Death2Masons ago

The mods are in on it.

The_Crux ago

The favorite thing the Soros bought shills like to do is one of them will post something insane like Sandy Hook was a hoax and then dozens of other Soros shills will upvoat it to make it seem like everyone here believes that crap.

Death2Masons ago

Always do Geeves, always do.

Death2Masons ago

More like sycophants

LaDonnaRae ago

Add Titus Frost to your list of shills. Not only has he made multiple videos slamming David Seaman as a "Zionist Shill", but when YouTube removed his latest bullshit as being targeted harassment he went to ANOTHER FORUM to post the same hateful video! "Titus Frost" is a fraud, starting with his alias and working all the way through. He turned his speech Saturday into a bunch of Jew-hating nonsense...he is not interested in children, women, nor trafficking. He just wants a platform to spew hate. Pure, unadulterated, undeserved, HATE.

srayzie ago

I was really surprised the other day when I saw David Seaman's video. I don't watch all of Titus Frost's videos. I didn't know he had this obsession with David Seaman. What is that all about?What started it? I always thought he was a good Christian guy that cared about kids.

LaDonnaRae ago

He is on a rampage against "Zionists". YouTube removed his latest video because it was deemed to be "bullying and harassment"...SO HE WENT TO ANOTHER FORUM AND POSTED IT THERE! He does not care about children and/or human trafficking; Titus Frost just wants a platform from which to spew his Jew-hatred.

srayzie ago

I see a lot of people talking about zionists and Jews. That's one thing I don't know anything about. I know a Jew and she's really nice.

LaDonnaRae ago

Trust me. The "people talking about Zionists and Jews" know absolutely nothing about either one. LOL!

srayzie ago


Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

I find the funniest glitch to be the guy they paid to open fire on the pizza shop. Like who does that? Thats not normal human thinking, thats how a robot would react.

drgrm ago

Yes. I agree...Increased shill-ships. Not attractive. But you know what? Not one of us truth loving and wanting Pizzagaters need one smiggen of validation from the other side Also why would we need MSN to back us up? Why?

If any MSM component...journalist comes clean... Well OK then... Start doing some honest work...

shakethetree ago

Speak for yourself. I could give a shit about being labeled a conspiracy theorist from people who are asleep.

Death2Masons ago

The point is they might not be asleep, but they are shills for using the term.

shakethetree ago

For me, I worry less about shill tactics, and more about being in my own integrity. I chose to be woke and see through the muck. Trying to convince others leaves me spent. I share information and then release outcome. I know the shilling and manipulations happen, as does the constant labeling of conspiracy on those "in the know." Over the years I am now less concerned about the labeling. My choice.

Death2Masons ago

By the way, I unsubscribed to Barry Soetoro because about the same time Alex Jone predictably denounced his accusations of James Alefantis, Barry Soetoro said he now realizes PG is an elaborate hoax. My comment was "Downvote, unsubscribed". The attempt to get us to to consider "AreWeSure" after all this time is imediately met with scorn. This isn't new. I don't think we need to explain why we think this is real after all this time. The shilling has many forms and PG is a tool to expose those who are half truthers. The media and establishment reaction to PG alone says volumes about how serious this is.

13Buddha ago


Death2Masons ago

There is nothing wrong with Conspiracy theories, however... Conspiracy is simply a plan to deceive by two or more people. The theory part is when you assess why they are trying to deceive and what the actual truth is. How controversial is it that the government or authorities lie and are doing things quite different then they show on the surface? Conspiracy theory= theory on why they are lying and hiding the truth. Wow, so crazy.

