Jem777 ago

This seems to be a contract hit. Professional. Something is off with the I-85 bridge collapse. They are trying to blame a fire. That is not possible. It would have to be an explosion or something that can cause concrete and rebarb to crumble.

samhara ago

I'm attempting to contact the author of this article now.

Attorney Suing Elite Pedophile Ring Shot Dead

I feel it's premature to claim #fakenews.

As I mentioned, in similar cases, the truth behind the motive for the hit is obscured for years; yet eventually does become clear.

anonOpenPress ago

@samhara did you ever get replied by them?

samhara ago

No I did not.

samhara ago


anonOpenPress ago

Good if you contact, guess you won't get a source but maybe some useful reply.

samhara ago

It wouldn't be a "clever way" to debunk "Pizzagate" The people making us look silly in the Mass Media don't need to "look clever" They've got the heavy artillery.

samhara ago

The reason the story doesn't add up is more likely that the hit man fucked up. And then they have to cover.

They will go to all the trouble of killing a woman , execution style, in the middle of the street, just to make "Pizzagaters" look bad.

Makes no sense.

She was hit because she had info on the Bridge? Really? Where's the evidence for that? More supposition?

I don't think so.

Why is my post how I saw the same guy on my train last month, which discusses the un-natural deaths around "Pizzagate" researchers , i.e. Monica Peterson, Breitbart, Seth Rich, buried ; while this one, built upon a faulty assumption , in my opinion, gets first page treatment? Murder of Seth Rich

Researchers / Investigators are led to try to "please" the Mass Media, which is controlled,

So why bend over backwards to avoid their "Gotcha" moment - which is strictly an hypothisis / supposition which never happened.

And even if it did, so what? They have a millions ways to make us look silly and they already have accomplished that

anonOpenPress ago

Hit man fucked up or not, that doesn't affect my reasoning. The news remains misleading and is possibly being used for debunking in either case.

My post doesn't discuss on the bridge, it's whole another case, sources and usefulness to be checked as well. It becomes important to the pizzagate investigation if someone manages to connect the bridge to trafficking.

Your post I just read, it starts by supporting tha false claim. Maybe edit that part. Then it wonders around several topics, quite difficult to follow through. Maybe limit the focus or add some clearance. In overall you might be onto something but you don't manage to share it in a useful way, reagarding investigations. Just my two cents, happy if you try again. Make it worth an upvoat and you get one from here.

"Researchers / Investigators are led to try to "please" the Mass Media"

That's the case in here too, important to recognize. Sharing unreliable stuff would be one way to follow that lead. They do their best, we do ours. Let's stay strong and focused.

samhara ago

Prove it's a false claim. I think you missed doing that.

anonOpenPress ago

They don't want any more investigators in. But if we do good, even more investigators will join. Everybody not evil matters about children's lives

Vindicator ago

@anonOpenPress, thank VERY MUCH for doing this vetting and making this post. I am flairing this "IMPORTANT" because this kind of misreporting is happening more and more often, and is easy to fall for when folk are so eager for news of action.

Have my upvoat, as well!

EDIT: I have flaired all off the posts you linked 'Accuracy In Question" so we are on the record as researching this fully.

anonOpenPress ago

Thank you! I just replied to you with some ++ in another comment thread.

ps. Flairs are very useful, but how do we access the lists of tagged posts?

Vindicator ago

You mean, is there a way to search by flair? Great question. I have no idea! @wecanhelp, any thoughts on this?

wecanhelp ago

There's no way that I know of to reliably search by flair. FYI @anonOpenPress.

abcdefg222 ago

Thank you for your research.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! Let's all keep it up and fill our fron page with quality (daydreaming)

Jobew1 ago

thanks for posting this. i've been writing in the the threads citing those general claims you cite that it looks more likely that the killing is linked to the i 85 collapse (see about 20 min in on this vid for how suspect that collapse was and the link to the murdered attorney: -- there are other good vids out there too). i don't know if i can leap to the the conclusion that the link to PG is being used to (further try to) discredit PG. I think it's more to "hide the ball" from the connection to the bridge collapse (cuz they think many don't buy pg so they'll stop looking into the murder of the attorney). anyway i'm all for exposing pg, but i think it may not be the real story behind the sketchy murder (look into what has happened to the shooter since his arrest and the info suggesting the shooter was actually a deep state hit man named Mork - or something like that)

anonOpenPress ago

There might be a link to trafficking via death of Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband (7 years back) in the same city (Atlanta). I found some related stuff 1 listing some suspicions 2 about Ms.Huynh, memorial 3 few longshots, interesting names 4 Alex Jones with possible lier William Fain 5 Bridge discussion on Voat, see the comments With somewhat lot of effort, putting these and more together might share light into possible connections.

anonOpenPress ago

If someone connects that bridge to trafficking, I might get interested :) In other words, I'll keep my focus on saving the kids via our inv.

