new4now ago

Tamera and Podesta go back a very long time

She obtained her new position as chief of staff to Hillary without interview, having been recommended by none other than John Podesta, chief of staff to Bill at the time. She had known and previously worked with Podesta since, "Fresh from Harvard University in 1979, she worked for Action, a defunct organization that was, in the Carter administration, the umbrella for the Peace Corps, Vista and a handful of related projects."

John worked Directors office

Before joining Hillary’s team, Tamera worked in the office of Senator John D. Rockefeller from 1985 to 1999, rising to the level of chief of staff. "Ms. Luzzatto was his primary adviser on the National Commission on Children" [and] the Pepper Commission on Health Care.

found this little tidbit on Podesta, In 1978, through Action, an off shot of the Peace Corps,

Tom Glynn, Director of the Office of Poficy and Plmning, and John Podesta, of the Director’s Office, are serving as ACTION’s representatives on the task force. ACTION was selected as a participant because of its commitment to the nation’s youth, most recentiy demonstrated by the agency’s work with the Youth Community Service Project in Syracuse, N.Y. A demonstration program, YCS/S is based on community involvement in support of young volunteers engaged in meaningful community service projects. Providtig fu~ year service oppor. tunities for 16 to 21 year old men and women in the Syracuse metropolitan area

Flops420 ago

I did a Google image search on the majority of the pictures on MAMAS website and a lot of them were only linked to the website. Wouldn't they usually be up on other social media outlets that the parents have, or anything else besides that site?!?!

nitro169 ago

Mrs luzzatto probably called majestic ape after skippys glowing review of how it can "put that shut down"

Bradmi619 ago

What a creepy video right?!

Bradmi619 ago

Ok ok I just had an epiphany. Emerson is holding "her baby sister." Tamera is the birthing mom in the photos and reports. Which means either: Tamera is a surrogate to both Alexandra and Ben Luzzatto (her brother, kinda gross) or Maeve is the daughter of Ben and Tamera (even grosser) or Maeve was either biological or surrogate, but birthed with a purpose and concealed from record, which is why she is not listed as a child of Alexandra. Thoughts?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

So these people could be having births with their own "midwifes" and not registering them?

Bradmi619 ago

I didn't even think of that. A home birth with no doctor would go under the radar. Interesting. Also, could the baby have been adopted or 'napped, and a birth then staged? That would also fit the home birth no doctor narrative. Sounds crazy, but as we all know, anything is possible in this crazy world.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes this investigation is a bit like Rule34!!!

I didn't even think about the possibility of a fake birth to cover a kidnapping. Jesus. I remember reading her birth story thinking she was bat shit crazy. Taking her daughter to pick a pumpkin far away after having contractions for days.

Bradmi619 ago

Wow. Just wow. I had no idea my insane theory would take us this far in just a few hours. Lol

Bradmi619 ago

Grand Canyon seems to come up a lot too with this sort of stuff. How far 'in plain sight' can they go?! Crazy!

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Is the Grand Canyon a national park?

Bradmi619 ago

It sure is. It's also a UNESCO World Heritage site.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)[2] (French: Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) based in Paris. Its declared purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter.

Well that's slightly concerning.

I see no mention of the Egyptian Tombs on Wikipedia either! Hehe.

dickface888 ago

Tamera sure does look like she was the one who'd just had the baby herself in a few of those pics. And your theory is very good yes, you might be onto something.

Bradmi619 ago

Has anyone looked into Uber Bonnie? I wonder if that lead would take us somewhere...

rickman ago

This confusion about gender can be likened to the instagram comments on jimmycomet where he refers to Caris as a he and another comment tells him the baby is a she. What is up with this?

star_boi ago

Appears to be maeve in the kickstarter ad for mum tydings new abortion movie titled 'rainbow bridge' -- interesting that this is the term used for animals dying and going to 'heaven'.... as for the names and the siblings.... the children are ALL female, emerson is a girl and this is clearly stated on maeve's birth page on the midwifery site.... alexandra tydings-luzzatto is an actress who was on xena warrior princess in the 90s so naming her children after names related to this show is no stretch.... interesting that there are other greek names involved in the show... possible alephantis connections?? podesta and alephantis are greek.

DonKeyhote ago

TPTB are Kabbalists, jew or goy. Aleister Crowley considered himself the reincarnation of modern kabbalahs founder.

They like guys like this from when numbers were basically worshipped

Bradmi619 ago

Fantastic revelation. I posted an op previously about George Webb and fake names within the CIA. James Alefantis softly resembles the French Jai'me Les Enfantis, or I Love Children. Also, John and Mary Podesta I think may be fake. Husband John and Wife Mary are a frequent combo in secret names of Masons. Check out John Shuttleworth on YouTube. He was a comedian songwriter in England ho sang about what seemed to be nonsense, but if you listen to the lyrics, there is so much coding in it that will make you say, holy hell, this guy was on the inside. MANY of the same references that we found during pizzagate research. Chicken being a blatant code, in his song Chic Ken, talking about his assistant Ken (WHO TURNS OUT IS NOT A REAL PERSON AT ALL) and how he thinks he's 'Sheek'. Talk show interviewers always ask him about Ken, and he talks as if he is real! I will certainly be posting on all of his codes soon.

