FloridaJackalope ago

The downvoats here speak for themselves. You are %100 incorrect in all of your claims.

Clinton didn't know Laura Silsby before Hati? You've gotta be a fool to not understand how Silsby is a Clinton Tool. One of Bill Clinton's first acts as special envoy for the United Nations in Haiti "was to put out the fire of a child abduction scandal involving American citizens.".

Now, considering the obvious and blatant evidence we have surrounding that case (the abduction and trafficking of 33 Haitian children by Silsby) it should be beyond obvious to anyone with a skull that Laura Silsby is a pedo-peddling-future orphan owning biatch.

The Clinton / Alefantis connection has also been thoroughly documented here.

RweSure ago

If I am incorrect, then please show how I am incorrect because you have not shown that. You have not provided any evidence that

Clinton didn't know Laura Silsby before Hati

and that

Silsby is a Clinton Tool.

You seem to think that this refutes my claim, but it does not

One of Bill Clinton's first acts as special envoy for the United Nations in Haiti "was to put out the fire of a child abduction scandal involving American citizens.".

This obviously happened after her arrest and the result of Bill Clinton was that Silsby and her assistant would stand trial and the rest would be let go, because it had become apparent the other Baptists were all volunteers who had been told by Silsby that all the arrangements had been made.

You have now made the extraordinary claim that Silsby is Clinton Tool. You need to provide extraordinary evidence to back up that claim. You have provided zero.

Now, considering the obvious and blatant evidence we have surrounding that case (the abduction and trafficking of 33 Haitian children by Silsby) it should be beyond obvious to anyone with a skull that Laura Silsby is a pedo-peddling-future orphan owning biatch.

Your opinion of Silsby had nothing to do with Clinton. I give you credit for trying, but this fact remains: It is now proven that no evidence exists for this claim: Clinton knew Silsby for a long time.

The Clinton / Alefantis connection has also been thoroughly documented here.

Do you mean Clinton to Alefantis? Or do you mean Clinton to Silsby and Alefantis to Silsby?

Because the evidence for Alefantis to Silsby is also incredibly weak.

darkknight111 ago

OP is a known shill, therefore has evil intent and is in general a horrible person.

He also has 3 accounts, which is damning evidence that they are dishonest.

His agenda is "Resist" and "Defend Leftist Elites/pedophiles".

happyhappy ago

You read my post wrong. I said Silsby is A chief officer. Why was Silsby free to go home and have a good life? Sec of state is involved with consulates hence Benghazi. My case is rested. I feel like I'm spinning around in a jacuzzi. :) your case is spinning in the mud an d it sounds like a tactic of the "stall and stall and stall" there are way to many good people here that your not going to confuse and your getting the " nothing to see here folks" signal from them. It's been entertaining though.

RweSure ago

A chief officer

OK. When I saw "Chief" I was thinking Chief Exexcutive Officer or Chief Operating Officer, the very top executive level. I agree that she was part of managment, just not the very top.

Why was Silsby free to go home and have a good life?

This a question for the Haitian courts. On a technical level, she was free to go home because she served her prison sentence. She was facing up to 6 months and was sentenced to the 3 months + she served. She was free to go home because her prison time was over.

Sec of state is involved with consulates hence Benghazi. My case is rested.

I have no idea what you are trying to say here. But no one at the State Department including Hillary Clinton knew who Laura Silsby was when a call came into the Embassy Duty Officer in Haiti. The Embassy Duty Officer is literally that person that needs to be available to answer phone calls in the middle of the night. The Embassy Duty Officer than began passing the info up the chain about the 10 American Citizens arrested and every person on those emails thread got involved with Silsby and her group because it was their job and this is true of Secretary Clinton as well.

My case is rested.

