Long_Knife ago

This thing in it's entirity is the plot to Final Fantasy VI, with Trump as Gau. Mark my wards, once discovered the walls will crumble.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I imagine they're using the parts for "research" stem cell therapy, cosmetics and blood therapies for the elites. That, or letting them go to their rituals and spirit cooking parties.

ESOTERICshade ago

I imagine they're using the parts for "research" stem cell therapy, cosmetics and blood therapies for the elites. That, or letting them go to their rituals and spirit cooking parties.

I know some things about that but I refuse to post it in this thread and feed the Q Larp Machine.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

On baby body parts harvesting and Clinton / PP / Breitbart / Acorn / James O'Keefe / Live Action / Lila Rose: https://focusonthefacts.wordpress.com/2017/05/02/dead-men-do-tell-tales-part-one-of-what-breitbart-knew-by-amy-james-and-evelyn-pringle/ Life Dynamics and Congress did an investigation of PP in the late 90s, but one of the witnesses got kicked off the investigation.

Abortion is big business. https://www.halseynews.com/2017/05/10/soylent-green-made-people/

IpointOutTrolls ago

What an interesting turn of events. After the tantrum Vindicator threw in defense of Israel it certainly begs the question if Vindicator is an Israel Firster instead of a bonafide American patriot?

I was referring to threads like this, which I spent hours researching

No. You spent hours surfing in Q information, which is something you do anyway, and devised a scheme to bring it in house. You dangled Planned Parenthood on the end of a stick like a carrot.

Vindicator flatly and undeniably stated that he posted this thread to bait posters that Vindicator does not agree with.

The joke is on you, though. The reason I posted this thread is because I knew you two would behave in this manner.

Vindicator is "vindicating" Israel through President Trump? Seems likely.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

I would say this thread was most likely up voted by a number of alts. The thread itself makes no sense. The premise of the thread is that an "insider" with inside information needs Voat to research something the "insider" already knows more about than the Voat Pizzagate community? No.

So Trump gave Q a "research request" to gather information? Q is supposed to be GIVING information not wild goose chasing people all over hell's half acre. Q is simply surfing people through old hash information that the truth community already knows and so far has revealed nothing of importance. Trump knows more about Planned Parenthood already than will ever be revealed.

Q is an attempt by some group to control the narrative and co opt the truth community, most likely, the deep state of Israel or the U.S.

Considering some of the significant gramatical errors "Q" makes I wonder if Q is Israeli deep state leading truthers around by the nose.

The biblical references and constant demands for people "to pray" are troublesome and eerie.

Vindicator has revealed Vindicator as a person with hidden motives. Q is revealed as a liar many times over. V/pizzagate mods have turned the sub into a pit of lies and deception.

Welcome to 2018. Oh deception, we found thee.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You nailed it.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have a question for us all. I will type it in all caps but i'm not yelling. Its just that important. I really hope people will watch the video at the end of this comment, please....



WELL, NOT ME, I DO NOT! They already have the Patriot Act which is bad enough, and then there is "extraordinary rendition" in which people can be whisked away and disappear.

What Q has already claimed happened with George Soros being whisked off to Camp David is against the Constitution. If people were loaded on planes to Gitmo that would be the sign of the end of our country.


Who wants to set the precedent of people being jerked off the street without a trial? If they will scoop up George Soros they will damn sure scoop you and me up too.



QAnon: NUDGED to Overthrow the Constitution by Consensus??


Vindicator ago

Esoteric, can you please show me where Q says US citizens are being renditioned to Gitmo? That is mischaracterization.

Also, I'm going to call BS on your claim to love the Constitution. Someone who loves the Constitution does not try to vilify people for exercising the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to freely assemble and to freely pursue the religion of their choice. You are constantly attempting to intimidate people here by bashing Jews and Catholics. Like this example: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2329522/11578519. Your crazed spamming about "evil Zionists and Jesuits" is particularly rampant in the posts of anyone who attempts to explore the Q Leaks. You don't want anyone to consider any point of view but the one your are pushing. So don't try to portray yourself as some noble defender of Constitutional rights. It's crap.

ESOTERICshade ago

You didn't do yourself any good by posting this. I was going to let it slide and not call attention to but i'm glad you drug it out in the light. When people back up that conversation where Hortance first comes in and then you intervene i'm sure they will wonder why you are so rabid about supporting Israel who is committing genocide on a whole country of people. Your description of what Hortance wrote as "well sourced and researched" won't win you any acclaim thats for sure. Plus people will see ALL THE REST OF THE RESEARCHED AND SOURCED material I posted after that.

Not sure what you are thinking. i'm beginning to wonder if you support Trump because of America or because of Israel.


Vindicator ago

^This comment you just made is yet another example of trying intimidate and smear with Jew-bashing and mischaracterization. You also misquote me -- I was not referring to Hortence's comment, I was referring to threads like this, which I spent hours researching -- only to have it filled with a bunch of off-topic bull about how much you hate Israel and Trump and think anyone trying to understand what is happening with the Q Leaks is part of some dark, secret religious society. You are the one tag-teaming with DeathtoMasons in multiple threads trying to take the conversation off in a different direction than the threads were created to explore. You've shown your true colors. You don't respect your fellow v/pizzagate researchers, or you would stay on topic.

The joke is on you, though. The reason I posted this thread is because I knew you two would behave in this manner. Many pizzagate researchers are very interested in Q, and have been intimidated by you, Death, Are We Sure, Donkey and others who comment only to denigrate and suppress. I am happy to be your target so that your true colors can be revealed, and those with thinner skins can be left in peace. It's what I signed up for when I accepted this poop-scooping job.

ESOTERICshade ago

Why don't you cut the bullshit and address all the lies Q churned out? Why you dodging those? You started this pissing contest all by yourself. I pointed out that if what Q said about Soros happened it would be unconstitutional AND I'M RIGHT, AND I LIKE MY CONSTITUTION.

I was not referring to Hortence's comment,

You posted it. Not me.

only to have it filled with a bunch of off-topic bull about how much you hate Israel and Trump

i posted about the Constitution Of The United States. You drug the rest of it in here by posting that link. You america seems to be a Zionists America and I can assure you mine isn't. And don't get all butthurt and pretend to be a victim because its OBVIOUS you are the one defending Israel and you drug it into this thread, NOT ME.

You are the one tag-teaming with DeathtoMasons

Don't care what he thinks. i have my own opinions.

The reason I posted this thread is because I knew you two would behave in this manner.

Way to go. Now you are not posting stickies because you genuinely believe in what you are doing, you are simply baiting posters in the forum. Nice job.

and have been intimidated by you, Death, Are We Sure, Donkey

Nice try at smear by association but i'm none of those people. You stooping pretty low because I don't like your zionist america.

I am happy to be your target so that your true colors can be revealed

I didn't say a word to you. You targeted me because I brought up the Constitution because I think its important, and then started claiming to be a victim.

You have become a cult leader because cult leaders act just like you are acting. You attacked me, and then started mixing my name with shills. You are stooping bro, real low

ESOTERICshade ago

So don't try to portray yourself as some noble defender of Constitutional rights. It's crap.

I will say this slowly so that i don't have to repeat it BULL....SHIT. And don't you fuck with me.

Q didn't say Soros went to Gitmo, he said Soros went to Camp David. Other people were saying the Gitmo thing. Not like it matters because it was all bullshit anyway. Some of us are not a member of your cult. That is what you are turning this into. Anybody that goes against your new house religion is a fucking traitor huh?

You cheer for Israel all you want to, bro...They shot a three year old baby in the head today. Last week they shot a man in a wheel chair. Maybe thats your bag, but it ain't mine.

You seem to be losing your goddamn mind over all this. You're just not the same. Roy Potter is finally making sense. you should give it a try.


I don't like Jesuits or Zionists and I will keep right on not liking them. Those are your zionists not mine bro.

Solving The Riddles That Matter


Vindicator ago

Some of us are not a member of your cult. That is what you are turning this into. Anybody that goes against your new house religion is a fucking traitor huh?

Again, the same smear tactic: claim a nefarious religious affiliation, then skewer it as the Real Problem. You're a broken record, Esoteric.

I have never said anyone should "believe" in Q. I am highly suspicious of all the salt that flows whenever anyone mentions him, though.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have never said anyone should "believe" in Q.

