Vindicator ago


I am flairing this "Accuracy in Question" due to new research:

People should not trust -- it is clearly unreliable and possibly deliberate disinfo.

@Millennial_Falcon, @wecanhelp, @abortionburger, @sensitive, @nnfx -- Please note future link posts to this site probably will not satisfy Rule 2.

had_enough ago

I call them YourNewsLiar, but they do break big stories every now & then when they find them.

Jem777 ago

Several things that should everyone should be concerned about. The bridge collapse was a major event and the MSM did not cover it. This means it probably had something to do with a "planned event"

Her death was not covered. She was allegedly involved in representing child trafficking. She was assasinated not murdered there is a difference.

The assasin in the anonymous video was highly trained including at MIT. This school has been mentioned a few times but quickly scrubbed.

anonOpenPress ago

"pedo ring" NOT. My reasoning /v/pizzagate/1779596

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

She worked for UPS, The Big Cats.
Their drivers are all Teamster Union Members. Most people in management are former military officers. My observation only: UPS Never backs up from a fight.

God Bless this brave hearted Woman. Born in Saigon and shot in America, age 40. She must have been tough as a tiger.

PizzagateBot ago

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Jobew1 ago

it looks more like she was gunned down for filing the foia request regarding the I 85 "collapse" -- one of the links to that is below. your article doesn't cite any specific litigation she was working on involving "elites" and says just that she volunteered off time to an outfit that helps immigrants with trafficking, domestic abuse, etc.

Astrodreamer ago

I think this whole I 85 collapse is a psyops to conceal the real reason for killing Trinh Huynh. No way she became so great a threat to any secret collapse scenario in 3 days.

Jobew1 ago

ok but that's a lot to do by way of psyops solely to confuse ppl as to the reason for her death. btw, the 'collapse' is a big deal as the majority of americans would be interested to know a real story. again is there any specific info as to what relevant PG type case Ms Hunh was working on

FinalCountDown ago

That's not the whole story:

equineluvr ago

From, aka SORCHA FAIL (David Booth):-


Every attempt has been made to ensure the information contained herein is valid at the time of publication. WhatDoesItMean.Com however, reserves the right to make changes, corrections and/or improvements at any time and without notice. In addition, WhatDoesItMean.Com disclaims any and all liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies.

This site is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. You should not assume that this site is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose which you have in mind when using it.

In no event shall WhatDoesItMean.Com be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this site or other documents which are referenced by or linked to this site.

Some events depicted in certain articles on this website are fictitious and any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. Some other articles may be based on actual events but which in certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes. Certain characters may be composites, or entirely fictitious.

ALSO, if you SCROLL DOWN THE MAIN PAGE you will see a prominently displayed SQUARE AND COMPASS OF FREEMASONRY.

Vindicator ago

rYeah, this is a disinfo site, IMHO, along with yournewswire, VeteransToday, and Millennium Report. Someone should do a post on the main sites like this and how it doesn't help the investigation to use them as evidence.

archons ago

What is the reasoning for all those sites being disinfo?

Vindicator ago

False info in articles which could not be verified when researched.

YingYangMom ago

2 things that CAUGHT MY ATTENTION from this article:

1- "Important to note about the assassination of Trinh Huynh, SVR analysts in this report state, was that her assassin followed professional and accepted shooting protocols in her murder too—and that in The GEORGETOWN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (GWU) authoritative REPORT titled “A Study Of Assassination” states: “In all cases, the subject should be hit solidly at least three times for complete reliability.” LINK: (Any bells ringing with Georgetown?)

2- (Take a look at this assassins face, especially the eyes... MK ULTRA??)

Connect the dots.

Mayor_Wang ago

Looks like the pedos are going to shore up their operation and march along now that the real threat is gone. Too bad. I thought we were going to reveal the truth. Instead we get phony wars and shekelberg.