Silverlining ago

This commenter seems to have experienced much the same as you have.

This is in every major city and a lot of the smaller ones and includes people you’d never imagine. You get to the point where you simply stop trusting anyone. I always wondered what was wrong with me, why certain “friends” turned on me, similar events such as those described in the pdf and movie taking place over the years. I grew up in Des Moines and never figured it out until I moved to Omaha and Franklin broke in the news in 89. Then I understood. I was to be one of them, they were after me since I was little. But since I refused to participate willingly – wich is a requirement of theirs, they tried to make life as much hell as they could. YHWH and Yahshuah are our strength and refuge in this world, protecting us from evil we never even notice.

Silverlining ago

No chance you would be interested in designing an internet voting machine? - direct continuous democracy for every government, institution, company and organisation

ArtificalDuality ago

I think I would love that. I'd have to see how that could be made a reality though. Are there Dutch affiliations? Remote working? Emigration required..? It will raise a number of think-abouts before anything would become a reality I think. But I'd love to contribute to our collective such way.

Silverlining ago

I gleaned from your posts that you have some expertize in computers - it looked more hardware than software, but I think you said you had organised an online community.

Open competition to create an internet voting machine - a bit more information here. KEK approves! Waiting to see if the spark makes fire.

The Scilly Islands were at war with the Dutch as a result of the English Civil War - peace was concluded in my lifetime. My view is that the ability to declare war or conclude peace is the essential attribute of sovereignty. But when I examined the circumstances, it looked more like a publicity stunt to promote tourism.

perihelion0 ago

Paranoia is a mind killer. Our enemies are not omnipotent. They are few in number and rely on secrecy. They're terrified of any authentic grassroots movements. They're also opportunistic and will flee whenever possible. We can win this.

The enemy is Talmudic Judiasm. Research Frankism and Sabbateism. It's the root of this evil.

ArtificalDuality ago

You are underestimating the vastness and scope. We can win this, but that relies on truth disclosure (indisputably prove they are evil rather than the ones trying to get justice). They are masters of deception and spin any good efforts into evil to the asleep public, getting away with their shite.

As long as they continue to control media, hi-tech, education and other areas they will keep control of narrative and set up the sleeper people against you. They have mastered the art of 'weaponizing' people against you. That is their power. The hardcore controllers are just a "few". It's however their allied, complicit fan-out network that quickly turns it into claws all around the globe down to offices in the corporate or which ever institution.

I know; I have been dealing with this real life, first-hand experience of agents being in my physical environment. I am being inverse profiled by corrupt authority and members within our Dutch secret service. Meaning they paint me as everything that I am NOT, in an attempt to neutralize my influence, belief worthiness and truth conveyance. They've set up shop in my neighborhood too (close range surveillance). They've tried to make me complicit to corporate crimes as well (licensing issues). I am not black-mailable. They've got nothing on me. THey continuously try to use every exuse against me. My involvement with the community here on VOAT has garnered me a new label from them: "Schizophrenic pedofile". Why schizophrenic? Because there's absolutely no lead towards such thing. Simply because I am not a pedophile. They use the word "schizophrenic" as a logical inverter gate to claim for thruth their claims eventhough everything's against the claim.

I've also received two death threats from the agent in my physical surroundings at the company I worked for from Jan. 2014 ~ March 2016. I had 3 new jobs afterwards. At the first I uncovered first-hand a mental satanist (flashed 3 6'es at me during lunch break). At the company they love goat cheese, talk about consuming placentas, harassed me through gossip, suggesting me to be an anti-Semite.

The second job no different. The agent tried to make me complicit to corporate crime involving extremely expensive licenses (Microsoft SQL Server Datacenter version and rolling out for production, Office under an MSDN dev sub) and tried hard to marginalize my profession knowledge and paint me as a fraud, all the while I was schooling him on his fallacies and attempts, in fact showing him to be an arrogant supremacist prick, making him fall flat to his face, the fucker.