Really? What is this next quote of yours then? And I see what you did there by mixing the words "zionist satan worshiping Trump" which makes it look like anybody that does not like zionists also thinks Trump is a Satan worshiper.

That is nonsense because not liking Zionists is not the same as saying Trump is a satan worshiper, but nice try. That was bait.

And before I get a bunch of whining from the "Trump is one of the Zionist Satan Worshipers" crew, let me point out that this research request directly disproves that. Q has given a research assignment directly from Trump.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Time to call out vindicator for what he is. He is the good cop in the "good cop bad cop" duo.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

LarpExtraordinaire ago

I have been busy for a week and have not kept up with the sub. Today when I saw this thread I was so pissed off I created a new screen name just to speak my mind because I do not want to be targeted by you lousy, sorry ass, gatekeeper, disinfo mods.

@Vindicator you nuked what little credibility you had left with this thread. Your big claim to fame is "look see, Q is with Trump!" Well big whooptie doo that means all of you are a bunch of liars and disinfo agents because you guys have cranked out more disinfo and lies than we can even keep up with.

While you bone head liars pretend that your savior Trump is "taking down the NWO" he is making record breaking weapons deals and enriching the Mil Intel killing machine.

FUCK YOU VINDICATOR. Fuck Mil Falcon goes without saying. Lame bastards.

karenrussell63 ago

idk i thought this thread was great. I havent even kept up with the Q anon stuff but enjoyed reading this. Seems to me like your blaming the wrong person. @Vindicator has been an honest mod from everything I've seen. If you have actual proof to back up your claims then lets hear it, otherwise you're only here to spread disinfo.

ESOTERICshade ago

I havent even kept up with the Q anon stuff but enjoyed reading this.

You might want to get caught up on the info then before you start cheering for our Constitution to be thrown out the window without realizing it. Not saying that is what you want, but if Q gets his way we won't have a Constitution left.

karenrussell63 ago

that seems a bit drastic.. care to explain?

ESOTERICshade ago

that seems a bit drastic.. care to explain?

Q has claimed that Soros was nabbed at an airport and whisked off to Camp David and a bunch of other crazy stuff. None of the big claims about people being arrested or impending imminent arrests Q made were true. See the comment I just made and watch the video.


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hi @ESOTERICshade, PMing you

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Preach it brother. They have driven off most the best posters with their gatekeeping.

argosciv ago



Soooo fucking transparent.

PS: You forgot a ping...


"They can't kill you, that's why they're so angry"

Cradle Of Filth - The Snake Eyed And The Venomous| lyrics from azlyrics.com

Tech N9ne - Drink Up | OFFICIAL AUDIO

dragonkiller ago

PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THIS. REMEMBER THE PICTURE OF JAMES ALEFANTIS'S FRIEND ALL SMEARED IN BLOOD ON THE FLOOR? ARGOSCIV IS ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. Notice how he always pretends to know things he doesn't know shit about? He is a fake. He is what we fight against.

GTFO argosciv. Nobody wants someone here that extorts drug addicted teenage girls into letting you drink their blood. That is what argosciv does. He tells drug addicted teenage girls that he has magic "dragon powers" and cons them into letting him drink their blood. You are a sick mother fucker and a trouble making brown nosing little suck up tattle tale bitch. Nobody would piss on you if you were on fire.



DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Haha!..dude is a mess. Family must be a mess to produce such a confused individual that spends their time on such obsessions.

janet58 ago

Fellow PG people, I have nowhere near the computer skills to be able to do this task, but I want to thank you again for what you do. I have known about the ritual abuse for ten years, and have never had more hope that we might be able to bust them than I have today.

Vindicator ago

Thanks janet!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You were not being thanked, we were. You jumped out of the audiance and rushed the stage, hands outstretched to grab the award. Funny shit.

rasta_mon ago

Lurker from the beginning, first comment. Am digging Loop Capital on 8chan as part of the /qresearch and came across the following while looking into Sidney Dillard (Loop Capital partner and former Northern Trust exec as well as Obama foundation involvment):


Thought there might be interest here. The focus on 8ch is financial corruption and human trafficking logistics support though not moving very quickly even though it seems to be a point of focus from q.

8chan post here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1261.html#q20897

would post it myself, but do not have the required ccp and honestly don't plan on getting it - need to get back to the current dig......

Could someone post this - if there is interest? Lurk here often so should be able to keep an eye on what comes out of it....

Vindicator ago

Thanks for contributing rasta_mon. Let the anons know we're doing our best to help draw off the shills, and best of luck in your research there. ;-)

rasta_mon ago

No problem. Will do. Have seen some interest over there as well around logistics ratlines for trafficking and how Chicago might fit in. I remember seeing a push in here in the very beginning, but that was mainly around Saudi interests in are around Comet as well as some Saudi owned shipping companies. Will continue to lurk in case anything in that area comes to the forefront again. Thanks for all the good work here.

argosciv ago

LOL they even downvoated this comment of yours, have a +1 from me, just to piss them off xD

Gothamgirl ago

Sickening. 3 out of every 10 woman. The money is mind blowing, and this greedy nazi woman on these videos, is going to hell, I hope.


Shillaxe ago

Well Q, answered your kwestion in a couple of hours, please donate handsomly to VOAT so we can have a party.

psylence ago

Could the Red Cross be storing adrenalized blood?

FE_Rebekah ago

My mom, my sister and I have donated so much blood. Especially since I’m O negative. Kind of creeps me out now since the revelation of PizzaGate.. Did it really go to ER patients?

unixpunk ago

Most (I think >75%) goes to big pharma who make drugs from the plasma. Funny how some of the most profitable companies have convinced so many people to 'donate' their blood to them...

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Doubt it. I already came to the conclusion that blood drives are often for them, not us. The entire system is twisted. The Red Cross are Templars, and like all Freemasons, their trade is lying and deceiving. You give them money, they keep it and drop some crumbs to the victims, all the while with a bad attitude.

argosciv ago

LOL! You're a fuckwit if you think it was the Templars who corrupted Red Cross. I'd be surprised if you've even read anything about the history of Red Cross, it's various chapters or it's parent foundation.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The templars ARE the Red Cross. Not the volunteers. The people that run/own it. Even people not awoke know what garbage the Red Cross is. You are a dupe.

dragonkiller ago

@argosciv is a blood drinking faker. He posts propaganda from Wikipedia and passes it off as knowledge. He cons drug addicted teenage girls into letting him drink their blood. A couple of those little teenage drug addicted tweakers broke into his house about a month ago and he was whining about it.



Shizy ago

What a sick freak!

FE_Rebekah ago

Sigh.. We were just trying to help. I hate this fucking country sometimes..

Shizy ago

It's not this country- these filth operate on a global scale.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Don't Dig!

Gothamgirl ago

I think everyone should look through this Flicker account. There is some interestings in there, that could relate to Q.


QuoteUnquoteArt ago

I can't believe this Q larper is being stickied and flared. It's like stickying and flaring Seaman or Webb. Bad for pizzagate research.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It is a pedo mod thread, so it should not surprise you. Vindicator strikes again with the Q disinfo. Mods making threads and stickying their own threads and ripping down others threads when we don't want them to do that in the first place.

think- ago

It is a pedo mod thread

You know what doesn't add up?

You're constantly attacking @Vindicator because he deleted your posts about the genocide on Canadian natives and you pretend to be worried about Canadian children and women being tortured and murdered.

You claim @Vindicator must be a pedo, although there aren't the slightest hints he is.

On the same time, you keep flattering Donkeyhote, who clearly is a pedo. He openly promotes pedophilia. You even suggested two days ago you would like to have a drink with him!

On the Woody Allen thread recently posted, you quickly added a comment, trying to derail the discussion away from WA's latest movie (featuring the 'love story' between an underage girl and an older man) and Woody Allen's clear interest in pedophilia, to a discussion about who might want to axe WA behind the scenes.

You claimed Weinstein's accusers were fishy, because they were into the occult, while there is a lot of evidence that Weinstein really is a pig. (And you can be into the occult and part of the gang and harrassed and raped - that's not mutually exclusive.)

So, @DeathTwoMasonsASAP, something's not adding up here.

Stop accusing @Vindicator of being a pedo, that's pathetic.