If that is the whole of your case, then my point still stands It is now proven that no evidence exists for this claim: Clinton knew Silsby for a long time.

happyhappy ago

Sec of state, in the Huma emails, shows proof that Hillary was keeping up with this org that Silsby was running BEFORE Silsby got busted. Huma was Hillarys executive assisstant. She is the controller of the info that goes to Hillary. The weeder. Was Huma the operator? Are you saying THIS is fake? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3776 It looks original to me but hey why would anyone make it look unreal. haha. What are your thoughts? Do you know that the pizzagate shooter court documents online show that he was found guilty and he was sentenced. When that happened the internet went crazy with posts that the pizzagate shooter was found guilty and is going to prison for 5 years. Wow that played everyday for a fortnight. I have a family member that is in prison right now. I have seen many sentencing court documents about sentencing. I know what they look like. Anyway, If you look on the sentencing doc you will see that an couple of Army men, perhaps Army lawyers most likely, took him from the court house, end of story. Now its known that jailers take the criminals away to the big house, right after not even 10 minutes after the sentencing hearing is over, that is procedure of the courts when they sentence someone to prison. They dont send them away with the Army. Nobody reported on that. I tried to correct people but no go. You can point a camel to water but you cant make him drink.. Tell me what you think about that wikileak email I sent ya. Thx, see ya. Thanks for writing back. I will go down the rabbit hole leading to a fake Wikileak email, thats worth it to me. I guess I didnt rest my case :).

RweSure ago

Are you saying THIS is fake? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3776 It looks original to me

Hi. Please reread my post and follow my links. My post is ALL about that document. That is a PDF document found on the website of Silsby's church in Idaho. It was downloaded after Silsby's arrest when they googled the name of her group. Look in my original post for this part.

The group is called the New Life Children Refuge America Organization (NLCR). Bill Bistransky found the attached "Plan of Action"(P0A) on their web site when he googled that name.

Your other bit about the pizzagate shooter doesn't apply to my claim.

happyhappy ago

PDF on Silsby church site? yes, I will definitely check out the church site because that's a great lead. It appears that the church's these people are hiding behind Christian and Beth el Synagogues are involved because they keep popping up. Bill Bistransky info is a lead as well, thx. My question to you is Why would they do that? Silsby KNEW that the pg community would look at their site with a magnifier, and that PDF would be found. Do you think they were redirecting pg traffic to thier info that SHOWS an INVENTED proof ? That's the idea I'm getting. If some how you could provide links I will examine them and tell you what I think. Also the number and link to Wikipedia email cache. Either way, I think you have something and would be a killer post. You may have just discovered Silsby floating fake evidence that has her church involved. It could show that Silsby KNOWS what she IS doing and is guilty for trying to molest and obstructing the pg investigation. Wow, This could be huge info and it would stand up in court. What you need is the doc from her site AND if there is one, the doc from Wikileaks. That would prove your case. Where can I get direct info on this Bill guy? Will you send me that too? I will reread your post.

RweSure ago

My question to you is Why would they do that? Silsby KNEW that the pg community would look at their site with a magnifier, and that PDF would be found.

The document is no longer on the website. It was taken down sometime after the Wikileaks page on this was created. It was problem taken down years before anybody heard about pizzagate. So this is not invented proof.

Bill Bistransky info is a lead

This is just a guy who works at the State Department.

You may have just discovered Silsby floating fake evidence that has her church involved. It could show that Silsby KNOWS what she IS doing and is guilty for trying to molest and obstructing the pg investigation. Wow, This could be huge info and it would stand up in court. What you need is the doc from her site AND if there is one, the doc from Wikileaks. That would prove your case. Where can I get direct info on this Bill guy? Will you send me that too? I will reread your post.

You are completely misunderstanding what is going on. I have not discovered new information. This information was always there, but the "researcher" who first wrote about the link had this completely wrong. My post is about going back to the old original sources and setting the record straight.

