ThinkItThru ago

Noticed at the very end of the vid it says, "Play, Eat, Dance" or... PED. Curiously, Comet Pizza's menu also has/had a little, pink tag with two overlapping ping-pong paddles and the words, "Play, Eat, Drink".

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Another screen cap from the video:

I don't enough symbology, but someone here might.

existentialenso ago

The one on the left is from the "squaring the circle" problem. It has some weird ties to Alchemy:

Puzzle pieces are a symbol of autism, but I'm not aware of any other meaning. Someone else might have other clues, though.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Thanks. Also in that picture is the one-eye thing, and the heart in a heart in a heart FBI pedo logo.

Or, it all starts to look suspicious and I'm beginning to think my dog is Illuminati lol ;)

existentialenso ago

Right, I didn't even think about the all-seeing eye aspect.

I'm not so sure that's necessarily supposed to be a heart-in-a-heart, though. I actually flash that hand sign a lot to my girlfriend just to mean "I love you." It's possible that some people have used it for something more sinister, but I just always considered it an innocent way to make a heart with your hands.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Yeah, it's easy to get carried away sometimes. I guess that's what happens where there is shit everywhere.

DemonSlayer ago

Any idea wtf this email is about and why the one attached pic is of susan and girl? forwarded by Rose Issa.

Who is Rose Issa?

This Rose Issa?

Another artist?

Violets-Are-Blue ago

new rabbit hole...

From the email you linked:

The lily has a smooth stalk, Will never hurt your hand;
But the rose upon her briar is lady of the land.

There's sweetness in an apple tree,and profit in the corn;
But lady of all beauty is a rose upon a thorn.

Notice that word thorn...

Also in the email you linked:

[cid:[email protected]]
Demi Moore& Daughters Rumer,Scout and Tallulah Willis


Demi Moore, along with ex Ashton Kutcher, are co-founders of Thorn (website From what I can see on their site, they haven't actually done shit other than collect money (They do claim to have assisted in Operation Cross Country X). Formerly known as DNA (Demi 'n' Ashton foundation. Their twitter is interesting, especially their following page. So much to investigate...

existentialenso ago

The poem is by Christina Rosetti, a poet from the 1800s:

Its use in this context is very odd.

DemonSlayer ago

Can you start a new thread based on that email so it gets eyes, votes, and people digging?

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Didn't they just ask that people slow down on creating new threads?

DemonSlayer ago

Hollywood connections are big because people who are asleep pay attention to celebrities. i am on information overload so you are probably right. I hope more eyes get on this sub....i have a feeling this is a huge lead.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

I tweeted to Thorn asking them about #pizzagate. Needless to say, no reply yet.

DemonSlayer ago

Reposted from my old comment:

Nothing weird about posting "come play with us" with a pokemon above a blood filled bathtub.

DemonSlayer ago

i posted about this two days ago:

"Can you please start another sub just for investigating WeAreSpin?

Very interesting I kept hearing Susan Sarandon on the radio news in the weeks leading up to the election saying she isn't for Hillary that "she doesn't vote with her vagina". Possibly damage control for her anticipating what was being discovered with Comet Ping Pong from the WikiLeaks."

Also susan was for jill stein who is now leading the recount effort.

skank-hunt42 ago

I don't think there's anything here..