I wonder what you're agenda is. Do you care about children (and women/men) getting raped and murdered or are you trying to promote K. Annett?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You simply are not understanding whta I posted and why. Rose Mcgowan is an occultist. She grew up in The Children of God incest cult. She was a victim. She was the girlfriend of Marylyn Manson, another suspected occultist, good friend of Johny Depp and admirer of Damion Echols. Echols was the Satanist they helped free who was a part of the west memphis three. Seems to me Weistein is distraciton so they can pretend Trump is fighting the pedos. They then use Weinstens problem here to show he is fighting 'perversion.' Is Weisnetein in Jail? Career over? Sounds lie another Matt Lauer psyop.

Then you have Woody Allen, who has been thrown under the buss his entire career. He has never been arrested or charged. Roman Polanski has. But they have always made excuses and praised Polanski, Allen the opposite. Why? Yet they continue to work with Allen, they continue to distribute his films, he doesn't go to trial. So something doesn't add up.

They are playing chess and most in here are playing candyland. You are following Q and defending the mods, so you are pathetic the one who is pathetic and slow on the upkeeep. "Stop accusing @Vindicator of being a pedo, that's pathetic." i didn't call Vindicator a pedo, called it a pedo mod. And I am calling you a dim wit, slow on the upkeep. Simple sally.

think- ago

Unfortunately, I understand only too well what you have written.

I know @Vindicator hasn't been impressed by what you wrote, but I'm sure he will sleep even better now that he knows you didn't call him a pedo, only a 'pedo mod'. /s

I know perfectly well what's going on here. I have called 'Q' a psy-op by Stephen Miller from the beginning, I don't follow him, and I don't appreciate how this narrative is being pushed here.

But if I had to decide between two guys applying for a mod job, I'd gladly choose an ardent Trump/Q supporter who never advocated for pedophilia over a guy who pretends to be non-partisan, but who openly takes sides with pedos.

I have had my fights with the mods, but I found that I can have discussions and even sort out arguments with @Vindicator. I highly appreciate this.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but many people here are pro-Trump and believe in 'Q'. But the same people - users like @srayzie or @migratorypatterns - at the same time are doing fantastic work.

I don't want this community to fall apart, I want it to flourish. If this means I have to accept that parts of the community beg to differ with me re Trump and Q, I'm fine with that.

I'd rather prefer them to follow my own beliefs, but this won't happen anyway. So I concentrate on throwing my 2 cents in. You keep demoralizing people by telling everyone nothing will change for the better anyway.

I defend the mods when I think it's appropriate, I criticize them when I think it's appropriate.

Deal with it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You deal with it, I resist it. You want to remain on good terms with the 'authorities", I don't I call them out for the damae they do. There is no good reason for what they do except that like most sites, they are corrupted. You have patience for that or can't see it, i don't. You deal with it. I'll take them to task.

Shizy ago

have you ever been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder?

srayzie ago

Thank you. ❤️ In case you haven’t noticed, I also post my Q stuff in other subs now instead of here because of people like him.

It’s ridiculous to accuse @Vindicator of being a pedo mod because he believes in Q. It’s such an immature mindset when people have to think so black and white. Like, if you don’t think like they do about everything, then you are the enemy. It’s that narrowminded thinking that make people hateful like Donkey.

The beauty of a forum like this, if you ignore the assholes, is that you have the opinions and research of many. It makes us think outside the box when we can be open to other opinions. What’s the point of a place like this if everyone thinks alike?

As for Vindicator, he’s by far the most helpful and respectful of any of them. He’s also the only one who actually regularly participates. Even if it turns out that Q was a big LARP, will that be catastrophic? It sure would suck. But, all it did was get people thinking and working together. I don’t know why that’s such a problem for some people.

@DeathToMasonsASAP I’ve had your back when MF deleted something of yours before that I disagreed with. I’ve argued with them too. But, attacking V over Q and calling him a pedo is ridiculous. I didn’t know you were befriending that asswipe Donkey. That’s a sure fire way to lose credibility fast.

Thank you again @think-

think- ago

The beauty of a forum like this, if you ignore the assholes, is that you have the opinions and research of many. It makes us think outside the box when we can be open to other opinions. What’s the point of a place like this if everyone thinks alike?

Exactly. Well said, agree 100%!

Thank you. ❤️

You're kindly welcome. :-)

argosciv ago


Upvoats all around to you, @srayzie & @Vindicator!

Vindicator ago

Don't worry, think-, every time he does it, it has the opposite effect.

Plus, it's highly entertaining to watch him get all hot and bothered. He holds it in for a couple of weeks, and all I have to do is flair or sticky a Q thread and he totally loses his shit. I don't mind being pelted with popcorn; I get to watch him blow like a constipated pressure cooker. Love it. Plus, he couldn't make me look better if he wrote my hagiography. ;-)

Thanks for trying to build up the community, though. Appreciate it. The nasties have really cranked up their vitriol lately and I know some folks have stopped commenting to avoid coming under attack. Showing support for each other definitely helps preserve everyone's free speech.

DoNotTouchThePizza ago

The nasties have really cranked up their vitriol lately and I know some folks have stopped commenting to avoid coming under attack.

More likely they have moved to steemit or other venus. Q is a proven disinfo campaign. It does not matter if it is tied to Trump or not. The truth community does not appreciate gatekeepers and disinfo. You have become both of those. While Trump continues to threaten the Middle East with war you are pretending that he is taking down the NWO.

You are blatantly unashamed about it too.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Interesting that you enjoy thwarting and bothering people trying to post material about the culprits of mass murder of children. 50,000 children murdered by the Catholic church in Canada and it is banned form this forum. Makes sense if you are the gatekeepers that you are. Vindicator and MF have been gatekeeping here and have pushed disinfo while deleting content that this forum needs. Instead it is sexual harrasment, Trump and Q. I suspect you are also behind some of the shill accounts in here as well, because it makes no sense to pay several shills, when you can have 1 or 2 with several accounts.

think- ago

You're welcome.

As you will have noticed, I agree to disagree with you sometimes, re: Trump - you're a Trump supporter, I'm non-partisan.

This is a community made of people from a variety of backgrounds and political opinions. We should respect each other.

I appreciated the mode we rubbed shoulders some time ago (about one of the posts deleted by MF).

Sorry to hear that some people stopped commenting. I hope they will join again soon.

NoBS ago

They are information whores stealing free speech out in the open and calling it a public service.

Service this (21 year Scotch and a fuck you).

nameof ago

What happened to the q maps page link?

Catsfive ago

PP investigation link broken. Should be:


4warned ago

Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates. Population Control. https://www.gatesinstitute.org/demographic-dividend “With fewer births each year, a country’s working-age population grows larger relative to the young dependent population. ”.

4warned ago

http://archive.is/xQLrQ **Dr Alvaro Bermejo has been appointed as the next Director General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation

20 November 2017** Dr Bermejo also spent more than ten years with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

argosciv ago

see my comment here, follow the replies to @Gothamgirl

4warned ago

Thanks, follow the money. Check this out. http://archive.is/5Szk5 “Yet in this difficult time, we seize moments of hope and opportunities for positive disruptions. The past year has seen the appointment of strong new leaders at three key organizations. In May, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was named Director-General of the World Health Organization, and set about putting together the WHO’s most diverse leadership team ever — a reflection of his belief that “we need top talent, gender equity and geographical diversity to deliver.” He brings on-the-ground experience to this role, having been the architect of the remarkable progress in health and family planning in Ethiopia when he was Minister of Health. In October, Dr. Natalia Kanem, a great champion of women and young people, was named Executive Director of UNFPA, succeeding the esteemed Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin. She brings to this position expertise from her days at the Ford Foundation and her time in the field as UNFPA Representative in Tanzania. And just last month, Alvaro Bermejo was named Director-General of IPPF; he brings to this role his expertise honed through more than twenty years in global health and development, including serving as Executive Director of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Executive Director of the Survive & Thrive program for maternal and child health at the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF).”

cutelobster ago

Having said that Q has been discredited, it does seem like there has been a change of style - for the worse. Maybe Q got a new editor? Defango named a college professor as the main Q writer and, ok, Defango is extremely unreliable, but it did seem that when the Q-posts were at their most readable that somebody 'literary' was involved - the writing was not by an ordinary hacker. This new style is like the worst kind of bar-room bore ("How are Senators worth many millions of dollars?") Then there are the ridiculous one-word sentences which add nothing: "Jail", "Death" - and the redundant exclamation-marks. Waking people up? More likely to send them to sleep..

