Lunagirl ago

If you google Standard Hotel and then click on images, you get a very creepy 2009 Staff Calendar with a shirtless young guy and an in quotes "It's not easy being Cheezy". These people are hiding in plain sight, why doesn't anyone do anything about this? Even the Standard Hotel website has a picture of a furry in bed with a young girl and a bottle of booze. Bizarre. I'm new here so will try to provide a link but may not be doing this correctly.

janet58 ago

Adam Schiff has looked like he's going crazy, truly crazy, during the lead-up to releasing the memo. He must be scared of something that's coming out.

septimasexta ago

The circle always goes back to pizzagate. Here's an excellent video tying the "acid incident" at the LA Standard with possible body disposal!

"Standard Hotels, Liquified Bodies Down the Drain-QAnon"

septimasexta ago

L.A.'s Standard Hotel owner charged with chemical dumping

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What happened to the Storm? Nothing happened. Nobody arrested. What happened to the sealed indictments? Nothing happened. Why do you guys follow Q? Who is Q? If you don't know, why do you persist?

Tallest_Skil ago

Fake. Q-LARP is a kike shill.

Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer is not one of the ONLY TWENTY PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and “full knowledge of this plan.” Someone that important is not posting on 4chan. Someone that important–if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from multiple people and ask questions that he doesn’t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 10 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors on 4chan expect one of them to not only be “#ourguy”, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW and–surprise surprise–the arrest of three quarters of the US government.

Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Why, given the massive flight risk all globalists are, would anyone want to leak the proceedings of such an event in advance? Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t he telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

Fuck off, redditors. Hero worship somewhere else.

  • Claims Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup, and that he will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.
  • Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL, so why did they let the last 70 years happen).
  • Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.
  • Claims martial law inbound.
  • Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.
  • Claims the EBS will be invoked.
  • Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will arrest itself, with all trials dispensing actual justice.
  • Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.
  • Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia (proven false).
  • Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”
  • Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.
  • Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip (proven false).
  • Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).
  • Claims elections no longer matter.

No proof of any of his claims has come to light, and no explanation of them or what he means by them has ever been given.

nextlevel ago

This was pretty interesting. 2 - 50 gal drums of chlorine were illegally dumped down a drain. It was discovered by the fumes in the subway 2 blocks away and traced back to Standard Hotel.

L.A.'s Standard Hotel owner charged with chemical dumping - latimes via @latimes

TipperMartin ago

This is getting scary.

4warned ago

February 13 Happening at the standard . Performance artist. CADE MOGA. Hotel provides links to his Instagram NSFW.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have a feeling that Adam Shit is getting ready to get an uncomfortable social media massage :)

SChalice ago

Impossible of course because he is GOP

srayzie ago

I made a post where it connects James Alefantis and Marina Abromavic!

Marfa-Lights ago

The accused so far, in at number 33 - André Balazs

Luxxy ago

On the topic of the standard hotel - I found a place connected to a rooftop party spot called the " BOOM BOOM ROOM" . Sound familiar?! Its literally connected physically (they share the roof) with the standard hotel in NYC. 4TH ONE ON PAGE located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112 - Also why is the standard hotel sign UPSIDE DOWN?? Satanic much?!

migratorypatterns ago

If true, YUGE.

There have been quite a few of these "accidents" involving very high profile company leaders. Is there a common thread?

Guido_Sam ago

I'm going to become a /po/l larper so delusional retards think I'm someone important.

ElaboratePlan ago

dundundunnnnn ago

L.A.'s Standard Hotel owner charged with chemical dumping

toutedesuite ago


Samime ago

The movie “ RED” retired and extremely dangerous shows us how it is done ... and blithely... with no conscience whatsoever... psychopaths run this world.

Gbuggers ago

The loudest voices , the real Trump haters are the ones with something they are hiding. Adam schiff never shuts his mouth always blaming Trump for something. I cant wait for him to be exposed.

ElaboratePlan ago

Trump called Ben Carson a Pedophile and then hired him

@Mad_As_Hell @Samime @millennial_vulcan @Ho-Lee-Fuk

Samime ago

While I have always loved Dick Gregory I have always had trouble following him because of his abruptness... think I’ll go to aangirfan and look up trumps family history

Dig4Dutroux-Holland ago


Samime ago


pby1000 ago

They know what is at stake...

dundundunnnnn ago

Any relation to this story?

