BIGLY17 ago

“One World” Adoption Agency / Butterfly Logo. Symbolism will be their inevitable downfall.

Just4kicks ago

What adoption agency handled the Cruz brothers adoptions? It seems very sketchy that Lynda Cruz adopted two boys from same drug addict mother in prison. Who handled that adoption both times?

jewfighter33 ago

Yes it is strange, it is reported Lynda Cruz paid $50,000 for Nikolas.

Maybe they are surrogate children? $50K seems about right, Kasky also runs a surrogate agency lifethroughsurrogacyDOTcom

ASolo ago

Just goes to show new stuff is going to come to light right around the corner.

rickman ago

"A Florida adoption agency you can trust" Why would you even feel the need to say that? Talk about suspicious. Imagine that. You go to an adoption agency for a meeting and the woman says 'Don't worry, you can trust us with your baby.' Alarm bells ringing. We'll try somewhere else thanks.

goatboy ago

The ultimate black pill in this is the possible connections to Simplot Family and their Meat Packing Division and also McDonald's Franchise...

I would tell you to keep digging anon, but the question is do you really want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes or is that just hyperbole?

srayzie ago

Excellent post!

This is making more and more sense why social media is trying so hard to shut people up who question the shooting or crisis actors. I wondered why they were censoring this even more than the Vegas shooting. This must be why. This runs DEEP.

TrishaUK ago

BROWARD COUNTY: And this is a leaked audio of a 'secret' meeting planning the 'School kids organic movement' - - HIDDEN AUDIO: Broward County Teachers Caught Indoctrinating Students, Planning Illegal March - by Laura Loomer Published on 21 Mar 2018

FAKE NEWS For anyones friends/families who still thinking MSM (😷💩) is not a co-ordinated effort - MUST watch this by Issac Green - Anti-School - FAKE NEWS #AntiSchool - @srayzie @carmencita @Cc1914 @think- @Darkknight

think- ago

Thanks, Trisha! :-)

srayzie ago

Thank you Trisha!

TrishaUK ago

Pleasure, thanks for the work you do on GreatAwakening :)

srayzie ago

Thank you! I just shared this post on Great Awakening. The original post that you pinged me from. Great post!

realityisinsanity ago

Purple everywhere

Dickface808 ago

This might be an unpopular opinion but I've never trusted Kyle Kashuv, I think he's just another actor in the charade.

septimasexta ago

Overlooked info from Parkland incident. Repost:

"A dozen people were killed inside the school, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told reporters Wednesday evening. Three more died outside, and two others at area hospitals. The shooting happened shortly before classes were dismissed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale. Police have took the suspected shooter into custody, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office said. Two law enforcement officials identified the suspect in custody as Nicolas Cruz. Sheriff Israel said the 19-year-old suspect, who was previously expelled for disciplinary reasons, had at least one rifle and multiple magazines." READ ALL

"Rabbi Mendy Gutnick, youth director at Chabad of Parkland, told that he rushed to the school together with Rabbi Shuey Biston to give support to anyone they could. “The school is at least 40 percent Jewish, so we know many of the students and their parents,” he continued. “We went from parent to parent and tried to offer as much comfort as possible, and helped them recite Tehillim, davening for the students and faculty in the school. ”

More info on Parkland shooting: "Of the 17 confirmed deaths, the rabbis believe that at least six were Jewish, including an adult security guard. Several of those killed were participants at the Chabad centers in Parkland or nearby Coral Springs. Biston says that Chabad rabbis have been working closely with Broward County SHERIFF SCOTT ISRAEL (emphasis mine), who is a congregant at Chabad, to ensure that the bodies of the Jewish dead are released for burial as soon as possible in accordance with Jewish tradition. Chabad has also enlisted the help of several therapists who have volunteered to counsel students. Observant Jews, they are uniquely positioned to provide both clinical and religious support." "This morning, several teens who had survived the massacre came to Chabad to recite the Hagomel blessing of thanksgiving at the Torah. One of them had filmed the shooting."

