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SoberSecondThought ago

It's very tiring watching the circus at the White House. So many unforced errors, such bad and amateurish messaging. The Mooch fiasco. The daily trainwreck of the Mueller investigation. But every so often, there's a bit of cleverness that gives me hope again. Like Stephen Miller's press conference on immigration. Or Seb Gorka, on the rare occasions that he speaks out.

Now there's this. Trump did indeed like this guy's tweet, accusing Trump of raping a 12-year-old on Epstein's private island. And as much as I cringe at stuff Trump says sometimes, this does read to me like 4D chess. This isn't random, it isn't "covfefe" type blundering. This is Trump laughing at his critics and winking at the crowd, very deliberately.

There's a story Winston Churchill told about the London blitz in 1940, that seems especially appropriate to this moment. London was being bombed by the Germans every night. Tens of thousands of people died, big parts of the city were burned down. Churchill emerged one night from his bunker after the all-clear and stood in a doorway with some of the workers who had come up for a little air. One fellow looked over at his Prime Minister and remarked, "It's a grand life, if we don't weaken."

Nothing is ever certain, especially when it comes to this kind of horror. But I confess, Trump really raised my spirits with this. I'm not going to weaken. Onward and upward.

EDIT: Wow, this is the first comment I've ever made that got two downvoats. Not sure why unless it's for calling the White House a circus. But it is one, much of the time. I can be pro-Trump and still admit when things aren't going well.

EDIT2: @AHamiltonSpirit, the guy whose tweet Trump liked, has put up evidence at proving that Trump did actually like (and then un-like) his tweet.

EDIT3: Trump liking the tweet was written up in New York Magazine.

Northern_Soul ago

"Accusing Trump of raping a 12-year-old on Epstein's private island."

Because its FUCKING true. Trump rapes and is the Pedophiles choice of waking up Americans one idiot at a time.

Another victim, along with the 12 year old - 13 year old Katie Johnson, woman who is now in her mid-30s, says that she was forced to have sex with Donald Trump and with a number of other men who were friends of Jeffrey Epstein.

Katie says that she was 'fully warned on more than one occasion by both' Trump and Epstein 'that were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse that she had suffered as a sex slave' that she 'and her family would be in mortal danger.'

"Trump slapped Johnson in the face with his open hand and angrily stated that he would do whatever he wanted and that he was in charge," Katie Johnson's lawsuit states.

The Little Black Book lists the names of Epstein's close friends, such as Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, David Koch, and Donald Trump.

"The lawyer who had agreed to represent Katie Johnson, Thomas Francis Meagher, has been threatened by Trump's lawyer Alan Garten with 'sanctions', e.g., instant permanent lifetime loss of his ability to practice law and bankruptcy, if he proceeds with the lawsuit."

Katie Johnson SUDDENLY dropped her lawsuit against Donald Trump.

Katie though, still maintains that Trump raped her, when she was aged 13.

Katie, aged 13, took a Greyhound bus to New York, in order to visit model agencies.

At a bus terminal in New York she met Tiffany.

Katie says of Tiffany: 'She was nice and told me about the parties and said that, if I would join her at the parties, I would be introduced to people who could get me into modeling.

"She said she helped girls like me get to where they want to get. She also said I'd be paid.'

Katie says she met Trump at parties held by Jeffrey Epstein at his 71st Street townhouse in New York

Katie says that the house was 'filled with expensive things' and she felt out of place.

'Tiffany' backs up Katie's story. Tiffany Doe corroborated Johnson's' allegations in a telephone call with

Katie says: 'I mean it affects my relationships, I don't think I've ever had a successful relationship, one that I feel I can trust that person, there's always that mistrust.'

She says that the rape led to her taking illegal drugs.

Katie Johnson, former real estate worker. The face of a nightmare!!

Katie Johnson says Trump took her virginity, and that Trump and Jeffrey Epstein treated her as a 'sex slave' during a 'horrific' summer in 1994.

Epstein is a convicted child abuser, and a close friend of both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.

Trump on Jeffery Epstein:

Katie Johnson says that there have been threats of 'violence' to her and her family.

According to the lawsuit:

'Scores of teenagers and pre-teen girls' were 'used as sex slaves by Trump'. according to the paperwork.

'Katie Johnson, was forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with her hand on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm,.'

