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star_boi ago

Appears to be maeve in the kickstarter ad for mum tydings new abortion movie titled 'rainbow bridge' -- interesting that this is the term used for animals dying and going to 'heaven'.... as for the names and the siblings.... the children are ALL female, emerson is a girl and this is clearly stated on maeve's birth page on the midwifery site.... alexandra tydings-luzzatto is an actress who was on xena warrior princess in the 90s so naming her children after names related to this show is no stretch.... interesting that there are other greek names involved in the show... possible alephantis connections?? podesta and alephantis are greek.

DonKeyhote ago

TPTB are Kabbalists, jew or goy. Aleister Crowley considered himself the reincarnation of modern kabbalahs founder.

They like guys like this from when numbers were basically worshipped

Bradmi619 ago

Fantastic revelation. I posted an op previously about George Webb and fake names within the CIA. James Alefantis softly resembles the French Jai'me Les Enfantis, or I Love Children. Also, John and Mary Podesta I think may be fake. Husband John and Wife Mary are a frequent combo in secret names of Masons. Check out John Shuttleworth on YouTube. He was a comedian songwriter in England ho sang about what seemed to be nonsense, but if you listen to the lyrics, there is so much coding in it that will make you say, holy hell, this guy was on the inside. MANY of the same references that we found during pizzagate research. Chicken being a blatant code, in his song Chic Ken, talking about his assistant Ken (WHO TURNS OUT IS NOT A REAL PERSON AT ALL) and how he thinks he's 'Sheek'. Talk show interviewers always ask him about Ken, and he talks as if he is real! I will certainly be posting on all of his codes soon.