At the third job things were no different. After a few days the hate campaign started (anti semite), marginalizing knowledge once more, both assimilation and terror attempts.

I quit all 3 jobs without social security. I'm running on my own finance for now and have not much left. I'll have to see if I can still find a job without state terror on my neck.

The claws are everywhere. I have quite the personal story. Evil is not limited to a hand full of Babylonic Talmudists. Nor are they the source. The force/power of evil existed well before Judaism was a thing on this planet. Nor is it picky about race or religion (as cover) chosen.

22 - NG - FP (my license plate).

Additionally, I'm gifted with telepathy. I know their profession slang / slur words for "suspects". They've got a word for about anything. I can hardly keep track of them. (I can, just telling you I've been called about everything under the sun, with or without the "schizophrenic" prependage, depending on whether they feel they need an inverter gate to make true their claim, if not based on some factual node that can be interpreted a thousand ways.

Note: almost 20 years ago they tried to subtly recruit me as part of their cyber force. I subtly let 'm know I was NOT interested because I saw a world of grayness (the color, not the aliens lol) and corruption. I didn't involve myself with local national politics for almost 18 years and kept to myself while being a biological datarecorder as I watched carefully at how people in my environment would handle me. This is how I got up to where I am now without having been prematurely derailed into nothingness. Now I've got my ammo. Knowledge.

They are also responsible for the destruction of the relationship I had 16 years ago with an American citizen. A woman. My true love. We were soul mates, fully and complementarily interconnected. She had 3 kids. My visa was denied. Our appeal to the denial was denied. Because THEY passed on negative advice about me to the American Consulate in Amsterdam. It destroyed our relationship in an extremely painful fashion. People won't know they are born as complementary halves until they have grown into one and then separated.

This is what Luciferism is trying to destroy in this world. Love and Life.

To [My name], my only love....

A special message from Claudia: Baby, from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep at night, you are always in my mind and in my heart filling me with your wonderous love. I can't stop thinking about you, nor would I want to. I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. You are my everything, baby. I love you!

Your love always, Claudia

Silverlining ago

George Webb mentions the wrath of the secret service here [1min 53]

perihelion0 ago

I don't think you're understanding. You're never going to "indisputably prove they are evil" anymore than you already have. You already have the proof. You'll never win this in court or get vindication from the system because they own the system. They make the rules and when you corner them they'll bend the rules. The only solution is revolution. That means going full 1488. Remember all those poor jews and gays that ended up in the camps? That's what we have to do. We have to take the streets and gas these fuckers wholesale. No trials. You associate with these fuckers? You're in pictures with these fuckers? You do business with these fuckers? Then you're dead to us. This is cancer and we must become chemotherapy.

ArtificalDuality ago

That will get us all killed. We must use the frame of law and through truth exposure show that certain elements are corrupt and be replaced / impeached.

Present day law constructs define the lines on this mental battle field. We don't have to illusion craft. We don't have to hide. They have to and that is our win.

perihelion0 ago

The Law permits your rulers to murder you without justification based on secret evidence which they need not prove. Tell me again how the Law is your friend?

ArtificalDuality ago

It's the friend of the good guys in LE. We have to cooperate and work from with-in and pop the cork at the top.

perihelion0 ago

LE are not permitted to investigate their superiors. Any investigation worth anything has been shutdown. LE cannot harm the top. Just look at Hillary's flagrant disregard for the law. She's a small fish too.

ArtificalDuality ago

That's the whole point of the top-down compartmentalized authority structure. Again, truth sync is going to help with that. There must be pathways to collectively deem "untrustworthy/corrupt" a superior. But it must happen in unity.

perihelion0 ago

Kicking out Jews would gut 80% of the cancer giving you the opportunity to use brain scans to root out the remaining.