In the Silsby case, she started plans to create an orphanage with her church in late 2009. Then the Earthquake hit and they speeded up their plans. This document was put on her Church's website because she was asking for volunteers to go to Haiti. Here's what Wikipedia says about it

NLCR quickly formed the "Haitian Orphan Rescue Mission", a group of ten people from the Central Valley Baptist Church and the East Side Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. Both churches are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

happyhappy ago

What? Oh never mind, you don't know what I'm talking about. We can't communicate between us for some reason. I need someone that understands me so I can learn. Im here to learn. I like research. Do you have simple not wordy proven research? If you don't that's ok but I'd rather spend time with people who give proven nutshells that pg can use. You told me there is something wrong with the Wikileaks emails, that's huge, now were is the proof? When I ask you you just walk away. I think you really do have something else going on here like others say you do, not to be trusted is what they say. If you really have evidence let's see it.... it's not to late to redeem yourself with me because we are all learning. What you say? Are you walking away? If you are I'm blocking you because your a nothing burger. That's how true, usable pg info roles. When I told you about the shooter it WAS JUST info I was sharing with you about people not paying attention to researched facts, that's the ONLY reason I clicked on your submission. I thought you were going to really show me something. Now you say What does the pizzagate shooter have to do with your research? If you don't see the connections and all the pointing out that I do for you to recognize a pattern in people behavior the pg nutshells will really be hard for you.. and I don't have time to help you. I have a learning disability also, that is if your Not playing the dumb blonde. Sorry, I can't teach you how to follow clues if your disabled and can't. But through my post I feel that I have really tried to include you because I saw how much you get attacked. If you walk away you either have problems or a shill. Either way, I wash my hands and will tell others your posts are not true and to ignore you because I looked down your rabbit hole and what you claim to have found was not in there. Pg people are sick to death of the wordy and waste important time tactic. Yes, we are aware of control tactics, so I never fall for the dumb blonde routine. Plz reply. It can only be a one word reply if you want. Say no to empty rabbit holes.

RweSure ago

Do you have simple not wordy proven research....You told me there is something wrong with the Wikileaks emails, that's huge, now were is the proof? When I ask you you just walk away.

What are you talking about "I just walk away?" I've replied to each of your comments.

Let me see if I can break this down for you.

I didn't claim there's problems with ALL the Wikileaks emails.

I claimed this document is not an email https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3776

It's wrongly listed in their system as an email and it has the date wrong.

The proof is two fold.

  1. The document was obviously written after the Haitian earthquake in January 2010. So the wikileaks date of 2001 must be wrong.

  2. We know where this document came from. It was a document that was available on Laura Silsby's church website. Wikipedia identifies this as the mission state of the Silsby's group, the "New Life Children’s Refuge. And links to Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho.
    is http://www.esbctwinfalls.com/clientimages/24453/pdffiles/haiti/nlcrhaitianorphanrescuemission.pdf

This PDF file, nlcrhaitianorphanrescuemission.pdf, is the file wrongly listed as an email in the Wikileaks system. It was an attachment to an email forwarded to Hillary Clinton.

In this email https://www.wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3765 you can see the PDF listed as an attachment

From: Mills, Cheryl D <[email protected] >

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 5:39 PM


Subject: Fw: 10 AmCits arrested with 33 children, headed to DR. Now under arrest in Port au Prince

Attachments: nIcrhaitianorphanrescuemission.pdf

In the email that Cheryl Mills is fowarding, we are told how this document was found

The group is called the New Life Children Refuge America Organization (NLCR). Bill Bistransky found the attached "Plan of Action"(P0A) on their web site when he googled that name. As he notes, either today's arrest is their second run into Haiti to get children, or their original schedule is off.

So yes, my claim is proven research using the original source documents.

happyhappy ago

I would love for you to post about the dates. I could post alittle something to help credit you. I could say, I went down this VERY SHORT rabbit hole and I found it to be true. Plz reply.

