awhellnawmydude ago

that's a very good take on the situation. glad i found this.

pizza-party-pooper ago

@ArtificialDuality Thanks for mentioning this- I had the smallest voice tell me "if this is managed what then?" I especially went all uncomfortable when they mentioned an almost plausible reason for martial law. I agree, it's very important that if there is any momentum from this it needs to be used to continue red-pilling people. High level crims don't stop. they pause.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok Saudi pedophiles, we are sorry. We didn't mean it. Just give us your cash and we will set you free to rape more children. Its all cool now. Us taking your money cured your pedophilia....

Can we stop pretending now?

Saudi authorities are negotiating settlements with princes and businessmen held over allegations of corruption, offering deals for the detainees to pay for their freedom, people briefed on the discussions say. In some cases the government is seeking to appropriate as much as 70 per cent of suspects’ wealth, two of the people said, in a bid to channel hundreds of billions of dollars into depleted state coffers.

The arrangements, which have already seen some assets and funds handed over to the state, provide an insight into the strategy behind Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s dramatic corruption purge.

@vindicator I pinged you because I thought you would want to see this.

@artificalduality @srayzie @commoner

srayzie ago

Wow! Unbelievable. It's always the evil ones that get deals and get off easy. $$$

TruthEarthOrg ago

This is very simple, let people discern and decide for themselves what is true or false. Present the information in an unbiased way and let people do their own research. This isn't Snopes.

ArtificalDuality ago

They can still do that. I'm a someone who is spiritually autonomous and sovereign. My assessments and analysis are, in fact, built upon what people uncover and find out in the broadest sense.

My motivation is much the same as other good people around here: trying to save our guts from ultimate evil filth in ways that are practicable to me, which in my case is the sharing of knowledge and wisdom gained throughout my life.

Here, something to read for you: Yes, I am MagicBox on OCN.NET.

QueenAlt ago

I saw a link somewhere last night to a new MegaAnon where she's giving the autists hell about going overboard and off track with all of this. Claims that anything after 130-something is all LAARP. It was an eddit post in Conspiricy but I'm at work adulting & can't find it with a quick search.

ArtificalDuality ago

That would be very useful if you can find the link. Our autistic friends are a force to be reckoned with. Which brings me to a side-note. When it's not too severe, time can cure it naturally, provided they receive support, love and understanding from communities. The brain is remarkable.

ESOTERICshade ago

Great food for thought. Lots to chew on. Thanx for the post.

Vindicator ago

@ArtificialDuality: There is no reference to "Alice in Wonderland" in the QAnon leaks. It's "Alice and Wonderland". Have you actually read the leaks? Please cite some other references that make you think this is "controlled opposition." People are saying it's a LARP, but almost no one is claiming it's controlled. QAnon goes to great lengths to emphasize the problem is massive and worldwide and has required extreme measures of coordination to break the web of corruption. And confirmation that is happening has since come from Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, and Lebanon.

crazycycle ago

It also depends on what @ArtificialDuality means by opposition. Opposition to the people, to Trump, etc. I agree that it will be a controlled culling, but probably disagree on who is controlling it. It needs to be controlled, because the world is too intertwined and uncontrolled culling could cause world-wide chaos. But fundamentally, I think his theory is based on Trump being part of the "NWO." Also, VoL is an obvious larp.

I think Q is an insider. The most convincing is the NK shot in the Asia video. That shot was deliberately edited in from a different stash of videos. Why, unless it was a message to autists and the shadow cabal. The only thing I'm not sure about is how much of it is disinfo directed at the shadow cabal lurkers.

Vindicator ago

I think Q is an insider. The most convincing is the NK shot in the Asia video. That shot was deliberately edited in from a different stash of videos.

