence than you or I saying it. According to the Wikipedia article you linked, this Idaho Statesman article supposedly mentions it, but we need to find an archived copy of it to be sure. Check Wayback Machine; it's behind a paywall at the Stateman. Here's the deets to search for:

  • Moeller, Katy (2010-02-13). "Grand ambitions: Laura Silsby has tackled life with faith in God and herself". The Idaho Statesman. IdahoStatesman.com. Retrieved 21 May 2010.

Alternatively, I'm sure someone archived Silsby's LinkedIn. It was visible in the lower right of Andy Moore's profile, so I know it's out there: https://archive.fo/hysrD https://kek.gg/i/Gm_n4.png

Von Hansen, ex-Vice President at HP Boise, source head of AlertSense, hired sex-dancers tied to Alefantis source source

The problem here is that the Wall Street Journal article you've listed for Hansen debunks the second half of your statement about him, that he hired sex-dancers. It reads "None of it sounded right to HP executives, who did some internal checking and found that it had never hired the dance troupe to do anything...HP complained to CNNMoney, which has since altered the story considerably. A headline that first read, “Why Hewlett-Packard is hiring dancers” now reads “Dance troupe markets creativity to cube-dwellers,” and is accompanied by a lengthy correction note."

Hammons and Moore links look good. :-)

And then Richard Hackborn, former HP Chairman, also was Vice President of HP Boise Printer Division from 1990, so literally Silsby's boss. source source

The problem with this statement about Hackborn is there is nothing supporting "so literally Silsby's boss", since we don't have a primary source for Silsby's work history at HP. Once you get a link for the Silsby history above, the Hackborn citations are fine.

Sorry to be such a stickler, but the redpill power of this rides on our ability to dot every i and cross every t, otherwise we are no better than the MSM. Let me know when you've gotten the goods on these couple of points.

jewfighter33 ago

Thanks for the input! I found the links and added them, Silsby worked for 6 years from 1992-1998 according to USA today https://archive.li/5DOBm#selection-929.257-937.78

So Hackborn was VP of the Boise Division at the time, so very close. reworded to upper management

Vindicator ago

Awesome JF. I am going to go ahead and remove the flair, but I can't give you a "New Evidence" flair unless you include the WSJ findings that HP claimed they paid nothing for the dancers. Your info graphic still implies they did, without addressing the fact that there's no proof that is true. That's not to say that the WSJ isn't covering for HP -- that wouldn't surprise me a bit. But we have to at least acknowledge their debunking of the dancers story, or we're no better than the propaganistic Fake News.

jewfighter33 ago

OK done, added "allegedly" and "later denied by Hansen" to it.

Are_we_sure ago

OK done, added "allegedly" and "later denied by Hansen" to it.

Why don't you just report the actual facts. Here's the updated story with the actual facts.


Editor's note: An earlier version of this story mischaracterized the relationship between Hewlett-Packard and the Trey McIntyre Project. The dance troupe has performed at HP's Boise office several times as part of a company event showcasing the area's artistic organizations and charities, but HP has not hired or paid TMP for its creative services. The text of this article has been updated and corrected. CNNMoney regrets the error.

@Vindicator, I think the TMP was less about getting direct donations than about building an audience. I think they hoped that the people at HP would see them perform and then come out as paying customers. I would think that folks who donated them actually went to dance performances.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for stengthening the crowdsourced investigation AWS.

What I find interesting is: Who instigated the original false CNN Money story to smear HP? A disgruntled employee? A competitor? Angry Mormons in Boise? CIA? I'm not intimately acquainted with the history of the company, but I do know that HP used to be an amazing company with a culture of innovation that somehow keeled over and lost it's heart. What happened? When? Why? Why did the cost of printers careen off a cliff? Who were the players? What role did this Boise office play in the company as a whole? Were there other media hit jobs against them like this dancer story? Why?

urbanmoving ago

https://www.news-press.com/story/news/2018/01/24/fort-myers-man-identified-pilot-who-killed-bonita-springs-plane-crash/1061153001/ Daniel Bernath who owned a plane was insane and flew all across the country flew into Boise a lot

fogdryer ago

B Willis is. Building a mega airport there

urbanmoving ago

trafficking hub

jewfighter33 ago

Boise = Boys?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Great post, thank you.


how does this only have one upvoat?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Maybe everyone is still drunk from the Lilith Fair two days ago with HRC.