ArtificalDuality ago

You have to turn the duality disk. Meaning you'll have to look at an individual's alignment towards good / evil. There's every day Jews around as well that are tired of the shite as much as anyone else. Again, neither good, neither evil are picky about race or assumed religion. They look at whether one lets in either one or not.

perihelion0 ago

Great but that's not a practical plan. We have cancer. We don't have perfect precise cure for cancer. We do have the scalpel and chemotherapy. We work with the blunt instruments we have or we die.

ArtificalDuality ago

Only as a last resort when all else fails. It's exactly what they want to entice us into. They've got all the ammo (bullets), gear, hi-tech. They can 'nuke' whole areas with EM tech and make whole swathes of people drop like flies without a finch. Don't be silly. Instead, we've gotta take back what rightfully belongs to us. Awakening is taking place in the army as well.

Jem777 ago

I read your work with great anticipation as always. Your depth of understanding of Luceferian/NWO agenda is always impressive. I agree on most of the topics you covered but would like it if you can really expound on the difference between Zionism & Judaism and the explanation of how the State of Israel is not a Rothschild creation itself but was gifted to the Rothschilds as part of the Balfour declarations for the US joining the war. The Rothschilds wanted Israel and ultimately greater Israel and one work government & religion as a take over of the planet. They are Luceferian not Jews. That is their plan even now.

I don't have time to get into George Webb now but assure you he is more aware of the darkness of this evil than he has been able to let on due to threats against him. What he is doing currently is attempting to expose the criminals in the FBI & congress who are literally have their top secret communications run by Pakistani nationals linked to Pakistani ISI intelligence officials who have stolen top secret military operations that have already lead to two Navy Seal deaths because democrats do not know who has access to their top secret files.

George Webb is working with US intell, Dutch intell, intalian intell, Russian intell, French intell, etc. & law enforcement who are providing him with real time infor into Seth Rich Muder & FBI cover up.

You might not like him because he is on the raid reporting constantly due to death threats. He refuses to back down and in fact the FBI informant killer of Seth Rich A. Jollah was taken into custody a few hours ago., would this had happened if George Webb didn't have balls of steel and post the truth.

Again @ArtificialDuality your work is incredible. Sometimes it seems some people are sent to just stop the bleeding for awhile we gathers ourselves. Your insight & critiques is always welcome.

ArtificalDuality ago

Hi Jem, thanks for your comments. I just keep open any options and keep into account the existence of additional 'layers' surrounding stories and continually evaluate existing factual / deducted frames against new information. As this post is a display of that, incorporating WikiLeaks as a complicit element and figuring out its purpose from such perspective with all that has transpired so far, and knowing what the end goal is.

2impendingdoom ago

I guess we have to wait and see what Trump is really up to or capable of

2impendingdoom ago

just so you know, I'm not needing to spend my evening reading about Kissinger. He has been evil for decades and my mind won't be changed. Strange (or maybe not) that there is such a pro-Kissinger contingent here now.

pimpinainteasy ago

Your analysis doesn't sound all that different from your garden variety right-wing Christian fundamentalist believer in the NWO theory.

What about Zionism's role, hmmm????

ArtificalDuality ago

Zionism is the outside cover the Luciferist / Molochites don themselves with. That's the whole point. Zionism originally, at its core was a movement for the desire of an own country, regardless of how it would come into existence. The version we see manifest over the past centuries however is Rothschild's spin on it, He's the funder and creator of modern day Israel in its current inception. Was a reward for involving the US into WWII at request of British Royalty, through the Belfour Declaration.

perihelion0 ago

Modern judiasm is satanism/lucifernianism. Look into the Talmud, Frankism, and Sabbateism

ArtificalDuality ago

I know. They're not the only practioners of evil though. I'm not telling you otherwise, I'm instead telling you to not limit yourself to a single group of of folk.

perihelion0 ago

You're right but they're the most cohesive. I see the others are opportunistic psychopaths along for the ride.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't see any alliances between Trump and Rothschild and Trump and Kissinger (as per the Al Smith Dinner during the campaign, this is not a cozy relationship) so do you have a source for these assertions?