Interesting. What do you think was being communicated by the insertion of the NK plane window pic? Was it dick-wagging, like "See, we can fly over Rocket Man and violate his airspace unscathed"? Or the fact that the outline of the window + the jet engine make a "Q"?

crazycycle ago

Q's been asking about NK repeatedly, making innuendo, etc. NK is on everyone's radar. I think the insertion was a message to /pol/ that Q is a legit insider and to follow closer. However, if we accept the possibility that Trump is still surrounded by shadow agents, then Q could still be an elaborate shadow psyop who is very close to the WH, but definitely not a LARP. Either way, it's mostly all disinfo, imo. The questions and information are good and interesting, but the "happenings" are required to be disinfo, because all hats are watching. Also, I think Q is US based and did not travel with POTUS. No way anyone on that trip had the time, freedom, or security to post like Q did. And he's probably been quiet past few days because POTUS and team are back and now they have to catch up on briefings and such.

The NK footage could be from anytime and taken by anyone. It could even be NK footage brought out by a defector, footage taken by SK business men, etc. What makes the video striking to me is that Q had access to it and had it inserted into POTUS's Asia video. Let's get one thing clear, AF1 did not fly into NK on this trip.

Vindicator ago

I find the whole thing fascinating. Do you know if anyone has done a side-by-side comparison of the timing of the Q posts and the known itinerary of the Asia delegation? As I've been reading through them, it struck me how abbreviated they are, like text messages or tweets rather than message board comments composed at a computer. Seems like it could be done on the fly. A comparison could rule out the delegation members, potentially though.

crazycycle ago

I don't know of any side-by-side comparisons, but I'll ask around. Agreed that the sentence structures are very simple, but since it's mostly a series of questions, I don't feel that it tells much. Also, he mentions that the order is important, which means some thought had to go into how to organize the questions. But that could just be disinfo. So much of it has to be disinfo, I don't follow it as closely as I initially did.

Basically, the only thing Q is asking of /pol/ is to become a bridge/messenger. All else is uncertain.

Also, do you know if the sealed indictments are related to the MS13 sweeps? Very disappointing, if that was the case.

Vindicator ago

I haven't heard confirmation they are MS13 or for that matter that a bunch of unsealed MS13 indictments resulting from the sweep have turned up, either. That would be an interesting line of research.

Just out of curiosity, why do you feel so much of Q's comments have to be disinfo?

crazycycle ago

To clarify a point, when I think most of it has to be disinfo, I'm don't mean the knowledge that can be gained via the Socratic method, but what Q alludes to about the Happening is disinfo.

crazycycle ago

First, I don't think there's an incentive for Trump & Co to telegraph anything on /pol/ or anywhere else. But, they do have an incentive to launch a disinfo Op against the shadow government for the upcoming storm. Conversely, there's great risk for Trump & Co to telegraph stuff on /pol/. The current power dynamic is so different from pre-election, when FBIAnon might have felt it was necessary to leak on /pol/. In the current dynamic, I just don't see Trump needing to go on /pol/ for anything but disinfo and fun.

Also, Q telling /pol/ they are the only ones who can save the world is hilarious ego stroking, imo. So far, the only mission requested of /pol/ by Q is for them to connect the dots and meme it to the normies. But, for anyone paying attention, Trump & Co already work with Hannity and he's been disseminating the truth about U1, Seth Rich, etc. to MILLIONS of people, every single night. Admittedly, it's different type of information, but can /pol/ actually figure out the truth about NK and disseminate it? No. It's not even possible for /pol/ to get verifiable confirmation on any NK theory. It's kind of retarded, in that sense.

I also kind of think it's possible that Trump was talking about Hollywood when he mentioned the storm and not some giant military operation. When Q was going on and on and on and on about martial law, it was most likely a way to force a stand down of the 11/4 "revolution". What better way to prevent the need for martial law, than to repeat martial law threats, over and over and over again. When that was happening, the entire message chain was meant for the shadow agents, not /pol/. That's how I see it anyways.

Vindicator ago

When Q was going on and on and on and on about martial law, it was most likely a way to force a stand down of the 11/4 "revolution".

I absolutely agree with this. Especially if you add the fact that hundreds of antifa had already been arrested and were being prosecuted from Berkeley and other riots, and possibly a big dent had been put in the funding sources -- evidenced by the Saudi takedowns. I thought the FBIAnon references to the danger of civil war were intended to have the same inoculating effect.

