Blacksmith21 ago

You write like shit. No normal person can process this.

hojuruku ago

Didn't I put enough links / sources in? It makes perfect sense faggot. The gays / gay judges (Alexander Wakefield) say in case law you must always respect a gay person and never vilify them under the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, '93 Dog Collar wearing Crypto-Lesbian Mayor of Sydney Homosexual Vilification Amendments, only used by her office staffer confirmed pedophile, purjerer who's going to the high court of Australia now to defend the - one Garry Richard Burns - a man who was caught sending his penis picture to minors and is the first gay marriage activist on national TV after the former prime minier Kevin Rudd announced gay marriage. (Also the same pedophile who sued my dad and made the two case law examples below - all for the crime of not loving some baby anal sex done by Mark J Newton and Peter Truong and disrespecting them - hence homosexual vilification)


WE WILL STILL FIND YOU GUILTY IN CASE LAW FOR THE CRIME OF NOT LOVING A GOOD GAY BABY FUCKING. (my friends case not my dads - my dads is below - multiple rulings and appeals lost - it's a gay judge legal fact all must love a good baby fucking and respect those who do it - see where the link goes in the caselaw here: BE A BOYLOVER OR LOOSE YOUR HOUSE IS THE RESULT OF THIS DECISION. ie what I said here ya moron... "Please Delete your comment too giving the false perception I'm nuts for opposing my University of NSW Professor Father (chem-eng / co2crc clean coal research etc) being found guilty of disrespecting convicted XYZ pedophiles for one mere comment link that is refered to in case law here: i.e. Mark J Newton and Peter Troung you can look up here: or I'll do that. Let him have the last word not me. Note the same link causes link is in case law, and the XYZ judge court rules the video about Newton and Peter Truong doesn't autoplay, but the internet archive says that it does even in the html source. Your IT skills could tell you something is up here when the government takes over 3 years to try people for disrespecting convicted XYZ pedophile felons who were praised by state media as XYZdads. (hour 2). Was it so bad I said caselaw not conspiracy theory?"

As a result of the Mark Netwon and Peter Truong gay baby fuck incident Russia made those anti-gay adoption laws and anti-gay propaganda to children laws. The gay movement organized mass protests as a result by erecting RAINBOW SIDEWALKS or RAINBOW PEDESERIAN CROSSINGS ALL OVER THE WORLD. NOW THEY DEMAND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SPEND HUNDRES OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ERRECTING MONUMENTS TO SAY WE ARE A NATION OF PIZZAGATE PEDOS WHO FUCK KIDS. THATS HOW IT IS INTREPRETED BY THE RUSSIANS WITH TH FINGER ON THE BIG RED BUTTON. " your tax money hard at work fag stuff is no object...veterans? eh The city of Atlanta says the new rainbow crosswalk in Midtown cost $196,000. AND ITS CALLED GAY PRIDE. AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE FOR GAY PRIDE IF THEY KEEP IT UP.

Blacksmith21 ago

Holy shit ---- it's a DonkeyHole steeper account.

hojuruku ago

Holy shit @AssFaceSandwich has a new account to express he's a baby fucking queer who must be exterminated STAT!

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

No, stupid, I've been using this one for seven months. I had a flair up with a mod and was banned, then allowed back, but had already made #2(see, I did it again).

Your writing style is shit and your homophobia apparent.

hojuruku ago

Yeah funny you don't refute the facts - the facts being gay judges say all must love fucking little boys or at least respect those who do - or they will have their assetts seized for not being a good boylover. Pedophilia has been normalized by the gay lobby. Pedophilia love enforcement has been created by the gay lobby - special gay anal sex police do it

The faggots were always about fucknig little boys. The founder of Gay Rights in America was NAMBLA's Harry Hay. Imagine if George Wasington was a child rapist? Then anyone could say America was founded by child rapists, probably still child rapists. Both the and the Gay rights lobby were founded by child rapists. Guess what you probably are too? If you joined the child rapist's club, you probably are one.