Jobew1 ago

gotcha. i'lll be waiting for actual info linking the murder to pg. however it's all related in a sense tho. crimes against us alll

Vindicator ago

@anonOpenPress @Jobew1 -- what do you make of the reporting my Anonymous We Stand saying a deep state operative matching her killer was given the Pizzagate treatment?

Jobew1 ago

U mean where he says mork was found with cp so that if he tries to tell some truths he would be discredited? Makes sense

anonOpenPress ago

Perfect, it clearly shows any lurkers how we take our case seriously here and additionally brings up another possibler lead to follow and check. This kind of mod-jobs we need more, thank you for your efforts!

Oh if we had our front page full of this level posts, comments and important tags just for a week - what that would do to our rep and get even more ppl in taking the investigation seriously...

I'm obviouly daydreaming :)

Vindicator ago

If we can dream it, we can achieve it. That is what brings me back to modding every day, despite the shills, Hentai downpours etc. :-)

jstayz44 ago

Thank you for your work! I was attacked for saying that I was unsure of the story, but had not gone further to investigate whether my hunch was correct. Thank you for confirming that, and also for pointing out that we should be cautious in sharing such items until we know more. We're all cautious on the verge of pessimistic now, so even good news drums up "yeah right" banter. For better or worse, that's where we are in this fight. Thank you OP for the great work!

Catchthem ago

Its this dis-info i reacted up on.. Sorry did not know at that time. (when relialised something was wrong, i edited my post) This is what this investigation is about. We must investigate and if there is other info, alert people about that. Keep up the good work! We are all in this together for the good cause.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! Let's move on, there's an interesting related comment here /v/pizzagate/1777480/8719367

Laskar ago

No doubt any such pending cases would be covered up, if they existed.

If what you say is correct,then what was the motive for the murder and why is it so publicized? There are lots of murders that never make international news and people are not generally appalled by the murder of a lawyer are they?

I think her murder was to scare people off investigating of pizzagate.

anonOpenPress ago

See the cleverness. The motive could be any. It's not every day an attorney gets shot. Ask why her death made it to controversial news before MSM. Would be lovely to answer "MSM didn't want to tell this", right. You sure know which party knew about this first, now think about why a scoop interesting to the readers would be delayed/dropped like this. MSM could have shared this without mentioning anything about the motive or pedos, having a great scoop still.

Clever part: "Let's have the pizzagaters spread it a bit wrong first, then we can correct them a bit". MSM will follow, gaining trust among the 90%. And they will not share that the motive is related to any pedo ring. They might say that we claimed so, especially if we go pro on these "news". ps. One can ask for the dockets from the court. Did any of the "news" sites do that?

samhara ago

Maybe so, but everyone believed for years that Aaron Swartz death had nothing to do with Pedophilia networks, but the news that it likely did only got spread after Pizzagate broke.

The fact information is omitted and the detail that there were cases open on Pedo or Abuse networks that she was working on is unconfirmed, means something, but not everything.

To really know you might have to go there and talk to people who knew her. And even then it wouldn't be definitive, to me.

For example, take the case of Dorothey Kilgallen - after her un natural death all new sources denied she was working on a book about the JFK "event" - But it turns out she was, but that fact was covered up.

There will still be people who will deny Kilgallen was working on such a book. Her husband and her boyfriend both were afraid to talk.

Kilgallen's biographer was threatened over it, decades later! And did not include all she knew in the book that was finally published.

But she did confirm Killgallen was working on such a book , and that all the elite intelligentsia and news sources denied it.

Later the author "Israel" was framed as a forger and had her reputation ruined.

People in the Public, led by the Mass Media, have been making fun of and dismissing people who didn't swallow the official JFK narrative for generations.

In fact, the term "conspiracy theorist" was developed by the CIA to combat the JFK event skeptics.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists"

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative

“Conspiracy Theorist”: Just Another PC Thoughtcrime Label

Catchthem ago

Yes i also posted: Something really weird in this case... in this post Something is not adding up here.. YOU COULD BE TOTALLY RIGHT! It can be a trap! There is something wrong here. It can be something big or maybe a trap. This is a very strange story!

equineluvr ago is a bullshit site, so you can eliminate whatever was gleaned from it from your equation.

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Catchthem ago

I am not arguing.. This all can be a big trap and bullshit. Something is not adding up in this story.