Are_we_sure ago

Is Voat having some sort of fakest post contest? Is it the solar eclipse? This might be the silliest drivel, I've seen on Voat.

This read like a bad spec script that even George Webb would reject. This like the sort of stuff that would circulate on CompuServe when people didn't understand how email worked.

I challenge anyone to find five cases of this MO of pedophiles

While trying to inform them to never let their little ones out of their sights while out and about and especially at national parks and also the MO of pedophiles who distract parents to snatch children.

ReddittRefugee ago


I wouldn't take any attention from Pelosi lightly. And your son shouldn't either.

She's one of the nastiest, most aggressive people on the Hill.

Be careful with this information, and Do not let this get publicized. She has a reputation for taking revenge on people who hurt her public image.

People like to call the Clintons and the Bushes "crime families" to emphasize their misdeed. But Pelosi is a member of an actual, real crime family. As in, the mafia.

Her father was the political fixer for the mob in Baltimore back in the day.

She is linked at the hip to the SEIU, the union implicated in numerous corruption cases:

and violence:

and pedophilia:

and Pelosi has been knee-deep in pedophile-linked organizations:

again I reiterate: take any attention paid by Pelosi to your grandchildren very seriously

DeathTooMasons ago

Pelosi seems heavily medicated and is skittish. Why they are keeping her propped up like Grandpa at the table in Texas chainsaw massacre, is beyond me.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Lol. That visual. They managed to keep Grandma Hillary propped up too during the election. Well.... At least most of the time ;)

AuntGeek ago

This is Steve Scalise, the Representative shot at the Congressional baseball practice: This is Jeff Sessions "We will send a message to the predators and the pimps, the child-abusers and the sextortionists, and the traffickers: You will not harm our kids and we will never rest until we find you and bring you to justice for your appalling acts."

9621868? ago

If you can find mainstream media stuff it helps convince those taking blue pills (sounds like you have tried offering red pills and they won't take them). It may be best to respect their (shitty) choice and keep the warnings palatable - if they don't want to know then whole story then fine, continuing to push it may push them away, so just give them the info they need to know.

Don't say "there are heaps of peodophile grooming videos YouTube won't stop" say "don't let your kids you the internet unsupervised, they may be traumatised by stuff like these videos that YouTube isn't censoring and are marketed towards children using popular characters." And link to:

Globally, politicians and those in positions of power are known to be into this sick stuff. Britain has a lot out in the open on pedophile politicans for you to find even on Google, but I just gave you a BBC link so here's something more local to me:

A woman who alleges she was a child victim of the paedophile ring ... said she had repeatedly reported the abuse to authorities but no action had been taken.... Fiona Barnett called on the authorities to investigate the alleged ring, which she believes is still operating.

YingYangMom ago

I think these could help for starters. There are hundreds more out there of course + pastebins.

The Pedofiles

American Empire Exposed - Military Pedophilia Scandals at Daycare Centers

American Empire Exposed - Pizzagate: Podesta Pedo Perps and Clinton’s International Child Sex Trafficking Ring Exposed

Pizzagate Summary

Pamphlet created by a Voater (Page 1) (Page 2)

Instagram Sleuthing (Collection of PG players posted pictures & comments)

Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence

Vindicator ago

@HannahRebekah6353, unfortunately, this is an unsourced discussion post which really belongs in v/AskPizzagate, or in the comment section of another thread. v/pizzagate is for source-linked research posts. Please edit your post to add some linked sources so this doesn't have to be removed per Rule 2. I know people have provided some for you in the comments. Thank you.

ReddittRefugee ago

WTF Man!!!

Are you so blinded by your anal retentive urge to moderate shit that you don't even get that we've got some significant news here?!

I'll explain:

This is sourced.

@HannahRebekah6353 is providing her news from the same source reporters get most of their raw news from: people who've had something happen to them.

It's just one stage back on the food chain, where her source is a live witness. And a very significant one. And one who I find more credible than the "anonymous sources" MSM types love to use in their hit pieces.

And it's about one of the harder Pizzagate players to get info on.

And it gives us a unique perspective of Pelosi.

Pelosi is one of the most compulsive information management and image management operators in American politics. You see very little of her shit released into the wild, even though she's as nasty at the street level as HRC.

