DeathTooMasons ago

She is skittish and ubalanced, probably on meds. She has been blurting out incoherent nonsense for years. I saw a recent video where she seemed to think Bush was still president. She should be put down, it's cruel to allow her to get any worse

Smyrtz ago

To me, honestly, it looks like she has a mic in her left ear. She is pausing to listen. I think that's also why she won't look at the interviewer. She is afraid to move her hair and expose the mic.

carmencita ago

After reading that I can believe how the mob can take hold of the cities. I would not be surprised that she might be the head of the mob in LA. or even CA. She sure had a good teacher who was close to Hoover and the mob in Baltimore. He knew how to play the game and was a good teacher. When his son went through the rape trial, he had nervous breakdown and while hospitalized, the mob. am sure kept everything running smoothly

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I have noticed lots of the Democratic Party's leadership has lots of odd public performances lately. I think their MKULTRA handlers are bringing them in for more reprogramming and it is showing up like this. IF the Republican leadership was as old they would be sounding just as bad but I think the younger crypto Jews of the Republican Party are holding up better.

Shillaxe ago

Out with the old, in with the Jew.

GeorgeT ago

Wow, it just keeps getting darker!

GeorgeT ago

Nancy and Maxine Waters may audition for the Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion sequel or Female version of Dumb & Dumber. Hillary can be the director..

quantokitty ago

No grinning and laughing like the stupid bitch she is. She knows The Cannibal Elite cabal is crumbling around her ears. Pretty soon everyone will know the acts she and her cohorts committed.

DeathTooMasons ago

It is not crumbling. Still opperating with impunity.

quantokitty ago

Not when their closets are being opened and their hot dog stands investigated.

equineluvr ago

No surprise to me.

ALL these sick fucks are JEWISH. On her maternal side, Nancy is of JEWISH INTERNATIONAL BANKSTER BLOODlines.

crash6674 ago

Oy vay! Serious question is /v/pizzagate redpilled on the jq yet? Or is this board still kosher?

Shillaxe ago

You still act surprised, or are you just fond of typing JEWISH, it's as if you get a sheckle per.

GeorgeT ago

Big ol' Eyes Wide Shut Club! Kudos for Stanley Kubrik - BTW, in the film he knew he could not show what really went on so in the rituals he gave us naked women when in fact they were supposed to be - children!

norobotono ago

He did more than hint at children in the costume shop scenes.

GeorgeT ago

I missed that - have to watch it again. Thnx

MattHelm ago

The final scene of Eyes Wide Shut a little girl is taken away by a man and Cruise and Kidman are oblivious to her being kidnapped they are looking at toys when it happens.

bahhumbugger ago

Oh Jesus Christ

LostandFound ago

I love this woman, long may she live.

Warmoose76 ago

Maybe she ran out of coke and is slow without it.

GeorgeT ago

Goat Hill Pizza comes to mind! And She refered to Trump as Bush - twice! Is it dementia or are they symptoms of something more sinister?

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Three times actually!!! :-/

Shillaxe ago

her father, Pelosi said, “He was part of a group called the Berkson Group..."

‘I stand here as a representative of the—” she said before halting and staring at the audience. Then she resumed, “members of the Jewish army.”

They had to cut the budget for speech writers or she just nibbled on pineal gland appetizer, wow.

Shillaxe ago

fkn hilarious

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Nancy is an odd lady. Her brother was only member of a group of men who gang raped a 14 year old girl to get off not guilty. Baltimore has huge links to MKULTRA and her father was a powerful Maryland politician.

Her father was in Jewish Army? Is this some short hand or code for being a Zionist secret Satanist?