happyhappy ago

The date DOESnt support the year of the earthquake that's for sure, I also looked at the original PDF file and the date of that attachment is 2015 and SENT from the state department to Hrc. The date is a major clue something is a miss here. The ATTACHMENT IS about an OPERATION to help the Orphans After the hurricane in 2010. .let me get this straight and tell me if I'm still not seeing it. The Hillary wiki email is DATED 2001...the attachment in that email was sent from the state department to supposed Hillary and the date on the attachment is 2015... the attachment was A Point by Point instruction for what Silsby was supposed to do in Haiti at a hurricane that happened in 2010. Question How can a 2015 original attachmuent be sent as a 2001 email about an operation that was performed in 2010?? ENTER Imran Awan!,,,,,,,, Imran Awan was able to change the dates IN the private server!!!! is huge info, The dates in the instructions have to be compared with the actual dates of the actual hurricane event of that Year in 2010, then we can see what the actual date this operation really happened to be proof sure the instructions are REAL.. I might tell myself that the first date in the wiki part email that a person would read first IS a fake date, so a person won't open the attachment. But the person who knows the signal, like a very old rediculas date signal, WOULD know to open it. When a person opens up this email and reads downward, because that's how we read right, the first thing they are going to see is a very, very OLD date.......I ask myself, Why is this OLD email in here?...... I might dismiss it as a butt call, someone accidentally pushed the wrong email and sent it. That's what I would do, what would you do in the similar instance? I wouldn't even read it and for sure I wouldn't read the email attachment. I would dismiss it and get back to my job working. somebody is changing the dates of the email, and it has to be done through a custom set up, IMRAN aWAN, through a different system ,like one that the government is screaming about, the private email,server. DATES CANNOT BE CHANGED by someone who is sending an email through a server. The date is AUTO generated by the server and you CANT get around it, it will always be there. All the mAJOR hidden info is in the attachments under the emails that have super old years " date stamped" on them. A whole new world just opened up for wiki researchers.. I think this IS real because of the highly accurate instructions given to Silsby !! It was supposed to be found at Silsby church Website because it would be found QUICKLY by pg people. It could have taken years to find just looking through Hilary's emails. It ALSO was discovered by BILL from the state department. Pg was supposed to find it and expose it. And they did!!!! Good job, wow! Did it take me long enough to see it? Ha sorry, I also want to apologize about the walk away comment I made if you will accept it. Thanks for helping my stiff neck turn to look and you never gave up on me. Thx. Can't wait to hear what you think.

RweSure ago

2015 is the date the document was released by the state department. The original email it was attached to was from late January 2010.

It was attached to an email in this thread

https://www.wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3765 2010-01-30 is the date of that email thread

sunajAeon ago

You better have rock solid evidence for your thesis on this one-I'm still sifting through the info, but the Silsby connection with the Clintons has been well established (even if it was amiss they are completely guilty of all crimes of rape, torture, murder, etc.)-if this is a diversion people are going to be coming after you with rakes and hoes and scythes and a dull spoon to yank your balls off...

RweSure ago

Well established? I would argue that it has been mistakenly established.

And yes, my evidence is rock solid.

Clintons has been well established (even if it was amiss they are completely guilty of all crimes of rape, torture, murder, etc.)

Yeah, I'm betting the evidence for this is somewhere south of rock solid.

darkknight111 ago

LMAO. That last one can be arranged if we find out who this shill truly is. ;)

DeathTooMasons ago

Nice try! Trollol! Downvoat. This is your contribution? Of course it is.

10464172? ago

ok so why did they intervene tho

darkknight111 ago

Thread is bogus. Nothing more than an elaborately disguised "Devil's Proof" logic fallacy disguised as evidence.

Also, Happyhappy just proved you wrong. Only high level government connections could have gotten that result.

happyhappy ago

All very interesting and well prepared but the proof of Silsby arrested and jailed for having "known" NON orphans in actual transportation out of the country busted your case. Silsby now is a chief director of Amber Alert after being busted AND CONVICTED in Haiti? You have to have serious pull with in the government to be approved for that high paying position of authority, those jobs are impossible to get!!!. Here is more evidence of wikileak proof of connection to Silsby. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Life_Children%27s_Refuge_case Laura silsby was CONVICTED in Haiti but she served no time. Toothless courts are powerless below Hillaries connections alot of the time. I think your time is better spent else where because this is full of holes, sorry, just sayin...:) keep on a keepin on, dust yourself off! Your report SHOWS you care and are trying.

Are_we__sure ago

the proof of Silsby arrested and jailed for having "known" NON orphans in actual transportation out of the country busted your case.

in what way? My case is that Clinton did not know who this woman is until she was arrested and she came to the attention of the Consular Services section of the State Department.

Silsby now is a chief director of Amber Alert after being busted AND CONVICTED in Haiti? You have to have serious pull with in the government to be approved for that high paying position of authority, those jobs are impossible to get!!!.