What we see from HannahRebekah6353's son's experience is how Pelosi acts in an unguarded way around some people she regards as insignificant ("little people" who have no access to the media and who she doesn't realize might have a clue, however small, about elite pedophilia.)

She never would have talked that way if there were opposition politicians or MSM people around.

So now some significant news, and the work of all kinds of people who have done all kinds of research for this thread, will have it deleted because some guy acting like a Wikinazi has noticed that the original post doesn't come from somebody else's "publication?"

Just imagine if CNN had published a news article based on something said by one of their infamous "anonymous sources" with a title like: 'Pelosi said Something Scary Around One of the "Deplorables"'

People would have been trumpeting it all over /v/pizzagate, /v/conspiracy and /v/pedogate.

But now you want to bury that information?

So we'll consider HannahRebekah6353 to have published a significant news article in the media publication /v/pizzagate, for the purposes of keeping voatnazis like you happy.

Wowee! /v/pizzagate is now a publication!

Yeah, the post is problematic because she also asks an advice question. Don't know if Voat allows one to do this, but perhaps someone who's a mod on both /v/pizzagate and /v/askpizzagate like Millenial_Falcon could move it over there?

Vindicator ago

Mods have no power to "move" posts. Only to remove, unfortunately. Also, you will notice I didn't remove it -- I asked for some evidence to be added.

ReddittRefugee ago

Hey @Vindicator,

Thx for the update.

I think the only vindication we're going to get is HannahRebekah6353's word. But at least we can talk to her via PMs. I believe her more than any of CNN's anonymous sources, LOL

All good.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Smells shilly. Fishing/seeding radicals

Factfinder2 ago

Yes. Also beware the occasional "fill me in" or "could someone summarize" requests.

redditsuckz ago

Smells like data mining.

redditsuckz ago

Nancy Pelosi is Jewish.

Just tell your kids to stay far far away from synagogues and show them this video;

The Hidden Cult : the Jewish Ritual Murder

And for bedtime read them the story of the Mcdonalds hamburger;

Its a win win because they will start eating their vegetables.

Are_we_sure ago

Nancy Pelosi is Jewish.


redditsuckz ago

Maybe its Pelosi who is lying when she says she has the more jewish grandchildren than anyone?...

Pelosi Is Related to Argentina's Largest Jewish Family.

Nancy Pelosi who claims, “I have more Jewish grandchildren than anyone.”

ArtificalDuality ago

That woman is a Succubus. Of course this is in a metaphoric fashion. More Feminist Supremacy drivel. The magazine calls itself after yet another variant of the 'evil woman using seduction as its primary weapon' metaphor: Medusa.

Blowitwideopen ago

Also have them LOOK up the stalking stories, there were 3 incidents of stalkers trying to snatch kids. One was a furniture store, one a movie theater at a mall, and third at a gas station. These were posted on FB. Absolutely terrifying!!!!

Deflo56 ago

Point out that up to 5% of the population are attractived sexually to children. Then ask them how many they know with this inflection. Then mention the local priest. Every community has a few. Then mention by name a few high profile pedos. Hastert, Sandusky, Podesta, etc. Don't forget jail, jail, emails, etc. Bill Clinton is a rapist. Then shut up. They will come to you. Then you can throw a little Aleister Crowley their way or your own research. Red pills are hard to swallow at first, but soon they will begin to hand them out to their friends. Be calm and remember light is the only disinfectant.

Gothamgirl ago

She is an odd lady all around.

HannahRebekah6353 ago


Dressage2 ago

Show them the highlights of Finders, then show them the stats of missing kids in VA against other states. They all seem to poof. Also, African American girls disappearing high rate in DC. Melatonin is highly coveted and desired by the elite. The girls in DC might want to save for Part 2. They might think you have lost your mind for sure. My family thinks so.

9621755? ago

I've heard it was blonde haired blue eyed kids that fetched the highest price. Not that it matters, they will take what they can get.

equineluvr ago

LMAO!!! The pigment is MELANIN. Melatonin is a hormone.

carmencita ago

Ditto. I have gotten some really strange stares. And remarks. Some are stranger than mine. I think they like to make smart remarks cause they think I have lost it.

HannahRebekah6353 ago

Do you have a link to show them the highlights of Finders? Also, do you off hand have the stats of missing kids in VA? I don't understand the part about the Melatonin when you can buy that over the counter. Can you elaborate on that? Too late, I'm pretty sure they already feel that I've lost my mind. This is a tough subject to talk about when your young and invincible. Things like that only happen to other people.

