Fateswebb ago

I posted an update cover up video to this just a few minutes ago.

In the new video they cover up the coverup believe it or not

popezandy ago

I'd just like to point out that that Planned Parenthood article wasn't changed substantially between it's original posting and the April update. Apparently, the site went through a number of articles to add a blurb about PP's mission statement recently, probably for search engine optimization purposes. I checked with the wayback machine and other than that there are no other discrepancies.

pizzaparallel ago

Ah, ok. I just thought it was odd that it would be updated 5 years later. Good to know.

TealHighCloud ago

Dude, you better be a shill. I looked at all your daft comments and if this is just a hobby for you it's time to start collecting stamps or train spotting.

ReadThatAlready ago

Ya it's just like the case the girl Kass of End Feminism on youtube was covering before she deleted her accounts. Her phone number was leaked and she had to, and she was picking up the story, just starting to when she removed herself from the internet, but she didn't explore a particular angle, but she was covering the case because what happened to the guy seemed unfair and she fights for men's rights. Bernard Chapin of Male Defender and Chapin's Inferno though covered that angle. Here's the story: There was a guy who supposedly raped some underaged girls, statutory rape etc. Lots of victims. Same circle of friends in some cases. Maybe he is tied to this I don't know, but the evidence he did the deeds was pretty sound, but it looked like at least some of the girls conspired to frame him or at least colluded to get their stories straight or whatever in order to get revenge, for this cause the case was called "John Tucker must Die" named after that movie, because certain statements they may to each other on the computer suggested that they were doing just that, and so when he got locked up the defense was trying to bring in those statements, and he wasn't being afforded a trial, just being allowed to rot and nobody could figure out why his civil rights to a speedy trial were being denied. Here's why... He took one of the girls to planned parenthood and she had an abortion. This was in Arizona. Mandatory reporting laws required the PP to report the incident because she was underaged, but they didn't, so they had to lock him away and not let it come to trial or the defense would bring that up in court and there would a record on the books that they did that. archive these links people... http://people.com/crime/arizona-teen-framed-in-john-tucker-must-die-revenge-plot-lawyers/ http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/pinal/2014/05/08/pinal-deputies-allege-planned-parenthood-report-assault/8837543/ http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/05/13/planned-parenthood-counselor-withheld-info-on-rape-police-report-claims.html http://www.maledefender.com/poor-kid-set-up-save-tyler-kost/ http://www.lifenews.com/2014/07/17/planned-parenthood-didnt-report-rape-of-teen-girl-allowing-rapist-to-rape-others/ https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2015/09/09/report-details-planned-parenthoods-treatment-of-arizona-sexual-abuse-victims/ http://liveactionnews.org/rape-survivor-fan-of-planned-parenthood-which-helps-rapists/ Now Christians have said for a long time that PP sexualizes children with their sex education programs in school for the specific purpose of selling abortions to them when other methods fail and supplying birth control to them at government and therefore tax payers expense, SUBSIDIZED BIRTH CONTROL and baby parts to be sold to pharma, cannibals, satanists, and organ traffickers. The girls become breeders for that kind of thing. And it makes sense because who needs that much birth control Ms. Sandra Fluke? Hmm? Who needs morning after pills? Who needs mandatory coverage in their government supplied Obamacare insurance or mandate controlled private insurance? Hmm? Sandra? Hmmm? PROSTITUTES! Yep. Before Obamacare passed lobbyists said we need government controlled/mandated healthcare (individual mandate) or a single payer system because other countries cover employees health care THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT and so the burden is NOT ON EMPLOYERS and companies here can't be competitive with overseas companies if the burden of supplying healthcare is on the employers. They decided on splitting the baby literally and mandated abortion coverage in Obamacare and mandated every person support abortion by buying insurance. So that's PRECISELY what they did. And what is the oldest business in the world? Figure it out. The PIMPS needed free birth control to make prostitution a viable next step in the legalization and TAXATION of vice as they first did with alcohol and firearms and tabacco and now drugs, BATFE, That's where this is going. They are going to legalize harming children. That's why they are trying to remove the stigma of it in the media with shows like toddlers and tiaras, dance moms, and articles in papers suggesting that's okay and this.. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/462604/We-can-t-prove-sex-with-children-does-them-harm-says-Labour-linked-NCCL and Dawkins... Sitting in the Enthoven room in New College, Dawkins characterised his own mode of argument – and the controversies that invariably ensue – as guided by the techniques of moral philosophy: “Moral philosophers say things like, ‘What is actually wrong with cannibalism?’ There are two ways of responding to that: one is to shrink back in horror and say, ‘Cannibalism! Cannibalism! We can’t talk about cannibalism!’ The other is to say, ‘Well, actually, what is wrong with cannibalism?’ Then you work it out and you tease it out and you decide yes, actually, cannibalism is wrong, but for the following reasons. So I’d like to think that my moral values at least partly come from reasoning. Trying to suppress the gut reaction as much as possible.” For a point to be of any worth to Dawkins, he demands both logic and evidence – a standard he applies to even the most personal of experiences. As a child, he experienced sexual abuse: a teacher at his junior school, Chafyn Grove, pulled Dawkins on to his lap and put his hand inside his shorts; at his senior school, Oundle, he fended off older boys who tried to climb into his bed at night. Dawkins has never made much of his experiences at school, he said, because he is certain it had no lasting effect; he has argued – to much outrage, naturally – that being raised in a fundamentalist religious household might be worse than suffering sexual abuse. To make a fuss about his own case, he believes, would be belittling to children whose lives had been more obviously tainted by similar treatment and it would also be irrational, unsupported by empirical evidence: “I’ve never had dreams, never had nightmares.” https://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jun/09/is-richard-dawkins-destroying-his-reputation http://www.salon.com/2013/09/10/richard_dawkins_defends_mild_pedophilia_says_it_does_not_cause_lasting_harm/ By Ian Sample