ArtificalDuality ago

No alliance between Trump and Rothschild. Rothschild and Rockefeller are/were allied. Rothschild took care of the Democrat side; Rockefeller has been in support of Trump through Kissinger.

DonKeyhote ago

Trumps dad was allied with chabad lubavitch

ArtificalDuality ago

That doesn't bode well. With a bit of luck Trump smelled the sulfur and decided to stay true in his heart. I can't tell. No, he ain't a knight on a shining horse either. But, running a casino is nothing like running a satanic blood drinking sect.

2impendingdoom ago

Please make your links separate so that it shows where it goes. Thanks. also, your article quoted is not very conclusive. Trump is Kissingers guy? based on one meeting? Not convincing whatsoever. I don't think you are investigating Pizzagate so much as disinfo sliding. You are giving a network of interrelated criminals too much credit. they are not that well organized and they aren't very good at hiding their agenda.

fartyshorts ago

Unless you're on mobile; If you hover the mouse over the link, it should show in the corner of your browser.

ArtificalDuality ago

No, he's not his "guy". Kissinger is his intended controller. I know Trump ain't liking him.

P.S. They're not just interrelated criminals that are not that well organized. You are underestimating the deviousness and conciseness of people / families that have been at it for centuries. Citizen research here has uncovered the insane network over a large time-space cube (all happenings in a given space cube over a given timeline).

2impendingdoom ago

I don't think that is going well for Kissinger. Trumps best use of Kissinger is as a body shield as to back up Secret Service.

ArtificalDuality ago

PART 3: Trump & Predictive Programming

You may or may not have read about this Illuminati card game being out there that has a track record of predicting some of the events depicted on these cards. Amonst these are 9/11 and the death of princess Diana. There's a card in there that relates to current events, notably to POTUS Trump. And this is going to be a very interesting card. It is the card that shows the angry Trump face, that seems to have a bullet trace going through the image.

People have explained this as the card predicting a Trump assassination. However having looked at the card and going by a few more semantics of the cards set, I have come to a different conclusion:

  • Note the colored dual-triangles? You can't miss them when you're a VOATer!
  • The "bullet trace" is no bullet trace. It's the background shining through, where the big black opposite triangles almost touch. It's no more than a triangle separator, as much as the actual vote count sits in between the vote buttons like here on VOAT. However, the blackness of both triangles says something: Voat IS on the dark side. And the cabal back then already cocked up the plan of releasing assorted platforms for people to share thoughts. The VOAT forum has been planned. As so many other things.
  • See the blood splash behind it? When looking at current issues, this most likely represents a reference to blood consuming; parabiosys.
  • The card title is "Enough is enough". This coincides a lot with the Trump administration, Trump taking on this festering HellGate problem.
  • The card has NO SCORE (The Princess Diana card had "2 power" and "5 resistance". They already classified her to be against NWO). However, this card instead says "Draw no plot cards this turn". Translation: Trump, do NOT reveal the 9/11 plot you're aware of, or you're screwed. This card is threat to Trump. VOAT has been preplanned as "free-speech" platform well in advance.

Take it as you will; the prediction rate as far as I can tell isn't very high of these cards; meaning; some cards may actually depict plan B or plan C predictions / narratives. This predictive card covers for when Ted or Hillary would not make it through the elections.

Sidenote on this cards: Have a friend in media; have a friend in deepest NWO circles where one's aware of century-scale planning and it'll be easy to release "predictive" cards for your long-term plans. Nothing magic about it. All planning and by design.