EvaEverywhere ago

The old man Maccoby wrote about so many leaders that seem tied to the establishment, even about Bill Clinton's inability to keep it in his pants. It illustrates a network that is SUPER NEPOTISTIC... I used to want a word to describe religious nepotism but these people are The Family (as in Family-Friendly) and seed children between families so they are classic nepotists. And they pay-it-forward by installing each other in strategic places. Maccoby (the old man) is super interesting but I would look into his work that praises leaders more than once. He may have been useful in helping install CEOs, or "coaching them". So I would look at closer ties, not just people hopping.

Are_we_sure ago

Maccoby and Silsby - connected through Friends of the Orphans

This is false, I debunked this. This rests on the word of a conman and I showed that all the evidence shows the conman was lying.

This I hadn't heard of. Any link.

Original image: http://i.magaimg.net/img/2zys.png

OMG. You think I'm going to decipher that?

Von Hansen, ex-Vice President at HP Boise, head of AlertSense, hired sex-dancers tied to Alefantis

Wow. Is that really the description you are going with? Do you really think that's an honest description? Do you think they were giving lap dances in the HP offices?

And then Richard Hackborn, former HP Chairman, also was Vice President of HP Boise Printer Division from 1990, so literally Silsby's boss Michael Maccoby wrote a book about Hackborn: The Gamesman: The New Corporate Leaders

OK. This is more like it.

Is it safe to say that they might know each other, @AreWeSure? He literally wrote a book about Silsby's boss.

No. It's not safe to say this at all. First of all this book came out in 1977. The AP story about Silsby says she graduated in 1991 and "took a job with Hewlett Packard in Boise, working for six years in financing and Internet marketing positions." So no, I don't believe it's safe to say Maccoby knows Silsby. Is it possible yes, but this evidence points to it being highly unlikely.

For one, it points to Richard Hackborn being a corporate power in 1977.

Eventually he became head of the printer division, do you know how many employees would be in that division? Do you think he knew them all? Unlikely in my experience.

Can you even show that Hackborn knew who Silsby was? Let alone MacCoby?

Silsby was never high up at HP and she worked in finance and internet marketing. To me, Silsby's boss is who she directly reports to, the person who writes her employee evaluations, not someone much higher up in the organization. Is everyone in Boise in the same division? Was she in printers?

So MacCoby interviews Hackborn in 1977. 14 years later Silsby is hired at HP. There's no evidence that Hackborn knows about Silsby's tenure at HP, why would you think it's safe to say that MacCoby knows low level employees at Boise, HP? This doesn't make sense. It makes it highly unlikely in my Alefantis and Maccobys - close friends, lawyer. This feels like you doing nothing more 6 Degrees of Separation and not showing meaningful connections between people at all.

Let's look at your connections. Most of them do not prove the people knew Silsby. Six Degrees of Separations is a pretty useless standard of evidence. For example, I can be connected to Hillary Clinton in four links and to President Trump in 5 links, but I have never met them and they don't know who I am. In this a meaningful connection in any way? It is not.

Maccoby and Silsby - connected through Friends of the Orphans and HP Boise (Maccoby wrote a book about Silsby's boss)

Absolutely false, on Friends of Orphans. The connection through HP Boise is weak at best. It doesn't prove they know each other whatsoever, so it doesn't have much value

Trey McIntyre and Silsby - connected through Von Hansen (HP, Alertsense)

Again, do you think Silsby knows Trey McIntyre? Because this is not proof they do.

