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hojuruku ago

Ok this is being down-voted into oblivion. I'm going to piss some people off but I gave it an upvote.

There are some nutters on RenegadeBroadcasting that I had a run in with (long story) but the Epstine Rape Island includes an fucken OTO temple. GO FIGURE! FOR THAT REASON STOP BEING #$@$# AND SEE THE RESEARCH FOR WHAT IT IS.

@Northern_Soul - @DarkMath is a pedo downvote I ran it too. Last time we proved he was a nambla supporter.

We got so much proof he loves nambla it's not funny: His troll army downvoted this to -5 because he doesn't want people to see he was actually defending NAMBLA icons being force taught to children under Californian SB 42 that says founder of the US Gay Rights Movement (i.e. Harry Hay) MUST be taught to children.

You can't separate homosexuality in America from pedophilia, because the founder of the former WAS and IS NAMBLA.

Also you see the kind of stuff comes up when you google him and NAMLA on voat


Now with all these big news links MODS don't delete this - even if it triggers MAGA types.

The latest on the OTO child fuck cult: So far it's 10:30 and the police haven't come back so I'm feeling they are not much in a hurry they just want their annual visa renew skids greased thank god.

DarkMath ago

"DarkMath is a pedo downvote I ran it too. Last time we proved he was a nambla supporter."

Dipshit, me explaining to you that homosexuals are not by default pedophiles doesn't mean I'm a "nambla supporter".


And to be honest you're obstinence about the fact means you reduce our credibility which last time I checked wasn't all that high in the first place.


hojuruku ago

And to be honest you're obstinence about the fact means you reduce our credibility which last time I checked wasn't all that high in the first place.

Where does that comment fit on the logical fallacies poster - or better yet in the Book Straight and Crooked (bent - you know what I mean by BENT) thinking.... Um no because you no expert on anything and I've kind of blow your cred too mate. So where does it fit...

I'm going to go with a classic:

Oh no this is it: tu quoque You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism.

Pronounced too-kwo-kwee. Literally translating as 'you too' this fallacy is also known as the appeal to hypocrisy. It is commonly employed as an effective red herring because it takes the heat off someone having to defend their argument, and instead shifts the focus back on to the person making the criticism.

Example: Nicole identified that Hannah had committed a logical fallacy, but instead of addressing the substance of her claim, Hannah accused Nicole of committing a fallacy earlier on in the conversation.

hojuruku ago

how many sock-puppet accounts do you operate?

1) for comment spam 2) for downvoting?

Do you finally accept that SB 42 forces children to praise Mr Harry Hay aka

Or are you still claiming he isn't the US founder of the Gay Rights movement?

This is where the children are sent to do their forced homework on NAMBLA ICONS.

In 1950, Harry Hay founded the Mattachine Society, an underground network for homosexuals. It was one of the first American gay organizations.

DarkMath ago

"how many sock-puppet accounts do you operate?"

None. DarkMath is my only account.

"Do you finally accept that SB 42 forces children to praise Mr Harry Hay"

You're switching topics now? That's called a Straw Man. My issue with you was and is you claiming Homosexuality == Pedophilia.


Me personally I would NOT support SB 42 because Harry Hay was a degenerate Pedophile.


hojuruku ago

Harry Hay is NAMBLA. SB 42 forces people to praise Harry Hay. The topic hasn't changed. You started by responding to my criticism you are trying to always hide / refute the proven connection between NAMBLA and LGBT in America. Any thread that exposes this or something like it on here you are right on that thread permanent fixture. Not just mine.

And why do you only appear on LGBTI related threats so often. My mind is pretty good at pattern rec btw.

It's not secret that the LGBTI lobby is aware of pizzagate:

Wow it has the magic 5x downvotes - the number that always appears when you are tottally triggered.

What's this dark math mean?

93 93 93


DarkMath ago

"refute the proven connection between NAMBLA and LGBT in America"

I oppose the slippery slope connecting the two. It's the same slipper slope that connects 9/11 and "The Jews!(tm)".

Mossad helped carry out 9/11 but they weren't the main architects: George H.W. Bush and David Rockefeller. Similarly there exists homosexuals who are also pedophiles and want to get the LGBT to include Pedophilia.

The problem is you can't write off entire groups of people just because of a few highly poisonous apples. You lose all credibility. That's what why Pizzagate exists. That's the exact reason why James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong exist. They intentionally put up highly suggestive pictures and then wait for people like YOU to show up and then write off all homosexuals as worthy of death.