Also, Q telling /pol/ they are the only ones who can save the world is hilarious ego stroking

Did he specify it was up to just them? I don't remember seeing that. I saw "spread it far and wide" and that it was up to the People to get the word out, which FBIAnon also said. There have been a couple of users here, and a couple I've run across on Twitter that struck me as likely insiders sharing the same messages as Q and FBIAnon, in a very low key way that give me a pretty strong sense /pol/ is not the only venue for this comm operation.

crazycycle ago

Maybe not in exact terms, but he alluded to it several times and there were discussions about it prior to, I think, CBST #112 or #120, when /pol/ was taken offline for a couple of hours. Those interactions didn't make it onto any of the graphics. They were about why /pol/ was sooooo important, how smart and talented they were, etc. etc. Maybe those posts were LARPs? Which reminds me of another reason why I thought so much of Q was disinfo. Whoever initially made the Q map left out some important posts that seemed authentic, but the graphic was confirmed by Q. Were the left out posts LARPs? Was Q being careless with his confirmation? Were those posts authentic, but deliberately left out, due to changing circumstances? Was Q the initial map maker and left stuff out? We'll never know.

Also, is there something more important /pol/ could be doing other than waiting on more Q? Maybe expose more of Hollywood, while the snowballing has momentum? Meme U1? If so much of what Q alludes to is timely misdirection (ML, SA), is the storm actually a forceful LE sweep of elites or could the storm just be sexual allegations that are snowballing and mushrooming, right now? What could /pol/ be doing today, instead of hitting refresh, waiting for Q? Does Trump want /pol/ to stand down for the time being? Is that what Q is all about?

I really don't know what to make of Q, except I think he is real, but much of what he alludes to is disinfo.

ArtificalDuality ago

You're right about that little detail in that it wasn't "IN" wonderland, but "&" wonderland instead. Still, a minor detail when looking at the two words Alice and Wonderland themselves, coupled with the VotL tweets.

ESOTERICshade ago

And Vin sometimes things are just what they are. Everybody was holding their breath for Trump's big speech. Q set everybody up for this big reveal. And the speech?

"Everything is great, the economy is great, less unemployment, stocks are up, everything is great, met with all these big leaders, fair trade, everything is great, more sanctions on NK, Chinese are great people...."

Not at all what was expected. Everybody expected martial law, electrical blackout, what point can a person start to be skeptical here without being a kill joy or suspected amalek shill?

srayzie ago

From what I understand, Q never made a big deal about Trumps upcoming speech. Some people were excited and had expectations and got disappointed. I would recommend watching Tracy Beanz on YouTube if you want to know more. She addressed this yesterday and has been covering this topic very well.

Vindicator ago

I would submit that those who expected that were those who did not actually examine the Q leaks, but were instead caught up in their own expectations. I did not expect it.

I saw this coming last night, as the expectation began to peak over his announcement tweet. It's very interesting that he deliberately did it, especially if Q is real. Why titillate only to disappoint? That's either the world's most inept communication/sales strategy, or a deliberate tactic employed for a particular reason. I'm not of the camp who thinks Trump is a retarded buffoon puppet, so option A is out. I am leaning toward the idea that this is another "covfeffe", a deliberate snafu designed to viralize discussion of a topic.

As for skepticism: it's easy. It takes no intellectual effort whatsoever to say "look at the new boss: same as the old boss." Nor does it get us anywhere. And it's boring. Why even log on, if that's what we're going to talk about? I don't want to mod a sub full of it, for sure.

It's much harder to seriously consider what might be new evidence, to envision how things could be done better than ever before, in a whole new way and how we could each contribute. That's challenging...but interesting to me.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am leaning toward the idea that this is another "covfeffe", a deliberate snafu designed to viralize discussion of a topic.

Well i'm give him some covfeffe then because that was a good un :)

ESOTERICshade ago

And Zimbabwe had to be rid of evil before we can get rid of our Satanists?

ESOTERICshade ago

And confirmation that is happening has since come from Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, and Lebanon.

