samhara ago

List of journalists killed while working on Drug Trafficking story in Asia - - Drug routes allegedly run by HRC's Heroin Mango Diplomacy.

samhara ago

Doesn't resemble "him" to me - at least the initial image.. Hard to tell with the fuzzy surveillance camera..

I'm calling fraud. They say they got the man - then it's the guy from Las Vegas? Really.

anonOpenPress ago

Your first link, BS. My reasoning /v/pizzagate/1779596

samhara ago

It wouldn't be a "clever way" to debunk "Pizzagate" The people making us look silly in the Mass Media don't need to "look clever" They've got the heavy artillery. The reason the story doesn't add up is more likely that the hit man fucked up. And then they have to cover.

They will go to all the trouble of killing a woman , execution style, in the middle of the street, just to make "Pizzagaters" look bad.

Makes no sense.

She was hit because she had info on the Bridge? Really? Where's the evidence for that? More supposition?

I don't think so.

Why is my post how I saw the same guy on my train last month, which discusses the un-natural deaths around "Pizzagate" researchers , i.e. Monica Peterson, Breitbart, Seth Rich, buried ; while this one, built upon a faulty assumption , in my opinion, gets first page treatment? Murder of Seth Rich

Researchers / Investigators are led to try to "please" the Mass Media, which is controlled,

So why bend over backwards to avoid their "Gotcha" moment - which is strictly an hypothisis / supposition which never happened.

And even if it did, so what? They have a millions ways to make us look silly and they already have accomplished that

samhara ago

The Monk guy is different looking than who I saw. The one I saw looked like the first image; The guy I saw : MIT? Nope.

Was that a Media switcheroo with "Who Done It? "

druhill007 ago

Hope ur okay buddy.

And if anyone with the power to negatively impact someone's life is reading this... Just know that you can spend decades trying to prevent the truth from coming out, but you guys already fucked up. All this bullshit of messing with people can only, at best, push back the inevitable. I'm sure your prob have nothing better to do.. Why not play some video games. Why not make some music. Why not take your kids out of a cage and go play baseball in the backyard. You guys are missing out on real life man. Slaves to Satan

Ang68 ago

It's called money. At least in the past. Today mind control is involved sometimes.