Dressage2 ago Here is an article regarding the girls. It was written in 2015 and they continue to lose them.

FreeRebel ago

She meant MELANIN; the substance that makes our skin darker.

Dressage2 ago


HannahRebekah6353 ago

How does that play into taking children? I've not seen that in discussions.

FreeRebel ago

Someone mentioned "black" victims. Anyone with "some color" in their skin would have more melanin.

Dressage2 ago

See my reply to your other comment.

abcdefg222 ago

Thanks for sharing. This is a very hard topic to discuss. The Franklin scandal and the Jeffrey Epstein cases are good eye-openers. The evidence is solid and both Larry e king and Jeffrey Epstein used their power and associations to abuse and cover up the abuse of minors. The conspiracy of silence is a great documentary that will make them ask themselves a lot of questions. At least it should... but that's easy to say.

I don't talk about this stuff with most people because they wouldn't believe me. The denial runs deep. It's a mechanism to protect ourselves... but at what expense? I'm not ok with the expense being the total disregard for humanity.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes, denial runs deep. Most people think I'm completely crazy if I bring up MK Ultra despite the dearth of evidence that it existed at one time (99% chance it still does).

ReddittRefugee ago

Actually, there are lots of published sourced on MK Ultra Project 68. It's just that you'll never see references to them in the MSM.

For example, an MD whose mother was a victim of Project 68, published a book on her MK Ultra experiences in 1990, and those of others, with extensive documentation: "Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control" by Harvey Weinstein, ISBN: 0880483636/978-0880483636

LOL, you'll never see that book referenced on CNN or MSNBC.

It's out of print, and is kind of pricey on Amazon or the used bookstore sites, but one might get a good deal on eBay. And I was able to read it in the public library.

Some other links:

paulf ago

You can point them at declassified documents from the CIA and also at fringe conspiracy site C-SPAN which has congressional hearings on the subject.

watitdew ago


HannahRebekah6353 ago

Okay, I'll look up that video you mentioned. Thanks.

Blacksmith21 ago

You better be awfully careful about doxxing yourself, ma'am.

HannahRebekah6353 ago

Sorry, not sure what you mean about doxing yourself. Can you please explain what you mean?

ArtificalDuality ago

Hi @HannahRebekah6353 ,

You might want to take a look here, to see what Pelosi is involved with.

And here cold hard proof of extremely horrendous crimes of people that seemed to have a highly upstanding position in society but proved themselves to be extreme monsters.

There is a lot of stink here in Holland. To me, 8/22 was a memorable day and for mine, 4 digits are needed: Over 9000 =)

HannahRebekah6353 ago

Never mind, looked it up and you are right. Thanks.

11-11 ago

One of the only reasons I could remotely believe "this" was happening was because I knew about the kids vaccine program. It is genocide and pure evil... the same dark-grossness as found in the pedo world.

After people realize that the medical establishment is after their kid, they can also understand that these pedos are too.

The vaccine red pill is a hard one because it takes a ton of time to sift through and learn

Recently, I told someone about the vax hoax by having him read a flu vaccine insert.

He thought I was mistaken when I told him that 1 flu dose from a multi - vaccine vial has 25 mcg of mercury.

Then, I read it to him from the insert. I think he almost had a heart attack right there.

I'm sure, now, he will do some research. (I gave him videos to watch)

It is just really hard for people to imagine such evil-ness and, as you know, they do not want it to be there so they refuse to look.

Very sorry for you but you sound persistent which will help. That may not have helped you, but that is all I could think of at the moment. :-(

HannahRebekah6353 ago

Do you have a copy of that vaccine insert? That is another topic I drum about to my children so they can take precautions with their children.

11-11 ago

control f (find) the term " 24.5 mcg of mercury" and you will go right to the paragraph

9619936? ago

Just get them to read the insert of the one they are considering. Last one I saw had no declared mercury but lots of formaldehyde some other nasty things. Just tell everyone the fact that vitamin C is a great preservative and ask your friends why they think TBTB use dangerous ones instead of vitC.

ScalarWhaler ago

Some adjuvant argyment... Exacerbate you immune system for optimao uptake

carmencita ago

I would like that too. I have a friend who was a nurse for almost 50 yrs. She will be shocked. There are plenty of people we could spread this news to. Also what is the info on the videos, please.