On the other hand, purposely illogical and unlikely theories are made up to discredit the legitimate ones by association. This is a know tactic. And it is true that the term Conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA to ridicule anybody who questioned the official narrative of the Kennedy assasination. So I am both leery of anybody who tries to use the term conspiracy theory in a derogatory fashion, and leery of intentionaly absurd conspiracy theories. This thread is a little of both, using the term conspiracy theory in a derogatory fashion, but at least doing so about an absurd theory. The more legit way to handle it would be to suggest somebody was spreading wild disinfo to suggest that PG is also a wild unsubstantiated theory by association. That I would understand better without having to question the OP.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Be careful and arm up

Votescam ago

Stop worrying about what people think -- the US is one conspiracy after another since the day after the Declaration of Independence. After that it was all down hill -- all betrayal all the time. Take a new look at the Constitution. No wonder there was such a push for the Bill of Rights. Nonetheless US is pretty much a corporation now and we're the peons.

Death2Masons ago

More like cattle.

IPleadThe2nd ago

I agree, people around here worry too much about what everyone else thinks

Death2Masons ago

Is there in echo in here?

Votescam ago


And like there weren't a couple of thousand or more CIA "Operations" which were conspiracies. Starting with Operation Mockingbird which was being drafted two years before end of WWII. At same time, higher up's in German Military/Intelligence were visiting our Pentagon and making deals. And on and on to MKULTRA and Mockingbird; the records of the latter operation were destroyed by order of Director, Richard Helms on his retirement.

See: Operation Mockingbird — scroll down to “History” — which was being written two years before the end of WWII.

See: Operation Paperclip — Wiki’s figures are low — at the minimum 64,000+ which included families but more likely 200,000 according to Kay Griggs/YouTube.

See: Operation Gladio — US program to keep right wing governments in place in the countries over which they had control after WWII — Germany, Japan, Italy. In Italy, US actually resurrected the Mafia in order to ensure the plan would be carried out.

Death2Masons ago

Don't forget opperation NorthWoods.

Votescam ago

Yes -- so true. And the Nixon's Huston Plan based on Operation Northwoods ... which was intended to be used in case Nixon found it necessary to cancel 1972 elections. Try to get as much info out as possible, but frequently feel like I'm overstuffing the turkey! :)

Makingspace1 ago

Its the rim rangers at the Sharia Blue/Brock/Soros outfit. They think creating these fake news posts weakens the effort. I say let them continue to waste millions if not billions trying to suppress or discredit the truth. Their record stands for itself..They could not even get Hillary elected even though every MSM outlet and most of the left was pushing her and her agenda. They are just a stinking bag of torn assholes if you ask me.

DerivaUK ago

Rim rangers. Like it.

SnoopGoatieGoat ago

Uh we are. Doesn't mean we're wrong.

target_blank ago

Ww3 won't be with guns, but with information and the internet I believe.

IPleadThe2nd ago

It will eventually be with guns, but you're right it will be with info first.

Shillbot9000 ago

It's a proven fact that conspiracy theories develop from social isolation.

20Justice4All17 ago

It's a proven fact that posting instagram pics of babies and infants in a sexualized manner and gleefully commenting on it is indicative of pedo behavior. I also love JA's instagram profile pic of the ancient Pedo.

Doesn't get lower than shilling on a anti baby rape/sacrifice board. Sleep well.

Shillbot9000 ago

At no point has any Voat user actually cared about pedophilla. Your conspiracy theory gives you a sense of community and something to make you feel special. Any evidence that undermines the conspiracy becomes "proof" that the powers that be are actively undermining the search for the truth.

BlueChampagne ago

Well that is to say, to underestimate the overcoming of uncanny valley.

BlueChampagne ago

It was!!! lol

peacebringer ago

The funny thing is they do not even have to do it as people are linking stuff that detracts from credibility without the purposeful disinfo.

mathemagician33 ago

I noticed this in the past couple days also... this subverse is being flooded with articles/videos/posts about stuff that occurred months ago and is not new to any of us (or is just straight up incorrect), often by new accounts. It's an obvious attempt to derail the investigation.

mooteensy ago

I NOTICED THIS TOO. It could be nothing (people new to the sub discovering info we have already seen), but you're not crazy. And that wouldn't surprise me.