The Illuminati card in question


This account and his Reddit associated account all in a sudden became a thing. Some people on here linked his Twitter and it appears this guy is involved with and acts as an insider source. The profile is heavy on the ET perspective of things. It talks about various leaked Kissinger cables, for instance, Henry Kissinger interacting with a representative from Draco. Further pushing narrative towards ET disclosure and pushing our "Unity Energy" towards a select group of "Babylonic Talmudists" as the source of evil. THUS: Taking away focus from the core: Luciferism in its various inceptions (along with its Islamic variant, connection to Djinn demons parallel realm). Also does not at all mention Rothschilds nor the Vatican. Nor the Babylonic EU. Right now, he is steering towards (again) MLOG: Calling to arms on the basis of the Constitution, to rise and citizen arrest Podesta, Clinton, DWS, Alefantis and more. Although very cleverly linking this intent to a whole slew of FBI twitter accounts. The lower tier outskirts of NWO perps. Yes, at this point in time, Hillary/Bill Clinton are now disposables. No deplorables. Disposables to them. Also displays himself as "The Evangelist", a bit of son-of-god allure.

On Reddit people are quite sceptic about him as well. This guy is manifesting, just like George Webb, as an insider with access to inside information from CIA, FBI and other agencies, notably AFSC. Also links to and pushes WikiLeaks cables about Kissinger supposedly having taken command from Draconids.

There was something about the content this guy was pushing. Even more so, when looking at the accounts Twitter activity, one can see that the account has been very low-key, posting minimally untill the beginning of May. However, after the beginning of May, activity shot up to the red-line; almost bi-hourly posts and presenting the appearance / image I just told. It appears that the narrative strongly rides off my Big Picture thead here on VOAT. When time-aligning my post with the sudden massive twitter activity of the account, this strongly tells me:

NARRATIVE UPDATE. Likely again towards the fake "Alien Invastion" plan to waste on our "Unity Potential". At least, the account is actively trying to steer away PG research away from the core of the problem: the vast luciferan elite network clawing the globe.

UPDATE 2 ON 5/30 Pacific Time

Within hours of posting this post, the VictoryOfLight Twitter dropped silent with the last being on 29th of May. From 10+ tweets a day since the beginning of May to complete radio silence since yesterday/today. Let's see how the profile evolves.

George Webb:

I'm extremely reserved about him, especially for the reasons mentioned by me and other Voaters before:

  • Uninterested in the fate of PG perpetrators. Doesn't want them jailed.
  • Steering away from lucifersm / occult and steering towards NWO outskirt, primarily the logistics level (Awan Brothers).
  • Steers away from relating the Rothshild / Vatican cartel.
  • At first stated the FBI killed Seth Ritch. This again is a potential MLOG situation. Probably was called out over that.
  • Later revised this statement towards Awan brothers hired hitmen. They are not FBI. It's not a nuance update.


The NWO Luciferist cabal seems to be running out of options. The Russia ruse backfires. WikiLeaks induced MLOG is backfiring (good job everyone on keeping your cools and not be fools). Syria operations are backfiring. Maybe North Korea will draw attention away from them; they need it so much. All the while trying to noisify and mistify any citizen research going by injecting information from accounts that appear to be an insider authority that do tell a number of things, but all together don't offer much progression in terms of uncovering the luciferist body and head of the parasite. Instead, attempts are made to steer away narrative towards the skirts of the power structure which is multi-fold again:

  • Give the people their justice
  • Have people waste their Unity Energy at their disposables.
  • Dispose of no longer needed compliances / liabilities. Most of them are preliminarily bust anyways, like the Clintons. They're no longer useful to the cabal.

This is not to say that the good side is not making progress. I'm just saying that we're now facing highly dynamic narrative changes depending on what happens in the world and in research communities. They are becoming quickly a cornered cat. They are known to make weird leaps when cornered (as per a Dutch saying).

P.S. I will progressively add links to various key elements in these postings.

PGIs_FuckingRetarded ago

Stay Critical on your Thinking!

You do realize you're in a echo chamber of conspiracy insanity here?

Dig4Dutroux-Holland ago

Zinggg! Thanks yet David, for marking this post "important". OP: great stuff, Lensink vrij!

ArtificalDuality ago


The Presidential Candidates.

