SpinGlobal (pizzagate)
submitted 8.1 years ago by pizzathrowaway7
I have been researching different avenues locally when I stumbled upon something related to PingPong. A local PingPong place in my area led me to a Ping Pong venue in New York.
http://newyork.wearespin.com/ http://archive.is/GJf2W
This venue was founded by Susan Sarandon.
Spin 'Giving Back'
Spin works with "underprivileged and marginalized youth living in urban centers"
Wearespin is located in many major cities and their parent company "Spin Global" is located in Washington.
http://www.spinglobal.co/ https://www.google.ca/maps/place/1133+15th+Street+NW,+12th+Floor,+Washington,+D.C.+20005/@38.9048804,-77.0345521,3a,75y,280.67h,81.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMr05sizHScw2yfPDZleMuw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xae49812936b4baae!6m1!1e1
cantsleepawink 8.1 years ago
Here's an article about one of the Spin Galactic partners, Franck Raharinosy. He talks about 'naked ping pong parties'. https://nybutterfly.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/5-mn-with-franck-raharinosy/ Unfortunately I then googled that term to look for images and couldn't believe what came up.
GermanynamreG 8.1 years ago
I posted this a couple of days ago: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1490232
cantsleepawink ago
Here's an article about one of the Spin Galactic partners, Franck Raharinosy. He talks about 'naked ping pong parties'. https://nybutterfly.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/5-mn-with-franck-raharinosy/ Unfortunately I then googled that term to look for images and couldn't believe what came up.
GermanynamreG ago
cantsleepawink ago
I posted this a couple of days ago: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1490232