ASolo ago


Uri geller with former UK prime Minister Edward Heath

secret hideaway flat

Edward Heath had a secret hideaway flat (above) on the child abuse island of Jersey.

Edward Heath's secret Jersey hideaway

On one particular occasion, Heath spent six months living in this flat at the Waters Edge Hotel.

Jimmy Savile is believed to have been a visitor to the Waters Edge Hotel.

Boteach (CHABAD-LUBAVITCH) Geller, Jackson, Heath

Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul Boateng and Yuri Geller


Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath, who has reportedly been linked to pedophile rings, allegedly linked to the CIA and Mossad.

Uri Geller and Greville Janner. Greville Janner, VIP child abuse, mysterious death

Greville Janner lived on the Hampstead-Heath.

Hampstead Children

Michael Jackson worked for AmeriCares, reported to be a front for the CIA, and reported to have links to pedophile rings.


Uri Geller seems to be EVERYWHERE

Uri Geller;Michael Jackson

The village of Sonning has been home to Uri Geller for 35 years.

Sonning is in Berkshire, west of London.

Other people who have houses in Sonning include:

  1. Theresa May, the cabinet minister responsible for MI5, and responsible for dealing with the child abuse crisis.

  2. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, who hopes to become the next Prime Minister.

  3. Led Zeppelin’s guitarist, Jimmy Page

  4. George and Amal Clooney.

Uri; Blaine

Uri; Blondie

Uri; Pat Boone

Uri; Bono

Uri; Tony Blair

Uri; Shinzo Abe

Uri; Buzz Aldrin

Uri; Blaine; Gillian Anderson

Uri; Baez

Uri; Cilla Black

Uri; Banderas

Uri; Denueve

Uri; Dershowitz

Uri; Kirk Douglas

Uri; Matthew Freud

Uri; Boy George

Uri; Gingrich

Uri; Goldberg

Uri; Jagger

Uri; Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, Chairman, American Red Cross

Uri; Elton John -Uri's son Daniel was named after his song 'Daniel'

Uri; Kashoggi

Uri; Kissinger

Uri; Lennon

Uri; Kardashians

Uri; Rhys-Meyers

Uri; Lord Montagu

Uri; May

Uri; Portillo

Uri; Puharich

Uri; Ratzen

Uri; Ronson

Uri; Boteach; Jackson; Sharon

Uri; Thatcher

ASolo ago


posted in response to:

Q post could be referring to a child abuse ring

I usually refrain from posting about Q on this sub. You can believe in Q or think he’s a LARP. Whatever! 🙄 But, here something you might want to look into...

Here is the Q post and the possible meaning of the term BLUNT.

Q keeps talking about the Rothschild’s and he did in the post right before the BLUNT post.

Here is all of the posts for today so you can interpret it how you will.

If you want to see more and the meanings, you can go here.

Update: Q posted about Black Forest today.

Black Forest

I made a tweet describing Fire Sale. Someone responded and said this.This may be something to look into as well...

This is Black Forest....
Rothschilds Lower Austrian Hunting Estate...
Recently sold FIRE sale for $112 million...
And they didnt hunt animals there.



Definitely an upvoat srayzie for having the resolve to quantify this for us. This seems to be the first time I've seen such a clear and defined clue from this "Q", and most surprisingly an aangirfan reference. Quite profound. AangIrfan has spearheaded these revelations for over a decade now, and ALL of it began and was orchestrated from the 'home office', London, The Queen, Royal Family, GCHQ and Tavistock under the head of the Rothschild family AND SELIGMANS WHO INSTITUTED THE GRANDE LODGE OF ISRAEL.