Absolutely not. Saudia Arabia and Lebanon are just further plays in the mopping up of Middle Eastern assets. You really think that when the game is won and now that it is time to start building some of the wonderful pipelines this was all about that suddenly the game is off? I don't think so.

ArtificalDuality ago

The anon signs off with 'Alice' in various posts.

SoldierofLight ago

What are your thoughts on Trump? To me he seems absolutely aligned with the Zionists, from what he says to the power he's given his son-in-law, to the Cabal hand signs he throws around, etc. etc. I became convinced awhile back that Victory of the Light is a Larper group at best and at worst, well, much worse. I'd love for the Q thing to be real, and "he" might be, but what is his/their real agenda?

ArtificalDuality ago

I'm hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that POTUS Trump at his soul core is genuine and righteous, or at least, has redeemed himself. I know he's not the knight on a white horse, given the ecosphere he comes from (Casinos, real-estate). But I think he knows and has realized what is at stake. One pro is that he talks about 'God' in an explicit fashion. Yes, I've noted the satanic flash-signs too.

The thing that worries me bigtime is indeed as you say Jared 666 Kushner. Daughter Ivanka Trump being the one in between two fires. There is this saying "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer". This might apply here but there are too many mixed signals to conclusively determine either way.

The American Army may be the American people's insurance. To Serve and Protect. From enemies foreign and DOMESTIC . After all, the army in the end is comprised of 'The People'.

SoldierofLight ago

Thank you.

think- ago

But then the army is also a deep state faction....

ArtificalDuality ago

See here. There's at least one Marine taking them on through legal means. He goes by the name Craig "Sawman" Sawyer.

ArtificalDuality ago

Yes, some / parts of the top. What applies here is.. "At the bottom they believe in God. At the top, they worship Satan". I'm pretty sure there are marines that would like to have a "chat" with the likes of Michael Aquino if they were not bound by authority.

think- ago

Problem is, the top decides what will be done. Not the ordinary marine who would gladly kill every pedo if he could get away with it.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Thanks for the alternative view on this whole situation. If an AI is truly involved in this fight against us we must keep our minds open to the many Psy Ops they could use against us.

ArtificalDuality ago

Research Jade Helm. It's a combat / tactical A.I. that has been designed to map the "human terrain" using all the data from Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube and Amazon as its input to map out the following:

Who knows what , where and when . It allows them to anticipate on NWO resistance, conduct tailored, local psy-ops and more.

However, white-hats around the world are countering this by metaphorically throwing sand in the eyes of Jade Helm.

ESOTERICshade ago

Great post. For my purposes I just throw the fake jew Khazars and Nazis in the same pile. The pope wears a yamika so why not? Black Nobility, Khazar Zionist, Jesuit, Nazi, I have a hard time telling that one is more evil than the other.

However, white-hats around the world are countering this by metaphorically throwing sand in the eyes of Jade Helm.

What do you mean? Interesting.

DomKeyhote ago

What a huge steaming pile. I notice there is ZERO room in you peoples' worldview for RACE. It's not even an afterthought, you just completely ignore it as if it didn't motivate people. What a fucking dupe.

ArtificalDuality ago

Be more clear? Race IS part of it. The Ashkenazi genes claiming superiority over other races. Ashkenazis following the school of Lucifer think about one thing: Eradicating blacks and whites on the racial plane; eradicating Christianity on the religious plane.

You will find it noteworthy that Christianity and Afro-American blacks have a HUGE overlap. Everything and anything that supports positive, loving spirituality (as is most often the case with genuine Christianity) finds itself to be a target of supremacist Satanists.

The same with Western European and American whites. Traditionally the significant part are Christians.

ESOTERICshade ago

Everything and anything that supports positive, loving spirituality (as is most often the case with genuine Christianity) finds itself to be a target of supremacist Satanists.

The Golden Mean Ratio is their tool and the reversal of it is their game. The Golden Mean Ratio is nature's blueprint for all living creatures and they reverse it. Transgender, poison food, homosexuality, poison the water, medicine, etc.....

