User2060 ago

You're a Saudi paid shill right?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

This is garbage.

Iran is a well known target of the NWO. Not falling for this OP. Suck my balls.

Flops420 ago

I'm curious on if the other symbols (on translation page) that aren't identified pedo symbols, have same/ other meanings that ties into it all.

Commoner ago

I do not know what they mean, but this was my interpretation of the image which I posted on the original submission about the Translation center:

"What immediately caught my attention is that in the image with the islands, there is one with a yellow structure. A house, that looks like a face. If you look at the houses on the land to the right of that, they are shorter and squatty and look like faces, too. Notice the swirls and lollipop swirls on mixed in with these houses (faces). If you look at the land to the left, the structures are tall, with some ribbing and red on the tops. Some tops have an additional extrusion with red. There are square swirls on this one. The structures do not resemble faces.......but some look more like dominoes. Looking directly below that land to the small island is a combination of the long with the short faces. Below that island, on the left is land with red/fuschia structures that look like faces too, although a different kind of face. Is it an elephant? My gut tells me that the short houses are females and the tall structures represent males. I also notice the jet plane and the boat. Lolita express and a drug boat?"

There are other insightful comments on that post. And thanks to the OP of that!

Flops420 ago

I cant think of a way to further research this. I tried to search them using Google image but that was a dud. Can u think of anything to start on

Commoner ago

I believe this post is about the same translation center page, although I can't confirm because I am not able to open the links for some reason. You might be able to get some answers there.

Commoner ago

Other than these comments that I have seen on other posts, I got nothing.

for a square spiral :

This possibly " There exist 7 sigils, one for each of the great magics. In this illustrations there are SEVEN SIGILS"

Littleredcorvette ago

Here is my deleted post about twitter cards. It was deleted pretty quick after I posted it. I came upon the Twitter cards accidentally too.

Edit: It was deleted by M_F Rule 1 on 5/31/17. It might have stayed up two hours. It was downvoated quickly (-4 in the first five minutes if I recall correctly)

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

What was the reason for deletion? Following a lead of a tip off from FBIAnon seems relevant to Pizzagate?

Littleredcorvette ago

Rule 1 MF. I edited post to include details.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

No surprises.

path ago

Granted, I don't post often, but the shill activity in this thread is a great example of how they work. Notice how they attempt to discredit the name and then sing their song. Be DISCERNING people! Don't just believe everything that (((everyone))) is agreeing with! Look for yourself!

ThaliaC ago

Simply amazing!!! I just can't believe that twitter translation page! Well done - the question is the FBI going to do anything? Hello FBI!!

redditsuckz ago

After Kordestani joined Twitter in 2015, Twitter introduced the Twitter Translation Center where translators can sign in using their Twitter account and help translate various blocks of text for the company. The sign-up page clearly has pedophile images such as swirls and triangles and other symbolism in the mix. This discovery was made by this poster in this submission with links to the Translation Center below and spurred me to try to find a connection between Twitter and pedophilia. I think it is entirely possible that the translation center is used as a form of communication for child trafficking rings. this screen shot shows the full illustration.

The Twitter Translation Center Launched in Feb 2011.

Kordestani joined Twitter on Oct 14, 2015

The Logo for the Translation Center changed on November 23, 2015 - 1 month after Kordestani joins

Twitter Translate began in 2008 - recently deleted official twitter page;

Its possible Tweets could be private and sent to a 3rd party translator on twitter for the translation.

Maybe something like Flitto Translator;

Now why would you need a human translator?...because bot translations are just not reliable and prone to error.

Commoner ago

Thank you for that. I am updating my post.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago this screen shot shows the full illustration.

Well there is accidental using of these symbols and then there's this!

Eyezopen ago

Awesome work on connecting this together. Great job. Thanks.