Edward Heath-Seligman And The Rothschilds Brothers To The Bone


Mysteries of the Temple

In one of the most significant , and odd, posts to date, I believe Q is finally indicating a sizeable chunk of the top of the chain. Not super surprising to us since we've been neck deep in these revelations for years now. What this confirms for me is that "Q" is indeed a 4chan or reddit creation or bot designed to redpill the normies. What else could explain such a slow trickle of obscure and vague clues meant to lead some on a rabbit trail, this is for slow absorption for those that haven't been doing this for a while. I'm getting the feeling whoever Q is they are just as close to everything known as we are here, and are trying to build an army with this information. It's nice, it great to see, but the bad guys already have quite a foothold on everything. Interesting clue on the Black Forest, a totally and horrifically typical place for these monsters to conduct these activities. Go figure. That's got to be where the bodies are buried.

I think what we are witnessing here is an indication at the direction of the heartbeat of the extortion rings that have existed for the past 70 plus years that had their nexus in the government of the UK and spread from there, as an ORCHESTRATED EFFORT AT CORRUPTING AND TOTALLY TAKING OVER THE WORLDS DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS WITH HOMOSEXUAL AND CHILD SEXUAL EXTORTION TO EVENTUALLY LEAD TO THE REBUILDING OF YHWH'S (BAAL;LUCIFER;ENKI) TEMPLE.

@srayzie @carmencita @Piscina @ESOTERICshade @SoSpricyHotDog

Edward Heath‘s chief mentor and friend was Madron Seligman (above right), who was descended from a family of German Jewish bankers.

The Seligmans are friends of the Rothschilds. Seligman and Heath were friends at Balliol College, Oxford. In the months before the outbreak of World War II, Heath and Seligman were on a ‘camping’ holiday in Germany.“In 1937, Edward Heath met Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler at an SS cocktail party. Heath became godfather to Seligman’s eldest son, Lincoln. Heath frequently holidayed with the Seligman family. Madron Seligman and Edward Heath sailed together, and remained close confidants. Madron Seligman – Telegraph.

What control might certain people have had over Edward Heath?

Jesuit-Trained Movers and Shakers

German elite in the Vatican, including Goebbels and General Steinmann

How do you explain that IBM landed in Germany the very month Hitler was elected (March 1933) to help him start using IBM punch cards to catalog the Jews in Germanic territories (in preparation for the takeover which happened in 1948 three years after Hitler passed from the world stage)? How do you explain the numerous public awards to Thomas Watson of IBM with no protest from the New York Times .. even though IBM was headquartered in New York City. (!!!!) This is one of HUNDREDS of examples?” Joseph Goebbels, four step grand children are now worth millions due to an inheritance of the German gun and missile industry which includes BMW. Goebbels was Jewish also and apparently had a capitalist streak in that socialist heart of his. It ail turned out the way it was supposed to. Germany was bombed to the stone age, Rothschild is still printing the money and the big corporates who helped him torch the place are still there, never touched by a bomb. German tax money is still paying for reparations and submarines to Israel, Germans just wake up in the morning and read more Deutsch Welle. which was part of the plan by the way. Evelyn Rothschild is quoted as saying if her sons did not want wars there would not be any. Is it this simple?

Hitler And The Red Shield

When you make the cover of Time Magazine, good things are about to happen.


The Don

Jesuit-Trained Movers and Shakers

Rulers of Evil - Grand Design Exposed


Truth in symbols

…This sculpture depicts the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OPs’ occultic spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OPs’ practice of using the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos) to scare people into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and order).

If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new), and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair” new world order that they are constructing). Once you understand this basic idea of how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you starts making sense.

JFK to 911 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick (Full Documentary) Notice how the BRITISH creator/narrator conveniently dismisses ALL inference of ISRAEL's involvement in EVERYTHING.

srayzie ago

Wow awesome post! I’ve watched Everything is a rich mans trick too!

