DeposeMilo ago

The cover up of Milo outing himself as a witness to elite pedophilia events that "beggared belief" is astonishing. MSM is pulling another classic mis-direct to hide the true Milo pedogate leak. If you're a fan, realize his only moral move is to speak up now to defend the "very young boys" he saw drugged and raped. Search the Rogan Milo Pedophilia clip. It's only 6 minutes. #DeposeMilo

DarkMath ago

"You have no idea what fascism even means"......Really? I do recall writing my senior thesis about Hitler's manipulation of public opinion to hide his Fascist intentions leading up to WWII. I remember reading Churchill famously proclaimed "The new Fascists will call themselves anti-Fascists".

But maybe you're right, maybe I don't know what Fascism is. I'm open to all opinions, I'm not going to be a close minded jack-ass. So yes, please tell me why I have "no idea what fascism even means".


antiracist ago

Hm, well of course there's good and bad, right and wrong. I'm saying I am kind to animals, and think children should be cherished and defended ... I do these things because I know without question that it's right.

@eagleshigh doesn't know that child rape is wrong.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

antiracist ago

I'm saying I am kind to animals, and think children should be cherished and defended


I do these things because I know without question that it's right.

So now you can do it with question. In addition to being nice to animals and kids, and knowing you're right, you can additionally answer why when someone asks you.

You used the word know. Knowledge is justified true belief. What is the justification for the fact that it is right to be nice to children and animals?

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

DabbaDan ago

I hope Salon burns to the ground, files for bankruptcy and the staff all laid off with no compensation or reward. Disgusting media outlet promoting absolute lowest of the low, now turning tail and hiding their disgusting mess? Can't even stand next to the shit they took, what cowards. Who better, after all, to promote the abuse of children than a group of literal cowards?

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Where's the media's outrage against NAMBLA (NORTH AMERICN MAN BOY LOVE ASSOC). They push for lowering the age of consent & are recognized by the UN.

Psalm100 ago

You're kidding.

Okay I'm just kidding. I sadly can believe it.


Well, like others, I looked into when Salon removed this article. It was January 11/12. So it had nothing to do with Milo Yiannopoulis, who I still believe is just an actor playing a role.

Psalm100 ago

I'm not going to defend him. It's like the elite going after one of their own. I can't see him as anything but a shill, just playing to people who like to say hateful things. It's one thing to be critical, but another to be hateful about it. Mr Yiannopoulis' appeal is all about being hateful.

He presents himself as a narcissist and some sort of god. He says things about political correctness which many other people also say, but he's managed to get some extra attention for himself since he's also nasty and vile in the process. He seems to want to outdo the left.

Oh Mr Yiannopoulis also spoke at a "gays for Trump" event in front of pictures of very young men.

p0ssum ago

Yes, it's all Salon's fault that Milo supports pederasty. Fucking Salon, making Milo say stupid shit like:

You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet. Who have not gone through puberty. Who are too young to be able (unclear and cut off by others)…That’s not what we are talking about. You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.

Those motherfuckers make me say stupid shit all the time too, fucking Salon!

AllianceFan ago

Age of consent is 14 in many countries, 16 in the UK, you give it an arbitrary boundary but people mature at different times, that doesn't mean I agree with an adult fucking them but it's not the same as fucking an 8yr old, do you not understand nuance? The fact that many liberals hold this view with no repercussions lends credence to this is clearly a co-ordinated smear campaign to damage his popularity.

As for Weiner, as I see you've mentioned him, he sent lude pictures with a fucking baby in them and he actually committed a felony instead of just talking about the morality of pedastry. And that's ignoring what was supposedly on his laptop. False equivalence.

p0ssum ago

that doesn't mean I agree with an adult fucking them but it's not the same as fucking an 8yr old, do you not understand nuance

Absolutely I do, but I don't see a huge difference between 8 and 13 when it comes to being fucked by grown ass men.

The fact that many liberals hold this view with no repercussions lends credence to this is clearly a co-ordinated smear campaign to damage his popularity.

Those are HIS words. No one else put those words in his mouth. No one else made him speak them. And on BOTH shows, when called out for it, he talked about how WONDERFUL that kind of relationship can be(provided the 13 year old is sexually mature). That's fucked up, I don't care how you look at it. If you want to hero-worship him, fine, I think he's a sick individual.

he sent lude pictures with a fucking baby in them and he actually committed a felony

And WHY is what he did a felony? Care to answer that?