Trey McIntyre and Alefantis - connected through Comet Ping Pong (attended same party)


Trey McIntyre and Maccoby - Hackborn sponsored a McIntyre dancer


Kasky and Silsby - connected through Haiti adoption racket, FAC

this is pretty much nonsense. Are you claiming Silsby was part of an ongoing racket? Because the evidence is just a one time event in Jan 2010 that failed.

Also nobody has connected Kasky to Haiti. I saw that claimed, but the evidence was about something else entirely.

all tied to clintons

More nonsense. There's still no evidence that anyone in DC knew who Laura Silsby was prior to her being arrested in Haiti, as I have shown multiple times.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2153386/10615474 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2058303/10193707 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2122876 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2122947

If you want to engage my evidence with a substantive argument, I'd be up for that. I didn't know about Maccoby's book, but I, frankly, don't understand why you think it's meaningful.

jewfighter33 ago

added links, plz check again!

I showed that all the evidence shows the conman was lying.

That doesnt even make sense. Why would he lie? If he was lying that would mean he had something to hide, and is an indication of guilt on its own thus debunking your own argument....

Are_we_sure ago

added links

Did you add any links that response to my comments? Because I don't see them.

That doesnt even make sense. Why would he lie?

What are you talking about? I'm talking about Jorge Puello, He is the single source that mentioned Friends of the Orphans, which is a US based fundraising organization, not an orphanage in Haiti. And we know that Puello lied and lied and lied in his brief time in the spotlight. That's not my opinion that is a fact. My research shows that what Puello said about where she got the kids cannot be true. Because I went to primary sources and showed none of what he said occurred.

Why would he lie? A better question is why did he think he lies would work, since they soon fell apart and it was discovered he was not actually a lawyer, but a conman and fugitive child trafficker. My guess is he was trying to scam some money. He got into a fight over money with a real Haitian lawyer working for the group, named Edwin Coq.

I don't think he ever explained himself, but I think Puello immediately sensed Silsby was a grifter of some kind and got in contact with some of the families back in Idaho and proclaimed her the lawyer for the group and then rushed in front the cameras and the microphones.

Are_we__sure ago

He would lie because he's a liar. What are you talking about? I'm talking about Jorge Puello who everone agreed lying throughout his time in Haiti. A better question would be why did he think his lies wouldn't get discovered. He was pretending to be a lawyer and it was quickly discovered, he was not only not a lawyer, he was a conman and a child trafficker and a fugitive and he got sentenced to three years in prison.

I have no idea why he did what he did. My guess is that he was trying to scam some money somehow. He got into a fight over money with a Haitian Lawyer who was hired to represent the Baptists. I think he sensed immediately that Silsby was some sort of grifter and he thought there might be an opportunity of some sort.

So he was lying for some other reason than trying to hide something. He was actively making up new lies. This liar is the single piece of evidence that NPH had anything to do with Silsby and all of the real evidence shows his story to be fake.

you added links

Did you add any links that relate to my comments because I don't see any. You have not shown that MacCoby knew Silsby.

EvaEverywhere ago

I am always the only one to do this but thanks for the skepticism. That being said I've tried to send all the disbelievers here because the board needs skeptics from all walks of life, or people who would have info (even biased the other way) that would enlighten the understanding of the people we investigate. But they don't stick around.

darkknight111 ago

The skeptic argument does not hold water when it comes to this shill.

  1. His "skepticism" only applies one way. When suspiscion is directed at people on the left. When the same suspiscions are applied to the right, note that he never defends them.

  2. His views only ever match what the MSM tells him is the truth. He's very quick to believe them when someone on the right is accused of foul play, refer to selective skepticism above.

  3. His political views are that he's liberal (thus against us purely for political reasons). Profiling of shills indicates that most of them are liberals.

Conclusion: He is not a "skeptic", he's a shill. He's not in anyway interested in protecting children nor in busting elites. Likely because Are We Sure is either a pedophile himself or an active accomplice in this shit to begin with.