ASolo ago

yes. Well, he does gloss over quite a few prominent key points, intentionally. See, this is ah MI6 production. It's propaganda. Good propaganda, but nonetheless propaganda. The first key moment the narrator vears off direction is when he starts blaming American corporations for covertly funding the war effort like IBM. Ford and Rockefellers Standard Oil, he glosses over British involvement and the occult connections that endured between them and the Germans, especially within he secret services. He glosses over Hitler Israeli pogroms and jewish diaspora to Israel and alas Israels role in the entire panopticon. I can't believe someone with that amount of knowledge would not be able to see clearly that all 3 world wars are designed as an homage and sacrifice to their god Baal. It's not about IF war needs to happen for the ability of the 4th Temple to be built to Lucifer, it's when , how soon, and how many bodies can you stack up. His movie is about how Alex Jones turned out, telling 80% of the real story and omitting the biggest reason why and the top of the pyramid.

Except for those key point above it is the very first movie of it's kind where it's just totally accurate the whole way through with most of the conspiracies we've known about for a long time but confirmed on video. It's like the Howard Zinn of conspiracy movies, just a slant bit commercial.

ESOTERICshade ago

thanx for the ping

ASolo ago


awesome start.. i've been lurking for sometime but i am,lets say, an insider in palm beach. i have moved in similar circles and am aware of a great deal of palm beach gossip. The fanjuls r members of a Club roght next to trumps mar a lago called Palm Beach Bath and tennis club. this club is the epicenter of old money and are Trumps nemesis' as they denied him membership and thus legitimacy in Palm Beach society. Andres fanjuls daughter married the step son of the mayor. Her husband may pr may not b the boss of cosa nostra on the east coast, depending who u ask. Fanjuls own caso de campo in Dominican republic. it was there that senator menedez waa honey potted and subsequently black mailed. much worse happens there as the resory is a law unto itself. Think customs can tell the difference between cocaine and sugar on palletes in containers?? doubt it. we always joked about their name meaning go fuck yourself ( in the ass). its an ode to sodomy, which is satans sex.. the family is jesuit black nobilty. Pepe has a signed photo og Pope benedict on his desk at their ranch in yhe everglades that he flies to im his huey from Pbi airport. dig into the palm beach bath and tennis club. that is the real swamp.. brook shiels mom is a member.. we all know how early she got put into the game. Duponts, morgans, flaglers, vanderbilts.. Google House of Munn. that will show u the nexus of The establishment. Founders of planned parenthood... u will have a field day digging.. God Speed...


anyone that moves in high circles rubs shoulders with unsavory types.. my take is that all the right evil people hate him, he must be doing something right. he has been waiting for his time to serve up the coldest dish of revenge against the families at the Bath and Tennis who are supposedly protestant but have since a long time been infiltrated by Jesuit. I actually think that Executive order on dec..21st will eventually target them. Look up the conflict trump had with town of Palm beach over his American flag being against code.. he called their bluff. its in the record that the american aristocracy was against a man who wanted to be extra patriotic.. so much for lotalty to the country that made them rich. It was a brilliant troll by Trump and a precursor to the Maga movement he is ushering now.


to understand the true conflict between good and evil, one only need to compare the Augsburg confession of faith versus. the Anathemas laid down by the jesuits at the council of trent. its all there


he was betrayed during the st Bartholomews day massacre. Catherine de medici order it at the behest of her jesuit confessor.. 100 years later louis 14 would do the same, revoking the edict of nantes , which led to the slaughter of between 300 and 500 thousand hugenots and the diaspora of another 500 thousand. that brain drain led dotectly to the conditions that fomented yhe revolution a 100 years later.. its all connected to the papal whore and her vicious adherents.. ive got a ton on info to drop.. keep an eye out because im about to really expose the real deep state


a perfect example is actor bradley cooper.. georgetown graduate.. used to promote all kinds of deviance. wedding crashers, and the hangover movies.. based at caesers palace.. all roads lead to Rome.. Jesuits run hollywood, not jews.. look up kircher, inventor of magic lantern.. precursor of movies.. camera obscura. The image is idolatry. no wonder satan has employed it to mesmerize the masses


this whole pizzagate thing originates with John Podesta. he is a proffessor at Jesuit Georgetown anf attends a jesuit catholic church.. the Jesuits are the intellegence soldiers of the antichrist papacy and counter reformation inquisitors. Himmler modelled the SS on the jesuit order and hitler called him " our Ignatius of Loyola.. Loyolas spiritual exercises are a template for mk ultra brainwashing.