AllianceFan ago

Inappropriate conduct with a minor with hard evidence for prosecution, isn't that obvious?

And I actually completely disagree with what he said, it was fucked, but the selective moral outrage from his opposition is laughable. Opinion =/= Pederast (or paedophile as they were erroneously claiming).

Milo's thoughts on paedophiles:

p0ssum ago

Inappropriate conduct with a minor with hard evidence for prosecution, isn't that obvious?

Yes, it is, but 'with a minor' is what I was trying to tease out of you. Under 18 is a minor, at least in the US.

And I actually completely disagree with what he said, it was fucked, but the selective moral outrage from his opposition is laughable.

Mine is not selective, it's based on his words, period, and as you agree, what he's saying is fucked up. It has nothing to do with selective editing, or late night streams while buzzed or anything like that. It was really disingenuous of him to couch this as all being about pedophilia and not these statements, as well.

Opinion =/= Pederast (or paedophile as they were erroneously claiming).

Again, I agreen, but APOLOGIZING/NORMALIZING that type of behavior is sick.

Milo's thoughts on paedophiles

Well aware of his thoughts on pedophiles and also that those thoughts DO NOT extend to pederasty.

AllianceFan ago

I did not mean you in particular, but his inconsistent political opponents. I agree with everything in your post.

jastonas ago

And now Salon is pretending to fight pedophilia Fucking leftists, they will side with anyone, and anything, just to gain more power.

Original article at Try not to give them more clicks: Interestingly, comment section isn't loading for me.

Antiracist2 ago

You don't need god to know what is moral. You need god for there to be morality.

To confuse the former and latter is to confuse moral epistemology with moral ontology.

God is the form of the good, which is conscious. Good luck forming beliefs about right and wrong without employing the form of the good. While you might have beliefs about morality, and those beliefs might be justified and true, that doesn't eliminate the need for the existence of the form of the good for there to even be morality in the first place.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

dutch-justice ago

I am a 3 month lurker, and i am posting very rarely, but now I see the recent shills reaching their goals i feel the need to intervene. So many of us now falling into the obvious trap of debating the morality of pedophilia, and whether or not some celebrity is or is not a pedophile. May I please recall that pizzagate is about ritual sexual abuse of children by people in the highest ranks of power. This is not about the ins and outs of sexual attraction to children, but the actual abuse, torture, and killing of them by those people whom we elected and who are supposed to ensure a certain peaceful coexistence for us the people. Stop giving the shills their way, there have been many here since yesterday. It is NOT important whether or not Milo has had sex as a minor with an adult, or may or may not still defend that act. Milo is a great person, and doest NOT deserve these attacks. Stop the nonsense, and start focussing on the ACTUAL EVIL!

DeathToMasons ago

Milo is a divide and coquer tactic, and he is used to frame him as our representitive, and then they take him down. He is playing a part. Don't be gullible people, it is a performance.

palmitespo910 ago


threadpuller ago

Here's another Milo meme -

p0ssum ago

Yep, surely it's Jake Tappers fault that Milo said this:

You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet. Who have not gone through puberty. Who are too young to be able (unclear and cut off by others)…That’s not what we are talking about. You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.

threadpuller ago

To be honest, I don't like Milo at all. But I think corporate media just drew a ton of attention to him, and in doing so, they may have created an opportunity for us to get our message in front of more people - normies who haven't heard it. Public awareness is my MO here - not supporting Milo.

p0ssum ago

Public awareness is my MO here - not supporting Milo.

And THAT I have NO problem with whatsoever, but this disgusting Milo hero worship is just distasteful at best.

kryptoniankoffee ago

He's not wrong and that literally is the definition of pedophillia. You seem to be conflating pedophillia with ephebophillia. They're two different words with two different definitions.