There's a couple things wrong here. One is factual, Silsby is not chief director of Amber Alert. She worked in marketing, She was VP. The other is logical. This is what lawyers call "assuming facts not in evidence."

you have to have serious pull with in the government to be approved for that high paying position of authority.

Other logical problems. A. This is not demonstrating any connection to Hillary Clinton.
B. If she needed "pull" to get her job, that could come in various ways. The Presidents of the Baptists were heavily involved in her case and petitioned Obama on her behalf. C. AlertSense is a private company and can hire who they want and tons of private companies hire people with police records.

Here is more evidence of wikileak proof of connection to Silsby.

You didn't read my post clearly. I go into great detail about that document and show exactly where that document came from and what it is. Why are citing it? Why do you think it helps your case?

Laura silsby was CONVICTED in Haiti but she served no time.

This is false. She was convicted of a charge with a possible term of 6 months. By the time of her conviction she had already served over three months in jail. She was sentenced to time served.

Toothless courts are powerless below Hillaries connections alot of the time.

Again, this is an assumption without evidence and my case is not full of holes. I don't think you read all of my post. My conclusion still stands It is now proven that no evidence exists for this claim: Clinton knew Silsby for a long time


ok so why did they intervene tho

Consular services is available to every American travelling overseas including those who get arrested. You can see this page for what the State Department can do you for you and what they won't do for you. https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/emergencies/arrest.html

One of the highest priorities of the Department of State and U.S. embassies and consulates abroad is to provide assistance to U.S. citizens incarcerated abroad. The Department of State is committed to ensuring fair and humane treatment for U.S. citizens imprisoned overseas. We stand ready to assist incarcerated citizens and their families within the limits of our authority in accordance with international law, domestic and foreign law.


His post shows he has no interest in busting human trafficking. Only in defending leftist elites.

I contend the pizzagate community has zero real interest in combating human trafficking. They would much rather look for any evidence to prop up their "New World Order Elite Cannibal Pedophiles Rule the World" conspiracy shilling. Look at how many times they are disappointed when a child trafficking is taken down, because they don't recognize the name. They could be taking their energy and making a difference, but they would rather be claiming that every entity that actually deals with child trafficking where they could volunteer their effort and their time is suspect in some way. It's basically the equivalent of that guy on here who burst screaming into a Catholic church during Midnight Mass. It didn't accomplish anything but feed his ego.

Thread is bogus. Nothing more than an elaborately disguised "Devil's Proof" logic fallacy disguised as evidence.

I had never heard it called this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probatio_diabolica Probatio diabolica (Latin: "devil's proof", "diabolical proof") is a legal requirement to achieve an impossible proof.

I don't think this fits the situation whatsoever. My debunking of this statement "Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby" is actually PROPERLY resetting the burden of proof. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I just showed that the evidence for this claim is false. Absent other evidence, this claim is debunked. There's zero evidence of any relationship between Clinton and Silsby. I further claim there is zero evidence that anyone in Washington DC knew about this Baptist from a small town in Idaho.

darkknight111 ago

His post shows he has no interest in busting human trafficking. Only in defending leftist elites.

He's a known shill and therefore has evil intent.

He has never posted anything to help expose and bust pedophiles or human trafficking. Only to deflect for them.

When dealing with shills you have to assume that they're bad people.

darkknight111 ago

OP is a known shill with the agenda of "Defend Lefitst Elites and Pedophiles". Therefore this thread is BS. Requesting a "disinformation" and/or "debunked" @vindicator @Millennial_Falcon

You never answered why you have the need to have 3+ accounts. Honest users have no need for that many. Only shills do that. If you are truly honest, then you will delete all but one of your accounts.

You always run everytime you get grilled on the Clinton Foundation's known financial involvement in the "White Phosphorous Incident". Running away when pressed is a sure sign of a shill.

You also run when pressed about those differences between a Charity Audit and a Financial Audit DarkMath kept bringing up.