starting to get it people? I got this years ago. The atheist movement is about NORMALIZING IMMORAL BEHAVIOR and it's satanism FRONTING as atheism. I have sooo much stuff on this. I'll start posting it. They are trying to tell us children can't remember child abuse and so shouldn't be believed. I've got stuff on them normalizing cannibalism too, I"ve got the books and articles! It's tied to the atheist movement and the satanists!

A leading psychologist whose research on human memory exposed her to death threats, lawsuits, personal abuse and a campaign to have her sacked has won a prestigious prize for her courage in standing up for science. Professor Elizabeth Loftus endured a torrent of abuse from critics who objected to her work on the unreliable nature of eyewitness testimonies, and her defining research on how people can develop rich memories for events that never happened. The work propelled Loftus into the heart of the 1990 “memory wars”, when scores of people who had gone into therapy with depression, eating disorders and other common psychological problems, came out believing they had recovered repressed memories for traumatic events, often involving childhood abuse. https://richarddawkins.net/2016/11/we-cant-let-the-bullies-win-elizabeth-loftus-awarded-2016-john-maddox-prize/ Prominent secular scholars Rebecca Goldstein and Susan Jacoby discuss the unique cultural expectations for women regarding religion. http://www.reasonabletalk.tv/why-women-are-too-polite-about-religion/ http://thegoodnewsclub.com/reviews - check out Katherine Stewart. I've been chronicling her shit for a long time. She works with dawkins. She considers Christian evangelism child abuse but won't condemn dawkins for his statements. I've got so much stuff you wouldn't believe it.

pizzaparallel ago

Ok, you’ve got a lot of stuff going on here that I’m trying to parse.

Potentially Relevant Story:

  • -Man (Tyler Kost) charged with assaulting 11 girls aged 12 to 17 including many in the same friend circle.
  • -One of the girls (age 15) had an abortion at a planned parenthood in Arizona
  • -A PP counselor intentionally miscoded the sexual assault as a consensual encounter to avoid the “hassle” of reporting it to authorities

Planned Parenthood has already been forced to make a public statement about the violation. It doesn't really matter for PP whether or not the defendant is jailed in the meantime or if social media activity is analyzed.

Main Claims about PP and Obamacare and Goals: (As I understand them)

  1. Intends to encourage sexual activity among children to fund more abortions. [Maybe but we can't really prove this.]

  2. Sells subsidized birth control and baby parts to pharma, cannibals, Satanists, and organ traffickers thus encouraging girls to become "breeders" for this marketplace. [There are reports of PP selling baby parts to big pharma companies but not any of the others. Girls who have abortions at PP don't get rewarded for doing so and there's no evidence of an outside incentive for this. Planned Parenthood is the only one who seems to have any incentive because they are already performing these services and it's a way to profit twice.]