SoldierofLight ago

Exactly. This isn't a game to them.

ThePuppetShow ago

Did you see this shit? Haha bot convo?

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

That's remarkable. How did they find this John Podesta comment?

ThePuppetShow ago


IlluminatedJellyfish ago

One composite showed they photoshopped the coloboma out.

ThePuppetShow ago

We were talking about Podesta bee bop. Photoshop just triggered you.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

Light often does.

ThePuppetShow ago

What are you saying? You have all kinds of accounts? We know.

SimonRothschiId ago

The royal we is me!

Codewow ago

All press is good press.

ItsMeMilo ago

And intrigue is what turns the game.

ItsMeMilo ago

Oh my God, this is a LARP of grand and genius proportions.

Shillbot9000 ago

You are crazy conspiracy theorists. Nobody here actually cares about pedophilla, pizzagate is basically just an augmented reality game that makes people feel special and good because they lack external validation of those facts.

Codewow ago

The best part about Pizzagate is the odd coincidences that have been brought into the public eye. I enjoy entertaining the idea of some underground cover up occurring. And not just for some pedophile ring. 9/11, all that stuff. It's just more interesting to think your government is actively going against you.

But who knows. Not everything will be accurate, but I'm sure not everything is inherently false.

20Justice4All17 ago

Please think harder. Go watch our dear dead freind Aaron Russo on YouTube.

Shillbot9000 ago

Drink the koolaid and close the circle.


Gnatsunami ago

I'm absolutely sure I'm not the first person to bring this up but, when children are involved what's the harm in investigating to the fullest extent possible any alleged harm made to them by adults. You know, considering it's our duty to protect them until they can defend/speak for/fend for themselves? Do the people going so far out of their way to hamper all investigations not understand that if they're wrong about their position then they are personally accomplices to child rape etc and prolonging suffering? I understand the flip side with possibly ruining a persons life with false accusations but honestly it shouldn't be that hard to prove you don't rape children and none of the people being accused have really gone out of their way to answer the applicable questions in proving their innocence. I'm sorry but in these two possible evils, I'd rather be wrong and maybe be a little embarrassed than be wrong and have enabled adults to rape children. People on either side of this using the topic of child rape for any sort of political gain are a special kind of fucked up.

It is our duty as adults to fully investigate any report of child abuse.

ItsMeMilo ago

I think as Freemasons our duty is bound to the whole truth.

BlueChampagne ago

Marianne Faithful's father was MI6 lol

This Hillary? LOL

SimonRothschiId ago

Well spotted.

quantokitty ago

Just remember they're the ones throwing the kids in the pool for entertainment.

Makes me feel better already.

ItsMeMilo ago

Podesta is a handler of Manchurian candidates

Criticalthinker615 ago

The roleplaying lately has been a bit on the disturbing/ sick side too

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Been seeing this a lot on here!

Earth_Against_Evil ago

For sure, there's been alot of black propaganda from the beginning, just muddying the waters for the uninitiated. Youtube is littered with incoherent, rambling, incoherent videos about "pizzagate". I saw one where an exasperated dude with a lisp went on to harp on Katie Perry music videos as the main proof of PG for literally an hour. It was all just variations on "Look at this Katy Perry music video! It's no big deal? Huh Katie Perry? Child sex slavery is no big deal? I mean c'mon, wake up people!"

BlueChampagne ago

Since Nobody Has Solved FBIANON "CARDS"

VieBleu ago

And this is why a total free speech forum combined with TERRIBLE MODERATION does not work on behalf of our cause.

It only works for our detractors. Anyone who argues this point is not on our side. End of story.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

@BlueChampagne that was awesome.

Karnivor ago

Judging by everyone's join dates in here... you're all shills!

BlueChampagne ago


pizzaequalspedo ago

Just the fact that there is a coordinated CTR campaign, tells you all you need to know that Pizzagate is real.

