Indigenouskidscanada ago

Is not the rituals of sanatics, always naked females on altar, legs spread?

srayzie ago

You’re a perv too

4warned ago

Excellent work!

srayzie ago

Yay Thank you!

gaystapo ago

That video mural is creepy as fuck....

srayzie ago

I know!

4warned ago

@srayzie. Here ya go. Andre Balazs As the NYTimes declares. “ He’s the man who holds the keys “.
Friends with Matthew Freud ( Sir Edmunds gr. Grandson) “.As one powerful Londoner put it, “He doesn’t make enemies, he makes friends.” Indeed, Mr. Balazs does not want for them, especially not the kind that generate buzz. Some friends, like the public-relations baron Matthew Freud, who represents the hotel, generate it professionally.

srayzie ago

Oh wow! I’ll add this to my post! Thank you.

pby1000 ago

Another great post. Incredible information. I knew these fuckers had to be connected.

Oh, I think there is one survivor of the crash.

dundundunnnnn ago

What book is he reading?

The book consists of hundreds of anecdotes and events one may encounter throughout life, and how to deal with them. Some examples include:

Upon Embellishing your Background

Accent Improvement

Upon the Sudden Reawakening of your Sordid Background

Ass kissing and other types of Flattery



Upon Saucy Assemblages

Upon Marrying a Lady for Her Money

Stripping and Streaking

When the Overwhelming Desire to Goose a Lady Cannot be Suppressed

Upon Being a Member of the Titled Classes

Blowing upon Your Soup

Wife Beating

Shabby People

Shabby Shabby People

Shabby Shabby Shabby People

Oh_Well_ian ago

Lots of coded language in the explanations for wanting rooms for a short period and at odd times.

srayzie ago

Well that’s creepy!

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm thinking Watzman was a Heidi Fleiss figure for the Standard, which is almost certainly a Brownstone OP. Schiff and the FBI could have been hastily cleaning up the operation with the helo crash.

pby1000 ago

Could you imagine Gowdy as the FBI Director? Hahahha!

carmencita ago

Gowdy just announced he is not running again. Could be the opening then.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Weird... Isn't he a good guy?

carmencita ago

Who knows. Who told us that? We go by things we read and are released by both parties. Dems doubt him and his own party is somewhat divided. I don't know anything anymore. At the beginning I thought he was, was he not the one that lost 2 guys that went on a some investigation in Va.? Idk whatever happened to that. I am sitting on the fence now with all of them, except the ones that are known as DS to all of us. There are the obvious DS members, but I am sure there are more that are just ready to stab their colleagues in the back at a moment's notice. What a bunch of Losers.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

awesome connections.... This is encouraging. This is very encouraging. I keep wigging about if Trump is a ZIonist or not, but you know... I think he is doing it smart... I think this is trade down for the NWO to be reduced to state of Israel only... and the State of Israel will just hide those who abandon the ww brownstone and corruption ops... I think it will all be contained in Israel after this is over... adding up with Walid Shoebat's eschatology...

Oh_Well_ian ago

I laugh at the fake (((NeoNazi's))) on this site who claim Trump is a Jew puppet. He is isolating them, just as you point out, and when the time comes to re-negotiate with Israel, it is they who will be in a corner.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I think you are dead on.. I just feel like nobody else is seeing it so I wonder if what I'm seeing is just wishful thinking... But yes in the past few days I have seen more agree with me. Your the first to be as forward about it as you were. Not that I need agreement... I just question all the more if Im the only one who sees it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It was just about a year ago, after studying PG for 3 months, that I came to the conclusion that war with Israel was definitely a possibility. When Americans learn their children have been stolen, raped, murdered and sacrificed, nothing is going to stop the retribution for those at the core of the evil. We are dealing with an evil blood cult who's leaders are cannibals who sit at the apex of economic power.

srayzie ago

Yes definitely better than before and what we could have ended up with.

think- ago

Srayzie, do you never sleep, lol?

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Srayzie is a machine...

think- ago

....more likely she is a human with brains....

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Heh... Machine like "unstoppable" as opposed to "mindless automaton".

think- ago

Hmm....'a human being with brains who is unstoppable' then... ;-)

srayzie ago

Not enough! Lol

think- ago

Oh, I see. Sorry about that.

But then we profit from it, since you have more time to do great posts... ;-)

srayzie ago

Yes! A lot has been happening!

think- ago

Thanks for the ping. Just in, and read Scirel's post about the heli crash. Very interesting. Will get some coffee and then start reading.

carmencita ago

Thank You :)

bopper ago

Got it. Thanks. Wow, what a rabbit hole. Excellent.