  3. Obamacare mandated abortion coverage and forced everyone to support abortion by buying insurance. [Obamacare funding of abortions is still limited by the Hyde Amendment banning the use of federal funds for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, or endangerment of the life of the woman).]

  4. People are looking to legalize child harm by removing the stigma in shows like toddlers and tiaras, dance moms, and articles that suggest no link to harm from sex with children. [The article regarding Dawkins was really weird but it's a stretch to say that shows like dance moms and toddlers and tiaras are trying to normalize child harm.]

Additional Claims:

  1. This is satanism fronting as atheism and intends to normalize immoral behavior. [Maybe. Maybe not. Again, we can only speculate about intentions]

  2. They are telling us that children can't remember child abuse and so shouldn't be believed. [I don't know who said this. From the work of Dr. Loftus and colleagues that I'm familiar with this isn't the case]

You make a lot of points but most of them are not backed up by the available evidence. I hope you will keep digging and sharing the information if you find clear links to pizzagate.

ReadThatAlready ago

Entirely wrong. Check the sequence of events between their FORCED ADMISSION OF BREAKING THE LAW AND DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE OF A RAPE and the duration of his internment and when the stories broke about the REASON he was being interned. Arizona PP has been caught doing this before. Here's just one article to get you started. I suggest YOU READ instead of typing because you know nothing about this subject apparently. I have MOUNTAINS of documents on the subject. http://mensviews.com/tyler-kost-a-falsely-accused-teen-finally-gets-bail-after-700-days-in-jail-pinal-county-attorney-lando-voyles-office-hid-damming-evidence/ Now let's move on just begin with PP sexualizing children. http://eaglerising.com/12508/public-school-tells-13-year-olds-can-sex-choose-gender/ http://cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-sex-ed-kindergartners-right-thing-do http://www.wnd.com/2004/12/28126/ http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/is-it-ok-if-i-take-off-my-pants/ http://www.lifenews.com/2012/02/23/planned-parenthood-created-indiana-girl-scouts-sex-ed-program/ http://www.wnd.com/2014/02/girl-scouts-chief-threatens-pro-life-groups/ http://www.wnd.com/2004/03/23688/ http://www.wnd.com/2014/02/millions-more-asked-to-just-say-no-to-girl-scout-cookies/ http://www.wnd.com/2011/11/370921/ http://www.wnd.com/2014/02/girl-scout-cookie-boycott-to-hit-business-climate/ http://www.wnd.com/2005/09/32232/ http://mygirlscoutcouncil.com/uploads/3/2/6/7/3267198/gsgw_council_pp.pdf And so now that you've had a primer on a subject I know EXTREMELY well check out the last pdf. " Refers to http://fcgijax.org/index.php - check out the organizations listed, GIRLS inc, not women, GIRLS, JAGirls, Junior Achievement, Girls on the run, Jasmyn sexual MINORITY, BOYS and GIRLS clubs. Got that buddy? Check out the text... "Moving Forward with Comprehensive Sexuality Eduction FOR GIRLS [emphasis mine]: Sexual Identity, SEXUALIZATION OF GIRLS [emphasis mine]..." Are you getting this? Idiot. "Our History The Girls Inc movement started in New England during the Industrial Revolution as a response to the needs of a new working class: young women who had migrated from rural communities in search of newly available job opportunities in textile mills and factories." http://www.girlsinc.org/about/about-girls-inc.html So it's CAPITALISM TO PUT GIRLS TO WORK BUT COMMUNISM TO ORGANIZE THEM AS A VOTING BLOCK! Read Sanger about that idiot. What's the oldest profession? What's legal in Nevada? What was Clinton doing in Haiti? What do those girls she "rescued" from what profession do for her? Are you getting this? http://www.planetwaves.net/feminism/fucking_like_feminist.html Betty Dodson - the root of the Joycelyn Elders philosophy http://www.mistressballoon.com/Raves.html sex expert Betty Dodson, attending the 2010 Planned Parenthood fundraiser Got that buddy? http://www.nytimes.com/1994/12/10/us/surgeon-general-forced-to-resign-by-white-house.html http://plannedparenthood.tumblr.com/post/79466938764/joycelyn-elders-was-the-first-african-american-and http://womenrockscience.tumblr.com/post/80207524551/plannedparenthood-joycelyn-elders-was-the-first http://www.newsweek.com/remember-time-bill-clinton-fired-his-surgeon-general-encouraging-masturbation-423302 