RFI: the Fanjul Brothers

The Fanjuls are formidable adversaries. They control about 40 percent of Florida’s sugar crop, and last year they made contributions to 31 political candidates, giving more than any other sugar power. They deeply resent their nickname: the first family of corporate welfare. Little known to the American public, Pepe and Alfy Fanjul operate within the hidden world of implicit linkage, the grand club of the country’s power brokers, who routinely trade favors like baseball cards."

These guys cover their bets by making campaign donations to both parties: Alfonso Fanjul donates heavily to the Democrats (and has made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation,) and he even managed Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in the state of Florida in 1992. Another brother, Pepe Fanjul. donates heavily to the Republicans and has worked on their campaigns.


The fanjuls r members of a Club roght next to trumps mar a lago called Palm Beach Bath and tennis club.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Uri Geller is a piece of shit. Not an accident that he was one of Michael Jackson's best friends. They had similar goals.

ASolo ago

Goddard began his career at The Walt Disney Company, which has been linked to CIA mind control and child sexual abuse

According to the lawsuit, Goddard contacted the teen, via social media, when the teen was 14.

According to the lawsuit, Goddard got the teen to send him nude photographs of himself and video of him....

Goddard allegedly "plied" the teenager with alcohol and "engaged him in anal intercourse".

Goddard (left)

Goddard and Singer attended the premiere of Bryan Singer's Superman in London.

In the bedroom of a hotel in London, Singer and Goddard allegedly "starting grabbing the teen in a sexual manner."

The teen "asked the men to stop."

Goddard allegedly returned to the room with a "large, musclebound man" who began to smack the teenager around.

Singer then allegedly attempted to anally penetrate the teen.


Goddard began his career at The Walt Disney Company in 1974, as an original cast member of, and later directing, the Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue at Walt Disney World Resort's Fort Wilderness.[1] He then went on to work at Walt Disney Imagineering, where he developed concepts for EPCOT, Tokyo Disneyland, and River Country, among others.

He has collaborated with industry leaders and visionaries that include JAMES CAMERON, STEVEN SPIELBERG, BRYAN SINGER, DEAN DEVLIN, ARNOLD SWARTZENEGGER, HENRY GLUCK, former Chairman and CEO of Caesar's Palace, JAY STEIN, former Chairman and CEO of Universal Studios Theme Park, MARC DAVIS, Walt Disney's original handpicked designer for all the major attractions at Disneyland, JACKIE CHAN, PRINCE ALWALEED, and BERNIE MARCUS, founder of Home Depot Stores.

Gary Goddard Entertainment


Bryan Singer (left)

Egan’s lawsuit described an incident when "Collins-Rector allegedly passed Egan to Singer in the hot tub, where Egan 'was made to sit on' Singer’s lap...

"When Egan resisted, the complaint reads, Singer forced Egan’s 'head underwater to make [Egan] perform oral sex upon him.

"When [Egan] pulled his head out of the water in order to breathe, [Singer] demanded that he continue, which [Egan] refused.

"[Singer] then forced [Egan] to continue performing oral sex upon him outside of the pool, and subsequently forcibly sodomized' him.

Eventually Michael Egan's mother was informed by friends what was going on.

She found the boys a lawyer, Daniel Cherin.

The boys collected evidence.

Egan says: "So we went back and copied everything in the file cabinet. We had photos of the drug bags and child pornography in different cabinets, and video of the gun closet they locked me in."

A suit was filed against certain DEN executives: Collins-Rector, and Collins-Rector's colleagues Chad Shackley, and Brock Pierce.

The defendants fled the country without contesting the suit.

The court awarded Egan and his fellow plaintiffs a $4.5 million default judgment, of which Egan says he collected just $25,000.

Garth Ancier, who oversaw the launch of Fox television, and also served as president of BBC Worldwide America.

Suits were filed against Singer, Ancier, Goddard, and Neuman.