11-11 ago

re flu vaccine insert

do a control f (find) and type in term 24.5 mcg of mercury and you will find it

carmencita ago

Thank you for getting back to me on that. I really appreciate it. I am so very against the vaccines and wish to enlighten others.

Omnicopy ago

Unfortunately most young parents don't realise the danger out there. For my youngest I homeschooled and only used very close family for babysitters. About all you can do is pray for them. Nancy Pelosi seems to be a sicko!

HannahRebekah6353 ago

I have one son who is going to homeschool. I sure wish the others would do the same. I just don't trust anyone anymore. If we have heard that there are family members who have violated that sacred trust within their own families and molested children how could anyone trust anyone anymore. It seems to be everywhere anymore.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

My daughter is 13 now and contracted Lyme around the time she went to a daycare on a Military Base. This was after 9/11 and I love d the idea she was behind armed gate guards just to go to daycare. But I feel they gave her Lyme there. Do research on Lyme Disease. It is a slow crippling Disease that makes you not strong enough to fight them. She is home schooled now and we are eating as Organic as we can because I believe the whole Organic movement is a Illuminati trick to make sure the poison they are flooding us with can be avoided by the ones in the know. I dont think they really thought bottled water and Organic food would catch on as much as it did. Now they are making propaganda videos that bottled water is a crime against nature and it is a sin to drink it. They want us on the public water where they can dumb us down as they wish.

Look into the reasoning behind why people began public schools that were compusotory. It was to make better workers. The original German movement actually write they want to change the student as much as they can from their parents. The feminist Movement is not to free women but to make them taxable. Away from home more so they have to put their kids into daycare to be mind fucked by whatever Satanic shit they think of next.

This is building to a head. The preppers have been right all along. They plan to destroy us all when they get there plans totally in place. When the shit hits the fan they will start a civil war here first. Then a major foreign war followed by releasing whatever evil diseases they have cooked up for us.

Dont take the Vaccines. Eat better. Avoid processed foods. Drink bottled or filtered water. These bastards mean business and they are weaking our immune systems systematically before the big events.

turitelle ago

Forget the bottled water, buy yourself a distiller and purify your own. We distill our water now and you wouldn't believe the crap that it takes out.

GuannaRue ago

This is a solid comment! great read, +1

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Nancy Poosay, has kids locked in her basement as we speak! I think Poosay has been paying for kids along time! She is a Evil Pedo!

HannahRebekah6353 ago

It seems to be on the same par as the creepy antics of Biden.

carmencita ago

It's the $10 I can't get over. Wow, that just blew me away. That must be the Special Rate they give her.

rodeo13 ago

Seriously! How offensive is it to tell someone you would only pay $10 for their kids, even in jest?!

carmencita ago

I know. Right? I still can't get over it. But if I were to tell people about it, they would say, Oh, they must have made a mistake. They probably didn't hear right. Oh the frustration of it all! They just refuse to believe. They are afraid to face anything that horrific. But when the time comes, I cannot wait to say I told you so. For it has not been fun, being the butt of people's remarks and weird looks.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Poosay had to make it a ridiculous amount so to say it was a joke. She is nasty!

carmencita ago

Yes. What a sick joke. A sick joke from a sick old dame.

HannahRebekah6353 ago

Just creepy that she even brought up buying them let alone giving a rate. Who would you think would give her such a rate? Druggies, etc.?

9621765? ago

She might have been in the habit of using the round down trick to sound less suspicious - ie maybe $10 is code for $10,000

pizzaequalspedo ago

At the very least it's a Freudian slip with some truth behind it.

carmencita ago

I think she has lost it. When they get that old after the blood and all they other things they partake of, their brains become demented.

Deflo56 ago

I think she has the symptoms of Kuru, a prion type disease.

equineluvr ago

No, she does not have kuru symptoms.

She may have some other neurologic disorder, however.

Deflo56 ago

To much squirrel brain with her scrambled eggs?

carmencita ago

I saw her on the news yesterday and she just looked so much older and paler than usual. She used to have a tan and look healthier. What a horrible disease that must be.

carmencita ago

She is not alone, I believe quite a few of them have it. They look horrible, as I have said before, like gargoyles.