Why would they waste so much time and effort to shill if they thought it was just a crazy conspiracy?

DarkMaths ago


DarkMath ago

Yep you did.

You haven't been helping Huma and Hillary's Heroin Ho-down have you?

13Buddha ago

Hey, here you are. Strange. You are DarkMath and DarkMaths. What makes you tick, DM?

DarkMath ago

DarkMaths is some dude from Hungary who doesn't to troll me one day.

I'm DarkMath, no "s" on the end.

ItsMeMilo ago

DarkMath ago

Hillary isn't a reptile.

She's psychotic. I think I can explain the difference. A psychotic is someone who doesn't have the ability to feel emotions. Reptile's don't feel emotions either. They are operating off their lower brain stem or what's called the "reptillian" brain or primitive brain.

That's fine if you literally live in a swamp in the Florida pan handle. But if you're trying to run for president it's not good.

It is good if you're going to run a large Crime Family. Then the inability to feel emotions is very helpful.

It's all good. Hillary will very soon wish she could be a reptile and hide out in the Florida pan handle.


darkofthemoon ago

Could this post perhaps have been inspired by that post:

Because I think that post actually justifies its title once you see that James Alefantis's friend on Instagram is posting a mural with James Alefantis's likeness in a very suspicious context, to which James Alefantis responds positively and mentions that he owns a certain restaurant in Berlin to which he has been connected to previously under a false name that now has been confirmed to really be him.

I can see how he would be scared.

SonicHedgehog ago

Especially after this

SonicHedgehog ago

Interesting. I think the MKUltra glitch is real.

minusco2 ago

Holy shit they totally triggered James' programming.

DarkMath ago

It was 2 Live Crew. The guy told me he was from China.

He got scared when I asked him to "put your lips on my dick and suck my ass hole too"

minusco2 ago

You're a creep.

DarkMath ago

"You're a creep."

You're not American are you.

Don't fuck with 2 Live Crew.

minusco2 ago

Your misuse of "me" in place of "my" indicates major syntax error. How does that make you feel?

DarkMath ago

"Put your lips on my dick and suck my ass hole too."


SonicHedgehog ago

I know!!!! You gotta see this

minusco2 ago


goatboy ago

What's wrong with being a crazy conspiracy theorist? Non-conspiracy theorists are retarded. They have to be in order to ignore reality and overwhelming evidence all around themselves?

It is better to embrace the term, own it, and turn it into the reasonable position. Then the label can never be used against you.

ravensedgesom ago

They're spamming the comments section with irrelevant bizarre post trying to frame us as a mentally unsound fringe movement

44NJ9 ago

Mentally unsound is very popular, look at Miley Cyrus, Kanye West, The Women's March led by a muslim wrapped in a black cloth that was a terrorist. Just keep researching and going.

goatboy ago

The mentally unsound fringe position is a position of strength. It makes us a wild card and wild cards are valuable to all sides.

SimonRothschiId ago

That's true, no shame in being fabulous.

IPleadThe2nd ago

I gotta say, you're my favorite shill! At least you're good spirited and funny

SonicHedgehog ago

Slowly but surely the pieces come together...


2impendingdoom ago

this is an old tactic and difficult because they'll decide that a innocent shop is satanic and post all sorts of google maps that are totally normal.

Spiritual_War ago

We need to force the shills to divide their forces. We have to Sun Tzu these shills

SonicHedgehog ago

I think they just Sun Tzu'd the shit out of Alenfantis... Also, did you see the post about OMEGA?

seanhurray ago


Many here (included myself) we believe in that kind of theories after a lot of research, and we are not crazy. Pizzagate is opening the Gate to all these theories about satanism and secret cults who wants to destroy humanity. Pizzagate is just one of their methods to make money...

The post you quoted is just a piece of shit anyway...

clowntrash ago

Blue, you're a shill/troll/spammer. We get it. No normal person would post the same videos 3 times in a row...IN THE SAME THREAD. Post when you have something useful to say.