Edit: Also, why did you feel the need to post this multiple times throughout the thread?

p0ssum ago

Yep, agreed, so one is OK(pederasty/ephebophillia) and the other(pedophilia) is not? The way I see it both are fucked up, and while falling short of endorsing pederasty after being asked "You are advocating for cross generational relationships here, can you be honest about that?”, Milo responded:

Yeah, I don’t mind admitting that. I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, from desolation, from suicide (people talk over each other)… providing they’re consensual

How the fuck is THIS OK? How someone interested in Pizzagate can get behind someone with these views is beyond me. I mean fuck, Anthony Weiners target was a 15 yr old, and everyone calls him a pedophile ... but not Milo ... Sorry, I don't fucking get it.

OKythen ago

I’m a man, but not a monster

I'm attracted to thin women. Before judging me harshly, would you be willing to listen?

SmilingWide ago

I have been circulating the video of Milo and Joe Rogan for months on various sites and comment sections. So have many others. I don't swear any political allegiance and I've never voted in my life. All I see is fake political theater and amateur-hour propagandists trying to cover up the most sickening evil known to man.

As for Milo, fuck him. He had his chance to uncover #PizzaGate back in the beginning when he hyped that he would do just that. Now he's been exposed. And, yeah, it's all an obvious ploy, but don't act like you didn't see it coming!

And, don't fret over the demise of a degenerate pedophile apologist like Milo, because he was low-hanging fruit and the "Pedo Left" just exposed their very weak hand while giving legitimacy to #PizzaGate. It was an amateur move. David Brock must have been triggered. Sadly I've seen so many on the Right defending Milo, defending pedophilia and apologists and propagandists. The "Pedo Right" will be exposed as well. There are no passes.

madmanpg ago

You demonstrate an inability to tell an actual pedo from someone being smeared as a pedo. That means you're useless in this investigation.

EllenPaosEgo ago

In the Joe Rogan interview he is talking about Milo admitted to going to house and boat parties in Hollywood that had lots of drugs and unprotected sex with "very very young boys." Stop fawning over an Eceleb and actually focus on the facts.

madmanpg ago

And he neither condoned nor defended such activities, nor did he say such things were good or desirable. Meanwhile, he called out ACTUAL pedophilia advocates over the years, including articles that have been posted on this very site. So stop taking out your frustration and angst on some media-targeted personality who speaks truth to power like they want you to do, sheep.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Except milo was in fact saying it was a good and desirable thing if you watch the full context of that video. Milo has held these beliefs for quite a long time. Please try to keep this investigation impartial.

madmanpg ago

Impartial? Provide the quote where he said it was a good and desirable thing. I watched the full video when it originally came out, before all this drama, and never got any sense he was ever defending pedophilia as anything but a crime. In fact, there are quotes of him from the video in question where he says that the age of consent is "probably right", and this is coming from a guy who is from a country with a LOWER age of consent.

EllenPaosEgo ago

There are multiple full videos. One drunk cast with sargon, 2 joe rogan podcasts, and the one that recently had articles written about it. Watch the first joe rogan one then get back to me in 3 hours. Milo has defended this for a long time, both milo and nambla were investigated in pizzagate before reddit moved to Voat. It was censored on reddit however /pol/ knkws and hates milo

madmanpg ago

Again: I've seen it. I listen to JRE on a daily basis. I've seen all of them. Don't tell me to watch three hours of video to extract your claim. Show me the quote of where he said that pedophilia was a good and desirable thing, or anything remotely of that nature. You're the one making the claim that he's defending pedophilia, so back it up. I don't have to prove your claim. Not once did he defend pedophilia, and if he had, Joe would most certainly have called him out on it. He's a father, remember.

SmilingWide ago

Lol, eat a dick.

madmanpg ago

You further prove my point.

SmilingWide ago

You prove that you are a pedo apologist and thus not fit to participate in this investigation. Anyone who is remotely familiar with #PizzaGate knows Milo was a degenerate.

madmanpg ago

Show me proof that Milo Yiannopoulos is a pedophile or fuck off.

SmilingWide ago

I never said he was. I said he is a pedophile apologist who is trying to normalize people in power molesting underage children.

madmanpg ago

I never said he was.

You called me a pedo apologist, dipshit. If you can't even keep your words straight, stop typing. You call me a pedo apologist for sticking up for Milo, you're implying Milo is the pedo I'm an apologist for. Goddamn, you are way out of your depth here.

I said he is a pedophile apologist who is trying to normalize people in power molesting underage children.