Katie was forced to 'orally copulate' Trump.

Katie was forced to perform 'an unnatural lesbian sex act' for Trump with a FELLOW MINOR AGED 12.

Katie was tied to a bed by Trump and 'forcibly raped' by Trump.

Trump refused to wear a condom.


Trump's ex-wife, Ivana, has described being raped by Donald Trump.

Trump has made statements about wanting to date his daughter, Ivanka, and about the biggest thing the two of them have in common being sex.

Trump pondered his infant daughter, Tiffany's, breasts in an VIDEO interview.



The Trump family bought 666 Fifth Avenue.

As reported by, the Trump family is building a $666 million tower at One Journal Square.

The height of the tower will be 666 feet.

The famous Trump Tower is 666 feet in height.

Trump's penthouse has statues of pagan Greek gods.

Donald Trump inherited his grandmother's real estate empire when she died on June 6, 1966.

In Jewish gematria, the value of the letters in Don Drumpf is 666.

Donald John Drumpf in American ASCII computer code is 666.

Trump entered politics during a meeting with New York City officials at his office on 6/6 1986.

The Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium was announced on The Apprentice on 6/6, 2006.

Nostradamus spoke of "The false trumpet concealing madness."

Trump played "Sympathy for the Devil" at his election events.

"Sympathy for the Devil" is the official anthem of the Church of Satan.

Trump picks the campaign songlist himself.


North Korea is part of a CGI spin doctor AND DOES NOT EXIST.

Most of the weapons carried by North Korean soldiers in a recent military parade were fake, a US defence expert has claimed.

Fake war! North Korea and a history of dummy weapons

Kim Jong-un's terrifying new missiles are FAKE and were wobbling


@LA_Trump @DarkMath @Commoner @carmencita @srayzie @jem777 @icuntstopswearing @pizzagatecharlotte @Omnicopy

DarkMath ago

Northern Soul,

What you believe and what can be proven in a court of law are two different things. I wouldn't doubt Trump banged a 12 year old girl. But without EVIDENCE it doesn't matter. They obviously scared the shit out of whoever was going to testify against Trump in court so there needs to be some sort of video or photographic evidence. That's what Brownstone operations are for, precisely this reason: to produce video and/or photographic evidence of rape, pedophilia, infidelity etc.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, this explains the downvoats much better.

I can't really say much about Nostradamus and 666 Fifth Avenue and all that. I don't care about numerology. But it is fair to question whether the allegations against Trump are real.

I would start with the article in Jezebel describing how the story first developed. Needless to say, Jezebel is not a pro-Trump media outlet, but they found "Katie Johnson" far from credible. Other gossip outlets had the same reaction: They wouldn't touch the story, or would only report on it if it was heavily flagged as doubtful.

It is true that Trump's lawyer suggested that Johnson's lawyer could face sanctions, but that was only after one judge had tossed the case as frivolous, and after numerous observers like LawNewz pointed out major flaws (like the statute of limitations).

When this story surfaced, I took it to be the Clinton camp anticipating accusations that Trump would later make against them -- much like the Russia collusion nonsense. The Clintons took huge bribes for handing over uranium to Russia, so of course they had to build up hysteria against Trump on that score. There's even an email from Podesta, back in 2015, mapping out their vulnerability and how it required allegations to be made against Trump.

I take this case to just be more of the same. We don't have email evidence like we do for the Russia nonsense, but the sequence of events is quite clear. They don't have real dirt on Trump, so they have to manufacture this woman, who is never available to reporters, who has no fixed address, and whose complaints keep getting tossed or discounted by neutral third parties.

I can see you are pissed off, and my answer may not satisfy you. But that is where I wind up on this story.

redditsuckz ago

I can't really say much about Nostradamus and 666 Fifth Avenue and all that. I don't care about numerology.

At the minimum 666 is a spirit cooking number and Donald Trump flashes the 666 hand sign every 5 minutes while speaking.

