think- ago

Aargh, shadow332, I'll have to be the designated asshole now.

Unfortunately, the headline needs some editing - please add that you digged into the Liddle Kidz foundation, and add some info for what you're looking for here. (see Rule 3)

Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate.

You're post will certainly get more traction when people will be able to see in the headline what it's about!

Please also add two or three sentences how this relates to the Pizzagate investigation. (Maybe what led us to look into Schiff and the foundation, and what we had already established - doesn't need not be a long essay ;-)

Rule 1: Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children by elites, child trafficking organized by elites, and/or cover-up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

If you would like to add some stuff that @letsdothis1 and the others have provided (thanks for digging!), you might also want to add it.

Unfortunately, headlines can't be edited on Voat, so I would like to ask you to self-delete and repost. You can save the source by clicking on 'edit' and copypaste the source to a new submission sheet.

Also unfortunately, comments won't show in your new post, but you could copypaste them to the new thread.

Apologies for the inconvenience. This is a great post! Please resubmit! Thank you! :-)

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21

A special 'thank you' to @letsdothis1 and other users for digging! :-)

letsdothis1 ago

Liddle Adam Schiff> Trump's tweet > Standard Hotel > London connections through hotel chain > Paddle8 and Royal family

WOW!!! QAnon posts are saying people killed in today's heli crash were involved in a pedo ring and that Congressman Adam Schiff is involved! -

André Balazs, owner of Chateau Marmont and the Chiltern Firehouse in London, accused of groping. His properties are where the celebs and young Royals hang out. -

Meghan Markle, the Royal Family and Paddle8 which leads to the Child Mind Institute and Dyncorp and ...I knew it!

Q posts and dots connects. A very suspect hotel chain with top tier connections from New York to Washington to London. -

Paddle8 and a hotdog stand, alchemy > sexual alchemy > endocrinology > antidepressants and the Child Mind Institute. -

carmencita ago

Noticed Reddit Thread had this comment: I just posted some additional refs to Liddle to do with Alice Liddle the girl that Alice in wonderland was written about and a bunch of characters from the brothers grimm stories that supposedly took place on the land just sold by the Rothschild's in the Black Forest. Not sure of the relation but it's there for people to look and hopefully find additional links. NOW it mentions Alice Liddle but she is actually Liddel but can still be associated, imo. Another Curiosity that will get pedos Whipped into a Frenzy.

truthdemon ago

This is a carefully crafted network and controlled and protected.. This is a pedo empire running the NWO.. You cannot expect the pedos to catch pedos..u have to get out of the system..and catch them from out of the system.. Till then ure prisoners trying to catch the prison wardens .. Wake up ..first ...the payment system and debt system is run by the pedo gets it energy from us lending credit into the banking deposits....that r licences for banks to create more debt ..leading to strengthening of the pedoempire.. Stop lending to banks ..then we get surety rights over the US and its debtor corporatiin..reduce the debt at the US treasury..a debtor has to follow orders from the creditor.. There a lot to understand but i have just simpplified it

Utube : dog latin glossa

Utube justinian deception.

I only way to dissolve the pedoempire is to act as surety to the US corporation ..we r running out of time...u have more power than the president ..u only have to activate it by turning the US treasury into ur debtor

shadow332 ago

Thanks truthdemon, I will check out those youtube ilnks.

truthdemon ago

Its a labrynth of a topic...but ive simplified the commercial system..which is based on War..declared by the papal bull dum diversas..which is still the basis of international law..and law of nations Google : doctrine of discovery UN legal research

Ivve had enough reducing the US treasury debt with what i have in the bank account ..i get out of the war of Rome ..and the war corporation becomes my debtor .. one can sue anyone on this planet when universal jurisdiction is applied via our surety ship over US and other countries ..which are sub pirate corporations running the roman franchise Independence means franchise does liberty.. Google : what is namium They run liberty and guarantee it with our surrender of our names..they CApitalise it and capitLise on it.. We r the ones who consent to war ..we can choose peace..

Warning..when watching the links..even this movement is dstraction so ..they hide lies with half truths and sell lies with half truth.. One needs to know that we are the ultimate insurers of the paymnet system..through the legal trusts that r our name Google : what is namium They trick us into choosing and re..side inside the war jurisdiction

darkknight111 ago

Where there's smoke, there's fire. From a cursorary glance, I see LOTS of smoke.