The NWO narrative is defined by its long-term goals and dynamic at the microlevel. This means, the micro narrative adapts to evolution of current events / revelations / leaks / research etc. What I am now going to do is to write down chronologically the timeline from the Primaries up to now; highlighting per time section the one or more narrative paths that could possibly be taken. Obviously, for the past, one narrative became the actual path, where I will highlight possible alternatives that did not work out as intended. But before that, I'll need to tell a bit about the presidential candidates before getting down to it:

It is important to understand that the Cabal "installs" preferred, willing presidential candidates to help them further the agenda. Each side (D/R/I) will offer candidates of which only a handful are their cherry picks. Meet this election's hand-picked contenders:

  • (R) Ted Cruz (Right-wing neo-conservative)
  • (R) Donald J. Trump (Art of the Deal)
  • (D) Hillary R. Clinton (What difference does it make?)

As far as support goes from the NWO heavy-weights Rothschild / Rockefeller, each supports a preferred candidate, whether the candidate is the preferred winner, or the controlled opposition that's intended to lose. They do it like this to avoid the image of partiality obviously. Going by associations derived from media sources, this election's setup was like this:

George Soros has been in it too - funding Hillary directly; funding Trump indirectly through Kushner. Well, not funding Trump as much as funding the NWO agenda through Kushner influence Note: The guy is called "Jared 666 Kushner" for a reason. Also member of this Chabad Lubavich luciferist cult.

Hillary has been indisputably been proven to be the preferred candidate. The magazine Newsweek printed "Madam President" issues only. No issue for a Trump victory. This was well before the final counts were in.

Narrative: Pre-Election, Beginning of Primaries.

Now we get to the evolution of the primaries. Let's start off:

  • On the Democrat side, Hillary Clinton was the preferred candidate. She's the designated winner for the 2016 election. Plan A.
  • On the Republican side, Ted Cruz was the preferred candidate on the Republican side of the equation. Presented as the "voice of reason" compared to Trump. Ted Cruz is Plan B.
  • Trump served the cause in multiple ways: To boost Cruz and Hillary. He likely knew that this was his involuntary use as their "useful idiot" puppet.

Things did not work out as intended. Trump rose, Cruz got eliminated. The reason for this was exposed voter fraud, notably in Colorado, and differentially, Trump gaining incredible support amongst the people. This prompted 'Them' to handle the calamity in a multiple-birds-with-one-stone strategy as they so cleverly always try to do: Release damning DNC information through WIKILEAKS. Rothschild did it. Which birds would be hit by the stone?

  • Enable the Russian Hacking ruse to enable and create the fake enemy needed to unite against the US and EU.
  • Discredit Trump with Fake News over fake misogyny stories and Fake Russian collusion stories.
  • Begin culling the 'skirts' of DNC through the e-mail revelations.
  • Present Hillary (and DNC) as victims, attempting to gain voter sympathy.
  • Enable Obama to engage martial law over the Russian Hacking, possibly going to war with Russia before the end of the election, ensuring NWO control through another Obama administration.

That's a lot of birds. Note that the MSM never reported on the contents of the leaked e-mails. Only about how Russians allegedly hacked classified info and influenced the elections. They banked on the general populace to never found out really about the content of the e-mails, let alone understand them in a greater picture context. Further more, the e-mails did not contain overly damning information on Hillary Clinton. The leaks primarily showed DNC collusion with media and suppression of Bernie Sanders. DWS-gate.

At this point there are two MLOG motives:

  • Enable Obama to stay in power; take on Russians (not the preferred scenario). Soros astro-turfing tried to accomplish this with the Trump / Dallas riots.
  • Enable Obama to issue a gun ban and take away 2nd Amendment rights. (Thus attempting to rile up notably Republicans with Guns and their NRA)

Further more, at this point the plan is that Hillary should have been the President and Russians established as The Enemy. Well, that didn't appear to be the case. Donald J. Trump won the elections which was not their intended outcome. Now one can see, in hind-sight, the role of WikiLeaks.