EvaEverywhere ago

Who gives a fuck who the disbelievers or skeptics are, we are all anons. I can make my own opinion and let it develop or change over TWO WHOLE FUCKING YEARS. This board needs disbelievers too, not just people afflicted with confirmation bias.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

While I agree with your assessment, generally speaking... a true "shill" does not function like this. @Are_we_sure is 99% against the vast majority of the research posted here on Voat - but you've got to give credit where credit is due. Sure, he takes the MSM bait 100% of the time and almost never walks back his claims as they erode over time, but he does* do his homework and provides a number of compelling counterpoints.

I've argued/discussed/debated with him a number of times and I must say... I've come up against shills before, but, he's wayyyyy beyond that. He offers us an opportunity to solidify research by poking holes in it. Giving us a chance to dig deeper and disprove the information he is presenting.

Plus, he's respectful while doing it. Criticism is healthy. I know this won't be a popular response for the crowd, but @Are_We_Sure is a great "litmus test" to have here with us. When we get to a point at which @Are_We_Sure can no longer 'debunk' the intel/leads... that's when it happens.

Many, many people will have a very hard time accepting the truth re: Pedogate when it is unveiled, he gives us a preemptive opportunity to lock this all up and make it bulletproof.

Are_we_sure ago

Thanks Spricy. It's because I'm not a shill this is 100% organic. And, of course, my mode is based in skepticism, logic, evidence and a aversion to witchhunts. And I do have a political point of view but beyond my politics. I have a deeper aversion to terrible thinking and disinformation.

People accuse me of not wanting to protect children, my response is that is not what this board is about. This board is about using pedophilia as a weapon to promote the disinformation of overarching grand conspiracy of elites who all share the same goals. This is simplistic, but very comforting thinking. I often point out how conspiratorial thinking affects all people, some more than others, but it's not a left right thing. It's not a smart/dumb thing. It's the way the human brain works. It's the stories we like to tell ourselves. That someone out there is in charge and pulling the strings behind all of these random events. In fact, people on here do not what to drop the conspiracy thinking to actually help children, so all this energy is wasted and has helped no one. Notice that Darknight puts the two on equal footing. Darknight claims "He's not in anyway interested in protecting children nor in busting elites." And then demonizes me as a pedophile. Demonization of people is a giant part of the witchhunting on here. Pedophilia is a super emotional issues and it's politicized by pizzagate to an ideological tool. A highly effective one, since super emotional topics shut down our logical thinking. This is one of the cause of the broad and wide net being cast on here. It's a pizza place with artwork. They must be part of a connected network of pedophiles!

I think your litmus test is wrong. I most often engage on factual claims because I can disprove them. Beliefs in a Moloch cult or Masons and Rothchilds run the world with the Venetian black nobility I often skip because that's just folks who already gone. I can get behind the criticism of the Catholic Church ala Spotlight. I can't get behind straight up anti-Catholic bigotry. And often someone does research that lays out a series of facts and then come to a dubious conclusion. Such as Alefantis knows MacCoby, Macoby wrote a book on Richard Hackborn. Later Hackborn became a bigshot in HP Boise. 16 years after Maccoby's book Silsby worked at HP. All Facts. Alefantis knows Silsby? A highly dubious conclusion. Hackborn knows Silsby? Also unsupported. Hackborn knows Silsby? Maybe. Hackborn knows Silsby well enough to be involved with her a decade after she left HP? Comletely unsupported. If someone just leaves it as a bunch of facts, I would be less likely to engage. Another funny thing is people think when I do engage it convey some meaning. WE MUST BE CLOSE TO THE TRUTH!!!! More likely you just said something that is easy to refute.

I'm curious as to which of my claims have eroded over time.

I still stand by my research that

the alleged "Clinton Silsby relationship" is a fantasy based on not understanding the role of the State Department and some deliberate lies

all claims of code in the Podesta emails have fallen through

None of the orignal claims of Pizzagate have stood up.......this is why people want to claim genuine events like Harvey Weinstein as part of it. Silly claims like Louise Bourgeois was influenced by Jeffrey Dahmer are not true.