Shillaxe ago

Defango loves his puzzles.

argosciv ago

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Corrupted. Exploited. By who? You know who... No, it doesn't start with S.

@Honeybee_ @Gothamgirl @carmencita @The_Savant @EricKaliberhall

Gothamgirl ago

Well Laura Silsby's husband works there so I am going with democrats and if I had to narrow it down Hillary maybe even Soros but those are just guesses.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They are Templars. That is what the Red Cross is their symbol. More masonic manipulation and theft.

argosciv ago

I repeat, you are a fuckwit.

Are_we__sure ago

Why would you think Laura Silsby is a Democrat?

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't say that. I said her husband.

I believe the post below so if you want to say that I did, go ahead.


Are_we__sure ago

Michael Maccoby, whose son is on the Board of Directors for Haitian orphanage, Friends of Orphans Friends of Orphans is a fundraising group in the US. They do not run orphanages. NPH, the group their funds are donated do DOES run orphanages around the world including Haiti.

Laura Silsby, convicted child-trafficker got her children from Friends of Orphans, according to an interview with her lawyer Jorge Puello

It's true that Jorge Puello said this in a TV interview. However, Puello was a con man and he was lying all throughout his time in the spotlight. He was not a lawyer for one thing.

This part from the post is correct.

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, also known as NPH, is a large organization that runs orphanages allover the world. So Michael Maccoby coaches leaders here.

The problem with this story is we know where Silsby got the kids from and it was not an NPH orphanage.

Shizy ago

For someone who like to be "sure", you sure do make a lot of assumptions

Are_we__sure ago

The point of asking Are we sure? is are you making assumptions that are supported by facts or not. When you are making an assumption do you state this definitely or do you use words like "I don't know......it's unlikely" etc.

If you see any unsupported assumptions, let me know.

Gothamgirl ago

Well thank you for sharing that info.

NoBS ago

He fails to mention that Bill Clinton is linked to her mysterious release for getting caught stealing kids. They had then all dead to rights and it took the Hillary State Department to destroy evidence. Dead witnesses tell no tales.

Gothamgirl ago

I bet, probably involved with Monica Petersons death to.

argosciv ago

Laura Silsby's husband ~ democrats ~ Hillary ~ Soros

| + Barry + ???

~ "Looking into the past can help with looking forward"

argosciv ago

Nice finds! Especially that Harvey reminder ;)

Would you like a hint, though?


carmencita ago


argosciv ago

Looking into the past...

Australian Red Cross

The Australian Red Cross is a leading humanitarian aid and community services charity in Australia and an auxiliary to government. Tracing its history back to 1914 and being incorporated by royal charter in 1941, the Australian Red Cross Society is the Australian National Society of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The Australian Red Cross is guided by the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and as such is a secular, neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian organisation.

Formerly called British Red Cross Australian Branch

British Red Cross

The British Red Cross Society is the United Kingdom body of the worldwide neutral and impartial humanitarian network the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The society was formed in 1870, and is a registered charity with more than 32,500 volunteers and 3,500 staff.[1][2] At the heart of their work is providing help to people in crisis, both in the UK and overseas. The Red Cross is committed to helping people without discrimination, regardless of their ethnic origin, nationality, political beliefs or religion.[2][3]

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

Corrupted. Exploited. By who? You know who... No, it doesn't start with S.

A Perfect Circle - The Doomed (Official Video)

@Honeybee_ @Vindicator @Gothamgirl @The_Savant @EricKaliberhall

Gothamgirl ago

The crescent moon -muslims. The s wouldve been for shriners?

Rothschilds is a red sheild is the red cross the Vatican?

argosciv ago

The crescent moon -muslims.

See International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: History of the emblems; Ottomans

The s wouldve been for shriners?

"It doesn't start with S"; not Satanism, not Switzerland

Rothschilds is a red sheild is the red cross the Vatican?

Both likely involved + more past and present.

carmencita ago

The Red Cross has been on my radar for over a year now. Their letters dropping into the garbage.

argosciv ago

They just came flying on to mine. Took less than 10 mins; a bit of reading and a couple of clicks.

Shizy ago

I bet the Red Cross probably cut into your action right? Or is it not true about the blood drinking? You have never addressed that have you?

carmencita ago

Yes, the researching into them over a year ago is what woke me up. Now just seeing what they are doing in Syria. Nothing surprises me about what we thought were the Crisis Org.

argosciv ago

To be fair, there's still a lot of good that they do and a lot of good honest people working for them - it's fuckers in the background/shadows, who are abusing and exploiting what should be a selfless, wholesome and vital service.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They do nothing good. Every disaster they get called out by the locals and even local officials, then the media covers for them. Fuck the Red Cross and any of the carpetbagging thieves that work for them.

carmencita ago

Its a shame I can no longer send money. I just can't sleep nights thinking of what they are doing with the cash they get from people that send them a few bucks, cause that's all they have to help the children and the people in all the storms. It just makes me sick. I am done with all of them.

argosciv ago

Can't say I blame ya :(

FE_Rebekah ago

“The Great Awakening” is gonna include the Flat Earth and how gorgeous and beautiful the heavens are above us. We live under a giant clock, and these elite fuckers have been hiding knowledge for centuries.


Shillaxe ago

Why does the horizon appear to have an arc, roundish like a sphere, and water would be still...

FE_Rebekah ago

I forgot you had asked about tides. Here’s one guy’s opinion:


Shillaxe ago

I don't agree, the moon influences the tides along the spinning motion of the earth, COMBINED causing tides.He says the earth rises and falls, causing tides ...." seems a bit over simplified.

FE_Rebekah ago

See, you think things are being “over simplified” where I believe the elite compllicate things on purpose to make us believe things are too complicated for our pea brains to understand.

One thing I’ve proved myself with a laser temperature is that the ground it hotter in the sunlight than in the shade. And the ground is colder in the moon light than in the moon shade.

I believe the moon is its own special light with its own special properties.

And again, it makes no sense “planets” like Jupiter and Neptune and Pluto circle the sun because “gravity” apparently works based on size with things orbiting whatever is biggest, but somehow the moon can defy this and orbit the earth instead..

I just think the sun and moon are both in the dome, and they circle above us, only seeming to disappear because of perspective.

Like down a long hallway. The ceiling seems to touch the floor, even though it does NOT.

The tides are a good question with many possibilities, but I don’t believe the spin of the earth and “gravity” from the moon are the reasons we have them. If the spin was effecting the oceans, it would also effect us here on earth.

And if the moon was effecting the ocean water, then it should be “pulling” on lakes and other bodies of water as well, but it doesn’t..

Shillaxe ago

"And if the moon was effecting the ocean water, then it should be “pulling” on lakes and other bodies of water as well, but it doesn’t.." I would think since the ocean is much larger than any lake it would be affected more, thanks for taking time to answer, im comfortable with newtonian physics and don't feel its too complicated, if you want to live on a flat earth its fine with me.

FE_Rebekah ago

Yes, I do hear that a lot when discussing the moon with people. That would have been my answer a couple years ago, too. But to me, it sounds like you’re saying you have something that can pull a semi truck, but it can’t pull a dune buggy. It reminds of oldest living astronot Don Pettit saying they can’t make it back to the moon because they lost the technology, but going to “Mars” shouldn’t be a problem.

Have you seen “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon”?

I appreciate you respecting my “beliefs” that we don’t live on a ball, but it’s not like I’m trying to get you to new believe in a new God. I’m just trying to share scientific evidence and common sense I’ve used to debunk what our government and Hollywood programming has been trying to teach and reinforce to us.

I very much appreciate you asking questions respectfully. Like there were shills in PizzaGate, like Stephen Colbert twisting the story and making it seem stupid to people, I think the same has happened with Flat Earth. They have reinforced people with the idea that questionining it makes you a moron.

This is why I truly am questioning everything now. PizzaGate opened my eyes to how many lies there really are, and I’m not afraid to go against the grain and question my core beliefs.

I’ve been watching that spinning ball since I was a child, but that didn’t make the spinning ball the right answer..

Again, I believe it’s a tool used for hypnosis.. And they use hypnosis and humor to make fun of PizzaGate and pedophilia and satanic rituals right in our faces.

Have you checked out the Taco Belluminati commercials? There is PizzaGate rituals, right in your face. And one of the images has a huge spinning globe.