Fox, Disney and BBC linked to child abuse ring.

All four of the accused men said they’d never been to Hawaii with Egan, as Egan had claimed.

Herman soon found another client, a British national, a few years younger than Egan, who filed a similar complaint against Singer and Goddard.

Five more alleged victims of Singer’s came forward to Herman, and at least some of them had accusations within the statute of limitations.

Brad Renfro (front), grandmother Joanne Renfro, director Joel Schumacher (centre), father Mark Renfro (right). ](*))


Under the proposed settlement, those five accusers would split the lion’s share of the settlement, which one source close to the case says amounted to $20 million. Egan would get a mere $100,000.

Herman dropped Egan as a client.

Without a lawyer and without the documents held by Herman, Egan temporarily pulled the plug on his lawsuits.


ASolo ago

Ah well folks it looks like Old Bryan Singer and his attorney's most likely the Hollywood pitbull Marty Singer and it looks like they have done a bit of legal rambling. A pretty sneaky trick they have going on here. Basically what Enty is saying is that when Michael Egan filed his lawsuits against Bryan Singer, Singer and his legal team devised a way to humiliate egan, settle his court case out of court, and PULL IN MORE LAWSUITS THAT COULD BE SETTLE IN PRIVATE.



Blind Item #8 - Mr. Hedge - The Lawsuit That Kept The Secrets Hidden

You all remember a couple years ago, when that former child actor filed lawsuits against the now-disgraced A-list director, and 3 of his friends. He was part of that film that you all know about, which was released for free online a few months ago.

Those lawsuits ended with a public apology to at least 2 of the accused, and allegedly paying a low 7 figure settlement to them. There was never even a fight before the lawsuits were dismissed. One day they were there with a huge public splash, and seemingly the next, they were gone.

What you don’t know was the real plan behind this, and how well it all actually worked for the parties who orchestrated the whole thing.

The former child actor was not lying. He believed what he told the public. His accusations look much more credible these days, given what we now know about the disgraced A-list director, and his recently exposed serial child molesting friend.

Obviously, it would be very difficult to prove in court exactly who raped him 15 years earlier, given that he was being force-fed drugs and alcohol to the point of being barely conscious, if at all. The former child actor had previously taken his case to others, who turned the case down for those very reasons. Despite the case being very thin, the publicity surrounding the announcement was huge.

The motivation for such a public announcement was the expectation of more recent underage sex victims, with more solid evidence of their rapes by these people - to notice the huge amount of press, and get legal representation.

This succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams. At least 4 victims came forward. The public is not aware of this yet, but there is incontrovertible proof.

The private settlements are rumored to have totaled over $10 million dollars combined. The A-list director and his legal team were quite happy, because it resulted in these even more disturbing accusations being settled privately, and never seeing the light of day.

That lawsuit which you all heard about just a couple months ago, against the same A-list director, accusing him of underage rape - it’s the same game being played again. The one alleged to have taken place on a boat in the Pacific Northwest. Just a thin, old lawsuit with no witnesses, designed as public bait - in hopes of luring in more recent big money victims, with much more proof. This time, there was no press conference, just leaked news of the lawsuit instead. So, thankfully, this victim will not have to be publicly embarrassed if the case doesn't move forward.

The former child actor was offered a mere $100k by the A-list director to keep his mouth shut forever, but turned it down. There is also incontrovertible proof of this.

Former Child Actor:

A-list director:

3 friends of A-list director:


@srayzie @carmencita @Piscina @ESOTERICshade @SoSpricyHotDog

millennial_vulcan ago

Is Bryan Singer related to Marty Singer? Huh?

ASolo ago

I've wondered but I don't think it's apparent.

millennial_vulcan ago

wonder how M Singer "makes every problem go away."

Probably lets Plaintiffs know the amount of shit the defendant has on them lmao

carmencita ago

Thnks for the ping. I had just read this Blind right before your call. This is another Flim Flam Op by Singer and Friends. It seems no matter how many Blinds Enty puts out the really big ones with big names never gain traction on MSM. Others like Spacey were mentioned, but now Singer seems to have been given a slap on the wrist by the Media. Very disturbing indeed. And btw, where is Spacey hiding?

