srayzie ago

That's my point. It takes me back to the welcome page. It won't let me view the forum. Can you try?

DonKeyhote ago

They are fully trying to make the symbols appear more commonplace than they've been pre-PG, this graphic is extremely contrived whereas they could have used real languages currently supported or something

srayzie ago

I went to the About section. I saw this...

Get involved – participate in forums

We have a bustling community in our Translation Center forums. You can speak with other translators and moderators from generic topics to language-specific topics.

You can also track bugs, request new features, and participate in exclusive projects. Simply click the Forum tab at the top of the Translation Center or go to

But, if you click on the forum link, it takes you back to the welcome page. I'd like to see that forum.

srayzie ago

This isn't a coincidence. This is very clear. I've never seen this site. Great find OP.

So, since this is clearly the boy love symbol all over a map with different locations, it makes me wonder if the logo of the 3 wiggle lines is some sort of symbol used that we don't know about yet. The flowers probably mean girls.

artfullyours ago

I does seem as if there is a message there.

gumshoe_mob ago

There is a thing called "the hobo code' that tells where a hobo can find a place to sleep, or a free meal, or where a hobo camp is located. This Twitter page looks very much like a map. Look closely and you'll see swirls on trees, and swirls that look like lollipops in a city, and swirls down on the street in a high rise city like street signs. Then, there are islands to avoid - shown by waving lines or straight lines. So, now, one has a clue on how to find a pedo ring, ya know, like a whore house.


gumshoe_mob ago

I want to add, that the picture in the lower left of the page seems to portray a village of pedos, maybe on the lower right as well. Whole communities that believe in the sexualization of children.

remedy4reality ago

great... do they not have any competent PR people who would say this makes them look like KID FUCKERS ?

or.. are they that tied to their little, innocuous, coincidental logos ?

DonKeyhote ago

"I am unconvinced. First, the real BL logo goes the opposite direction"


remedy4reality ago

Yeah... just another COINCIDENCE

DonKeyhote ago

Careful..Hopi used spirals a lot, we don't need false positives.

That said, big chains can be leads too of course. Look at this fucking castle the Pizza Hut guy built

remedy4reality ago

DK... the PedoCult is MASSIVE, and it's 100% intentional. So when it begins to unravel, they can implement the 'Witch Hunt' defense and call into question the sanity of the accusers.

FE_Rebekah ago

Wow, pretty blatant.

If I wanted to communicate on the down low, I may consider telling the other person to translate it to Hebrew or whatever and then send it to me, and I would know what language to translate it back from, without ever having to actually know the language. Just a thought. I've seen a lot of nonsense in the WikiLeaks emails, and I kept thinking that I just have to translate it somehow to understand it..

I also don't think the use of these symbols is ever an "accident" or "innocent" anymore, especially not by a company like Twitter. They are too large and too connected to not know what these symbols mean. Good find..

Gothamgirl ago

Great find, I wonder what the other symbols mean or are they a variation of the same, very interesting.

Schweiz ago

Jesus... So fucking amazing there are people who think this is a conspiracy theory.

remedy4reality ago

those are the shills..

I'm batting 1.000 on convincing people in my immediate personal circle that its REAL

DonKeyhote ago

West coast folks don't even give a shit. Like they say, oh, yeah, that shits always been going on, the mischievous bastards. It's not even denial they just aren't interested LOL they're really the worst.

huggiess ago

Wow crazy - they have a lot of guts

DonKeyhote ago

Holy shit nice find. Not surprised employees of (((Yidder))) are familiar with the symbols. I sent one tweet in my life but it was PG so i was banned T_T