Far from helping us out you and people like you are the entire reason TPTB are never brought to justice.


hojuruku ago

WOW is that Australian gay judges saying it's a crime to criticize Democrat Obama's best mate "queer hero" terry bean raping little boys.

The links are everywhere.

DarkMath ago

I'm not sure what brought that response. Let's try again:

"refute the proven connection between NAMBLA and LGBT in America"

I oppose the slippery slope connecting the two. It's the same slipper slope that connects 9/11 and "The Jews!(tm)".

Mossad helped carry out 9/11 but they weren't the main architects: George H.W. Bush and David Rockefeller. Similarly there exists homosexuals who are also pedophiles and want to get the LGBT to include Pedophilia.

The problem is you can't write off entire groups of people just because of a few highly poisonous apples. You lose all credibility. That's what why Pizzagate exists. That's the exact reason why James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong exist. They intentionally put up highly suggestive pictures and then wait for people like YOU to show up and then write off all homosexuals as worthy of death.

Far from helping us out you and people like you are the entire reason TPTB are never brought to justice.


hojuruku ago

are you going to cry and read me a poem like yet another queer hero foster son rapist - this guy?

Exposed here edited out of the Gayby Baby flim because of boy rape charges. Gays can't even make promo videos to promote their cause without baby fuckers having to be edited out of it. Want the photo of the forcing homebush girls high school to watch the same movie?

hojuruku ago

I write off entire groups of people because I can't find a faggot who thinks it's i wrong what these faggots judges are doing ordering people to respect pedophiles, and say it's a crime to expose Obama' connections to gay pedophiles when Obama says on Camera gay child raping pedo Terry Bean who disappears his child rape victims after tying to pay off the mother $250k and do an AIDS test "IS MY DEAR FRIEND". Gay judges are making a finding of fact that Obama isn't friends with any gay pedophiles. I beg to differ. Is that my right to free speech or not? Why do you oppose speaking out against the normalization of pedophilia (if gays do it by gay judges) and prosecuting those who dissent against pedophilia in power.

You work contrary to what /pizzagate/ is. What kind of LGBTI pedo shill are you?

If the whole gay community supports gay judges saying it's a crime to investigate pizzagate pedophiles, and you can't find one homo that doesn't agree - I think we have an enemy here:

Why did this get flagged and hidden from the thread after I shared it here to queer pedo loving gang? What's factually inaccurate in that post? Do say. Answer the question or @#$@#$ off.

I got an arrest warrant for exposing this politicians suport of a queer hero baby fucker too,10258#comment-3286562601

DarkMath ago

So you don't believe in "Innocent until proven guilty."


hojuruku ago

strawman. You don't answer the questions I gave you first. You never do. You are a waste of space / time.

Where did I say that?

Find me a faggot that will say I'm against gay judges ruling pedophiles must be respected. At least Trump IS SHUTTING DOWN THE FAGGOT COURTS OF BABY RAPE LOVE IN AMERICA! YAY called for by Tim Cook of APPLE!

What is this? Is this trump giving the finger to the closet faggot Sydney Grammar School "Old Boy" Prime Minister? Oh yes it is!

Why do go put arrest warrants on me for exposing their links to baby fucker cash i.e. slurp marriage equality tea - boylover brewed?

you think the gay lobby would want to give the baby fucker gay marriage support cash to a child protection charity not say how dare you try and extort us and get between our baby fucker funded gay marriage campaign.

I've got bigger faggots to fry rather than you. so stop wasting my time and move on. Just press the downvote button 5 times on your sockpuppets and save us all the time.

DarkMath ago

"Where did I say that?"

You said you can't separate homosexuality from pedophilia because there are so many homosexuals who are pedophiles.

hojuruku ago

America had nothing to do with slavery. It's founding fathers didn't own slaves.

Homosexuality had nothing to do with pedophilia, it's founders in America (Harry Hay) had nothing to do with Nambla right?

DarkMath ago

I wrote: "You said you can't separate homosexuality from pedophilia because there are so many homosexuals who are pedophiles."

And you responded with "(Harry Hay) had nothing to do with Nambla right?".

Harry Hay is one person but I didn't bring up one person I brought up all homosexuals. My argument still stands. Unless you can prove all homosexuals are pedophiles you have no point.

Better luck next time.