ESOTERICshade ago

thanx for the ping

srayzie ago

It pisses me off so bad that these people keep getting away with things. They can use their power and money to get away with anything.

Vindicator ago

Since you probably got downvoated for pinging me, AS, I am upvoating you. :-)

ASolo ago

Naw, you've earned a place here and are respected I believe. I think you're a decent mod that actually got involved, not like that other one. Pretty sure I was dv'd by the jew hating Toothless Get Ruthless crew. You know, those ones that are too stupid to see that a parasitic luciferian cult has attached itself to the judaic religion even before it's full inception and have used them as sacrifices, symbolic and real, for thousands of years.

carmencita ago

This should have been given way more Upvoats. There is so much in here to question and research. NPH is involved in Magick, I believe.

kazza64 ago

geffen is the devil .... and he and spielberg and katzenberg are besties

kazza64 ago

neil patrick harris in lemony snickett was just disquieting to say the least the whole premise of the entire story is child abuse and the abuse just got worse as it progressed and neil just seemed so ..... good at it ...... i couldnt watch it

ASolo ago

That's interesting.

ASolo ago

What u don't have a sense of humor...

ASolo ago

The hybrid show, which fuses magic with storytelling, is created by Derek DelGaudio, the magician whose “Nothing to Hide” (seen in New York in 2013) was directed by Harris.

Derek DelGaudio wiki:

In 2014, DelGaudio was selected to be the Artist in Residence for Walt Disney Imagineering.

Nothing To Hide

Are_We_Sure? Lol

ASolo ago

Something is telling me NPH is COMBINING the 'fun' and energy of magic with his very pro gay stance and is using the title "Nothing To Hide" as a double entendre - as in you don't need to hide your homosexuality anymore, which should be true but in this sense it is being used as a trigger, therefore more magic therefore manipulation. Also kind of sick when you think that those primarily interested in magic are young boys.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yep, look at my post above Re. Neal Patrick Harris and the Magic Castle in Hollywood. A real pedo-machine.

millennial_vulcan ago

Knowing what we all know now, I don't even want to think about what happened to this poor bastard in a dark room when he was a cute kiddie actor.

ASolo ago





ASolo ago


Refill for Reflections

ASolo ago

Aha ha ha ha

SteveD said...

"Young I like them." - Yoda

carmencita ago

Do you remember the kind of Secret Society that is a Magick Club in LA area The Magician that was found hanging in a closet in his underwear and then his step-daughter died up on a roof just days apart? Somehow I believe NPH may be a member there. The place requires Secret Password and has a EWS Movie similarity. This immediately jumped into my head.

ASolo ago

Hmmm, we'll have to find that.

carmencita ago

An even more detailed article in DM says he was found hanging in a closet with a bag over his head.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Ding ding ding!

Magic Castle is a den of pedophilia. I've been there many, many times. Sick memories.

NPH was President of the Board at Magic Castle.

carmencita ago

Ooh, and yes, I forgot. The death of Daryl Easton is very suspicious to me. I remember that members of the police did not agree with the findings of his death. They tried to hide that he was found in his underwear at first, if I remember correctly. Also his stepdaughter died around the same time falling off a roof nearby. We can only imagine what went on in that place when the Normies were not around.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I knew him as Daryl Martinez. He performed in Vegas for a number of years at Caesars Palace part of something called Caesars Magical Empire, which started in 1996.

Strange how people end up committing suicide in the strangest of circumstances. They would always threaten me with 'we don't want you to do something crazy like kill yourself.'