The current PP president, Pamela Maraldo, in an article in the March/April 1993 issue of Family Planning World, condemned abstinence-only sex ed programs as “unacceptable.” She endorsed, instead, the position of former United States Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, who said, “We’ve taught our children in driver’s education what to do in the front seat, and now we’ve got to teach them what to do in the back seat.” http://blackgenocide.org/archived_articles/oppose.html Are you getting this??? And I haven't EVEN BEGUN. This whole philosophy comes out of STOCKHOLM SWEDEN. I know the names of the organizations. I have tons of literature on the subject. They are guilty as sin and Hillary is their spokesperson and Obama is all in. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/07/28/un-parents-should-discuss-cartoon-characters-sex-lives-with-toddlers/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2012/11/22/planned-parenthood-receives-obamacare-funding-to-push-sex-on-9th-graders/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2015/09/16/jessica-biel-launch-sex-education-web-series/ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/09/29/disabled-sex-education-books-created-for-schools/ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/08/02/school-dealing-with-students-watching-porn-gives-them-lessons-in-hardcore-porn/ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/03/05/denmark-considers-introducing-school-kids-to-porn-to-spice-up-sex-classes/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2012/06/19/queens-teacher-banned-for-inappropriate-behavior-in-sex-ed/ Where are women being raped and by whom? That very city and by the Muslim immigrants WHO ARE PAYING THOSE TIED TO THE GOVERNMENT TO GET ACCESS TO THOSE WHITE WOMEN. Who runs the rings? Who were the first slave traders? Who has harems? Who was Clinton's personal assistant? http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/03/11/government-funded-website-teaches-migrants-how-to-have-sex/ Who wants to legalize drugs AND TAX IT? http://marijuanapolitics.com/former-surgeon-general-joycelyn-elders-to-keynote-cannabis-conference/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/05/jennifer-lawrence-got-birth-control-condoms-planned-parenthood-everything-normal-teenager-growing-jesus-house-needs/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2015/11/13/actress-mae-whitman-planned-parenthood-can-parent-want-talk-sex/ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/11/05/gay-oral-sex-at-13-is-safe-and-healthy-parliament-warned-of-illegal-advice-to-school-children/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/12/04/planned-parenthood-joins-lgbt-groups-push-political-agenda-schools/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/08/13/planned-parenthood-minnesota-counselor-to-teen-anything-in-the-sexual-world-is-normal-as-long-as-its-consensual/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/01/black-pro-life-group-protests-planned-parenthood-a-force-as-pernicious-and-insidious-as-a-slave-master/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/16/media-matters-accidentally-highlights-planned-parenthoods-admission-of-profit-seeking-on-organ-harvesting/ AND IT GOES ON AND ON AND ON. We know who these perverts are. We know WHAT THEY DO. We know WHO THEY KILL. We know WHAT THEY DO TO CHILDREN and what they do with their body parts they can't sell. Hint:GREEN ENERGY. It was in the news. Case closed.

pizzaparallel ago

Look, I can tell you are passionate about the subject and you have looked through a lot of information but the way you keep shotgunning information at me makes it difficult to parse your arguments and prevents much of a debate.

I took time to go through your claims and give you my feedback and you come back insisting I am "entirely wrong" (about some of it? all of it? Only the parts I said I disagreed on? You aren't even clear what you think I'm wrong about), claiming I know nothing about this, insulting me, reminding me how much evidence you have, and dumping a bunch of links without much explanation of relevance.

If you can't effectively communicate what you or the people you read are arguing, it doesn't matter how much information you have or how many people see it because you won't convince anyone. If you want to debate my points, specifically debate my points with counterpoints and evidence. Otherwise, good luck changing anyone's opinion.