Definetely gonna reference this thread in the next segment of an Asia thread.

Dickface808 ago

Those videos my god, what is that tattooed mans hand doing at the start of the second video? Not right

Blacksmith21 ago

@Shadow232 - this is pretty incredible stuff. I looked through it initially and couldn't roll up my sleeves. This is terrifying stuff and the depth (sponsors) to which it marketed is stunning. There is no way infant massage is this "big" all over the world. I'm sure the first thing on the top of kids minds in whatever shithole they live in is "screw clean drinking water, I want a massage". I'm being facetious, but you get my point.

If you are going strong down this hole, compare notes to this facility which I IDd last week. I'm still working on some more info: (Exceptional Children's Center)

shadow332 ago

Thanks for linking your thread. You're right, defiintely not. This "baby massage" is a first world luxury, that maybe some parents might pay for but who the fuck thinks this is more necessary than basic healthcare. Let's keep digging, I'll check out the info in your thread.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly ! And would 3rd world countries have the $$ to pay for this " luxury " NO ! Why are they touring these places like Haiti ?

letsdothis1 ago

She has another project called Heart Touch .. check out the logo

letsdothis1 ago

David Geffen School of Medicine and Haiti:

Affiliated faculty at UCHaiti:

The UC Haiti Initiative (UCHI) is a global partnership for higher education that connects students, faculty, administrators and alumni from the University of California and the State University of Haiti to create educational, research and public service partnerships towards the development of Haiti.


shadow332 ago

All roads lead back to the Clinton Foundation.

shadow332 ago

Thanks for adding, I never go to reddit, so I didn't know they were even onto this.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Of course.... because that’s just what young kids in Asia and Romania are missing..... massage therapy

shadow332 ago

More on that EPIC sponsor:

@epicbar had this photo:

from there I saw on that profile the photo:

I followed the wives to and

Howard county cultist He had made the cake chef draw a pizza on the cake he got to be certified to molest babies, no distress signal had been sent:

Micheal84 ago

WTF that Vimeo vid, around 20:20 it has fucking animal porn in it. How can this legaly be on Vimeo.

shadow332 ago

I skimmed through it. Thank goodness I didn't hit that part. Who knows what else is in that video.

Micheal84 ago

Yeah me too, i accedentaly came across it. Its really fucked up.

ben_matlock ago

nice research. these people are freaks.

anyone have any idea what 'Twicks' refers to??

shadow332 ago

I was wondering too. This is from one of the people following the Twicks stuff:

ben_matlock ago


shadow332 ago

It's all "modern art".

Mad_As_Hell ago

Hawaii connections too - note they recommend a hotdogs stand to visit!!

shadow332 ago

Good find! Keep digging..

shadow332 ago

This is in the meta keywords for liddlekidz site:

"Children, orphanages, world, food, clothing, shelter, health, happiness, touch, discarded, forgotten, untouchable, sick, disability, orphans, physical needs, emotional, orphanages, developmental needs, resilient, life, confidence, compassion, programs, nurture, compassion, fundamental goodness of people, potential, Tina Allen, volunteer, groups, healthcare professionals, world, hands-on, global outreach programs, education, healthcare workers, orphanage staff, caregivers, nurturing touch, massage therapy, early development, infants, training, language, social, cognitive, physical skills, facilitate, bonding, foundation, curriculum, empower, methods, tactile stimulation, nurturing touch, critical development, cultures, storytelling, games, songs, developmental movement, sensory rich stimulation, goals, healthy well children, special healthcare needs, benefit, appropriate touch"

"Liddle Kidz Foundation Global addresses the critical emotional and developmental needs of children who are orphaned and abandoned throughout the world."

There is 1 name in there. "Tina Allen" the founder and a sculptor.

This is one of her sculptures:

From this site:

With the quote: "This work is about the gift from God of treasured relationships to support and love us. Special people, on loan to us, come into our lives and we walk together for a time. There is no guarantee it will last forever so our time together must be respected. The spiritual connection between the two is strong. They look up to God, the source, with their minds. Here I hope to show sculpture with a vertical link to God, as opposed to a horizontal link to man."


Mad_As_Hell ago

The sculptor is a different Tina Allen

shadow332 ago

Ah ok, thanks. Will edit.

shadow332 ago

Look who this account follows:

Nana66 ago

Only confirmed followers have access to @LiddleKidz's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.