DEATH TO FAGGOT CHILD RAPISTS. Oh I said faggot child rapists not faggots. So if you say that's bad me to wish death on those who fuck children - i.e. homophobic i.e. FAGGOT CHILD RAPISTS, then you are saying all good gay lovers have got to love fucking kids too.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

So, it's good policy to single out homosexual "child fuckers"? Seems you wish to leave the heterosexual "child fuckers" alone. Is this Robert L. Robinson hoping to steer the path from his doorstep elsewhere? Btw I usually can only get through about one sentence by you before it becomes a tedious mess.

hojuruku ago

strawman arguement. I hate hetrosexual child fuckers equally, well almost. Where is the law that says hetrosexual child fuckers must be respected because they said I'm LGBT? Oh that doesn't exist? Why do gay child fuckers get special treatment over regular child fuckers. Stupid faggot. It's you Garry the great boylover little child fucker who sends his penis pictures to child prostitutes. We are coming for you faggot.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

If every gay person rapes babies then every white person is a violent genocidal rapist slaver. See what I did there?

hojuruku ago

The pedo lover @AssFaceSandwich2 (who got banned no doubt - ban evader) is back. Why do all gays and gay leaders say: TO INVESTIGATE ANY GAY CHILD RAPIST is the same as investigating ALL GAYS, therefore all GAY CHILD RAPISTS (not all gays) MUST BE FREE TO RAPE CHILDREN AND ROAM. See the leader of the Australian gay lobby just say that here: Here's his paper - defending jailed proud boylover until the day he died Robert "Dolly" Dunn saying he's innocent because he only fucked 16 year old boys (just after it was made legal to fuck a 16 year old boy) when he ended up being convicted for raping 6 year olds.

Monday, 6 February 2017 Chris Puplick AM former Anti-Discrimination Board president head of writes a paper on how dare police target gay pedophiles who anal rape young boys, because the convicted perpetrators may kill themselves! I was doing some research on MASS TRANNY POLITICALLY CORRECT AIDS RAPE GATE on the first transsexual to both use a woman's bathroom and use it in a woman's prison to boot - all before before having a sex change, and Chris Puplick's direct responsibility for orchestrating the whole saga (confirmed in Parliament by his NAME!). Anyway whilst researching him and I came across paper he wrote dismissing the actions of the most infamous police protected pedophile in Australia's history Robert "Dolly" Dunn! NSW Police Corrective Services Investigations covered up the Mass Rapes in a Woman's prison so he can be where he is today. Further details (i.e. a fully sourced UN-Human Rights Complaint DOSSIER with exhibits to be sponsored by Russia) is forthcoming. In the same year the mass rapes were covered up (2001) by NSW Police Corrective Services Investigations and the Parole Board that gave Noel Crompton Hall a Release Date - Chris Pupick got an Member of the Australian Order. Those rapes had to be covered up to ensure this man continues to rise in power. (more on the gay judge / nsw police censored at the barrel of a gun blog link)

"Puplick who litterally wrote the book on Gay Marriage in Australia gave 4 submissions to the Wood Royal Commission to steer them away from gay pedophiles that remain classified to this day. Time to declasify them now that the pedophiles are already dead and wont kill themselves again!"'Dolly'_Dunn

hojuruku ago

And my / his last words: Look, this is not the place. The topic of the conversation is Virtualmin. Says it right at the top. If you want to talk about something else, do it somewhere else. I've deleted your comments because they are wholly off-topic.

I believe that (until I'm able to sort out how to make it detect correctly without it) if you add a file called "/etc/virtualmin-license" containing the following:

SerialNumber=GPL LicenseKey=GPL I think it'll get it right and won't complain about the license. I can't think of where else it would be looking. @victimsofgaybullying Contributor victimsofgaybullying commented 2 hours ago • edited I'll post those two comments on pizzagate and your reply, I guess that's the place, right now you know if you win the argument because you decreed the truth must be censored. As you suggested that's the proper place.

Please Delete your comment too giving the false perception I'm nuts for opposing my University of NSW Professor Father (chem-eng / co2crc clean coal research etc) being found guilty of disrespecting convicted XYZ pedophiles for one mere comment link that is refered to in case law here: i.e. Mark J Newton and Peter Troung you can look up here: or I'll do that. Let him have the last word not me. Note the same link causes link is in case law, and the XYZ judge court rules the video about Newton and Peter Truong doesn't autoplay, but the internet archive says that it does even in the html source. Your IT skills could tell you something is up here when the government takes over 3 years to try people for disrespecting convicted XYZ pedophile felons who were praised by state media as XYZdads. (hour 2). Was it so bad I said caselaw not conspiracy theory?