BlueChampagne ago

I'm flattered that you think someone would be crazy enough to pay me.

clowntrash ago

You've been called out multiple times on your bs. Time to make a new account and repost the same shit over and over and over again until we figure out is you and then lather, rinse, repeat.

BlueChampagne ago

bs is where the psilocybin grows and we all know where that ends.

clowntrash ago

You repeat yourself a lot...almost as if you're scripted

MysticMa ago

We heard that LINE BEFORE, old shit

minusco2 ago

We are legion.

seanhurray ago

If shills are back that means David Brock is better...

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm seeing more shills online in general. Comments everywhere are being flooded with shills.

jcwetzel ago

That missing $10 trillion from the Pentagon could finance several shills, I'm sure.

bikergang_accountant ago

Also the old moneyed crowd is dying off. Soros, Rothchilds, Rockafeller, they are all on the edge of death. They have nothing better to do with their money.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Seems like they literally did trigger Alefantis.

DarkMaths ago

BlueChampagne must be David Brock.

DarkMath ago

Yeah that was BlueChanpagne and SimonRothschild earlier today.

"They are sending this to a lot of important people".

Oh that we could be so lucky. That post contained references to Me So Horny by 2 Live Crew.

That would not be something you'd want to throw around the internet given the recent kidnapping of black girls down in DC.

If all this pedophile pizzagate shit ever makes it into the African American community I literally will start building a bomb shelter in my backyard.

If the brothers were ever to find out George H.W. Bush and Hillary Clinton are the psychopaths behind crack cocaine and the heroin epidemic then it's fucking all over.

20Justice4All17 ago

This might be the key to blowing the entire system up...course I live far away from any serious amount of black folk.

DarkMath ago

"This might be the key to blowing the entire system up."

I think it's going to get so bad after the truth comes out that George H.W. Bush and Hillary Clinton started the crack epidemic that Congress will have to pay reparations. And they should! It's unconscionable what Bush and Clinton did.

We're talking Bush and Clinton were literally full on straight up Nazis. It's un-fucking believable. But there's no other explanation. Even today the fucking cunt is importing Heroin into Chicago. It's insanity.

20Justice4All17 ago

I don't have a problem with long as we get a more precise version of th French Revolution. Those two families along with Obama have turned out government into a cesspool....I get that they didn't start it,..but they are too good at being evil (Hoping that is their undoing).

We need to redpill the ghettos!

SoldierofLight ago

Yes, and I'm betting the good ole CIA took MLK and probably Malcolm X too. If true, and it comes out, that'll really fuck things up too.

13Buddha ago

Wikileaks Global Intelligence Files provides the answer.

SoldierofLight ago

Any chance you have a link handy?

13Buddha ago

I do not.

BlueChampagne ago

Especially considering the Rothschilds were such good friends with him. (MLK)

The moral arc of the universe is long. MLK

Pipebomb ago

Damn, now that you mention it. I saw that happen on MMOChamp's off-topic forums. I keep trying to throw out red pills while trying to avoid infractions for conspiracy theories. There's a pizzagate thread on their front page right now, making fun of Alex and the PG movement ><

SonicHedgehog ago

Alex Jones apologised to Alefantis, now if I understand symbology BlueChampgne is a reference to a family who opposes RedChampagne. I'm more of a scientist and not must of a symbologist though. Maybe this is a real deal leak. Maybe the higher ups are fed up with Alefantis. He didn't look healthy on 60 minutes, that's for sure.

V____Z ago

Someone suggested the boating you see in JA is likely the result of cocaine use, and i have to agree. I can attest that being a coke addict is miserable af, so rest easy that JA is NOT getting away with shit. Life is hell for him rn.

SonicHedgehog ago

I understand James is anemic like Soros?

