FreeRebel ago

That stinks! Totally explains why his demeanor was described as "Unfazed." He was placed in that position and will be protected throughout the process. Just so he takes the fall and has NOTHING TO SAY about anybody else.

samhara ago

I don't want to take money from people, unless I know them. Thanks, though. I'm trying to keep anonymity.

I need to know why my post about all the un-natural deaths around Researchers / Investigators is buried

While the one which attempts to "debunk" the murdered lawyer story, making the claim this story is a Trap which has been set for "Pizzagate"rs [?] gets all the prominence.

Vindicator ago


I am flairing this "Accuracy in Question" due to new research:

People should not trust -- it is clearly unreliable and possibly deliberate disinfo.

@Millennial_Falcon, @wecanhelp, @abortionburger, @sensitive, @nnfx -- Please note future link posts to this site probably will not satisfy Rule 2.

anonOpenPress ago

One should not declare the whole source as unreliable based on an unreliable article (or even many) published by that source. Every article should be handled as separate, regarding fact checking. Please don't use my earlier post as an excuse for your personal opinion about usapoliticsnow.

I do have a certain amount of suspicion towards them as a source, which makes me to look into their reliability more closely when I read an article by them, but not ALL they publish is bullshit.

http404 ago

Okay. Got that.

One question. Has there been previous instances which point that the site's info is unreliable?

Vindicator ago

Have you looked at the site? Most of the "articles" on there provide zero linked evidence for their claims and would not satisfy the submission requirements of this subverse. There is also no contact information for any reporters or editors, and their domain registry information is masked on WhoIs. It's all clickbait.

HillBoulder ago

Does anyone trust this proposition? I wouldn't be in line for it anyway but sounds sketchy @breadleaf

Breadleaf ago

honestly i figured id get that response lol, even though it wouldn't matter at this point if the spooks had this users venmo account considering they are probably already following them around in the subway. But i dont blame yall, considering how spoopy all this shit is, and wont push it.

HillBoulder ago

Thanks for understanding it's too bad we can't even trust each other

SoldierofLight ago

If this was a set up from the beginning, they would have worked out ahead of time which prosecutor(s) would be assigned to the case as well as the judge. And they would have the power to assign whoever they wanted in any given role-- from the prosecutor to the judge to whatever/whoever else could impact their desired outcome.

southartful ago

No mention of the name of the court case, papers filed? C'mon we need more information than a geocities looking intenet news site...

Miked_Up ago

wow $2k bond for murder+...

equineluvr ago

I-85 bridge collapsed on March 30, 2017 in Atlanta..

I = 9 - the number of satan 8+5=13, the number of the Jews

March 30 = 03/.30 - 33, also mirrored digits

Atlanta lies along the 33rd parallel.

All of the above strongly indicates that it was NOT an organic/spontaneous collapse.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Fucking dumb ass number shit is retarded.

I have 3 moles on my left hand and 22 hairs on my left thumb. 22-3 is 19. I also have 14 hairs on my right thumb. add 14 to 19. = 33

33 - 10 fingers = 23

Does this mean that Michael Jordan involved in the production of the Gilmore Girls?

Catchthem ago

And Yet equineluvr AGAIN you have the Strong need to name the JEWS for this.... Yet ANOTHER anti-Jew post by equineluvr

Kwijibo ago

Good post, but garbage website with lots of click bait spam.

Arrvee ago

It looks like they took a news story about an unexplained murder and added "elite pedophile ring" to it. The rest of the story has sources, that part doesn't. The best way to confirm or deny anything might be for a journalist to walk into the law firm she worked for and ask if she was working on any unusual cases.

anonOpenPress ago

I totally agree, I had to put my two cents on this as there's a possible risk in sharing such topics /v/pizzagate/1779596

turitelle ago

Given that the link leads to, one of the sites that published the fake story about someone named Johnston Wilson McGill a top aid of Hillary's who died on his couch and was found by Huma... and who doesn't even appear to exist, I would take this story with a grain of salt.

20Justice4All17 ago

How do we know she was working on elite pedophelia and not just random pedos?

HeavyBrain ago

Bullshit, how many times did a walk around and out of nowhere shoot myselfe 3 times in the back of the head.

samhara ago

This guy looks just like a freak that appeared standing at the door of the train I as on last month, staring at me.

I thought he looked military and even thought he could be there to hurt me. Same shorts. Same look.

Next day, same thing. There he is right by the door of the train, just like the day before; What are the chances..

I took a vacation for a month after that.

I ran like hell both times getting off the train because I was scared of him.

I have a lot of material on my Forum that was hacked / defaced on dec. 10th 2016. We were tracing Pizza references in various forms of the Mass Media since the December before , i.e. 2015 .. Someone on our Forum had noticed strange connections around Pizza where he lived in St. Louis and started the thread - which got very long.

Before we were shut down I was up 150% on views from linking from here and from Gab..

We also have long threads on "Predictive Programming" in the Media, 9/11 "Great Sync Thread" showing foreshadowing of 9 /11 for at least 10 years before the event. Dissection of Crisis Actors, Faked Event , Gladio A, B, C on and on.

Can anyone point me to a Php coder who can fix it and get it back up and archived before I get off-ed waiting around to do the right thing?

I also live a stone's throw away from the Brooklyn 'Pizza Joint of Interest" visited by HRC and Jefferson, Bradjellina, and Jay - z / Beonce - in a very industrial part of town with many empty warehouses, meat processing, and trucking depots.

I wasn't going to go public with this but the face of that alleged assassin freaked me out.. He looked totally bonkers. That could be , yeah, he's a patsy.. But maybe the put him in hospital since he's an asset and they need to be able to use him again and get him out of the criminal justice system.. Maybe his arrest was a mistake, since he is so crazy?

Please PM me with reputable contacts. ? Also, I need to be able to share / archive the files , as they are.

LightSource ago

Stay safe lady! Much love

sunajAeon ago

This lady will not be forgotten, reading her bio she was some kind woman

FreeRebel ago

Yes, he stopped her to verify her identity, so it was not just a racial shooting, as Atlanta media are saying. I'll be interested to know who bails him out or gets him a lawyer. Isn't Atlanta among the top 3 in trafficking?

pizzaequalspedo ago

This could not be more obvious

Catchthem ago

This has been posted before, but do think this needs to be digged in!