I just so wish PG researchers would be open minded to how this deception has been perpetrated. It’s not all that different from PG at all when it comes to the tactics they use to silence whistleblowers.

FE_Rebekah ago

I’ve talked with many people who think that they’ve “seen the curve” when the jumped out of an airplane. Personally I believe they are seeing an optical illusion, and had they been able to zoom in, they would have seen more Earth, not some terminator line where things begin curving around a ball.

As far as water, whether it’s in a cup, a bathtub, a lake, and ocean, water seeks to find its own level and lies flat.

What happened was that people took the dimensions they give us of a 25,000 mile circumference ball, and we figured out the “curvature” should be 8 inches per miles squared (you have to square the mile). But this can be disproven over and over again with telescopes and zoom cameras.

There are tons and tons of videos on YouTube now of people zooming in on things that theoretically should be hidden by curvature.

Just like boats. They don’t disappear because they went over a curve, they disappeared out of your ability to see, and if you zoom in, you can bring the entire boat back into view.

There’s no curvature. Sure, in fish eye lenses like comes standard on GoPro, you can perceive a curve. But our architects and engineers build things like railroad tracks and bridges with the assumption they are working on a flat plane. Never to they take into account the “curvature” of the globe.

Everyone thinks that Earth is just so big that we can’t notice it, but if you do the math based on the numbers they give us, there should be way more noticeable curvature than they tell us. At 3 miles, a 6 foot tall person should not be able to see another 6 foot tall person.

Thanks for your question. I recommend Eric Dubay’s “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball” on YouTube for ideas to consider.

Shillaxe ago

"I’ve talked with many people who think that they’ve “seen the curve” when they jumped out of an airplane."

No airplane involved, I see curvature from the ground, the ground slopes down on each side. Does your flat earth have an edge, how many square miles is it.Thanks.

FE_Rebekah ago

“Where’s the edge” is a common question. But where’s the edge of the universe? You don’t have an answer for that..

Personally I think it’s flat and enclosed by a dome, so the Antarctic ice wall is keeping the waters inside, and with the treaty, multiple countries militarily patrol Antarctica and don’t let civilian explorers just go there.

Funny the 3 places all the countries agree not to fight over is the North Pole, Antarctica, and “space.”

I would love to know how “satellites” and “meteorites” exist in the same place.

Like how many random space rocks are floating around? They never bump into the “satellites”? We don’t ever try to mess with Russia’s or China’s “satellites”?

For me, none of it makes sense..

FE_Rebekah ago

You can see curvature from the ground? Have you tried zooming in and seeing more?

I’ve never seen this “terminator” line where things start curving around the ball and that’s why we can’t see more.

We are only limited by the strength of our telescopes and camera zooms and atmospheric conditions.

People argue about “seeing” the curve. But these can all be optical illusions of some point.

A good proof of curve would be taking a tape measure and showing how much it curves.

Please look up how much you think Earth is curving (it’s 8 inches per miles squared). There should be MUCH more noticeable curvature with the numbers they give us.

Physical proof is railroad tracks and bridges, built flat AF assuming a flat plane.

Please don’t tell me earth is so Big you wouldn’t notice it. Actually do the math given the dimensions they give us.

What we perceive with our eyes is not testable repeatable proof. But flat AF steel beams are.

argosciv ago

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Corrupted. Exploited. By who? You know who... No, it doesn't start with S.

4warned ago

Thank you .

argosciv ago

And before I get a bunch of whining from the "Trump is one of the Zionist Satan Worshipers" crew, let me point out that this research request directly disproves that. Q has given a research assignment directly from Trump.


Fine, I'll take a look shortly.

Snailracer ago

The UN sucks, Senator Mark Warner is worth $200 million, from brokering insider deals for cell phone spectrum franchises (Columbia Capital, Nextel) while involved in making the very government decisions he was profiting from. A lot of politicians funnel money to their charities, foundations, etc. that they have control over... money laundering.

hardrock ago

How wonderfully ironic that none other than Bill Clinton immortalized the adage "Follow The Money !" How much money, indeed and in fact, changes hands in the ENTIRE network of interlocking interests that comprise pizzagate ? It certainly is not less than billions (that's billions, with a "B") Who pays the money? Who receives it? For what goods and services are the funds exchanged? For example, how big is stem cell research , dollar-wise? How about organ harvesting? Vaccines and other meds which contain dead fetus/child ingredients? Better make that number Trillions with a "T". Finally, and to incontestably tie this line of research to #Pizzagate (with nice big capital "P" and a hashtag) precisely who is coordinating and profiting from these exchanges? Don't even imply that the list of facilitators/designers/profiteers does not include Hillary and Bill Clinton and closely associated coterie of mass murderers. You ain't gonna EVER solve Pizzagate if some fools (or worse) arbitrarily forbid the investigation from proceeding into those areas where the data leads them. And the data says : follow the money.

Narcissism ago

Whatever they accuse others of doing its what they are doing - Narcissism 101.

Vindicator ago

Great comment, hardrock.

Are_we__sure ago

How wonderfully ironic that none other than Bill Clinton immortalized the adage "Follow The Money !"

He didn't.


cutelobster ago

Q is a proven psyop brought to you by the same people behind Cicada/Wikileaks/Anonymous. The agenda of the group is the same agenda as Project Mayhem 2012-2020 - a Luciferian NWO. Yes, they're connected to Trump - so what? So is his Press Office and so is the CIA. A substantial point of the questions is (a) to steal ideas and (b) to tag people. It's as much about sucking up information, as it is about spreading disinformation. Welcome to "the tree of smoke" (And do we really believe Trump composes all his own tweets?)

think- ago

I think 'Q' is Stephen Miller and team.

EricKaliberhall ago

Stephen Miller is a savage... And I mean that in the best possible way.


think- ago

Stephen Miller is a savage... And I mean that in the best possible way.


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

More Q disinfo being "stickied" by vindicator.

Vindicator ago

Rest up, Death. I don't plan on stopping any time soon. :-)

IpointOutTrolls ago

Rest up, Death. I don't plan on stopping any time soon. :-)

How unfortunate for pizzagate and the children trapped in it. Why don't you arrest Soros again, that gambit is always a fun one. Or is Soros still locked up in his "special place" at Camp David?

You could always raid the Obama Library again...Saving 3000 children from Saudia Arabia was popular, and it is a nice cover for the fact that Saudia Arabia is slaughtering children in Yemen for the Trump administration.

You are a cancer not only for pizzagate but on the entire truth movement.

SoberSecondThought ago

I know I'll get downvoated for this, but I just have to point out that the Planned Parenthood connection is nothing but "cold reading". Q did not mention PP in his initial post. Instead, he waited for an Anon to suggest digging into PP and then agreed with him. This is a consistent pattern in Q's communications; he asks broad questions, makes broad suggestions, and then waits for his audience to fill in the details in their own imaginations.

You're a good guy, @Vindicator, and I hate disagreeing with you, but Q sending us off after Planned Parenthood is pretty much exactly the same trick as Senate Anon sending us off after SOBIB and the Jesters. There's no doubt that SOBIB and the Jesters are dirty; they have already been shown by the FBI to traffick in children. But they have no connection to Pizzagate or the Clinton gang, which is all that Q cares about. The same goes for Planned Parenthood. Q will throw anyone under the bus to take pressure off his bosses.

Okay, I've said my piece. Carry on.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Traffick? Nice one.

Vindicator ago

Q will throw anyone under the bus to take pressure off his bosses.

Sober, are you saying Q works for Clinton?

SoberSecondThought ago

As I explained in this post, Q is the same guy who was paid by David Brock to create all the other phony "insider" characters we have dealt with. He created "Tory Smith," HighLevelInsider, Senate Anon, and Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. He also created ShareBlue Anon. He has made a few changes for Q, but he basically uses the same tricks over and over.

All of his other phony insider characters are now inactive, and I'm taking a big share of credit for that because I've attacked each one with detailed arguments. But I'm not making a big fuss and trying to debunk every bit of Q material that comes out, because I think the Q character is a big mistake. He has increased media attention on Pizzagate rather than decreased it. This guy is not a criminal mastermind, he's a demoralized, scared, frequently stoned and self-loathing abuse survivor who knows a lot about Freemasonry and other esoteric subjects. He should have had the sense to just shut up, when the cover-up he was hired for fell apart. But he didn't. So I'm content to let the Q story run as long as he is foolish enough to run it. I only posted a response here because it's a stickied thread and I think people deserve to hear my argument at least once, somewhere along the way.