The story about the NYPD having Wiener's laptop was a campaign of disinformation by people close to the Trump team and the claims of dozens of others being arrested in Nonsense. (As I showed many times, the FBI had the laptop. Not the NYPD.)

Shizy ago

You're too nice OP, are we sure is definately a shill. Ok, maybe he's just an extremely unhappy person with no friends, but most likely the correct answer is shill.

Good work by the way 👍🏻

ASolo ago

Nice digging on this thread.

ASolo ago

All these fucking luciferian pieces of shit are so close it looks like a faggots conga line, and of course we all know @Are_We_Sure is the super faggot playing pivot man for both ends

Dressage2 ago

@Are_We_Sure is our resident shill. So full of shit it keeps him afloat.

angry_mob ago

you need to watch your mouth. your ignorance is showing.

ASolo ago

You have like 3 submissions and over 700 replies. Kinda tells me something. You def have an opinion... Maybe try to keep your opinions off of my threads though because I don't agree with you. Doesn't make your opinion invalid and you said it which you have every right to as well, but I disagree so don't pursue it. Rant and rave elsewhere or when you got your ding a ling out and autoasphyxiating I don't care but just don't do it here.

ASolo ago

Ok. I'm trying to follow you here and not be rude. I kno I've seen your name here quite a bit so I don't want to offend but you've gotten quite vocal all of a sudden and I'm not quite sure you know what you're talking about. You ok man?

ASolo ago

You need to grow a pair and stop being such a faggot

carmencita ago

As sick as this stuff is, you made me laugh just when I needed it. Thank you that picture is priceless.

Blacksmith21 ago

Pivot man....haven't heard that one in a long time. LOL. He's definitely a "bottom".

carmencita ago

You guys are too much!

ASolo ago


letsdothis1 ago

More about Personal Shopper Inc.


On Friday, February 27, 2004, a U.S. federal trademark registration was filed for MY PERSONAL SHOPPER by PERSONAL SHOPPER, INC., BOISE, ID 83704. The USPTO has given the MY PERSONAL SHOPPER trademark serial number of 76578042. The current federal status of this trademark filing is ABANDONED - NO STATEMENT OF USE FILED. The correspondent listed for MY PERSONAL SHOPPER is KEN J. PEDERSEN of PEDERSEN & COMPANY, PLLC, P.O. BOX 2666, BOISE, ID 83701-2666 . The MY PERSONAL SHOPPER trademark is filed in the category of Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products , Insurance & Financial Services . The description provided to the USPTO for MY PERSONAL SHOPPER is COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR USE IN THE COMPUTERIZED BROKERAGE OF CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICES FOR COMPUTER USERS.


Pedersen and Company is a specialized intellectual property (IP) law firm. Our team of attorneys and associates works together across a broad base of expertise to produce cost-effective IP solutions in the areas of domestic and foreign patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret issues, licenses and other contracts, and litigation.

With an office located just minutes from downtown Boise, Idaho, our work is invigorated by the innovation and technological progress going on around us. International corporations such as Hewlett-Packard and Micron and organizations like the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory spearhead the charge of high technology in Southern Idaho. Global technology leaders like these and entrepreneurial individuals alike look to us to protect their intellectual endeavors.

I think it's clear what was going on with Silsby.

letsdothis1 ago

More on this law firm http://www.pedersenco.com/associates/

Ken J. Pedersen, managing attorney of Pedersen & Company, opened this law firm in February 1994. He was convinced of the value of having a specialized IP law practice located in Boise, Idaho.

Before starting his own firm in Boise, Ken had years of experience working in industry, business, and in law. Prior to graduation from IIT, Ken worked as a technical associate for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pioneer Service and Engineering Co., and the Institute of Gas Technology (IGT). After graduating, Ken joined UOP, Inc. (now HONEYWELL UOP), a worldwide licensor of petroleum, petrochemical, and catalyst technology headquartered in suburban Chicago. As a development engineer, field start-up specialist, and associate in the corporate patent department of UOP, Ken developed technological and legal expertise in an environment where intellectual property was one of the company’s main “products”.