Thanks for that fix. It's also looking at the version number in being prefixed with a .gpl according to my grepping.

hojuruku ago

And my response: Yeah well it's case law not conspiracy theory. With something I wrote as well sourced as what I said from mainstream sources it couldn't be anything else. I just had to have the last word on the topic to prove it's no hairbrained conspiracy theory - unless the government has got into the business of publishing them. My dad showed his plane ticket to vietnam to Wakefield the XYZ pedophilia normaliztaing judge proving he was there when he made the comment and Australia had no jurisdiction but Wakefield ruled, all Vietnamese internet users governed by Australian courts must respect anyone who says the I am magic acronym on Government TV/Radio and is then found guilty of sodomizing a child in An American court (Mark Newton / Peter Truong), it's called a diplomatic incident involving the Russian Embassy in Hanoi reporting Australia to the UN for prosectuing it's own citizens for dissenting against HUMAN TRAFFICKING, because it was a Russian child involved. The real reason my dad was targeted by my gay stalker @garryburnsblog who's busy online threatening my mother, father, wife and rape of my child and even suing one of my associates 82 times with the help of @nodiscrim the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board at the taxpayers expense (guniness book of records vextatious litigation) was because he did an interview with his son ( ) about the special NAZI Waffen SS first designed logo wearing segregated gay apartied law enforcement officers, because the homosexual elite don't think regular police are good enough for them. Gay Mafia tactics eh? After that the special gay police and special gay courts ran my father out of Australia too. Please don't deny NSW GLLO gay police proudly wear Waffen Nazi SS logos with pride, or you will be a holocaust denier. I'm a black triangle myself - political dissident and UNHCR confirmed political refugee on letterhead GLLO Special Gay segregated police exist because all normal police can't be trusted to do the bidding of the elite (biased) LGBTI that Harvard's best innovation in American government too. The fact they even exist that implies gays are godlike and are not subject to the same flaws of human nature / traits of bigotry etc as everyone else. The fact they that I can affirm is true - they are capable of that and doing BIAS RELATED HATE CRIMES to other people - i.e. myself ). I guess even the "people of colour" are out on campus in America calling for segregation of the whites these days. If it's hate speech to call out bigotry then call me a anti-bigot bigot then.

I also got Tammy Lynne Charles (New Life IVF Thailand & more) and her gay son arrested in Cambodia for Human trafficking just like the example I gave before with Mark Newton and Peter Truong and found the 400 new life ivf human trafficking customer records including the VP of Microsoft, Head of IT Security for Westpac bank, and Tim Wilson head of the Australian Human Rights Commission treating Asian women like $1 a hour breeders aka $6000 for 9 months, and they don't even tell the gayby baby breeders they are taking HIV+ semen or even the sexual preference of the so called single parent - the so called "sperm washing service" has been proven to be medical hoax (charged extra to the gay parents: Who would do such a thing? Hurt a woman and bring a sick child into the world from their own HIV+ seed when so many children need adoption from loving parents and a normal family. They are even making cosemetics out of human trafficked gayby baby placentas ( - placentas trafficked by certified by @ gaydads (twitter -oops) owner of BSC, prosecuted by the MHRA and the government for operating illegal businesses, found bankrupt etc and made an infomerical THE PARENT MAKERS broadcast on selling children as a product, and his own twin son born 10 years apart from his older twin brother says a plug for the business: "only men who sodomize eachother make the best dads". Seeing is believing: @ 3m) If that's true and it is Soilent Green isn't ficition anymore. Stem cell cosmetics, look into it.

If the LGBT lobby says don't hate human trafficking it's hate speech to complain if we do it - something is wrong with a society if it doesn't care about it children. Someone has got to fight to keep the world safe for children. I think it's a noble cause just like you think your's is noble. So we can agree to disagree and move on now.

You saw the link to his actual comment, and the internet archive saying what he said, yet it was refuted by the LGBTIXYZ judges. Enough said. The interview with Jim Fetzer PhD (x2) of 911 scholars for truth would have shown that.