Beautiful illustration in four minutes of the tool they reverse against humanity. Watched it one hundred times at least and it still gives me chills.

Nature by Numbers Cristóbal Vila

ArtificalDuality ago

Yes, that is beautiful. It's perfection. And, it prompts me to say the thing I have being saying a number of times before:

"We are all looking at the very same stars"

DomKeyhote ago

WTF are you talking about. The racial explanation makes the Satanism REDUNDANT. It nicely explains the occult aspects and Pizzagate.

However this talk of a tiny minority wiping out billions of people will appear ridiculous and hysterical. They may build the second Temple and all but it is sufficient that they wish to be an untouchable elite while the rest struggle for scraps, i.e. Brazil. Do the blacks there seem as positive and loving as the American blacks who inhabit your pipe dreams?

ESOTERICshade ago

WTF are you talking about. The racial explanation makes the Satanism REDUNDANT. It nicely explains the occult aspects and Pizzagate.

Racism is only one tool in the destruction. Think broader my man.

THIS is what they are doing and racism is only one part of it.

The Golden Mean Ratio is their tool and the reversal of it is their game. The Golden Mean Ratio is nature's blueprint for all living creatures and they reverse it. Transgender, poison food, homosexuality, poison the water, medicine, etc.....

Beautiful illustration in four minutes of the tool they reverse against humanity. Watched it one hundred times at least and it still gives me chills.

Nature by Numbers Cristóbal Vila

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is correct and their model is Racine, Wisconsin.

As a prime example, Racine is the model for community policing, and has the highest incarceration rate for black men in the nation. It was listed as one of the worst cities in America to live for black families. It is also the model for prison reform and second chance programs.

The root of the Truth is in Racine, Wisconsin.

ESOTERICshade ago

Do the blacks there seem as positive and loving as the American blacks who inhabit your pipe dreams?

Not all black peole are inner city ghetto mad and dangerous. Most of the blacks in every state that surrounds me go to church on Sunday.

DomKeyhote ago

Oh my fucking god you people are such ahistoric TOOLS! LOL!!! AND @WIC PARROTS SOROS BLM TALKING POINTS LMAO!

Do you FUCKING RETARDS even realize the entire Civil Rights movement was a Jewish psyop, as far back as 1910s when #1 all time Zionist JACOB SCHIFF funded the NAACPs creation and undermine Booker T Washingtons "let's improve our lot however we can even on their terms" approach.

I wouldn't trust any of you to run a lemonade stand, let alone a truth movement. "Not all blacks" LMAO what a stupid WOMANLY concern, who made it your job to spare the feelings of others, faggot? THAT'S infantilizing to blacks.

ESOTERICshade ago

Jews, Khazars, Jesuits, Nazis, Zionists, Vatican, take your pick. They all live in the same basket. "Hey Pope whats with that yarmulke/kippa you're wearing and what is that upside down cross on your chair all about, and whats up with the crypto jews, jesuits on the payroll?"

I wouldn't trust any of you to run a lemonade stand, let alone a truth movement. "Not all blacks" LMAO what a stupid WOMANLY concern, who made it your job to spare the feelings of others, faggot? THAT'S infantilizing to blacks.

You are the cancer. Instead of pointing out all these larpers and actors you want to start a race war for the next few thousand years. Nice job Rabbi.

DomKeyhote ago

The only faggot larper here is you. You think Hitler sucked off Stalin and Crowley in Vienna. You, jew777, etc are complete clowns. You are utterly incapable of distinguishing significance in JEW HISTORIOGRAPHY i.e. contemporary historiography. Hence why you didn't dispute what I said about civil rights.

Not ONE of you knows the FIRST THING about race apparently.

ESOTERICshade ago

donkeyhole wrote:

Not ONE of you knows the FIRST THING about race apparently.

Poof! Zevi becomes a Jew again. Amazing....

"Rabbi" Zevi went from a Spanish Greek, to a Hebrew Jew, to a Muslim, and back to a jew. All in one lifetime. Amazing blood those not "jews" have.