They always have strongmen around to intimidate, and it would be made known to you in no uncertain terms what would happen to you if you stepped out of line.

carmencita ago

Thanks so much for that information. It is nice to get a back story about these performers and their lives and their contact with others. Yeah, like kill yourself. Like don't break your neck. Hint. Hint.

carmencita ago

Yes, I know he was President. Also their are others that are very questionable. David Copperfield was just accused for sexual assault and Roy and Ziegfried have a checkered background as well. Somehow I see them being friends with Elton John and hubby but I have not looked into it. They just seem like 4 peas in a pod. Circus Performers.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yeah, Siegfried and Roy were very good friends with Michael Jackson as well. He even wrote a song for their Vegas show called, "Mind is the Magic."

Their tiger act / magician show was at The Mirage, at the time owned by Steve Wynn.

Siegfried and Roy talk of friendship with Michael Jackson

During a recent hour-long interview at their Jungle Palace home near Vegas Drive to discuss the 20th anniversary of The Mirage, the now retired pair said Jackson, who died in June, was a good friend.

In 1989, when the illusionists were preparing their Mirage performances that ran for 13 years, Jackson loved to watch the rehearsals.

Siegfried asked Jackson if he would come up with a theme song to be used for the show. “As I was talking to him, I noticed he was tapping out a tune with his fingers,” Siegfried said.

Jackson often attended their shows at The Mirage. Siegfried would introduce him to the audience.

ASolo ago

Nice. Yeah, things are coming back about this. Did voat pizzagate discuss this? Seems so familiar. Wasn't it auto erotic asphyxiation? Just like carradine, which can be made to look like suicide, appropriately embarrassingly so...

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I'm more convinced now that autoerotic asphixiation is a twisted means to murder and stigmatize victims. I encourage everyone to ask their friends if they're into it. So far I find nothing to collaborate the practice but obvious mockingbird sources. Always be thinking.

And to the jerk who might wish to enlighten me with more than a pinch of ridicule, can you guess how I might interpret that?

ASolo ago

I think you're very right.

carmencita ago

Is that what they tried to pin on Robin Williams or who was it. I will see if I can find a thread.

millennial_vulcan ago

AND Michael Hutchence.....

ASolo ago

carradine, kill bill, tarrantino

carmencita ago

Our Board of Directors and our Board of Trustees each has seven members. These two Boards guide the Academy and lead our membership. Former presidents of the Board of Directors are Bill “the Prez” Larsen, Jr., Ron Wilson, Irene Larsen, Mark Wilson, Dale Hindman, Gay Blackstone, Robert Lamoureux, Neil Patrick Harris, and Erika Larsen. Neil Patrick Harris and David Copperfield are both in their Hall of Fame. Look at the Logo at top of the Page. Owl. @millennial_vulcan

ASolo ago


You're right, it's a dead giveaway.

carmencita ago

As we have all said, wish there were 10 of each one of us on here to delve into everything we suspect. This was on my list since the murder of Daryl Easton. His step daughter also was a very suspicious death a few days either before or after his death. One of these days.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes yes. Just have to try figure out how to tie it all to PGate. Does that Magic Castle place in LA have secret tunnels connecting it to the Getty Center, lol @ASolo

carmencita ago

Very representative of Eyes Wide Shut. Secret Password as well. The Symbol at the top of their page, as I mentioned in comments, is an Owl. Cary Grant had a few beards in his life. It was rumored he was Bi but may have been gay and played it like Rock Hudson. A lot of the members are questionable. The way the Magician was murdered and left there in the closet is very telling. The police did not agree with the outcome of the decision of death. I had said that Easton's step daughter also died, but it was Jonathan Pendragon who also is a member. The magician remarried West McDonough -- whose family owns the Magic Castle in Hollywood -- the same year. Jacosa is her daughter.

