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thisisnotagame ago

WOW! This is AMAZING research! Thank you so much...I believe you are spot on. IMPRESSIVE! Obama and co. seriously need to be jailed. It is utterly shocking how disgustingly corrupted he actually turned out to be. What a POS!

ArtificalDuality ago

WARNING: This OP is George WEBB class DISINFO.

Key marks? Honeypottery OP; and an army of prop-up responses without anyone really discussing anything.

Here is a recent VOAT submission that is a LOT MORE TELLING and is what they again steer away attention from!! In this post you will find the algorithm they use for the pedo logos, Twitter seems ace at littering their site with them. The thread was scrubbed from view within a day!! :

Iran is the prime NWO target which is becoming painstakingly clear!! This OP is designed (debatable sources) to now use PIZZAGATE/PEDOGATE as the lever to put it to work to advance their primary agenda of eradicating Iran, which yet again is part of a bigger picture narrative:

The "Alien Invasion" false-flag narrative to unite the world under NWO:

Please read the posts marked "Part 1", "Part 2" and "Part 3" here:

And supportive links from other angles: - Mind you, this post is NWO DISINFO in the UFO/ETI community sphere with the purpose of maximizing Israel <> Iran hatred / potential.

A letter from Iranian Ayatollah Khameinei to the Western World


More useful background information: - Saudi Arabia BUST at causing the 2015 Hajj Stampede, Mossad agents capturing Iranian officials. - Russia telling the US to get out of Syria.

Final note: Iran higly likely has it share of trafficking as well, the global sectarian syndicate network leaves no place untouched. With this move they may be sacrificing that bit of their network to serve the agenda laid out here.

Final note 2: Obama handing over $1.7B is YET ANOTHER FLASH-SIGN: (the embedded 17). 17 is another flash-sign of the Global Sectarian (satanic/evil) Criminal Syndicate <-- must-read to get an idea of what we're dealing with. Obama also signed into legislation a BILL enabling government to literally own you and your property, 17 days BEFORE leaving office.

ArtificalDuality ago

The Path To Prime Evil

There are multiple factions at play:

  • Khazar Sphere (what is known as Babylonian Judaism / Azkenazi / Ukrainian / Rothshild / Rockefeller angle) : These have gained in power across the anglo-sphere over the past centuries under the watchful eye of the Vatican.

  • Sphere X : This is what I have learned to be a must-exist-by-inference faction. Initially it was just dark-side of The Vatican. But it is an actual faction / sphere. It is known as Black Nobelty.

Sphere X has remained low-key over past centuries (other than catholic emissionary influence across the globe). They let the Khazari faction do their dirty jobs, working together out of necessity.

There are rumours that the Khazari faction is about to be effed up by them with constructs being developed to take down Soros and Rothshield. BUT... no mention of the Vatican itself. Since this faction has donned them with Judaism and are by most known as Zionist Jews, one can, in light of current developments see an affirmative pattern: The set-up of Jews against Muslims.

With the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel, it is clear that the Vatican has a huge role in the satanic ritual (the pope figurine worshipping the rising morning sun (Lucifer)). is the key into Sphere X: The Black Nobelty. VOAT has somewhere a thread that outlines all these connections deep into South European "untouchable" nobelty that eventually ends up with the Vatican. Found it..

Luzzatto -> Black Nobelty -> Vatican. All roads lead to Rome. The core of the Empire has never fallen. It is still present and operating today. And determined at taking the world. When graphing a "religion v.s. pdeophilia settlement cases" graph, Roman Catholism by far tops them all. Samantha Powers is catholic. There are many more high-profile Catholics scattered around the world in places of modern power.

Optical Illusion showing a Serpent within the Vatican

Serpent Jesus throne in the Vatican

The Vatican, biggest Pineapple (=pineal gland) in the world

More Vatican Pineapple

The "Pope" featuring in the Gotthard Tunnel Satanic Ritualistic Opening

Part 2 (Outside) Demonic Ritual

Goat Hill Pizza / Nancy Pelosi Refresher

Luzzato associated with Abortion Group called "The Rainbow Bridge" - The Rainbow Bridge is an analogy to the passing of the soul. The passing of the soul manifests in our biology as DMT accumulating in the pineal gland at death. When this happens, and the gland is extracted at the 'right' moment, one could see this as the "Capturing of the soul".

Starting to see the gruwesome picture now?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Good stuff.