ReadThatAlready ago

My goal is not to change your opinion. My goal is to present the truth. I provide EVIDENCE to back up my claims, which were that a man was locked in jail without a trial to prevent a crime committed by planned parenthood from getting out to the media and that planned parenthood has been PROVEN to PURPOSELY sexualize children in order to maximize PROFITS and to ORGANIZE CHILDREN into LABOUR UNIONS and sell baby body parts the girls produce by having sex and this is done in conjunction with SATANISTS who SUPPORT PLANNED PARENTHOOD OPENLY. Note that the OFFICIAL CHURCH OF SATAN DOES SO and that pro-abortion protesters chant "HAIL SATAN" and that the exact same organizations that support planned parenthood support AFTER SCHOOL SATAN CLUBS. I could provide a MOUNTAIN of articles proving all of that as well, but you won't believe me so I'm not going to waste my time. Take it or leave it. My goal has nothing whatsoever to do with you. YOU have nothing whatsoever to do with why I am here.

pizzaparallel ago

I've never objected to you making the points you do, only to the way you presented the information. I think that's a good goal and hopefully it is better accomplished by the more concise and easy to follow nature of your last post.

pizzaparallel ago

I think DarkOne was referring to the news organization named after Breitbart. That's why he refers to "them" rather than "him". Andrew Breitbart is deceased but the news organization that he founded is still around. There are likely people who have been around since before Andrew Breitbart's death and who may have knowledge of what exactly he knew.

pizzaparallel ago

Updated. Thanks for the link! :)

southartful ago

No Post some fucking legit content you fucking shill

RedGreenAlliance ago

There are far too many connections now to dismiss PizzaGate. The Breitbart connections on top of everything else have removed the final 1% doubt I had. Even if that doubt was based on wishful thinking that something so huge and horrific couldn't actually be real. This is all so disturbing I am consumed with impotent rage.

Endeffekt ago

Pence donated to planned parenthood. Trump flied with epstein and knew about epsteins taste for young girls as he says in one interview. Trump was put to place to pardon every filthy politician that gets burned. He will do nothing to expose any of these motherfuckers. He is balls deep involved in the swamp.

pizzaparallel ago

I know that people have been making donations in Pence's name because Planned Parenthood let's you do that under anyone's name. Just after the elections many of my facebook friends were encouraging people to do so as well. I don't think that has much to do with anything. The rest is speculation so I suppose we will see.

DarkOne ago

i don't doubt it but it looks like he doesn't play by there rules or there "kids". so there is hope.

DarkOne ago

slow and steady wins the race he he, but i need sum sleep. you would think this stuff would give you nightmares but it just makes you angry and sad once the shock wears off, weird really. god luck to you.

Nicefind ago

ACORN-OBAMA connection runs deep: Project Vote/Voting for America is Barack Obama’s former employer.

October 2008 Whistle blowers blow up collusion between ACORN and the Obama campaign http://archive.fo/hFDtI#selection-609.254-609.316

Judicial Watch claims ACORN has its hands in all kinds of dirt https://archive.fo/riKYi

Take for example voter fraud https://archive.fo/kPnYT

*"ACORN has repeatedly and deliberately engaged in systematic fraud and that the group hides behind a paper wall of nonprofit corporate protections to conceal a criminal conspiracy on the part of its directors, to launder federal money in order to pursue a partisan political agenda and to manipulate the American electorate." *

October 1, 2009, President Obama signed into law legislation known that effectively prohibits the federal government from granting taxpayer dollars to “ACORN and any ACORN-related affiliate.”

October 2009 Wikileaks email deduces that ACORN includes prostitution and human trafficking https://archive.fo/FsOf1

Re: Pencil Fall Training Visit From Anya.Alfano(at)stratfor(dot)com To burton(at)stratfor(dot)com, stewart(at)stratfor(dot)com, alfano(at)stratfor(dot)com, zucha(at)stratfor(dot)com, burtonfb(at)att.blackberry(dot)net, longbow99(at)earthlink(dot)net

"Re ACORN, it seems to me that the analysis should be whether solicitation of crimes (election fraud, tax fraud, human smuggling, prostitution) is ACORN policy, or does the latest scandal reflect the "stick it to da man" attitude of the kind of street operatives ACORN attracts and recruits. As GF says, you judge them by what they do, not what they say. Either way, they need to clean up quickly or disappear: They are hurting the reputation of people far better than they are, whether or not you agree with the liberal agenda. And in fairness, when crimes are committed by, say, the CIA, we don't say the individual operatives dunnit: We say the CIA dunnit."