Downvoat just for being a shill. Okay guys, you know what arrow to push in order to silence shills.

sunajAeon ago

How can anyone be allowed 3 accounts on Voat w/o being banned? That is DEFINITELY a RED FLAG along with the post being fantastik

Are_we__sure ago

Well you have the chance to debunk the shill if you're brave enough to take it.

This is a well researched piece that changes in a major way the theory of pizzagate. If it is wrong, please post your evidence.

DeathTooMasons ago

She kdinapped ahem...33 children. Clintons got her out. She got hired by Alert sense and changed her name. You are pathetic and not effective at what you attempt to accomplish. Do by chance know Montagraph? Another pedo personality parading as a researcher.

RweSure ago

The Clintons did not get her out. She went to trial and was convicted. The original kidnapping charges were dropped but that was a decision of the Haitian courts. They probably would not have been able to get a conviction for kidnapping because she didn't just snatch the children, but spoke to their parents and got permission.

She got hired by Alert sense and changed her name.

This has nothing to do with what the what I set out to prove here. You are misreading some defense of Silsby above. It's not there. This is what I set out to prove.

It is now proven that no evidence exists for this claim: Clinton knew Silsby for a long time

darkknight111 ago

Stop running and answer those questions that you always run from.

You just openly admitted to being a shill in that post.

Are_we__sure ago

Can't do it? I thought so.

darkknight111 ago

Still refuse to answer those questions? Thought so. I'm not going to stop pressing you until you come clean on all three questions, which is what my comment is about in the first place.

It should be obvious with a known liar and corrupt politician like Hillary that you never take what they say at face value. You always read between the lines of what they say.

These claims still do nothing to disprove the Clinton Foundation's involvement in Haiti.

Are_we__sure ago

Your comment is a big pile of Whatabboutism?

These claims still do nothing to disprove the Clinton Foundation's involvement in Haiti.

Which anyone with half a brain would grasp immediately because that's not what I'm addressing.

Commoner ago

Two excerpts from the Clinton email show that they were not concerned so much with the American citizens as they were with "where the heck are the children we wanted to kidnap?" You would think that one of the first bits of information they would find out is about the children, or they would have said 'we assume the children are in good care of the Haitian authorities who stopped them at the airport. No?

Consular Affairs was notified by the Embassy duty officer in Santo Domingo of the arrest of 10 Amcits from Idaho by Haitian police. They were attempting to take 33 'orphans' to Santo Domingo for the stated purpose of establishing an orphanage to care for the children. The Americans are in the custody of the Haitian police.We have no information about the whereabouts of the 33 orphans.


I am seeking more information about this but want to let you know before the 5pm call that 10 Amcits were reportedly arrested by Haitian police near the DR border with 33 Haitian children whom they reportedly planned to take to an orphanage they are establishing in the DR. They are currently under arrest at a PAP police station or, according to one report, at "the Justice Building near the airport." The whereabouts of the children is unknown

AND, I just realized that the kidnappers were from IDAHO which is where the Truck Driver/Reserve Policeman who was in the UTAH truck crash was from. Might there be a connection?

10461673? ago

Laura Silsby Gayner lives in Idaho along with her church buddies.

Very Good Info. Here:


10461531? ago


Note this Post by RweSure from 30 days ago.

Responding comments included.


Infographic explaining links: https://i.imgbox.com/1RDuQKtt.pngđź’°

RweSure ago

Hi, those pictures are not really helpful and also I'm disputing the theory of the connections All that image is going to do is reiterate the theory I've just poked holes in using original sources. If there a part you want to direct me to do, please write it up.

Let me put this plainly. There's no evidence to support Jorge Puello's claim that an orphanage called Friends of the Orphans collapsed and that is where Silsby got her children.

10462040? ago

We have evidence on this. But not from Puello's crooked mouth.

Commoner ago

How did Silsby get a job with Amber Alert after being arrested for kidnapping kids?

Are_we_sure ago

I have no idea. And it doesn't affect what I just showed: It is now proven that no evidence exists for this claim: Clinton knew Silsby for a long time.

DeathTooMasons ago

They didn't have to know her. It makes it worse if they didn't know her, but were being kept abrest about her activity and got her out when she was arrested. Think about it. They help a total stranger traficker for what reason? Worse than if she was a friend. This thread is an epic fail.