The thing about the Q character is that because it relies so much on "cold reading" and letting people impose their own meanings into it, it has taken hold very strongly. I wouldn't even attempt to talk Liz Crokin out of believing in Q, for example. But I want to make sure and get my alternative view on the record, so people at least have a chance to make up their own minds.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for offering an alternative view, SST. I respect that. Could you clarify something for me? I have seen nothing from Q that points to him being

a demoralized, scared, frequently stoned and self-loathing abuse survivor who knows a lot about Freemasonry and other esoteric subjects.

Can you show me which of his comments gave you that impression? You can find them all here: https://qcodefag.github.io/ Hit Ctrl-F to search for key words.

SoberSecondThought ago

There are two ways to tell when Q is stoned. First, he retreats into topics that he feels most familiar with, where he is unlikely to be exposed or even challenged: ancient history, mystic symbolism, old conspiracies. Second, he starts making spelling and grammar errors, and to cover them, he retreats into posting lists, sentence fragments, and text salads.

In the first week, Q apparently stayed relatively sober. He raised a bunch of questions -- Pelosi's net worth, McCain's surgery, loyalty of the military to Trump, Democrats' relationship with blacks, donations by Saudi to American politicians, Sessions' focus on MS13 -- that were at least relevant. Then on Nov 1, he made some very specific predictions about the National Guard being activated, nationwide riots, nationwide arrests and martial law, the use of the Emergency Broadcast System, and so on. He also claimed that Obama had been to North Korea and "perhaps" was there now, and that this was the biggest "inside" info dump in American history. It's possible that at that point, he didn't consider Q to be a long-term project, so he didn't care that these things wouldn't come true. But anyway, none of them did.

By his second week, Q started getting vaguer, tossing out supposed code phrases and "bread crumbs" like Snow White, Alice & Wonderland, Godfather III, and the like. He began dragging in topics that had no obvious relevance, like the death of Princess Diana, and literally repeating himself, saying for example "Fantasy Land. Fantasy Land". His questions were much less focused, for example "What is a map? Why is a map useful?" And he moved into posting pure symbols, like this:

+++ ++ +

By Nov 11, he started posting lists of things, like a list of the names of central banks around the world. And for the first time, he dipped into the mystical stuff:

Triangle has (3) sides. Eye of Providence. Follow the bloodlines. What is the keystone? Does Satan exist? Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist? Who worships Satan? What is a cult? Epstein island. What is a temple? What occurs in a temple? Worship? Why is the temple on top of a mountain? How many levels might exist below? What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

He also threw in Hitler, the Titanic, and the Lord's Prayer.

This is absolutely classic HLI/Senate Anon/Wisconsin_Is_Correct/Tory Smith material. It's what science geeks call "Not even wrong." It doesn't rise to the level of a testable proposition, it's just words. How could the color of Epstein's wacky shrine possibly be of vital national importance? Or who made it onto a lifeboat in 1912 and who didn't? It's paranoid babble. WIC would post random names of people who lived in Racine, WI and imply that every one of them was part of a conspiracy. If challenged, he would change the subject. This is the very same crap.

Ever since then, we've been on the rollercoaster of this guy's mood. Occasionally he is lucid and posts questions that while totally arbitrary, at least seem relevant, like "What if North Korea's missile test failures were staged?" The rest of the time it's just nonsense. He can spend days talking about some recent event like a plane crash and its supposed relation to junk like this:

Conf_D-TT^_v891_0600_yes _green1_0600 Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

When he posts something like this, it's not some sort of code message to special ops personnel about to extract George Soros at the Atlanta airport. It just means he's stoned and out of ideas:

:Owls: Light will overcome d_a_rkness. Light will expose darkne_s_s. Light will reveal darkness. Light will defeat darkness. Q

As I said before, I recognize that people have become invested in Q being real. I know I won't convince everyone. That's just the nature of crowds. All I can do here is point people back to all the previous "insiders" he has invented and underline the common pattern.

Onetime1 ago

Your response to the news about the Pope wanting to modify the Lord's Prayer days after Q included it his post? The bracketing of LdR days before a plane FLEW into an airborne helicopter above the Rothscild's mansion? How many people reading this have EVER heard of a plane crashing into a helicopter in flight? It is not even an easy task to do. His reference to Fiji water days before the bizarre, ostentatious drinking of Fiji water during a live news conference byTrump? His phrasing using the words starting with BDT, mentions currency and thwarted attack one day before Bangaceshi (national currency starts with BDT) attempted a failed explosive attack in NYC? The phrasing Red October at the time of the Argentine sub going missing? (Since determined an explosive sound occurred at time and place of disappearance).

SoberSecondThought ago

If Q had said, "The Pope will announce that he wants to change the Lord's Prayer," and then the Pope did announce that, it would be proof of something. Him simply posting the Lord's Prayer and waiting for his audience to invent a reason why he did it, proves nothing and explains nothing. Mentioning the Rothschilds and then having the Rothschilds come up in the news (which they do regularly) also doesn't prove anything. These "bread crumbs" aren't meaningful or actionable. They're not even coincidences. They're just the result of Anons being hyper-alert for anything resembling a connection.

Seriously, how is Trump supposed to know that an Argentine sub is going to explode? And if he somehow did know, why would he instruct someone on his staff to leave an obscure hint about it on 8chan? And more to the point, how does this relate to government corruption or child sex trafficking?

Are_we__sure ago

My take on Q is in addition to the cold reading is that he is someone close to Trump, but it's still a disinformation LARP. Trump had a whole team of ratfuckers working closely with him. OG ratfucker Roger Stone was working with the new internet kids.

It's basically recognized the conspiracy community as hardcore supporters of Trump. And with all the things coming down the road, they need to the DEEP STATE COUP story going as long as they can. They know the President is going to have to testify under oath to the Special Counsel. They know that Trump Jr, Kushner and possibly Ivanka are all in trouble. They knew the Wolfe book was coming out. So they need an alternate scenario to occupy people, because the truth is really bad and it keeps coming and coming and coming.

There's a high level version of this going on where Congressional Republicans are attacking the FBI, (what did they show Lindsay did you think?) trying to criminalize the one person who went to the FBI last year, Christopher Steele, trying to portray Fusion GPS as a democratic shop.

By the way, the transcript of hours of testimony from FUSION GPS before Congress is out. Feinstein just up and released it because Grassley and Graham were lying about it.

You want to dig go here. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/09/read-fusion-gps-trump-dossier-full-transcript-329574

Fusion's research on Trump began in 2015 for a republican client and they almost immediately noted his connection to organized crime figures

Answer. It was, broadly speaking, a kind of 7 holistic examination of Donald Trump's business 8 record and his associations, his bankruptcies, his 9 suppliers, you know, offshore or third-world 10 suppliers of products that he was selling. You 11 know,** it evolved somewhat quickly into issues of 12 his relationships to organized crime figures** but, 13 you know, really the gamut of Donald Trump. 14 What we generally do at the beginning of a 15 case if it's possible is to order all the books 16 about the subject from Amazon so we're not 17 reinventing the wheel and we know what's been 18 written and said before. So this was typical. We 19 ordered every Donald Trump book and, to my 20 surprise, that's a lot of books. ..... In the early -- the very first weekend that I 18 started boning up on Donald Trump, you know, I 19 found various references to him having connections 20 to Italian organized crime and later to a Russian 21 organized crime figure named Felix Sater, 22 S-A-T-E-R. It wasn't hard to find, it wasn't any 23 great achievement, it was in the New York Times, 24 but as someone who has done a lot of Russian 25 organized crime investigations as a journalist .... 4 So from the very beginning of this organized 5 crime was -- Russian organized crime was a focus of 6 interest. I guess I should just repeat, you know, 7 this is a subject that I covered extensively at the 8 Wall Street Journal. I wrote a series of front 9 page articles about various corrupt politicians 10 from Russia, oligarchs, and one of the things that 11 I wrote about was the connections between western 12 politicians and Russian business figures. So, you 13 know, I was sort of an amateur student of the 14 subject and I had written about some of these same 15 Russian crime figures, you know, years earlier in 16 the U.S. and various frauds and things they were 17 involved in. 18 As it happens, Felix Sater was, you know, 19 connected to the same Russian crime family that was 20 at issue in the Prevezon case, which is the 21 dominant Russian crime family in Russia and has a 22 robust U.S. presence and is involved in a lot of 23 crime and criminal activity in the United States 24 and for many years was the -- the leader of this 25 family was on the FBI most wanted list and lives openly in Moscow as a fugitive from U.S. law for a 2 very elaborate stock fraud. 3 Q. Who is that individual and family? 4 A.** The first name is Semyon, S-E-M-Y-O-N, the 5 last name is Mogilevich, M-O-G-I-L-E-V-I-C-H.** 6 Mogilevich is sometimes referred to as the brainy 7 Don because he runs very sophisticated schemes 8 including, according to the FBI, involving natural 9 gas pipelines in Europe, and he's wanted in 10 connection with an elaborate stock fraud called YBM 11 Magnex that was took place in the Philadelphia 12 area. 13 You know, Russian organized crime is very 14 different from Italian organized crime. It's much 15 more sort of a hybrid kind of thing where they're 16 involved in politics and banking and there's even a 17 lot of connections between the mafia and the KGB or 18 the FSB and cyber crime, things that the Italians 19 sort of never figured out. Stock fraud in 20 particular was the big thing in the U.S. In any 21 event, all of that entered into my thinking when I 22 saw that Donald Trump was in business with Felix 23 Sater in the Trump Soho project and a number of 24 other controversial condo projects.