January 26, 2010 ACORN Scandal Investigators charged with attempting to "illegally access and manipulate the phone system in a district office of U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana" https://archive.fo/dqn7m

February 2010 Media Matters calls the ACORN scandal a "myth" https://archive.fo/iW1FB

March 2010 Obama shuts down FBI investigation into ACORN: https://archive.fo/P0yF0

March 22, 2010, ACORN announced it was closing its remaining state chapters and was disbanding

November 2, 2010, former ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis and former ACORN General Counsel Arthur Schwartz filed for Chapter 7 liquidation.

Judicial Watch obtains FBI investigation documents. Reports that though ACORN changed it's name after the scandal and bankruptcy, it now operates in the form of numerous state entities and in such affiliated organizations. ACORN uses the same network and institutions and revenue streams, including

  • ACORN International
  • Affordable Housing Centers of America (received a $79,819 grant from U.S. Housing and Development (HUD) on March 1, 2011)
  • The Advance Group
  • The Black Institute
  • Association for the Rights of Citizens
  • Project Vote/Voting for America
  • US Housing and Development

[State orgs] * Arkansas Community Organizations * Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment * A Community Voice * Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change * Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment * New England United for Justice * New York Communities for Change * Mutual Housing Association of New York * Pennsylvania Communities Organizing for Change * Texas Organizing Project * Texas Organizing Project Educational Fund (received a one-year grant of $150,000 from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation in 2010.)
* Organization United for Reform


Wikileaks corroboration: "Acorn" has morphed in to a different named organization, doing the same old thing and getting the same old U. S. Government money."https://archive.fo/Ks3V6

FURTHER RESEARCH NEEDED!!! HAITI - ACORN CONNECTIONS? Patrick Gaspard (in office January 20, 2009 – February 1, 2011) is the Director of the White House Office of Political Affairs and is the highest ranking Haitian-American official in the Obama Administration. https://archive.fo/YZnen 2013 - Current Ambassador to South Africa.

December 2009 Gaspard is ACORN liaison to the White House. http://archive.fo/YZnen


On 12/22/2009 1:47 PM, Fred Burton wrote:

Who is the ACORN liaison to the WH?

I think Patrick Gaspard is still there. Director of Political Affairs. He's closely affiliated with ACORN and all sorts of labor unions, SEIU etc.*

The brother of Patrick Gaspart is Michael Gaspard, who is Counsel for The Advance Group (ACORN spin off)

balancesownder ago

Upvoat this BASED anon. I ran out of mine =(

RedGreenAlliance ago

Excellent work thank you

followthemoney ago

Okay, it is an interesting presentation. I can totally see that Breitbart was onto the trafficking surrounding Podesta and possibly killed for it.

I'm trying to connect the dots, here.

O'Keefe does Planned Parenthood videos. Ok, his presentation is crap, but I commend him for getting Foval and Creamer by the nuts (everyone should be reporting them, btw).

Supposedly there is sex trafficking surrounding Planned Parenthood? Ok, makes sense. Sex trafficking = abortions. Planned Parenthood reported sex trafficking they thought might be happening, but figured it was a hoax all along.

So, I'm not left with much in regards to what was potentially being exposed by Breitbart. Honestly, I still don't know what ACORN really was. It sounds like it existed as a lobbying nonprofit 501c4 that filters down to local level nonprofits 501c3s, which are, technically, separate organizations. It seems like a DNC voting scheme and that might be the most likely explanation as to why it was attacked.

Wade Rathke founded it in Little Rock Arkansas in the late 70s. Rathke is from New Orleans. His brother was caught red handed embezzling a million dollars from it and that was kept secret. Wade resigned when it became public. I think that was the true beginning of the end for the organization. It was at that point the organization was turned into a DNC arm to get voters registered.

So, like a lot of other things, it seems like ACORN was targeted for being a voting scam.

How that ties into a sex trafficking ring run by Podesta is still the confusing part for me. But, I'm open minded.

The Polaris Project, Deliverfund, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, etc... these organizations are all ripe for exploitation and infiltration because there isn't a lot of oversight and they will naturally intersect with the criminals at the top of the trafficking food chains.

Planned Parenthood does ask questions and they are pretty prompt at reporting and helping victims of rape, from what I have seen.