Man charged with pimping and human trafficking in Newport prostitution case

By JEREMIAH DOBRUCK APR 06, 2016 | 12:44 PM

pby1000 ago

Allegations in Death of Sex Worker Plague Influential West Hollywood Political Insider:

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the post, Scirel. Here's a QAnon Storm Watch flair. :-)

toutedesuite ago

This article is jaw-dropping. So glad I stumbled on your post, I had heard vague rumours re AS, mostly just inferential slurs, and of course Q’s recent posts, but honestly I had NO IDEA of these “ties that bind!” No wonder his eyes are always bulging while he rants about our President, trying so hard to stop the memo etc. I am dumbfounded.

Verite1 ago

This ☝️☝️☝️Everyone read this

Are_we_sure ago

Looks like sitting top congressman involved in a pedo ring.

You swallowed that hook line and sinker didn't you?

Tallest_Skil ago

Enjoy the bullet you’ll get for defending them.

Are_we__sure ago

Please keep me out of your fantasies.

pby1000 ago

Allegations in Death of Sex Worker Plague Influential West Hollywood Political Insider-

Are_we_sure ago

You'll admit that isn't a ring. And doesn't involve pedophilia?

pby1000 ago

Yes, in that article, but it shows the types of people he associates with. I think it is a matter of time...

That is some pretty depraved behavior.

I like that you keep everyone honest. Your username is appropriate. Lol.

Shizy ago

Don't waste your time with Are_We_Shit

pby1000 ago

LOL. I try to get along with everyone, and consider all points of view.

Cheesebooger ago

Tena, Watzman, Reichelt. Hmmmmmmm Hey Q! You wanna play a game?

bopper ago

He nose. Believe it or not.

pby1000 ago

I knew that shit would turn up. I knew it!

There is a post of Alefantis and the owner of the Standard at the same party.

Same with the owner and Standard and Abromavic.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

You couldn't make this tangled web of sordid people up. This whole thing is way beyond circumstantial.

pby1000 ago

Right! It is the same pattern all the time. McMartin Preschool, Franklin Scandal, Hampstead, Pizzagate/Pedogate, etc.

Gbuggers ago

Well if hes friends with the podestas you know he is another evil freak pedo

4warned ago

Andre’s partner is Uma Thurman

srayzie ago

Oh right now? He used to be with Chelsea Handler

4warned ago

Oops, He and UMA are ‘just friends’ now, They were spotted together this summer in the Hamptons, which caused much speculation.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. He’s probably still hittin it. 🙄

anotherdream ago

Holy shit. Definitely a trafficking cover up. The Manager of the hotel, the trafficker/pilot, and the procurer?

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Great find @srayzie.. I found a article.. about Box girl... at the Standard. "A girl that had a job at Standard. living in a box?!.. guest could watch here sleep eat talking on the phone? might be nothing.. but i thought it was strange..

Sackajahweeda ago

Some of those were creepy!!

srayzie ago

Thank you. How weird!!. I made a post that connects Alefantis! Go check out the link to the elevator video mural!

Oh_Well_ian ago

ooooo... ART !!

they are so edgy 0_o

Scirel ago

Great find!

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Tomorrow is freedom day.

Wakeupordonttalk ago

OMFG!! The Standard Hotel!!! Creepy AF! Dig!

finska ago

They have strange pictures on their website of a girl living in a box in her underwear eating "pasta", "furies" animal in bed with another girl and a ping pong table poolside! Not to mention the upside down (inverted) Standard sign. Are they trying to attract the pedo friendly santanic crowd? Also isnt this hotel in Adam Shiffs district? Adam Shiff is also somehow connected to West Hollywood sicko Ed Buck.

pby1000 ago

That is where Jay Z hangs out with Beyonce.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Really... don't bother with this sub, @srayzie

it's dead

they killed it

Voatwontletmesignin ago

What do you mean?

bopper ago

Go here to learn what's going on right now.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Thanks bopper :-)