Here is the possible origin of the 666 number;

This observation can be illustrated by one of the more colorful figures of the early twentieth century, Aleister Crowley. Crowley was born in England, where he first encountered John Nelson Darby's dispensational premillennialism. After a few years as a member of the British Theosophical Society, Crowley created his own religious system, which he called “Thelema” and which, according to him, was based on a revelation. In 1904, while Crowley and his wife were on their honeymoon in Egypt, his wife had a revelation of the god Horus sent through his messenger, Aiwass. When Crowley and his wife visited the Egyptian Museum, they found Horus on an ancient Egyptian stele, with the number 666. In Crowley's own report, this god dictated to him the Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis), which was to be the theoretical foundation of Crowley's new religion, Thelema. Crowley's followers came to call the Egyptian stele the “Stele of Revealing,” even though it was in fact a Theban funeral stele from the middle of the first millennium bce (from the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth dynasties). Furthermore, the stele does not contain the number 666; this was simply the catalogue number from the former museum in Boulaq, where the stele had first been displayed after being excavated from the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Dayr el-Bahari by the French Egyptologist Auguste Mariette.

And on the dollar bill;

Northern_Soul ago

Are you aware how naive your response sounds. Are you incapable of applying just a bit of critical thinking to the supposed overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump is owned by huge corporations, especially the big banks, And is actively involved in pedophilia, alleged by many victims who mocks those who's lives he´s crushed.. The evidence is overwhelming.

Anyways... let’s assume for the sake of the argument, An "invented" Katie Johnson did manufacture a smear campaign against Trump colluding with the alt-right, reported by the Jewish controlled media.

How do we dismiss Katie's "RECORDED" interview with the Daily Mail?

How do we dismiss her story collaborates with other Trump victims?

How do we dismiss the signed witness statements?

How do we dismiss his close friendship with the convicted peodophile Epstein?

How do we dismiss Trumps incestuous statements about his children?

Oh yeh, thats right..... Your trained in the fine arts of topic dilution, a text book response straight from the shill handbook. Trump's Alleged Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl Isn't Going Away because its true. Pizzagate was connoted so Katie Johnson would be forgotten.


  • Here is Katie's New York filing of September 30, 2016.

  • Here is Katie's New York court filing of June 20, 2016.

  • Here are some of Mr. Trump’s denials.

  • Here is Donald Trump using the word "rape," perhaps as purposeful deflection.

  • Here is why Katie’s claims have National Security implications.

  • Here and here is more about the Trump/Epstein/Clinton connections and their characters.

  • Here is the compelling view of a female attorney who helps rape victims and has vetted Katie Johnson face-to-face over many hours.



SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, fair enough. You've got some more sources. But so do I.

It's true that the Daily Mail interviewed Katie Johnson. But then on the day before the election, Nov 7, they published a follow-up article saying that her claims about Trump were not true, and that Katie Johnson was not her real name. Whoever she is, she may well have been raped by Epstein, and by another man, during the summer of 1994. But she herself admitted that she did not know who the other man was at the time, and only came to believe it was Trump years later, when watching The Apprentice.

You say that the case won't go away. But it has gone away. It was dropped in October 2016 and so far as I can determine, nothing has come of it since. I see a half-dozen or so random tweets of the #justice4katie hashtag. The Justice For Katie website doesn't mention that the case was dropped in October, doesn't point to anything after September. It hasn't been updated in nearly a year.

The same is true of all the other women who accused Trump before the election. None have actually filed a lawsuit (unlike, say, Paula Jones v. Bill Clinton). I certainly understand that suing a sitting president can be intimidating, but don't you find it just the tiniest bit odd that despite the Women's March, and wall-to-wall media hostility toward Trump, and the essentially unlimited legal budget that they would be handed by countless liberals, not one went forward?

Now, as for all the stuff about Trump wanting to have sex with his daughter, and his generally predatory attitude toward women -- hey, the man is a vulgar narcissist and an asshole. I've never said otherwise. He has said a great many cringe-worthy things, and I wouldn't want him around my daughter. But then I wouldn't want any recent president around my daughter, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter.

I don't have to like Trump. The issue for me is simply, is there a chance that he might actually prosecute the pedos? If there isn't, it is hard to justify spending time here. But at the moment, I still think there is a chance that he can get it done. The sheer insane volume of shit that the other side is throwing at him convinces me as much as anything else. Why are they so hysterical?

I hope my tone comes across here as I intend it to. You're entitled to your concerns, and I'm not dismissing them. I just think the balance of the evidence favors Trump.

Omnicopy ago that's funny!!!