I'll remain open minded because I don't think Breitbart was wrong. I do think Planned Parenthood has great potential to glean what is really up with human trafficking and that makes them a target in a variety of ways. Still, I'm not able to connect any meaningful dots.

Blargagg ago

You could fuckin' google it yourself you lazy cunt -


"Media Matters has a policy of not comprehensively listing donors. In 2010, six years after the Democracy Alliance initially endorsed MMfA, financier George Soros — a founding and continuing member of the Alliance — announced that he was donating $1 million to MMfA. Soros said his concern over "recent evidence suggesting that the incendiary rhetoric of Fox News hosts may incite violence" had moved him to donate to MMfA.[18][19] During a 2014 CNN interview, David Brock stated that Soros' contributions were "less than 10 percent" of Media Matters' budget.[20] According to Politico: "Media Matters, however has received funding from or formed partnerships with several groups that Soros funds or has funded. These include the Tides Foundation, Democracy Alliance, Moveon.org and the Center for American Progress.”

People like you are too used to being spoon fed information. You're used to getting scraps and have just forgotten what the big picture looks like. Grow a pair, get the fuck off your ass, and start doing some fuckin reading.

crash6674 ago


What's the planned parenthood angle Andrew is talking about?

jfromlost ago

Could same the same about the people that deny it like yourself. You probably don't find pedophilIa that bad huh? You sir, are fucking stupid.

The_Almighty_Kek ago

What is with you and that other guy and the "take your meds" comments? You're not funny. You're not helping with anything, just being a cunt.

We're not harming anyone by doing research. If nothing works, oh well, we failed. But if we uncover something big and it blows up big league, you'll be thanking us for those childrens' lives we may save...so if you have no interest in #pizzagate then GTFO

followthemoney ago

Hello, friend. I just wanted to let you know that everything is going to be okay. There are many avenues to investigate. Many rivers to cross. Maybe we can find an avenue to investigate together... one that is more to your liking. Do you have any suggestions? No?

Ok, I'll start. Do us a favor and throw together a list of all the orphanages in Haiti, then post it. There aren't very many. It'll give you something to focus on other than all the negativity.

followthemoney ago

Generally, friend, ad hominem attacks are contrary to the investigative process.

Let's find our zen together.

pizzaparallel ago

I never claimed to prove pizzagate. As I stated in the title, I found the article that Andrew Breitbart was referring to in a recently re-discovered tweet. I posted and archived information for further investigation.

Are we really more pathetic than a pizzagate skeptic going to /v/pizzagate to tell people that pizzagate is stupid? Name-calling is not a debate. If you have something to debate, bring up points and we'll debate.

DarkOne ago

the only thing that has me worried is that Hillary is way to calm (like queen Cersei s06e10) and Soros is funneling money thru the green party for the recount while we look at pizzagate + allegedly paying of the mob (a.k.a. SJW) to protest the presidential inauguration. this are not moves made by people preparing to run, and i find this alarming.

southartful ago

Dont forget these people womt have anywhere to run. We wont let them now the cats finding its way out of the bag. Redpill everyone you can.

TimeForPitchForks ago

She is just that cold... Ice Cold Cuntbag!

Galvarian ago

I would agree with you but then we would both be wrong.

Galvarian ago

Dude, just stop. There you go with the "Meds" comments again. LOL Do you think anyone cares about what you think?


wut? did you say st_r is a pedo?

hanknut42 ago



so is it original or not, im confused.

Galvarian ago

"Citation Needed" LOL Do your own homework buddy. You are not a professor so stop acting like one.

Snakeberry ago

Your the fucking moron man. What drives you to a site to insult people on a matter that is utterly pointless to you?

You are wasting your fucking time.

CredAndBercuses ago

Not a waste when you're paid by the hour for it.

Mylon ago

The fuck? Guys just walking into Planned Parenthood bragging about being part of a sex trafficking ring? Totally sounds like a hoax trying to stir up shit.

slumbermachine ago

Not a hoax, it was huge news at the time. Got buried fast though.

Snakeberry ago


Louisa ago

Use of Rule #5 in Rules for Radicals - the playbook of anyone trying to discredit this.

common_sense ago

"take your meds" lots of shills using this language today.


This your account too? Seriously, fuck off.