We'll when I'm ready, I'm sure there will be plenty of anti-free-speech facists trying to remove my server from the Internet.

If you see the comment on the pull request I did I've got a few patches in the pipeline over the next few months. The last of them being btrfs quota support, thought that could be implemented as a quota script and just blogged which is probably what I'll do. So consider the discussion finished on this topic and I'll keep it all from on webmin source related. But do tell all your LGBT friends to have a crack at the box when I think my security work is done, if they don't mind being reported automatically to their ISP on genuine attempts to get in (fail2ban recidive).

Anyway this is the story that can't be hosted anywhere else by DIY yourself, with heavy redundancy, even then the Australian great internet firewall will block it.

hojuruku ago

Continued: I use fail2ban and everything I can do to use my systemadmin skills to mitigate DDOS. I need the clustering and that's why I chose webmin even though it's a small site for now, but I have to be prepared, because the way even the Celebs like James Wood are going anti-establishment microblogging services like or more specalized neice markets might take off with all the people who are not devoid of common sense being kicked off twitter needing a community that accepts truth not PC and pedophilia normalization. That's the market I'm trying to fill and the sector is exploding now. Setting up webmin without cluster support would be an epic fail.

FreeStacy banned from twitter who got a #1 trending hashtag even published many research pieces by me. mirrored a day later here: with additional research. (yes yet another case of XYX activist infant sexers, aka @slurptea1 aka Support XYZ Marriage Equality Tea on twitter, yet I get banned - because twitter has room for XYZ baby rapists, but not those who oppose them)

Anyway I definately can't say more, because we all know where this platform Github is based. Back on topic, consider me your gentoo webmin unsupported alpha tester in all my free time over the next few months. Now you know I'm really putting work into security auditing. I'm going to have all of #GayGeeks / after my virtualmin install. Think of it as a great penetration testing honeypot. I'll even give you my logdata syslog or systemd secure stream if you want when things get interesting ;)

I'm trying to decide to go the gentoo way of hardening webmin using selinux for a 8% performance tax or continuing the course of using apparmor that performs better. In either case it would have lots of tunables and I'm putting it off for the time being. Maybe this comment will end up exploting some free XYZ labor to work for virtualmin doing penetration testing work, a service that costs loads to buy on the commercial market, so let's leave it here :) Or have you been silenced like the inventor of javascript that issue #10 relates to - the founder of Mozilla who lost his job because corrupt IRS XYZ officers broke disclosure laws and leaked his private donation to a political cause protected by the 1st amendment. If there is no internet freedom for the guy who invented javascript, there is no internet freedom for all of us from the XYZfacists,

And the reply: @swelljoe says The free license deal goes the other way; if you buy Virtualmin Unlimited ($20/mo or $200/yr) you get Cloudmin Connect ($4/mo or $40/yr) for free. That'd work with any number of Virtualmin servers (whether Pro or GPL) to allow use of Cloudmin Services for Virtualmin (which allows off-loading databases, spam/AV scanning, and DNS to one or more separate servers; very useful, nearly priceless really, for large operations, not as exciting for single-server deployments).

Let's not get sidetracked into a political discussion. I don't speak for other Virtualmin folks, I can only speak for myself, but I wholeheartedly support LGBTQ equality in a very active way (I march, I hold signs, I go to rallies, I talk to legislators, I visit my reps), and it sounds like you're rolling hard on a pretty bizarre conspiracy theory equating homosexuality with pedophilia and child abuse. If I'm misinterpreted you (I am unfamiliar with most of the topics you're discussing and it's way too late for me to wander down some Alex Jones conspiracy rabbit hole), I apologize. But, really...I'm pro-equality. I don't have any interest in being supportive of an anti-LGBTQ organization. And, I know that a lot of people who oppose LGBTQ equality use made up accusations of pedophilia, devil worship, etc. to demonize gay folks (e.g Pizzagate).

We obviously won't stop you from using our software; it is Open Source because we believe in access to communications tools for everyone. But...well, this sounds gross, and I don't really want to take part in the conversation you seem to want to have. I really don't think we're on the same team.