Another look at Jay B Stephens

Stephens demonstrates an interest in sexual abuse cases, and also an solid understanding of surveillance and undercover operations. Connections through Honeywell and Raytheon to Clinton Foundation

letsdothis1 ago

Whenever I see one of those sites like Personalshopper.com I take a closer look ..

Wayback machine :


notice Operation Smile being advertized

 RTI Surgical, Habitat for Humanity, Dynacorp and the Deranged Dentists. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1619718

Joss Whedon Jml201 showed how Laura Silsby operated alongside the dentist Rob Chenvert in Haiti as well as Operation Smile. (Fun fact, Joss Whedon, who has gone full retard against Trump and funded the SaveTheDay campaign which FBIANON mentioned as shady, is a donor to Operation Smile.) In my research dentists seem to be a big part of the equation.


Adding to the Laura Silsby/NCMEC connection in the comment section. PLEASE READ!

Who was on the board of directors for Operationsmile? "Cindy Hensley McCain has dedicated her life to improving the lives of those less fortunate both in the United States and around the world. Cindy serves as co-chair of the Arizona Governor’s Council on human trafficking and on the McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council.....

Also advertised is Kids Changing Lives http://www.kidschanginglives.com/ Butterflies everywhere. The following is a great post which needs to be read:

 Laura Silsby connection to dentists in Haiti/DR...A LOT but potentially IMPORTANT https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1598275

So, the company is called “Personal Shopper Inc”. Looking up their address: 1450 S Eagle Flight Way, Boise, ID 83709 https://www.yellowpages.com/boise-id/mip/personal-shopper-inc-463568305

Searching under that address : https://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/lee-hecht-harrison-boise-2

Lee Hecht Harrison https://www.lhh.com/about-us/our-team

Established in 1967.

Lee Hecht Harrison has specialized in providing exceptional career transition services for nearly five decades to more than four million people, helping them explore their professional options and embark on satisfying new careers. LHH is a part of Adecco Group, the world leader in workforce solutions and currently have 300 offices in 60 countries around the world.

The Adecco Group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adecco_Group

British spies help smash ISIS terror cell in Spain for second time in a fortnight

One of the arrested men is a 40-year-old director of Lee Hecht Harrison-Spain, a subsidiary of the multinational human resources firm Adecco. Detectives fear that Moroccan born Aziz Zaghnane could have been using the company’s database to make contact with thousands of Muslims. It is understood that he previously worked for a mobile phone company and could have had access to vast databases of customer information.

Shizy ago

Wow! Excellent digging!

jewfighter33 ago

great digging!

letsdothis1 ago

Back to Silsby and Boise, Idaho :

Alertsense Boise 1955 100 boy &homo sex scandal

carmencita ago

Noticed this in your link: But, BOISE IS HOME OF SEX TRADE HUB, home of ALERTSENSE. Tracking the underground sex trade in Idaho- also 2015 article . http://www.postregister.com/articles/featured-news-daily-email/2015/07/01/tracking-underground-sex-trade-idaho excerpt from this Boise article<br> https://m.boiseweekly.com/boise/human-trafficking-101/Content?oid=3406249<br> revealing the tech connection of human trafficking. From this article There are over 3,000 animal shelters in the United States but less than 300 beds for sex trafficking victims that are children," Jost said, drawing gasps from the audience. Excerpt from this idaho article https://m.boiseweekly.com/boise/absence-of-choice/Content?oid=3086953 THIS drew a GASP from me too. 300 beds. A Sad Commentary. I don't think people are really aware there are so few beds. Beds? Who needs beds? This is ridiculous. Also, yes Sex Offenders are still fighting to get off those Sex Offender Lists. Once convicted they should be on there For Life.