UncookedSpirit ago

Trump definitely knew at least rumors about this sort of thing back in October: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMJoNl2RHIU

MeatballPizza ago

If Andrew had evidence implicating Podesta (Hillary's campaign manager and Bill/Hill's right hand man for decades) his may have been killed to shut him up. #SethRich.

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Lame. Voat credit. You get a down voat warning this time, Mister....

DarkOne ago

if that is true; history will in no doubt remember him as God Emperor Trump, Savior of Mankind.

MAGABoomer ago

I can see why a PP worker would completely "go along with" a pimp who came in with a girl child and report it later. The girl will for sure leave with the pimp and she would pay dearly, and maybe with her life, if the PP worker acted like it would be reported. Go along with it, then report it? Especially if clear identifying personal information could be gleaned and the girl safely gotten to at a different time.

dontkillmehillary ago


quantokitty ago

Extraordinary!!! Extraordinary and unbelievable.

I have to view these tapes now.

I do remember this ... and the tapes did appear to back up what was alleged by Breitbart. Like this. They complain the man didn't identify himself as a pimp?!!!!


TreyArcanum ago

Acorn..owned by Soros

pizzaparallel ago

Regardless of who owns it now, David Brock founded it.

Orange_Circle ago

David Brock founded Acorn?

TreyArcanum ago

https://youtu.be/4JmN3Y_3iRY Media matters is own by Soros

DarkOne ago

might be a stupid question but; any chance we can contact Breitbart and ask them to help with the investigation? i can only assume they know more then we do and would want to nail these people as much as we do.

pizzaparallel ago

You are welcome to try, however, I'd imagine they would be reluctant to share any information with a stranger who for all they know could be involved and trying to thwart the investigation.

DarkOne ago

Yea, you are right. They likely have there hands full just like everyone else. There must be lots of independent investigators outside of voat looking into this (FBI probably already know where the body's are buried anyways). hmm... i guess the best we can hope for (well, if they are lurking about voat) is that they find the information of our better members (like yourself) worth looking into. doesn't really mater who brakes the case as long as these people find themselves in a jail cell and not in the oval office. There has got be more people with information that what we are seeing though. Its like; everyone is holding there breath until Trump takes office. Even then we don't really know if he is going to take action. I don't know what to think anymore... think I need a break (lol). we live in interesting times that's for sure, you keep up the good work!

Brimstone18 ago

I do know how I'm still being surprised by this case....

Heffisntmyrealname ago

God Damn, planned parenthood.. Hiding in plain sight amiright?

ArtsyLiberationz ago

wtf I used to think the conspiracy sites about Hollywood and Washington scandals were just rumors and guys like David Icke were crackpots...starting to look more real


I thought Alefantis and Brock were still together.

pizzaparallel ago

I haven't been able to confirm for sure whether they are or not. The snopes article on pizza gate says that Alefantis is a former lover though. Either way, they have a connection.


grlldcheese ago

The story floating around is that it was a messy breakup that included Brock paying him 850k. Not sure where it came from.

pizzaparallel ago

I know the story you are referring to but Alefantis wasn't THAT ex. The one he paid was William Grey while he was dating Alefantis.


UncookedSpirit ago

The weird thing is that Alefantis has said post-pizzagate revelations that he hasn't been with Brock for 5 years... which would mean that they broke up BEFORE this case. And the William Grey of this case supposedly moved to Massachusetts after this, but I can find nothing about this William Grey before or after. Maybe someone else can.

CredAndBercuses ago

The wikipedia page for David Brock was edited recently to remove the "Partner: James Alefantis" part.

grlldcheese ago

Oh shit. Good find. That was one of the earliest discussions that now appears incorrect.

You might be onto something if they're still together. I dunno what. But that seems pretty fucking significant.

derram ago

https://archive.is/PWCrh :

AndrewBreitbart on Twitter: "Early on did John Podesta imagine his baby @mmfa would be covering up for underage sex slave ops & H8 crimes against blacks?"

https://archive.is/KaCVX :

A Refresher Course On Andrew Breitbart's Dishonest Tactics

https://archive.is/bWsK2 :

Investigation confirms: No evidence of illegal actions by ACORN in videographer scam

This has been an automated message.

MeatballPizza ago

Excellent work! Andrew was onto them. Might have been killed because of it.