...that brought up Pizzagate before anyone else of his stature. Yeah, that's sort of like the Milo critics calling him a white supremacist despite the fact that he's a gay Jew who dates black men. He really does drive the nutjobs crazy.

SmilingWide ago

I'm out of my depth, because you cant understand language and thought? Let's see if I can reconstruct this in a way you might be able to understand. Milo is a pedo apologist, which means he supports pedophilia. You are a pedo apologist, because you are defending Milo's exact same pedo apologist claims that support pedophilia. Mathematically, I think the expression would be A + B = B + A or something similar to that logical effect.

And, no... Milo brought up Pizzagate to try to get media whore attention and build up a hype so he could get profit and then not follow through.

educate_yourself ago

^^ nailed it

gt8h65fg ago

It didn't exist in the first place. It's conspiracy!

p0ssum ago

Yes, surely when he said this:

You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet. Who have not gone through puberty. Who are too young to be able (unclear and cut off by others)…That’s not what we are talking about. You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.

He was clearly under the control of Mordock the wizard, fucking conspiracists!

RalphCentipede ago

Why are they attacking Milo? What info would he have over, say, Sessions, Flynn, etc? (srs question)

edit: and how would he have this info? who does he know?

hairless_rock_ape ago

You realise what they want to do to him? They wish to turn him to their side.

You could see it in Bill Mahers face the other day. He was almost gushing at Milo, wishing he batted for them.

They will achieve this by trying to make us rally against him instead of for him.

Don't fall for it.

MAGABoomer ago

They're attacking him BECAUSE Maher was not frothing at the mouth and Milo actually got some good points in. They only people this is going to work on are people who've never heard Milo speak.

hairless_rock_ape ago

The Bill Maher thing was all staged and orchestrated. They knew Milo would be his ever charming self.

There lies the beauty of their plan.

People who would have never seen him before would have thought "hey, he's ok".

Once that part is done, they smear his name.

This is the part where the media says to their audience "See! we told you he was evil, and you let him charm you. For shame!"

MAGABoomer ago

It's not really going to work. People who love Milo know what he's about. People who hate Milo still hate him. This did possibly derail any more redpilling. But I have no doubt..that once Milo recovers from basically being forced to share his abuse (which he's spoke of in light hearted way at the same time getting his point without pointing) in this way.

I have a feeling Milo's going to be talking and naming names once he gets his feet back under him. It's always been easier to "crack a joke" about father Michael without being direct about it having been abuse. He makes you wonder...priest...ect..and the way he says some of the's double entendre. Now that he's had to be direct and the world is accusing HIM of being like the man who abused him...that's got to be painful.

Milo knows the difference between wanted and unwanted sexual contact. But without having been clear that Father Michael isn't really that much of a "joke"..I think he's going to come out and talk about this in a straight forward heart-felt way that is going to backfire on the hitjob. He'll take a page of of Daddy's playbook.

zzvoat ago

Heard him say today that he had turned over the names of 3 pedos already in his life. One heading into court right now because of it.

They jump on someone they think is a stick fuck gay pedo not realizing that he is not only a child sex abuse victim but also reports pedos... which none of them have ever done.

The way the media jumped on him and makes him explain how he does the best he can to deal with the pain of it all makes them seem like clueless heartless victim abusers on top of everything else.

Ps. Do those guys know any pedos they ....could... have turned in but haven't? That would be a big yes.

MAGABoomer ago

Ps. Do those guys know any pedos they ....could... have turned in but haven't? That would be a big yes.

I think every single person on this forum KNOWS a pedo. The creepy uncle/auntie/granny/granpa,brother/sister/mother/father. And I'll tell you this for free. IF they know for sure, they avoid said creep, if they've only been told they are "cautious" but the one thing they NEVER do is turn them in.

ALL of these pedos have family. ALL of them. People on here have a faux outrage pointing outward instead of the pedo at the Thanksgiving Dinner table.

unkyshaun ago

I have encountered 3 pedos in my life. One tried to assault/abduct me in a public place. He escaped but my wonderful father would have ripped him apart limb by limb. The 2 others i reported to police. When no action was taken i took matters into my own hands. Both culprits called the police on me before i could dish out justice, but both moved to remote mining locations. So no i don't know ANY pedos, and your point has some merit, never assume!! The next pedo i encounter won't escape, i assure you.

zzvoat ago


hairless_rock_ape ago

Good analysis.

rivercontrol ago

Pro Milo #PizzaGate Meme to Spread. Predator Protected / Victim Victimized

zzvoat ago

That is beyond excellent! Thank you for your service!