RweSure ago

It makes it worse if they didn't know her, but were being kept abrest about her activity and got her out when she was arrested.

This is completely false. They were notified that 10 American Baptists Missionaries were arrested and for this reason the State Department got involved. And it doesn't matter what the charge is. The State Department also kept track of Amanda Knox in Italy when she was charged and then convicted (falsely) of the greater crime of murder. This is why the 10 AMCIT email is so important. AMCIT is American Citizens and that is why the State Department and Hillary Clinton became involved. Because it was their job. Consular services are available for every American Citizen abroad.

They DID NOT get her out. That is false. Silsby went to trial and was convicted.

10461996? ago

OP @RweSure has identical thread with this title running in pizzagate.


Are_we_sure ago

It was too much text for one post, so I created two separate threads. There's two different claims I debunked.

Clinton knew of Silsby before her arrest

and the second Claim

You can connect Alefantis to Silsby

EDIT: Here is info about the claim that Bill Clinton intervened.

Harvard University researcher says you're wrong. I trust this guy over Clinton News Network.


Yes, I believe that Shani M. King is completely wrong here. First of all, he doesn't work at Harvard. His paper makes clear he is an Associate Professor of Law University of Florida's Levin College of Law or the 41st best Law School in the country. https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/law-rankings/page+2

And it's clear that King did not do original research on Clinton in Haiti, because that is not the point of his paper. You should follow his footnotes and find the original sources. He relies on a single news story.

He also makes a factual claim that is not at all supported by his footnotes. He claimed that Bill Clinton was negotiating with Haiti for a month. He claims this AP news report backs him up, but it doesn't mention Clinton whatsoever. http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ssf/2010/03/haiti_frees_1_us_missionary_bu.html

In reality, Clinton left Haiti after a few days and in fact was hospitalized in NYC during that time. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bill-clinton-hospitalized-in-new-york-city/

The original news report is wrong and here's why I believe that.

  1. It's based on a single report in the UK press https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/clinton-brokers-deal-over-haiti-orphan-abductions-v63ld395r7b

  2. No other news reports have this. The UK press didn't claim this is a secret effort on behalf of Bill Clinton. An actual diplomatic intervention would have been reported by multiple sites if it actually happened. Haitian newspapers would have been all over this. The international press would be all over this.

  3. The paper that reported it never followed up on it at all. So the original report had no confirmation and zero follow through.

  4. The Clinton quotes they used were reported by other outlets 2 days before. Clinton openly spoke to reporters about what the US and Haitian governments should do. He never claimed anything first hand or that he was working on a deal and not a single other source claimed he was intervening in any way. In fact, in CNN's report on it, Bill Clinton doesn't even appear until 22 paragraphs in. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/02/05/haiti.arrests/index.html

  5. There was no press conference about having a reached a deal. Again this was not reported to be a secret deal.

  6. Bill Clinton left Haiti with all the Baptists were in jail.

  7. The Obama adminstration and the State Department were being criticized in the conservative press and by Baptist leaders FOR NOT INTERVENING. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/08/free-the-baptist-10-in-haiti/

  8. Even with this the State Department went out of its way to say it was not intervening and Secretary Clinton would not be getting involved at all.

  9. At the time, no other media even did a story following up on the The Times's report. This happens all the time when papers confirm another a paper's reporting. They do not do a followup story when their sources cannot confirm this. And reporters from around the world were on this story for months.

  10. Nothing in the 7 plus years since the Haitian earthquake suggests this was true and the Clintons, of course came under intense scrutiny during this time. Haiti's AP reporter who worked this story stayed in Haiti for years writing a book and never had anything on this.

In short, there's nothing at all to suggest the Times got their story right. And there's a lot to suggest they got their story wrong, including the fact that they never even followed up on their story. The writer of the Paper relied on them and did not do original research/reporting into this.

10462090? ago

Thank you for the clarification. Thinking I should leave my comment up to assist others with your responding explanation.

10461970? ago

Laura Silsby Gayner was wiped from way back machine

and wiped from AlertSense Website around 3 months ago.