The year that a Jew named Columbus “discovered” a New World to conquer and colonize for the flag he sailed under – Spain in 1492, was also the same year and nation that kicked out all its Jews. The subsequent Jewish migration to Ottoman territory that opened its borders to the newcomers, brought a large influx of Jewish immigrants to where Sabbatai Zevi’s family settled. The prevailing culture and climate a century and a half later that Zevi was born and raised in was steeped in religious oppression and “end of the world” anxiety for Jews. When in 1648 Sabbatai’s doomsday prediction failed, he declared himself the new messiah.

Fucking criminals running from country to country pretending to be everything under the Sun and especially "jews" when they hit a place that lets them oy vey as Jews. Its a family criminal dynasty that has nothing to do with religion, donkeyhole...

DomKeyhote ago

LOL now Muslim is a blood designation? Or is it not a fact that Jew is the ONLY "race AND religion" which is a factoid they are sure any child knows?

Why do you think they're hyphenated dumbass, they LIVED APART WORKING FOR THEIR COLLECTIVE INTERESTS.

At NO TIME have Jews ever thought they were say Russians why do you think solzhenitsyn wrote a whole fucking book about it

ESOTERICshade ago

donkeyhole wrote:

Not ONE of you knows the FIRST THING about race apparently.

But donkeyhole Rabbi what about this?

At the height of his fame and influence at age 40, ten years prior to his death, the Sultan Mehmed IV gave the imprisoned Zevi the choice, die or convert to Islam. So the charismatic con man chose to avoid martyrdom by saving his own neck as a Muslim in name only. The sultan then bestowed the title “Keeper of the Gate” on Zevi who began a close working relationship with the Shia Bektashi Sufis.

And now for the next Rabbi magic act, spanish greek Zevi, who somehow became a Hebrew, magically transforms into a Muslim. It must me that magic blood? Donkey I could do this all day with you but its boring as shit.

DomKeyhote ago

LMAO what do you think you're proving?? Wiki has him at pure sepharidic GEOGORAPHY NAMES DONT MEAN SHIT.

You cant get arouonod the fact that PG follows ETHNIC JEWISH POPULATION CENTERS:

ESOTERICshade ago

You cant get arouonod the fact that PG follows ETHNIC JEWISH POPULATION CENTERS:

But Rabbi, why iz sum of u white and sum of u brown, and some of you black and stuff? Iz u magic lizards too?

DomKeyhote ago

Huh? Are you under the impression that Ethiopian Jews are well received in Israel and intermarry with Ashkenazi or Sephardic women?

ESOTERICshade ago

Huh? Are you under the impression that Ethiopian Jews are well received in Israel and intermarry with Ashkenazi or Sephardic women?

So much for ethnic theory huh? They are a multi ethnic international organization of satanists/Luciferians pretending to be everything under the Sun and we don't need Ethopians to prove that.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sabbatai Zevi was of Spanish Jewish descent originally from Smyrna, Greece until banned as a false prophet from his hometown at age 25.

But, but Rabbi, I wuz a thinkin u wuz a blood Hebrew man? U was a spanish greek dude?

ESOTERICshade ago

But, but Rabbi, you don't look semitic?

ESOTERICshade ago

Not ONE of you knows the FIRST THING about race apparently.

Ok Rabbi

ESOTERICshade ago

I have heard the black people sing gospel many times and they do love it, and they are also good at it. How do you know so much about american culture anyway? Or is the same way where you live?

ArtificalDuality ago

In the mental world I grew up in both the United States and ofcourse in the Netherlands. My one and only true love was an American, we were supposed to get married and I would be emigrating to the US of A. To me it feels like a second home :)

ArtificalDuality ago

By all means I have in no way touched the full spectrum of the entire construct. (Like drugs trafficking, and Colombia being a slave-pen of women). Why don't you ADD to the contribution instead.

This minority you speak of has indeed the plans to wipe out BILLIONS of people through covert means of depopulation mechanisms and advance high-tech means like geo-engineering.

Are you aware of the Georgia Guide Stones?