Narrative: Post-Election

With Trump having won the election, we now ended up with the situation where Rothschild's chess piece was sent off the board (Hillary) and Rockefeller was left with an unwanted, rogue, erratic chess piece (Trump). A scenario that was not their plan A. Not their plan B. But instead, plan X. They had to accept the new president one way or another. So old plans were reinforced and new plans were hatched:

  • Step up the Russia ruse once more.
  • Impeachment
  • More Soros astro-turfing.
  • Media hate campaigns.
  • Celebrities hate campaigns.
  • Through Twitter shills and media / celebs, entice a hit on the President.

And with this, MLOG is still an ever present danger. This time not through the Russia narrative, but, through assassination of the POTUS. Imagine what'll ensue if Trump does get waxed. This may not happen at all cost. CIA / MIC will step in and lock you down; possibly re-instating Obama (if that's possible et-al).

The Unanticipated WikiLeaks Effect

With the controlled opposition WikiLeaks intended to entice the US establishment into war with Russia through the Russian Hacks ruse, something happened that they did not really anticipate on:

The unearthing of words used as code for extremely nefarious crimes, unearthing a criminal network beyond belief, by members of the Human-Global-Collective (HGC) Praise Kek? It is known as Pizzagate and by extension, at the global level Pedogate. It is this that threw a YUUUUUGE wrench into the wheels of the NWO. The people found out that it was about MUCH MORE than just "mundane" pedophilia. It was much more sinister. It was un-earthed that we're dealing with occultists; satanists; luciferists. In short: prime EVIL. And so I dub this whole thing collectively: HellGate.

Gap Stop Summary

Now that we got up to this point; this is where we're going to see their continual change on narrative in response to multiple concurrent events and evolutions amongst people. This is where Martial Law / Operation Gladio (MLOG) and HellGate come together as the following set of paragraphs will show. Ever since citizen research (through Reddit, VOAT and other platforms) took off, it became infiltrated with shills. NWO shills, pedo shills, satanism shills anything. In an attempt to derail research; in an attempt to marginalize aspects, be it the pedo aspect or the satanism aspect and so on.

I've been paying close attention to posters and what had been posted on Voat. I keep mental profiles of posters based on their postings to determine for myself who are the good guys, who are the bad guys, who pose as allies but are not allies and so on. Through this, I have noted that VOAT is compromized. In actuallity, VOAT is a Lion's den. I'm not the only person to have come to that conclusion. It is safe to say the following:

NWO uses VOAT for a number of things:

  • Collect researchers on a single, limited platform.
  • Anticipate on people's uncoverings. Erase tracks. (that's why you all must web-archive anything important!)
  • Identify people and possibly turn some into targeted individuals if they're threatening enough.
  • Worst case: pull the plug on VOAT and take down ALL POSTINGS.
  • Adapt the narrative in order to achieve the prime goal of providing an Enemy to achieve MLOG and optionally a war.

It is the latter in which you should see narrative development of shills. They will attempt to steer towards MLOG, and steer away from HellGate. Thus, steer away / marginalize Luciferism as the drive behind TPTB, steer away from Rothshilds and assorted Babylonians. To steer away from the Vatican; the hidden seat of Satan. This paragraph should ever be present in your mind. This is what shills will attempt in order to protect themselves and direct our "Unity Energy" at a directed, conjured, enemy to diffuse that energy from the populace.

Now, some side notes follow in regards to a few persona who are actively responding to what evolves on VOAT, showing this attempt to influence narrative away from the core of NWO and onto its disposable out-skirts.

equineluvr ago

Your election info is completely flawed.

EVERY POTUS "election" has been "won" by the guy who had the most royal BLOOD. That goes back to the (s)election of George Washington in 1789 and is 100%, ZERO deviation.

BLOODlines rule the world, and BLOODlines dictate U.S. elections.

ArtificalDuality ago

Hillary and Trump are related to the same blood-line; I remember reading the text you linked. I also remember one of the replies outlining that H and T are related to the same bloodline where there is no differentiation between either of them two having "more" royalty.