ASolo ago

Nice find.

carmencita ago

I think there is some really weird stuff going on at the Magic Castle with NPH and Copperfield both being members. Now we see him involved in this Blind. Magick is their Game.

millennial_vulcan ago

MANY celebrities are members of that club.....Cary Grant, Orson Welles, Steve Martin, Johnny Carson, Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Alexander...

carmencita ago Our Board of Directors and our Board of Trustees each has seven members. These two Boards guide the Academy and lead our membership. Former presidents of the Board of Directors are Bill “the Prez” Larsen, Jr., Ron Wilson, Irene Larsen, Mark Wilson, Dale Hindman, Gay Blackstone, Robert Lamoureux, Neil Patrick Harris, and Erika Larsen. Neil Patrick Harris and David Copperfield are both in the Hall of Fame. Take a look at the Logo on top of the Page. Owl.

carmencita ago

I don't know why but I have a strong feeling PNH may be a member at the Magic Castle, since he has such a fond interest in Magic, possibly also Magick. I would think since this was the Master Magician that he would have known him.

carmencita ago This one has a Bush tie in He appeared at a Bush Event As they say, you can't make this stuff up.

Matt_Helm ago

Doogie Howser a pedo? Wow he has two young kids with his husband if he is a pedo it would be truly shocking.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Neil Patrick Harris is 100% a pedophile.

ASolo ago

They do it right in front of your face, like Elton John. They act too squeeky clean and a model for gay adoption. I would like it to be true but the path that NPH took through Hollywood I highly doubt it. He was prolly turned out by Geffen personally back in the day anyway. If he was turned out that young chances are he fosters proclivities like that as well. Let's hope not.

kazza64 ago

elton john got caught with child porn at customs ..... he said it was art

millennial_vulcan ago

I cant WAIT for Elton J's proclivities to come to light....can you just imagine what that old queen has done in his lifetime.... @ASolo @Carmencita Jeez, all these A+ List stars must be spending every day absolutely sh*tting their Depends, hahahah

kazza64 ago

especially when he was wasted on drugs

carmencita ago

Yes! Why do you think he is stopping to do concerts. He has a place in Atlanta One of the Top Sex Trafficking Hubs in the US. But he will be Lying low. Hiding in that Fortress in England. Also Ozzie Osbourne is also Calling It Quits. Makes one go Himmmmmmm.

millennial_vulcan ago

tick tock Shatner!

carmencita ago

Yes and the Revenge will be Sweet.

millennial_vulcan ago

all these creepos are so old at this point the stress alone will finish 'em off. Oh well.

carmencita ago

Yep. And the Revenge will be Sweet.

ASolo ago

I remember that now.

ASolo ago

KNOW THIS >> Pedophiles are HIDING Behind the LBGT Movement and Using Gay Marriage to Adopt Lifetime Victims for Their Own Sick Needs

ASolo ago

Handkerchief Email Revisited: The Sandler's, Saturday Night Live, and Chabad Lubavitch

Right from the beginning, after I saw Susan Sandler and her Buck Steve Philips , I knew the infamous Podesta Handkerchief Email warranted further investigation. This odd pairing, along with the ominous Rob Mnookin , who just happens to be a premiere LGBTQ child custody and gay adoption expert , and his partner Dale, John Podesta and Herb Sandler were obviously massaging biotech enginneer Hans Wyss with amenities and favors to get him into the Clinton Foundation's fold. What those favors entailed is the reason we have been so interested in this particular email.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, Neal Patrick Harris has been on my radar for awhile.

GEFFEN Playhouse ... Frank OZ ... holy crap!

When are these scumbags going to be arrested?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Neal Patrick Harris is a regular at the Magic Castle in Hollywood and previously served as the President of the Board of Director.

One can join its membership club called The Academy of Magical Arts, and they hold Houdini Séances. Also has shows for kids. Only accessible through membership or invitation only. No pictures allowed...

My personal knowledge is that they used the Magic Castle to recruit kids for child porn. They also have held private rape parties and ritual abuse parties there. They know kids are attracted to magic and exploit it to the extreme. Don't know if it still happens, but it wouldn't surprise me.

The lobby of the Castle has no visible doors to the interior, and visitors must say a secret phrase to a sculpture of an owl to gain access, exposing the entrance to the club.

BeatlesFan ago

They wont be, it's a matter of disengagement.

migratorypatterns ago

I hope they are.

Fingers crossed. They're such scum.