The opening of the Georgia Guide Stones was on 3/22/1980. The 1st item tells about a target population of 500 million. With a current world population of 7.5 billion, that is a difference of 7 billion people. 7 billion people to be eradicated.

Note the date. 3/22/1980 . Now let's go fast-forward in time. 3/22/2016. You know what happened on that date? Well: The Brussels terror attack that was supposed to rally Europe against the Middle East and give governments blanket OK's to send military. A terror attack in the Heart of the European Union.

Let's do a little calculation here:



Difference? 36 years. 36 is a 3-pack of sixes. A Satanic Anniversary event. George Soros' $18 billion money pump into his Open Society Foundation NGO sphere? Just another satanic flash-sign, an 18, which is an alternative 3-pack of sixes.

As for your comments about Brazil? Brazil used to be a Dutch colony. Know anything about Bouterse? The December Killings? Average Brazillans are fine people as well, and have embraced Christianity also.

It may be obvious that every race has its rotten apples. Good and evil sits everywhere and is not picky about race, color or religion. These look at whether one lets in one or the other.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Do you know what American city has deep ties to Brazil and Dutch colonies?

Racine, Wisconsin

The Pilgrims Society is one reason why.

pizza-party-pooper ago

@Wisconsin_is_Corrupt Could you please tell us more about the Pilgrims Society or show us a direction to start looking for details about them? I get very little on my searches. Thanks

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is not much available and they are desperately scrubbing whst they can, but it is real and it is tied to Racine, Wisconsin. It was designed as a way for British and Dutch to retain control over the U.S. through international business and diplomatic partnerships with elite business leaders. If they couldn't control the government or the people they would control through banking, business and distribution.

This is connected to other secret societies including Committee of 300, Club of Rome and Council of 13, and with policy groups such as CFR and other global councils, United Nations, business associations, trade agreements, foundations and global initiatives. It is a multilevel network of control under the moving target of sustainability and overlapping public private partnerships.

Racine is a main hub and model for the global agenda. It has great historical significance as does Wisconsin. Their agenda is complete control and eternal enslavement.

So many leaders, organizations and corporations are involved. Racine is the weak link and the world needs to know the Truth before it is too late.

tadorno ago

What evidence do you have pointing to the vatican making moves against the jews? All I see is the vatican openly capitulating to Israel.

ArtificalDuality ago

It's history articles. I don't have a direct link, but it's documented history that around a century before Christ, the Roman Empire lent the region of Israel to the Jews, the Pharisees of the times. It's that governmental system during the age of Christ that was responsible for killing him.

The Roman Empire wanted to reclaim the region, but the Jews of that time refused to concede to the Empire and return it. That's the score they have to settle (the Neo-roman empire that's alive now under the 'shadow-Vatican').

I have made a prediction a year ago based on all that I have learned over global history's time-span:

The cross of Golgotha is stored in Vatican City, deep inside the bowels there of. The Satanic cult hiding out in the bowels of the Vatican celebrate their victory over killing Jesus Christ through mockery. The cross is part of those rituals.

Another hint is found in Free-masonry. The 'G' in the logo symbol refers to mount Golgatha.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have not trusted Victory of the Light for some disinformation and in particular for their claim that @Swordfish69 was Tom Delonge who they were supporting. We do not believe swordfish is Tom Delonge, and we know that Tom Delonge has ties to Racine and many involved. Blink-182 and Travis Barker were from Poway, California with connections to FLDS leaders such as Evan McMullin and Warren Jeffs. Tom is also tied to OTO and Scientology circles including co-author Peter Levenda.

The secret societies at the top have an agenda of population control and eternal enslavement where there is no faith or hope for an afterlife. The Mark of the Beast will be enforced by AI and Community Policing, where Racine, Wisconsin is the model. Global control had already been established through the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability). The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

The next pope may be the only American, Timothy Dolan, who moved from St. Louis to cover up the Catholic church scandal in Milwaukee (near Racine and the powerful Racine Dominicans).

swordfish69 ago

I'm not fucking Tom Delonge, that claim was made after I threatened to expose him for organ trafficking.