Jobew1 ago

Other than the 1.7 Bill in one year, is Iran in any way controlling US policy or getting preferential treatment even during obama's admin? Embargo since 95. Bush says they're part of the axis of evil. They're always discussed as far as regime change. There's been us military operations in Iran and funding of insurgents. etc etc So if they're knee deep in p/g (or p/g type activities) they're doing an awful job of using the compromised politicians. Was Iran involved in any of the p/g related incidences like the Franklin coverup, the Finders, comet pp, dyncorp, clinton foundations and others abusing Haiti annually? So i don't see that HRC being in bed with an apparently sleazy Iranian businessman (based in the US) and one year of large aid as being incredibly significant to p/g. However, the info about Iran's bad child trafficking is disturbing (tho again, of all the child abuse stories that have been posted here on voat i don't recall any iranian victims or perpetrators most were western with many victims from SE asia, haiti, and similar countries. My $ is on the biggest high level perps being western and zionist (read not just jewish) at the top levels. As for zionism, israel gets the most $ each year from the us in aid. they get the most preferential treatment in all ways. also, billions have been siphoned off thru the fed and international banks and banksters many of whom are zionists. there's also information implicating zionists in all kinds of terrorism and false flag events (not all of which can be unfounded). what about all the multi national companies that have huge contracts with the us - dyncorp is just one?

Blacksmith21 ago

Good work. Very good work.

Commoner ago

I have no doubt that prepaid debit cards are used in the network in some fashion. It would be great to have a way or the access needed to follow those cards to see who is loading them up.

fogdryer ago

Need a hacker for that !

Freemasonsrus ago

Micro-loans, cards and phones.

fuspezza ago

I couldn't belive that money changed hands. No doubt they do as they please with no fear of accountability, and now to no surprise to the informed U.S.A. Corp had its proxy army i.s.i.s attack Iran. Slide of hand

HighLevelInsider ago

Good work.

You're right Obama paid hush money to Iran. But it's because he was CIA, like his whole family. And Iran knew what he was up to during his time with the agency.

Are_we_shill ago

Everyone knew. Except the gullible, retarded American citizens who voted for him

fogdryer ago

I am the naive unsphophicated citizen did not vote for him

What was the hush money to Iran for ?????

equineluvr ago

It's a good working hypothesis that needs more solid evidence.

remedy4reality ago

It's a limited hangout.

goodguy1367 ago

No fucking wayyy! Could that page be anymore obvious! I think yous have stumbled across the main point of contact from around the globe, YAHTZEE!

PS @Commoner maybe take the direct link to the twitter page out so they don't see all the traffic from here? No doubt they've already heavily infiltrated this site. Great stuff!

pizzagatecharlotte ago

I think he has taken the Twitter page out but I'm late to the post and want to see! What is the handle please? :)

goodguy1367 ago

Just how twitter is pretty much a platform for pedos! They have some other part where "translators" can sign up and then go on to translate pages for others. The main page for it has the exact same boy lover triangle and then swirls all over it! One may assume this is where pedos from all corners of the globe can sign up and discuss their sick shit without concern. Sad sad place....

UnicornsAndSparkles ago this screen shot shows the full illustration.

This I think ^^

ArtificalDuality ago

Well done archiving, other people make copies too? This IS going to serve as evidence building at some point in time.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Archiving was down to @commoner. I second the well done :)

SecondAmendment ago

Amazing work, @Commoner. Absolutely astounding.

remedy4reality ago

oh brother

shillcrusher13 ago

Oh SHILL ("remedy4reality") where art thou.

Notgood ago

Somebody needs to make a meme that says something like "I don't always follow leads, but when I do, it will be a lead from an Anonymous Internet troll."

ThaliaC ago

You make me feel yuk

shillcrusher13 ago

"Notgood"... more like, "I'm a SHILL."

Gorillion ago

LOL, you creeps always out yourselves when someone hits a nerve.

Shillaxe ago

Damn fine job 👌

thisisnotagame ago

WOW! This is AMAZING research! Thank you so much...I believe you are spot on. IMPRESSIVE! Obama and co. seriously need to be jailed. It is utterly shocking how disgustingly corrupted he actually turned out to be. What a POS!

ArtificalDuality ago

WARNING: This OP is George WEBB class DISINFO.

Key marks? Honeypottery OP; and an army of prop-up responses without anyone really discussing anything.

Here is a recent VOAT submission that is a LOT MORE TELLING and is what they again steer away attention from!! In this post you will find the algorithm they use for the pedo logos, Twitter seems ace at littering their site with them. The thread was scrubbed from view within a day!! :

Iran is the prime NWO target which is becoming painstakingly clear!! This OP is designed (debatable sources) to now use PIZZAGATE/PEDOGATE as the lever to put it to work to advance their primary agenda of eradicating Iran, which yet again is part of a bigger picture narrative:

The "Alien Invasion" false-flag narrative to unite the world under NWO:

Please read the posts marked "Part 1", "Part 2" and "Part 3" here:

And supportive links from other angles: - Mind you, this post is NWO DISINFO in the UFO/ETI community sphere with the purpose of maximizing Israel <> Iran hatred / potential.