"Two Florida SWAT Officers Suspended for Heading to Parkland Massacre The Miramar officers did not have permission to respond to the shooting in Parkland on Feb. 14, when 17 people were killed." "The SWAT officers who responded were Detective Jeffrey Gilbert and Detective Carl Schlosser. One of them told supervisors he was in the Coral Springs area when the gunfire happened; it’s not known where the other drove from, police spokeswoman Tania Rues said. “They were both close by (the high school),” Rues said. A third SWAT member, Officer Kevin Gonzalez, was accused of being linked to several social media posts that put the city and police in a negative light, and was suspended for violating the department’s social media policy and the code of conduct, Rues said." "The afternoon of the shooting, Miramar police placed the SWAT team on stand-by in case a request came from the Broward Sheriff’s Office to assist. That call for the team trained in military tactics never came, Rues said. The Broward Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday it could not confirm whether anyone spoke with Miramar that day, but said Miramar’s SWAT team was “not needed” during the incident." COMMENT: This article was recently posted on March 8. A little late. Was this to explain sightings of multiple shooters and shooter described as wearing swat type gear? "“Then I suddenly saw the shooter, about 20 feet from me, standing at the end of the hallway, actively shooting down the hallway – just a barrage of bullets. And I’m staring at him thinking, ‘Why is the police here? This is strange.’ He was in full metal garb – helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting this rifle that I’d never seen before.”" "Strangely, there have been few if any reports that Nikolas Cruz was decked out in full body armor, or that he resembled a member of law enforcement."

Marfa-Lights ago

Perfect... Just perfect... Upvoat!!

GeorgeT ago

All ties in together.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You only have two upvoats in nearly 10 hours. This sub is blatant in their damge control, narrative control.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Best thread in a long time. Mods won't like this.

letsdothis1 ago

🛠24h Warning🛠 Parkland survivor's father Jeff Kasky, the Autism TV Channel, Flying Pig Ranch Studios and Disney

🛠24h Warning🛠 Ray Smithers, CEO of Autism Channel, Flying Pig Studios and Touch-Map Locator Systems

letsdothis1 ago

CNN transcript including Haiti and One World

Despite the ouster of Haitian President Jean Bertrand-Aristide, Haiti is still in turmoil. And because of the violence and chaos, many kids waiting for adoption are stranded in orphanages that are running out of food and supplies.

On Monday, CNN told you the story of one Georgian family waiting for these adopted babies from Haiti. We decided to check if there's any progress since then.

So we have Susan Secor. She is with One World Adoption Services and joins us today to talk about that. So let's get right to it. Any progress? Why don't you remind us of the situation of that family first, and then tell us what the latest is?

SUSAN SECOR, ONE WORLD ADOPTION SERVICES: OK, currently, their paperwork is ready, but we cannot send it down right now because of what's going on down there. So -- and also, the office that handles the adoption in Haiti, they are -- they have actually reopened, but with limited staff. So there's not really a whole lot getting down right now, but...

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I got banned from Twitter for talking about Kasky, One World Adoption and the Clinton Foundation.

tarataylor ago

me too!!

septimasexta ago

Was this a permanent ban?

septimasexta ago


This charity is no longer at the address listed, however their previous 990 form financials are interesting....

"One World Adoption Services Incorporated is a tax exempt organization located in Sugar Hill, Georgia. Donations to One World Adoption Services Incorporated are tax deductible. This organization has been in operation for 13 years, which makes it slightly younger than other nonprofits in the state. One World Adoption Services Incorporated has significantly larger assets when compared to other nonprofits in Georgia. This organization last reported to the IRS significantly more income than average compared to other nonprofits in Georgia." "Form 990 Revenue Amount $1,229,785"

septimasexta ago

Here's another address, just down the road from Sugar Hill address, listed by the local Chamber of Commerce:

Gothamgirl ago

Wow, great digging!

Are_we__sure ago

Right off the bat, this sounds like you're weaving a story.

Child trafficker Laura Silsby is a part of the same child-trafficking racket as Jeff Kasky.

There's no evidence that Silsby ever had an ongoing "racket." She had a one time thing and that failed.

One World Adoption Services got caught producing 120 children without any documentation in the wake of the Haiti earthquake, according to adoption blogger Amanda.

Absolutely nothing in that image or on her blog says what you claim. That would is talking about an adoption service operating in Georgia not Florida and she is speaking about adoptions from Congo, not Haiti. Is this even the same adoption agency?

Heart to Heart Adoptions is a member of Florida Adoption Council, which Jeff Kasky is a founding member of.

Maccoby wrote a book about Silsby's boss

This I hadn't heard of. Any link.

By the way there is absolutely no link between Silsby and MacCoby's. That is completely false and relies soley on believing the con man Jorge Puello. All the evidence points to Puello lying.

The only sources for the claim that Silsby got the children from "Friends of the Orphans" is Jorge Puello who we know is a liar and a con man. The AP tracked where Silsby got everyone of the 33 children and she did not get them from an orphanage.

There's also no evidence between Silsby and Clinton either.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

This is like the really really good research VOAT had during the initial pizzagate days, great job. This type of work is unreal.

GeorgeT ago

Took words out of my mouth. Super Job. And where is Fake Jones on all this??