Look into links between Tavistock and Johnson and Johnson.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We know you are not Tom Delonge as Victory if the Light was falsely claiming. Thank you for confirming directly.

ArtificalDuality ago

@Winsconsin_Is_Corrupt @ESOTERICshade

WIC, I have a gut feeling that you are not unfamiliar with the phrase "Agents of Rigol" and that this too, connects to Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Interestingly enough one of the first results is about the fake organizations that we exposed who were pretending to fight child trafficking.

Another is about the Wisconsin model and Russia -

The model for modern enslavement and education as a pipieline to slavery was created in Racine, Wisconsin. Gateway and imet are key parts to this offering free college following their takeover of public schools to indoctrinate children from Cradle to Career. Higher Expectations is one of these programs involving Jeff Neubauer who is closely connected to the Johnsons and Clintons. His sister is Kristin Bauer van Straten who is deeply connected in Scientology circles.

Drugs, poison, mind control and indoctrination are just a few of the mechanisms employed.

5r5e5w ago

@deathtwomasons @asolo https:/ / r / con spiracy / comments/7doivk/i_am_from_parkersburg_wv_the_site_of_the/ ######ahuwahzeus ######

ESOTERICshade ago

Agents from Rigol

I haven't who are they?

ESOTERICshade ago

Sustainability (Satan's Ability).

Come on now don't start repeating that same stuff again. You were doing better. Don't relapse. :)

ArtificalDuality ago

How do you factor in the Black Nobility? Rothchild is of the white Ashkenazi faction. Have the Elders of Zion defeated Black Nobility behind the scenes? The Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony seems to suggest anything but that scenario.

Another noteworthy element in this opening ritual is near the end: The penguings shoveling across the snow. This is a reference to the happnings in Antarctica, where in the mid 1900s Nazi activity took place; where present day they are on the verge of unearthing something very evil. I also believe that the pole shift is artificially induced to get the Antartica zone in warmer air currents to help unearthing what's underneath.

ESOTERICshade ago

in Antarctica, where in the mid 1900s Nazi activity took place; where present day they are on the verge of unearthing something very evil.

I also believe there is some top secret and very nefarious shit going on there but I don't know have a clue what it is except that its probably underground or in an ice cavern.

think- ago

Could you elaborate on this? Would be interesting to know more...

think- ago

The Gotthard tunnel videos are really a must see. The EU elite was attending the opening, watching the ritual as it unfolded. Make sure you are visualising light and some benign energy before watching the videos. It is really unsettling.

(Everytime I want my old matrix back so badly...thinking ok, maybe Hillary is just a nice elderly lady and all this satanic stuff is just a crazy conspiracy recall the Gotthard tunnel opening....the global elite tied to Luciferianism/Satanism is so damn real.)

@ArtificalDuality: Who do you think is the guy with the hat in the first part of the ritual (inside the tunnel) in front of the black sun? Nobody seems to have commented on him. (Watched a couple of videos and read some articles.)

ArtificalDuality ago

That is the pope figurine I spoke of.

ESOTERICshade ago

And the Jesuits founded The Society Of Jesus to mock Jesus because they despise Jesus.

ESOTERICshade ago

Who do you think is the guy with the hat in the first part of the ritual (inside the tunnel) in front of the black sun?

The Black Sun is the symbol of the Jesuit Order affiliated with the Catholic Church.

think- ago


mooteensy ago

There will be no war between Russia and the US.

ArtificalDuality ago

If the good keeps its lep up on evil, then no, there won't be.

However, while the USA was / is key in rendering the NWO severed, it's Europe that is the real power-center of NWO. Western and Mid-Europe.

While Eastern-European countries are waking up to the evil of the European Union construct. The EU that first tried to use NATO and Article 5 to engage Russia over the orchestrated NWO take-down of MH-17 now is desperate about building its own EU armed forces, wanting to ditch NATO because of the former I mentioned: The USA is partially unchaining itself from the NWO and as such, NATO, which is in fact NWO's private army under a veil of lies to get nations to cooperate. Making EU reliance on NATO no longer viable in the short-term.

GokJamal ago

Thank you.