A letter from Iranian Ayatollah Khameinei to the Western World


More useful background information: - Saudi Arabia BUST at causing the 2015 Hajj Stampede, Mossad agents capturing Iranian officials. - Russia telling the US to get out of Syria.

Final note: Iran higly likely has it share of trafficking as well, the global sectarian syndicate network leaves no place untouched. With this move they may be sacrificing that bit of their network to serve the agenda laid out here.

Final note 2: Obama handing over $1.7B is YET ANOTHER FLASH-SIGN: (the embedded 17). 17 is another flash-sign of the Global Sectarian (satanic/evil) Criminal Syndicate <-- must-read to get an idea of what we're dealing with. Obama also signed into legislation a BILL enabling government to literally own you and your property, 17 days BEFORE leaving office.

ArtificalDuality ago

The Path To Prime Evil

There are multiple factions at play:

  • Khazar Sphere (what is known as Babylonian Judaism / Azkenazi / Ukrainian / Rothshild / Rockefeller angle) : These have gained in power across the anglo-sphere over the past centuries under the watchful eye of the Vatican.

  • Sphere X : This is what I have learned to be a must-exist-by-inference faction. Initially it was just dark-side of The Vatican. But it is an actual faction / sphere. It is known as Black Nobelty.

Sphere X has remained low-key over past centuries (other than catholic emissionary influence across the globe). They let the Khazari faction do their dirty jobs, working together out of necessity.

There are rumours that the Khazari faction is about to be effed up by them with constructs being developed to take down Soros and Rothshield. BUT... no mention of the Vatican itself. Since this faction has donned them with Judaism and are by most known as Zionist Jews, one can, in light of current developments see an affirmative pattern: The set-up of Jews against Muslims.

With the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel, it is clear that the Vatican has a huge role in the satanic ritual (the pope figurine worshipping the rising morning sun (Lucifer)). is the key into Sphere X: The Black Nobelty. VOAT has somewhere a thread that outlines all these connections deep into South European "untouchable" nobelty that eventually ends up with the Vatican. Found it..

Luzzatto -> Black Nobelty -> Vatican. All roads lead to Rome. The core of the Empire has never fallen. It is still present and operating today. And determined at taking the world. When graphing a "religion v.s. pdeophilia settlement cases" graph, Roman Catholism by far tops them all. Samantha Powers is catholic. There are many more high-profile Catholics scattered around the world in places of modern power.

Optical Illusion showing a Serpent within the Vatican

Serpent Jesus throne in the Vatican

The Vatican, biggest Pineapple (=pineal gland) in the world

More Vatican Pineapple

The "Pope" featuring in the Gotthard Tunnel Satanic Ritualistic Opening

Part 2 (Outside) Demonic Ritual

Goat Hill Pizza / Nancy Pelosi Refresher

Luzzato associated with Abortion Group called "The Rainbow Bridge" - The Rainbow Bridge is an analogy to the passing of the soul. The passing of the soul manifests in our biology as DMT accumulating in the pineal gland at death. When this happens, and the gland is extracted at the 'right' moment, one could see this as the "Capturing of the soul".

Starting to see the gruwesome picture now?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Good stuff.

Womb_Raider ago

Honestly dude, your account looks like a LARP

shillcrusher13 ago

Oh yeah "Womb_Raider"??? AKA Abortionist, child-destroyer supporting SHILL???

Womb_Raider ago

Excuse me, 6 months account with less than 100 CCP? You're nobody here. Could you elaborate for me?

shillcrusher13 ago

You are a filthy SHILL.

Womb_Raider ago

How about you elaborate and articulate your ideas rather than mindlessly sling insults?

I have a long history here, you just sit around and type in CAPS like the guy I was originally typing to. Why are you trying to erode my credibility? What's your motive?

shillcrusher13 ago

My motive is that I am identifying you as a SHILL who is trying to question and deflect attention away from highly useful information. I care not how long your "long history" here, as Voat has only been around very briefly and it is packed full of SHILLS such as yourself.

Womb_Raider ago

You're a fool. Knee-jerk reacting and calling someone a shill just because I've taken the time to peruse his account and find him suspect is foolish.

Do as you please, but I think you've made a mistake.