IlluminatiKing ago

Sketchy AF. I remember someone tweeting that Salon article during the incident. Some still didn't know this as I saw one response was like "WTF!" This raised some attention they didn't want so they took it down I bet.

palmitespo910 ago

It's pointless to get swept up in this argument. It has nothing to do with the subject and it's just cluttering up the comments.

quantokitty ago

Awesome! Can't wait to see The Cannibal Queen in a non-chic orange jumpsuit.

kazza64 ago

milo is being actively discredited

DeathToMasons ago

Milo is in on it. That is his job. He is a character.

library_of_stupid ago

But what a time to be alive! A gay Jew that fucks with niggers is being persecuted by the tolerant left, while the (far) right stands up for him and his right to freedom of expression.

In_Cog_Nito ago

To be fair, the article was removed January 11th, 2017. Here it is on WaybackMachine on Jan 11th, and it's gone Jan 12th.

AllianceFan ago

An anon on /pol/ spoke about a coordinated attack on this matter before it happened, they said that the media had been sitting on doing this for months but Milo going on Maher was the final straw.

jastonas ago

This makes sense, since this attack was planned a while ago, and they had to some preparation, like deleting their own filth. Proof: ( )

In_Cog_Nito ago

The NY Times pro-pedophilia article is still up, so at least NYT isn't in on it.

anotherdream ago


Don-Keyhote ago

Too bad their current CEO covered up BBC stars pedophilia years ago

Disgusted-Lurker ago

NYT....and owned by Carlos Slim...

If you've watched any of George Webb's series, fat boy Slim is likely one shady dude (not only did he acquire his empire by his brother shaking down business owners using his government position, but he is actively involved in "microfinancing" all over central and south america...which is believed to be a form of predatory loansharking which often leads to prostitution and human trafficking).

mrjdouble ago

Yea, he's kidding right? At the very least, dude is a total pedo sympathizer. Saville and him were tight at the BBC and he actively worked to cover up those crimes. Saville went on to both: Be knighted by the queen and convicted of being a pedo.


In_Cog_Nito ago

I read that, and you're right, that most definitely could be the case.

AllianceFan ago

zzvoat ago

Thanks. I love reading the analysis!

Antiracist2 ago

Like you, dumb faggot, know more than and are more moral than god.

Like there isn't precedent with Abraham and Isaac.

Way to mistake a question for an argument, stupid dumb faggot.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

kazza64 ago

couldnt read all of it. raping children is always wrong

antiracist ago

kazza64 ago

then god is wrong and not the god i know another demon god you should tell to f*ck off probably

DarkMath ago

Another sign of desperation. They're making it up as they go along now. It won't be long now before the house of cards comes crashing down.

They'd be much wiser to concede the Pedophilia and move on hoping to save what's left. In military lingo it's called a tactical retreat, you pull back, concede territory and re-organize.

There are countless examples of what happens when an army dogmatically holds on to the bitter end. The one I like the best is Hitler refusing to let his generals make a tactical retreat from Stalingrad.

Like I said, this house of cards is very close to falling in on itself.

P.S. Anybody want to guess how many German soldiers the Red Army captured at Stalingrad and how many of those made it back to Germany?

~100,000 German soldiers were captured at Stalingrad. They quickly set off on foot to labor camps in Siberia over 1000 miles away. Only 5,000 of those ~100,000 made it back to Germany 10 years 1952-3.


GeorgeT ago

Agree, pure desperation. Grabbing for srraws. Why don't they discuss involvement of NAMBLA? It plays huge part in pizzagate. NAMBLA members are actively pushing lowering the age of concent to 10!!!