jangles ago

nailed it

HugoWeaving ago

HOLY FCK IT'S BEEN A CLOCK THE WHOLE TIME..."Tick Tock"...Hourglass...15...10...5...0!

They solved it way faster in the Hunger Games.

Santander1 ago

Around 4:20 "PP gets 1 million $/day" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBURcyxJ7D4)). (https://lifedynamics.com/)) Might be an answer why all these Foundations like CHAI, RED, GatesFoundation are in Africa (http://www.maafa21.com/)). Article 'Industry in baby body parts' (https://www.nrlc.org/archive/Baby_Parts/wills.html)) Article 'Harvesting fetal body parts'. From the article: "the sale of "services" in the acquisition of body parts exploded after President Clinton signed the National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993". They mention also Anatomic Gift Foundation of Laurel, Md., and Opening Lines, headquartered in West Frankfort, Ill (https://www.nrlc.org/archive/Baby_Parts/omeara.html)). And Opening Lines is mentioned here with Cannibalism (http://fathersforlife.org/articles/report/harvestchild2.htm)). Not sure if its something.

meowski ago

Tweets can't be edited. They can be deleted and re-posted. 8chan posts come after the tweets. This doesn't mean anything

The_Savant ago

Trump corrected a tweet that contained a spelling error - one of the words was missing a "Q". Before any of these happened, Q predicted all of it. The proof is now irrefutable.

Also, you agree that Assange is on our side, no? Take a look at this. Q has been keeping busy.

DomKeyhote ago

@vindicator 's desperation couldn't be more palpable.

It's not your place to decide what's "discouraging" and therefore shilling you stupid faggot, why would you say such an idiotic thing and if Trump's part of the "swamp" his collaboration with Q doesn't DISPROVE that.

  1. Q calls upon is to effect a Great Awakening about govt corruption
  2. But we don't want to seem like partisan rightwing nutjobs to the masses
  3. Ergo we must make our focus the single most contentious 50-50 political issue with fierce religious divides -- abortion
  4. But whatever you do don't mention the 2% of 2% who control everything: even the mere word "Jewish" will immediately associates us with rightwing terrorists, unlike abortion, which isn't associated with rightwing terrorists

Dude you SUCK at this.

Shizy ago

Did the Jews cause your acne and man boobs too? Or is that your lazy lifestyle, poor hygiene and shitty eating habits? Nah!! Blame the Jews!!!!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Donkey is hands down the most entertaining shill.

SterlingJB ago

By far

DomKeyhote ago

Suck a dick, loser. You can start with mine. Are you near the Midwest? It'll reach.

HugoWeaving ago

Negative 596 points and counting...HA

Vindicator ago

Check this out: Fusion GPS, the writers of Killary's "piss dossier" on Trump, were hired by Planned Parenthood to "debunk" the videos captured by the Center for Medical Progress.

Gothamgirl ago

Wow well done.

Vindicator ago

I will DM that link to you, darkknight.

Gothamgirl ago

Gothamgirl ago

So grotesque these people are..

YogSoggoth ago

Beastly inhuman. Tons of them in SW Florida.

Onetime1 ago

Outstanding idea. I will reach out to retired NYPD detective Jimmy Rothstein tonight. He still lives in Minnesota, I believe. Following up on the work of murdered Nancy Schaeffer from Georgia could be a valuable info gathering effort. Prodding Rudy Giuliani to come forth after his series of bizarre posts on his web page might be highly productive as Rudy acknowledged awareness of much of these horrors. (Subsequently refuted by him in what I detected was a faint effort at distancing). Milo was prepared to name names at an appearance last year when he pulled back at the last minute as per "a phone call from DC". Please don't just sit there at your computer screens, people. Even a minimal effort can cascade to big things. If you do not do SOMETHING - even making inquiries, talking to relatives - than your enabling passivity puts some accountability on you!

Z11Mama ago

Shortly after learning about a specific political event in the past and it's relationship to PG, I mentioned it to a trusted health care professional. The response was "Of course that is true. I knew about it many years ago when so and so told me". I was blown away. This person was related to someone involved in the investigation! We never know what one sentence we say or who we say it to, is going to turn out to be a missing piece that changes everything.

PubMaster ago

One of the BIGGEST PROBLEMS with this board is that VICTIMS can't come here to REPORT or give you their stories or information. This board is so worried about IRRELEVANT is doesn't pick up the crumbs that could be had. They don't have LINKS to published information because it is THEIR PRIVATE INFORMATION. I'm OVER IT. I've been trying for THREE DAYS to get VICTIM INFORMATION posted to be vetted & researched but all anyone care about is LINKS. It sucks!

NoBS ago

This is not Pizzagate, this is Millennial_Falcon's personal mind game and he is drunk with GOD powers.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

VICTIMS can't come here to REPORT or give you their stories or information.

Distraction tactics 101

There are plenty of places for victims to go and talk.
This verse is to record and maintain an archive of accurate, factual and provable evidence that supports the initial cause of pizzagate: the use and abuse of children by people in positions of power and authority.

I've been trying for THREE DAYS to get VICTIM INFORMATION posted to be vetted & researched but all anyone care about is LINKS. It sucks!

/v/pizzagatewhatever is the place to perform those tasks. When the community has had a chance to help, verify, then you can post the NOT PERSONAL STORY parts of what is found.

The isn't a place for you, or anyone, to derail with going on about the personal stories.
There are many many places for that to happen, and I'd recommend people tell their personal stories in as many highly visible public places as possible.
Just try, even a little bit, to understand this is a place to record the evidence, anecdotes are not evidence

Vindicator ago

Hey there PubMaster. I know that is really frustrating. In the beginning, it was not so. Unfortunately, thanks to paid agitators who post crap to discourage and disrupt, we had to institute rules preventing unsourced discussion. Here's how to post personal stories and still adhere to the guidelines: simply mention a movie, documentary, psychological term, historical abuse case, government report or anything else that you can compare or contrast your personal experience to, and provide the link to that. Describe the details of your experience that include any claims you don't have a link for, as a Comment in the Comment section (Comments are sacred and cannot be removed in 99.9% of cases). That way you satisfy the "at least one link" and "a supporting link for every major claim" requirements (making unsourced claims in comments dodges the rule). Viola!

You might also want to DM @Millennial_Falcon and I with the link to the post when you post it, letting us know you're providing victim testimony and would appreciate advice in how to edit the post to bring it into compliance if you haven't succeeded already.

Flaaffy ago

Thank you for this. I love this loophole! Now I feel more confident with bringing forth more of my personal information from my own trafficking experience. Thank you!

YogSoggoth ago

Could not a victim use any of the countless websites on the internet to use as a link, and then pass it on?

Vindicator ago

Any relevant link, yes.

YogSoggoth ago

Not asking for a friend, but for the online community, what is a relevant link compared to a non-relevant link? You could make this a thread. O. K. I lied. Somebody here is my friend.

MichaelClayton ago

In the beginning, it was not so.

That’s just not true. It was always like this, requiring links. At the same time shill spam would clog the feed like that tick tock guy.

