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tadorno ago

What evidence do you have pointing to the vatican making moves against the jews? All I see is the vatican openly capitulating to Israel.

ArtificalDuality ago

It's history articles. I don't have a direct link, but it's documented history that around a century before Christ, the Roman Empire lent the region of Israel to the Jews, the Pharisees of the times. It's that governmental system during the age of Christ that was responsible for killing him.

The Roman Empire wanted to reclaim the region, but the Jews of that time refused to concede to the Empire and return it. That's the score they have to settle (the Neo-roman empire that's alive now under the 'shadow-Vatican').

I have made a prediction a year ago based on all that I have learned over global history's time-span:

The cross of Golgotha is stored in Vatican City, deep inside the bowels there of. The Satanic cult hiding out in the bowels of the Vatican celebrate their victory over killing Jesus Christ through mockery. The cross is part of those rituals.

Another hint is found in Free-masonry. The 'G' in the logo symbol refers to mount Golgatha.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have not trusted Victory of the Light for some disinformation and in particular for their claim that @Swordfish69 was Tom Delonge who they were supporting. We do not believe swordfish is Tom Delonge, and we know that Tom Delonge has ties to Racine and many involved. Blink-182 and Travis Barker were from Poway, California with connections to FLDS leaders such as Evan McMullin and Warren Jeffs. Tom is also tied to OTO and Scientology circles including co-author Peter Levenda.

The secret societies at the top have an agenda of population control and eternal enslavement where there is no faith or hope for an afterlife. The Mark of the Beast will be enforced by AI and Community Policing, where Racine, Wisconsin is the model. Global control had already been established through the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability). The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

The next pope may be the only American, Timothy Dolan, who moved from St. Louis to cover up the Catholic church scandal in Milwaukee (near Racine and the powerful Racine Dominicans).

ArtificalDuality ago

@Winsconsin_Is_Corrupt @ESOTERICshade

WIC, I have a gut feeling that you are not unfamiliar with the phrase "Agents of Rigol" and that this too, connects to Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Interestingly enough one of the first results is about the fake organizations that we exposed who were pretending to fight child trafficking.

Another is about the Wisconsin model and Russia -

The model for modern enslavement and education as a pipieline to slavery was created in Racine, Wisconsin. Gateway and imet are key parts to this offering free college following their takeover of public schools to indoctrinate children from Cradle to Career. Higher Expectations is one of these programs involving Jeff Neubauer who is closely connected to the Johnsons and Clintons. His sister is Kristin Bauer van Straten who is deeply connected in Scientology circles.

Drugs, poison, mind control and indoctrination are just a few of the mechanisms employed.

5r5e5w ago

@deathtwomasons @asolo https:/ / r / con spiracy / comments/7doivk/i_am_from_parkersburg_wv_the_site_of_the/ ######ahuwahzeus ######