DeathToMasons ago

Hope this ends the same.

library_of_stupid ago

Knowing leftists they'll try to normalize child fucking again in ten years if they haven't completely crashed and burned by then. This is their holy grail, this is the one reason they do what they do.

acme2011 ago

That's because pedophilia is the core filth of these people in power. You concede that, and the power is lost. Hence the desperation.

druhill007 ago

Love the analogy hahah. You can see shills everywhere trying to turn this into a bipartisan battle. We have to make sure we remind people this has nothing to do with party affiliation.

Also anybody know how to check the rules for VOAT? I keep getting posts deleted :( one was about long term tactics for defeating shadow government. Deleted because of Reason #4

Atatarkus ago

I got a rule 4 deletion for posting this link

It's pretty much a uk tv documentary version of the salon article from this post, don't know why they deleted it either

druhill007 ago

Dang. Can anybody help us out with rule 4 meaning?

podesta4prison ago

Maybe the Democratic establishment (and some RINOs) will get their own Alamo, so five years from now they'll all be saying "Remember the Chickenlovers!!"

... Eh if they don't, we will.

quantokitty ago

Yes, there are countless examples of what happens when an army dogmatically holds on until the bitter end, and that's why I want The Cannibal Queen and her minions to continue to do just that! I want them to go down in flames and in a dramatic fashion not seen since the Tamara Luzzatto threw her underage grandchildren in the pool for entertainment.

DarkMath ago

Don't worry, everything I've seen so far shows the CIA/Clinton Foundation child rapist organ harvesters clinging on until the bitter end. That's what Fascists do. It's all or nothing.

Atatarkus ago

Nothing to do with fascism it's arrogance. They've got away with this so long they lack hubris which is pretty much how most clever criminals eventually get caught. Either way I can't wait to see it, nearly as much as I can't wait to ram it down the throats of everyone who doubted this.

eyeVoated ago

Arrogance and fascism kind of go hand in hand

Votescam ago

True and it looks like they survived to create the Fourth Reich which is breathing down our necks. See: Jim Marrs/The Rise of the Fourth Reich

surgeson ago

Why would they do that? It's a good article. I know a lot of people cry outrage about this but I actually think it's a good thing to get this out there. It's the abusers that are the "monsters", the ones that act on their urges. It takes a little more than an attraction to minors to doing something horrific and damaging, it takes more character trades. Psychopathy being one of the most prominent. Downvoat me, call me an apologist or some other bullshit term, I don't give a fuck. The reality is that it exists and we have to deal with it.

rooting4redpillers ago

The "why" is so people can't cite hypocrisy in comparisons, between tolerance towards Salon vs. outrage towards Milo. Yes, it's true that mentally sick people will always be with us, and everyone should be made aware of the signs that point to potential abusers. If abstinent pedophiles truly want to stop predators, better they work with medical pros and LE to get the info out there, rather than spilling their guts to political predators like Salon.

ThePuppetShow ago

Giving pedophiles a national platform to attempt to normalize their behavior isn't the answer.

surgeson ago

I have a real problem with the term "normalization" that many people are parroting. I don't think they're "normalizing" shit. It's not an "agenda". It's called talking about something that exists, to gain a greater understanding of the psychology. How people think this is a bad thing is beyond me.

ThePuppetShow ago

You "don't think"? You sound pretty certain. Do you know this man? Him talking about things is great, but he should be talking to a panel of medical professionals. Giving him a national outlet to throw himself a pitty party and try to normalize his illness is ridiculous. He wants you to think it's normal.

surgeson ago

He's talking about the reality of being him. Something you don't often get to read about because it's such a hidden world. He's not justifying abuse in any way - that would be despicable. I get where people are coming from criticizing this, but I think it's far more dangerous to tuck it away, generalize a group of people and condemn them not for what they do, but for what they are.

Dressage2 ago

Just like WaPo deleting Tony Podesta article, they thought it would disappear.

zzvoat ago

Which article?

Dressage2 ago

It is the article written a few years back in Washington Post, depicting Tony and Heather Podesta's home. One photo shows a life size gold, headless, male, naked statute suspended in the air with a spiral staircase in the background. Also, the writer comments how people were taken back by all his kiddie artwork hanging in his bedroom. Now when you go to look for the archived article, poof! All gone.

zzvoat ago

Oh, that "little" article! Thanks!

huhhh ago

That article goes to show amongst many others that WaPo writers are pizzagate people themselves.