Camulos ago

Wanna know why? Because this sub has been taken over months ago by shills posting disinformation NON STOP. If I had to guess, I'd say about 90% of the shit posted is complete fuckery designed to throw off any real citizen investigations. This sub is a complete fucking joke and I have no trust in it anymore, this Q bullshit is nothing but a deep state larp and it's fucking INFURIATING that so many retards can't see it.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Your either a shill or your missing out on the coolest thing in the history of humanity.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Who can't see it? How many shill accounts does a single shill have. Q is garbage and Vindicator putting a sticky says it all. They are promoting this.

The_Savant ago

It's funny because the person you're replying to admitted to having multiple accounts. How sad.

HugoWeaving ago

Rubbish! You have no power here. Begone! Before somebody drops a house on you, too!

Vindicator ago

Blah blah blah. I just gave you proof it's NOT a deep state LARP and given you a specific angle to investigate. It's a friggin' pizzagate treasure map. But you just want to bitch and smear. Have a downvote.

Camulos ago

You didn't prove shit. You morons will be left with your dicks floppin' in the wind when you finally realize this Q rubbish is all a load of shit. @PubMaster is 100% right, this sub is worthless without the right kind of investigation and you morons worrying about this Q shit and other made up disinformation are RUINING any change of any actual justice.


Vindicator ago

Uh huh. Cause you've done such a great job providing "the right kind of research", Captain Vitriol. LMAO.

NoBS ago

The mods who touch on Pedophilia are censorship whores. Pedophilia Pimps Daddies.

Free speech has been perverted by the actions of power tripping mods.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You and MF are a disgrace and we don't want you here doing damage control and sidetracking the investigation with your manipulation of this sub. Our sub, your not wanted. Why not just leave? Why are you here?

pixiesbitch ago

Agreed, I think most voat users here want the mods out. Smarmy bastards.

The_Savant ago

Make a post in v/pizzagatemods or stop crying about it. That is the place that was designed solely for complaints like this. Of course, you won't actually do that because all you care about is making a scene.

pixiesbitch ago

Lol yeah one small comment I make = making a huge scene A HUGE HYSTERICAL SCENE

get a grip

The_Savant ago

Possibly not you making a scene, but you're encouraging the one spamming this post. He's making it impossible to have a reasonable discussion.

If you want the mods out, it seems like a good idea to make a post about it on /vpizzagatemods. That's where it makes a difference - you might actually change some minds there. Posting a comment here is just being controversial for the sake of it.

pixiesbitch ago

No. I can make that comment WHEREVER I want. You’re not my real mom.

Seriously. Stop being pedantic. Don’t tell people what to do.

The_Savant ago

Hmm, strange that you're a little peeved by a little good advice. Like I say, you don't really care about the truth...

Also, thanks for the downvotes. It really shows how mature you are, well done.

pixiesbitch ago

I didn’t downvote you. Stop being such a fucking baby LOL. I’m off to the pub. Enjoy your evening.

The_Savant ago

...Strange, they seemed to happen at precisely the same time I got a notification that you commented. Call me a conspiracy theorist...

Enjoy your evening.

Will do. If you like, you can add to that by wishing me a happy birthday. Only a suggestion.

pixiesbitch ago

Happy birthday :)

The_Savant ago

Thank you :D

I don't want to get off on the wrong foot, I hope I didn't come across as too much of a douche.

pixiesbitch ago

You definitely did lol, but so did I probs

Honestly tho, have a good one

The_Savant ago

Ermmm... okay I see how tense I made myself sound lol. Might help if all of us didn't have autism haha.

I think you'll find this funny considering the circumstances.

pixiesbitch ago

I don’t have autism lol. I’m just a normal girl. Normal but very angry.

Lol I’ve seen that before it is VERY true. I’m young so I can’t rly say “I miss the old days before phones” but I DO. I cannot stand social media.

The_Savant ago

Well, what I meant was I do have autism and it's not unlikely that a few of the people who down voted me do as well.

The only reason I use social media is for news but that gets harder when they start censoring your favourite outlets...

Camulos ago

I abandoned this sub multiple accounts ago shit stain. I make new accounts and delete the old every 4 or so months. This sub is not worth the time any longer because of reddit faggots like you insist on posting bullshit while downvoting others with differing opinions. Just like a reddit cunt.

Vindicator ago

Then why are you here, wasting bandwidth?

a100167 ago

Calling you twisted, dumb mother fuckers out for exactly what you are, that's what he's doing here obviously.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Your a waste of body heat. You sent an angry comment at me to stop posting about the catholic church and crown mudering Canadian children. You said if I cared about them so damn bad bla blah blah..Nobody would delete that kind of material and become furious about it. Only a pedo mod like yourself and MF. How are the kids?

Shizy ago

I'm sorry death to masons, but I can't get past your continual misuse of your and you're. And mentioning the kids is a dick douche move

The_Savant ago

Make a post in v/pizzagatemods or stop crying about what's getting deleted. If you think certain topics are being avoided, that is the place to convince us. Of course, you won't actually do that because all you care about is making a scene.

Terraeri1 ago

The link to the report is dead @vindicator

Vindicator ago

Thanks! Fixed it. :-)

The_Savant ago

I fail to see what was deserving of a downvote in this comment. Some doubters are just empty vessels regurgitating the same old shit to try and derail us.

NoBS ago

Many are cranky that this site manipulates trending while blind drunk with censorship.

Down voting a helpful post is rather tacky.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/72V7m :

B on Twitter: "[15] [10] [5] [1] Markers We are waiting for [0] Here's how to decipher. t.co/0DyHkrtmvs"

https://archive.fo/gPed9 :

Jerome Corsi on Twitter: "@wikileaks PUBLISHES Wolff trash book IN ENTIRETY - substitutes "O" for "Q" in key chapter ANYONE STILL DOUBT @JulianAssange… t.co/YUW8aRu3w1"

https://archive.fo/ZM13n :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty."

https://archive.fo/aA0rA :

Al Smith Dinner: Read Donald Trump's Speech Transcript | Time

This has been an automated message.

Are_we__sure ago

Meanwhile in the real world, the special counsel is asking to interview Trump. Trump's lawyers are trying to make it a take home test

Initial talks underway about Trump interview in Mueller Russia probe

Anticipating that special counsel Robert Mueller will ask to interview President Donald Trump, the president's legal team is discussing a range of potential options for the format, including written responses to questions in lieu of a formal sit-down, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Why do they want Trump to avoid a face to face interview? Because he will have to take the fifth to avoid perjuring himself.

They are surely aware of the time Trump sued the author Timothy O'Brien.


A decade ago, my lawyers questioned Trump under oath during a deposition in a libel case he filed against me for a biography I wrote, “TrumpNation.” (Trump lost the case in 2011.) Trump had to acknowledge 30 times during that deposition that he had lied over the years about a wide range of issues: his ownership stake in a large Manhattan real estate development; the cost of a membership to one of his golf clubs; the size of the Trump Organization; his wealth; the rate for his speaking appearances; how many condos he had sold; the debt he owed, and whether he borrowed money from his family to stave off personal bankruptcy.

Trump also lied during the deposition about his business relationships with organized crime figures.

When my lawyers asked him whether he planned to sever his partnership with a developer named Felix Sater because of Sater’s mob ties, Trump said he hadn’t decided.

"Have you previously associated with people you knew were members of organized crime?" one of my lawyers asked.

"No, I haven't," Trump responded.

That wasn't true, however. Trump, despite what he said in the deposition, had knowingly associated with mob figures before. When Trump entered the Atlantic City casino market in the late 1970s, two of his partners were men he knew to have organized crime ties: Kenneth Shapiro, who was a bag man for the Philadelphia mob, and Daniel Sullivan, who was a Mafia associate and a labor negotiator.

Trump was still working with Felix Sater on a Trump Tower Moscow while he was running for President.

GoBackToReddit ago

I do not recall

I don't have the document in front of me.

And he walks away. See what happens when you allow the bar to be set so low?

Are_we__sure ago

We shall see.

undertheshills ago






The debate is over.

Are_we__sure ago


The Q fantasy is completely about an UnAmerican dictatorship. It's a fantasy that is all about assaulting the rule of law. How do you get justice out of this?

I'll be debating the rule of law and what truly makes American great for some time in the future. Long after this fantasy football dictatorship LARP is over.