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perihelion0 ago

Paranoia is a mind killer. Our enemies are not omnipotent. They are few in number and rely on secrecy. They're terrified of any authentic grassroots movements. They're also opportunistic and will flee whenever possible. We can win this.

The enemy is Talmudic Judiasm. Research Frankism and Sabbateism. It's the root of this evil.

ArtificalDuality ago

You are underestimating the vastness and scope. We can win this, but that relies on truth disclosure (indisputably prove they are evil rather than the ones trying to get justice). They are masters of deception and spin any good efforts into evil to the asleep public, getting away with their shite.

As long as they continue to control media, hi-tech, education and other areas they will keep control of narrative and set up the sleeper people against you. They have mastered the art of 'weaponizing' people against you. That is their power. The hardcore controllers are just a "few". It's however their allied, complicit fan-out network that quickly turns it into claws all around the globe down to offices in the corporate or which ever institution.

I know; I have been dealing with this real life, first-hand experience of agents being in my physical environment. I am being inverse profiled by corrupt authority and members within our Dutch secret service. Meaning they paint me as everything that I am NOT, in an attempt to neutralize my influence, belief worthiness and truth conveyance. They've set up shop in my neighborhood too (close range surveillance). They've tried to make me complicit to corporate crimes as well (licensing issues). I am not black-mailable. They've got nothing on me. THey continuously try to use every exuse against me. My involvement with the community here on VOAT has garnered me a new label from them: "Schizophrenic pedofile". Why schizophrenic? Because there's absolutely no lead towards such thing. Simply because I am not a pedophile. They use the word "schizophrenic" as a logical inverter gate to claim for thruth their claims eventhough everything's against the claim.

I've also received two death threats from the agent in my physical surroundings at the company I worked for from Jan. 2014 ~ March 2016. I had 3 new jobs afterwards. At the first I uncovered first-hand a mental satanist (flashed 3 6'es at me during lunch break). At the company they love goat cheese, talk about consuming placentas, harassed me through gossip, suggesting me to be an anti-Semite.

The second job no different. The agent tried to make me complicit to corporate crime involving extremely expensive licenses (Microsoft SQL Server Datacenter version and rolling out for production, Office under an MSDN dev sub) and tried hard to marginalize my profession knowledge and paint me as a fraud, all the while I was schooling him on his fallacies and attempts, in fact showing him to be an arrogant supremacist prick, making him fall flat to his face, the fucker.

At the third job things were no different. After a few days the hate campaign started (anti semite), marginalizing knowledge once more, both assimilation and terror attempts.

I quit all 3 jobs without social security. I'm running on my own finance for now and have not much left. I'll have to see if I can still find a job without state terror on my neck.

The claws are everywhere. I have quite the personal story. Evil is not limited to a hand full of Babylonic Talmudists. Nor are they the source. The force/power of evil existed well before Judaism was a thing on this planet. Nor is it picky about race or religion (as cover) chosen.

22 - NG - FP (my license plate).

Additionally, I'm gifted with telepathy. I know their profession slang / slur words for "suspects". They've got a word for about anything. I can hardly keep track of them. (I can, just telling you I've been called about everything under the sun, with or without the "schizophrenic" prependage, depending on whether they feel they need an inverter gate to make true their claim, if not based on some factual node that can be interpreted a thousand ways.

Note: almost 20 years ago they tried to subtly recruit me as part of their cyber force. I subtly let 'm know I was NOT interested because I saw a world of grayness (the color, not the aliens lol) and corruption. I didn't involve myself with local national politics for almost 18 years and kept to myself while being a biological datarecorder as I watched carefully at how people in my environment would handle me. This is how I got up to where I am now without having been prematurely derailed into nothingness. Now I've got my ammo. Knowledge.

They are also responsible for the destruction of the relationship I had 16 years ago with an American citizen. A woman. My true love. We were soul mates, fully and complementarily interconnected. She had 3 kids. My visa was denied. Our appeal to the denial was denied. Because THEY passed on negative advice about me to the American Consulate in Amsterdam. It destroyed our relationship in an extremely painful fashion. People won't know they are born as complementary halves until they have grown into one and then separated.

This is what Luciferism is trying to destroy in this world. Love and Life.

To [My name], my only love....

A special message from Claudia: Baby, from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep at night, you are always in my mind and in my heart filling me with your wonderous love. I can't stop thinking about you, nor would I want to. I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. You are my everything, baby. I love you!

Your love always, Claudia

Silverlining ago

George Webb mentions the wrath of the secret service here [1min 53]

perihelion0 ago

I don't think you're understanding. You're never going to "indisputably prove they are evil" anymore than you already have. You already have the proof. You'll never win this in court or get vindication from the system because they own the system. They make the rules and when you corner them they'll bend the rules. The only solution is revolution. That means going full 1488. Remember all those poor jews and gays that ended up in the camps? That's what we have to do. We have to take the streets and gas these fuckers wholesale. No trials. You associate with these fuckers? You're in pictures with these fuckers? You do business with these fuckers? Then you're dead to us. This is cancer and we must become chemotherapy.

ArtificalDuality ago

That will get us all killed. We must use the frame of law and through truth exposure show that certain elements are corrupt and be replaced / impeached.

Present day law constructs define the lines on this mental battle field. We don't have to illusion craft. We don't have to hide. They have to and that is our win.

perihelion0 ago

The Law permits your rulers to murder you without justification based on secret evidence which they need not prove. Tell me again how the Law is your friend?

ArtificalDuality ago

It's the friend of the good guys in LE. We have to cooperate and work from with-in and pop the cork at the top.

perihelion0 ago

LE are not permitted to investigate their superiors. Any investigation worth anything has been shutdown. LE cannot harm the top. Just look at Hillary's flagrant disregard for the law. She's a small fish too.

ArtificalDuality ago

That's the whole point of the top-down compartmentalized authority structure. Again, truth sync is going to help with that. There must be pathways to collectively deem "untrustworthy/corrupt" a superior. But it must happen in unity.

perihelion0 ago

Kicking out Jews would gut 80% of the cancer giving you the opportunity to use brain scans to root out the remaining.

ArtificalDuality ago

You have to turn the duality disk. Meaning you'll have to look at an individual's alignment towards good / evil. There's every day Jews around as well that are tired of the shite as much as anyone else. Again, neither good, neither evil are picky about race or assumed religion. They look at whether one lets in either one or not.

perihelion0 ago

Great but that's not a practical plan. We have cancer. We don't have perfect precise cure for cancer. We do have the scalpel and chemotherapy. We work with the blunt instruments we have or we die.

ArtificalDuality ago

Only as a last resort when all else fails. It's exactly what they want to entice us into. They've got all the ammo (bullets), gear, hi-tech. They can 'nuke' whole areas with EM tech and make whole swathes of people drop like flies without a finch. Don't be silly. Instead, we've gotta take back what rightfully belongs to us. Awakening is taking place in the army as well.