Howmanyarethere ago

Dauphin ago

ah fuck, I have never really looked close at these pictures, but if you zoom into the pic of Emerson holding Maeve (top left) you can definitely see the little blonde girl has severe bags under her eyes (panda eyes.) fuuuuuck. Maybe female celebrities are advertised in movies etc to the ultra wealthy elite and rich men can purchase "bred children"

Bradmi619 ago

I believe she's real. But there are still some red flags not addressed.

jstayz44 ago

I'm the worst at pulling old posts, so be aware that there is a post regarding Maeve's birth with both a pic of JA there, presumable right after birth, along with info regarding her middle name "Chaim," which turns out to be a family name dating back to Italian mafia and Freemasonry (if I recall correctly.) All of this makes me wonder if she'll somehow be tortured and possibly sacrificed, if there's little to prove her birth. Does anyone know if Luciferians believe that sacrificing a child will bring them back to "rule the world?" It was Maeve's cousin being offered "raw and uncut," and that she'll rule the world, but wonder now if it's actually through sacrifice versus elite bloodlines.


note: i think we determined that was not JA (did look like him) but her dad. midwife blog:

jstayz44 ago

Thanks @dickfart_ , I hadn't stayed with that convo, I guess. I see what you mean, Ben Luzzatto was mentioned, so likely is him. His hair is thicker than JA's I think.

readstuff ago

Excellent question for serious followup. I believe Ms Luzzatto is the weakest link in the defensive chain. The public has a right to know whether THE TAXPAYERS SUBSIDIZED HER POOL PARTY as work-related expense. Note at [] that her INVITATION TO THE PARTY WAS SIGNED OFFICIALLY AS SR VICE PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, THE PEW CHARITABLE TRUSTS and it was SENT ON A WEEKDAY WORKDAY MORNING FROM HER OFFICIAL TAX-SUBSIDIZED PEW EMAIL ADDRESS. These very reasonable questions also should be directed to every officer, director and trustee of The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Glenmede Trust Company, which is the sole trustee of the underlying Pew Family Trusts. Pew is a tax-exempt public charity that spends millions to lobby governments every year and employs Luzzatto as its ~$400K Senior VP for government relations. There are many good people at those organizations who depend absolutely on tax-exempt status and good public repute; they, too, will want explanations or action.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago


RweSure ago

What in ever loving heck? I can't believe this is serious.

The Pew Charitable Trusts are a private non-government entity. You mighty confused if you think a person who works there can't send a personal email.

Do you really think because you work at a non-profit you can't send an email to your wife that you want steak for dinner? Or send an email to a bunch of friends to see who wants to go see Wonder Woman.

You're using the language of the Hatch ACT. But you're using in wrong.

Because the Hatch Act does not apply to private charities. It applies to federal employees. The Hatch Act also does not apply personal email. It applies to political activity.

The email was not SIGNED OFFICIALLY. That's just an automatic email signature. When you set this up in Outlook or something similar it gets applied to every new email. It has nothing to do with "official" anything.

Then you make this crazy leap


Completely based on nothing.

Tax Exempt Status has nothing to do with a person's reputation.

readstuff ago

Nothing crazy here, and no leap at all. We are not concerned with emailing your dinner menu. We are and have every reason to be concerned with using tax-subsidized 501(c)3 resources to arrange and sponsor what seems to have have been unlawful child-abuse for the "further entertainment" of guests in furtherance of Ms Luzzatto's official employment as a lobbyist and her employer's tax-subsidized lobbying mission. Severe criminal and civil issues would arise from such facts for Pew and Glenmede as institutions and for every responsible trustee, director and officer as well as every individual who arranged or attended the event. An intense text/email/publicity campaign could force appropriate answers and/or actions

RweSure ago

Now you're making a second leap

arrange and sponsor what seems to have have been unlawful child-abuse

This of course has always been one of the more ludicrous bits of speculation in Pizzagate. Genuinely bafflingly.

Ok I get it now.
Now I read your initial post differently. And yes it is crazy.

Bradmi619 ago

oh you mean like a 501c3? Or a private org like the DNC who are denying charitable political donation refunds to Berniecrats? I possibly agree with this point, certainly. But your -69 downvote rating tells me you won't agree with much on this thread.

RweSure ago

Either one. The DNC is a non profit too. It's a 527.

They are not government agencies and the tax code doesn't get into such minutia as the email policy.

You think Seth Rich didn't email his friends about getting together for softball on his work email? Or login into his personal email from his desk?

Bradmi619 ago

Funny, I didn't mention Seth Rich. The fact that a signature was non-government or personal hardly negates speculation on the matter. But I appreciate your Alinskyism. You're quite practiced I noticed. Now onto the DNC, So the DNC should not be held accountable for being impartial, all the while deceiving many of their donors, because being impartial is solely a suggestion? I think you may be right about your former point. If you haven't noticed I'm receptive to all viewpoints. Maybe you can convince me! But really, the pity is on you, not me. Nor my commenters.

Bradmi619 ago

Excellent info. I also found that Tamera Luzzatto was also the Chief of Staff for. Then Senator Hillary Clinton of New York from 2001-2009. This is listed on her Bio on Pew Trusts.

readstuff ago

Yes, and she rates 89 on the Muckety scale of influence; for perspective, that compares with Barack Obama and John Podesta at about 99 and Lester Holt at 7.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Lester Holt can be legit on ID, he's a solid interviewer at least

Bradmi619 ago

I'd believe it even if it came out of Hillarys mouth herself. :P