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Here, if you want the best refresher on how Silsby, Clinton, and Alefantis are all connected this is really good.

septimasexta ago


"The 11-member ensemble, which specializes in interacting with local communities beyond the performance setting, has achieved global recognition. In fact, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. State Department, under the direction of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in conjunction with the Brooklyn Academy of Music, chose TMP as one of four dance companies to tour internationally as a diplomatic emissary to engage people and create opportunities for greater understanding among cultures. TMP toured China, South Korea, the Philippines and Vietnam for a month in May and June, 2012—a total of seven cities in four weeks. "

GoodGodKirk ago

wait, so is hogg their kid or is he adopted?

Q said to follow the loudest and check for adoptions.

GeorgeT ago

Can't get a more blatent clue than that. That's reference to H'GG alright!

Blacksmith21 ago

No, but Nikolas Cruz was adopted. Wanna bet that his adoption went through something Kasky touched?

Just4kicks ago

His adoption seems sketchy.

Blacksmith21 ago

Why is it everyone seems to be associated with CPS or adoption? Seriously. I can think of maybe 4 or 6 people in my life I've know who were adopted. I've known a ton more.

Yet, it seem more than half of the subjects we encounter have something to do with adoption, foster, kids, Haiti, etc.

Just4kicks ago

It's creepy. I wish someone could find out who handled the Cruz brothers adoptions. The lawyer, The agency more info on the biography of the birth mother.

darkknight111 ago

Very good find. Be sure to taunt resident head shill Are We Sure for his constant defending of Laura Silsby and his denial regarding her connections to Clinton. This blows his entire argument apart.

153sdsd ago

One of the good clues over here, I have been convinced since dec 2016, not sure how can there still be in pizzadenial, and this guy arewesure is probably the involved in the racket directly, they are less people than I thought and all are very related, I bet that looking up that town where HP is in boise will tun up interesting facts

darkknight111 ago

I agree. He's likely either a pedo or an active accomplice given how much he tries to deflect.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He never had an argument. A child kidnapper who changed her name and works for alertsense and amber alerts. Preposterous but true. Her lawyer was a gun wielding child traficker. The Clintons got her off scott free. The entire thing is blatant, proven. The sheeple will say "na ah dude".

urbanmoving ago

That idiot is so full of crap

Rawrination ago

He just showed up. Lulz. Right on the money man. That's gotta be a weird headspace to be paid to try and convince people that what is obvious and true and has mountains of evidence actually doesn't exist. I guess like trying to Jedi mind-trick us or something. gaslighting bastards.

dtneslo ago

Good Digging!!

septimasexta ago

Here's some more! Jeff Kasky involved in son's "grab guns" Foundation:

Parkland Students Have Raised $3.5M for Gun Control Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 2:14 pm

"Teenagers like Cameron Kasky, Emma Gonzalez, Alex Wind and David Hogg — all of whom have received enormous media attention since the shooting — seized a moment when the country was mesmerized in horror and called for action....the students began leveraging media interviews and social media to solicit donations...t first, they weren’t even planning on seeking donations, said Kasky’s father, Jeff Kasky. But then they decided to pursue the national rally, and things steamrolled after their announcement. Kasky said his son sought out to raise $1 million only after he and his friends did some basic research on the costs of organizing a rally in Washington, D.C.

“That’s where the money is going,” Jeff Kasky said. “They’re being directed by people with knowledge of how to responsibly spend this money and it’s going to be very transparent. Every penny is going to be accounted for.”

With the help of a celebrity, Kasky said the group has brought in some attorneys, some administrative help and a public relations firm, 42 West. This week, they expect to establish the March for Our Lives Foundation in order to deposit all donations to the cause."

septimasexta ago

"The March for Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) “social welfare” nonprofit organization, was registered on March 8 with the D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, records show. The action fund lists its business address in Encino, Calif., and its agent as CT Corporation System, a D.C.-based firm that offers agent, incorporation, and corporate business compliance services. […] [T]he March For Our Lives Action Fund, as a 501(c)(4) organization, will not be required to disclose its donors, and individuals who send cash to the group can remain anonymous. A 501(c)(4) designated group can be involved in political activity as long as it does not become its primary focus. The organization said on its website it chose to incorporate the group this way because it plans to lobby for new gun-control legislation even after Saturday’s march.

While this new anonymous structure allows the group to hide many of its donors from public view (it’s not very hard to speculate whose behind it though), a number of celebrities have publically came out virtue signaling after having given money to the newly registered propaganda group.

Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Steven Spielberg, and Jeffrey Katzenberg have each donated $500,000. The fashion company Gucci has also publicly announced their own half-million-dollar donation. Those publicly disclosed donations total $2.5 million." In light of Pizzagate, LOOK AT THOSE DONOR NAMES!

septimasexta ago

"Elija Wood Exposes Illuminati Pedophiles Run Hollywood"