V____Z ago

Dunno. But that wouldn't explain the greasy bloated look... on either of them.

srayzie ago

SonicHedgehog, who you are responding to, is a total shill. I've never seen so many. Today is the worse

V____Z ago

OK thank you. So Brock's heart attack didn't stop the onslaught, huh. Pedos never sleep?

equineluvr ago

A certain well-known/prolific poster here just outed himself as a flaming homo, so I'm not so sure that's a bad thing.

Also, what "important people?!"

nomorepepperoni ago

Why am I supposed to care they're homo? I could care less, so long as they understand I'm straight and don't try to hit on me lol.

Pedo, OTOH...

DarkMath ago

"outed himself"

LOL. Dipshit, 2 Live Crew's "Me So Horny" isn't about homos.

Holy horse shit you need to get out more:

SuperJohnWayne ago

Are you referring to yourself?

DarkMaths ago

Daisy Daisy, give me your answer do... I'm half crazy, all for the love of you!

DarkMath ago

The HAL song? Where did ya see that in this thread?

Here's a better song:

Mellowmountain ago

good catch on this one

DarkMath ago

Dude, don't worry I'm not James Alefantis.

They got upset when I sent them a 2 Live Crew song:

After BlueChampagne called me crazy for thinking the American government could do something as evil as 9/11 I told him to "put your lips on my dick and suck my ass hole too."

He's from China and it freaked the fuck out of him. It was funny at the time but I apologized later.

American culture is hard to understand sometimes unless you grew up here.

dougG ago

Epic. I grew up with 2 live crew in SoFla.

SimonRothschiId ago

No BlueChampagne told you that Alex Jones was part of the Stratfor network used to spread the idea that planes hit the towers, this is what makes him complicit with the major networks. On 9/11 a control room for deep state ran an operation which used the media to fool people into thinking the physically impossible had happened. That planes that do not exist in the aviation bureau's on records, defied physics to hit not one but two targets at sea level. Aluminium cannot pierce steel, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Any right thinking person will observe, that if the tower was dropped on the plane, the plane would be obliterated. The object is massive in comparison to the flimsy plane. No amount of heat can turn steel to dust, which happened on 9/11, hence the lack of seismic events in the basin of New York that morning. The paper tumbling down the streets, undamaged by fire, can be accounted for by microwave weapons which are not a form of thermal weapon. Microwave weaponry, is a nuclear weapon. There is a reason the magnetometers of Alaska sharply dropped on the morning of 9/11, coincides with the reason hurricane Erin (which was heading towards the cost of New York) suddenly jutted off to the left... This was a consequence of the plasma manipulation which was taking place by way of the ionosphere.

13Buddha ago

Blah. Blah, blah. It's all explained in simpler terms in Wikileaks Global Intelligence Files.

SonicHedgehog ago

Are you really a Rothschild?

Truewarrior ago

There are tons more new shills on here making stupid incendiary posts about stuff completely unrelated to pg and then their "funny" shill buddies post comments to bait people to go down a non-existent rabbit hole. We need to be much more careful and observe the poster and their history on here to see if they are legit.

Death2Masons ago

Problem is that there was a mod in here who attempted to discredit a user by saying he was a crackpot for being a 9/11 truther or saying Sandy Hook was a Hoax. I almost fell out of my chair. Kennedy assasination, 9/11, Sandy Hook and PG are the litmus test. Anybody who denies these truth movement on these events is rejected. Howver....Some only learned the truth about what is going on through PG and are new to this, so they haven't looked back to all the evil and lies before PG. In other words, they are still not enlightend and think this is a standalone deception. But a mod ridiculing a poster for knwoing the truth because the mod didn't? That is when I became concerned for this site.

21yearsofdigging ago

Keep in mind some shills have been here since day one. This is a big deal!! When Alex has to apologize after all the other shit he has exposed tells you a lot! Pizzagate Pedogate is the BIG ONE!!

target_blank ago

Yup Ive been here a long time and I was never able to downvoat anything till I got 100 upvoats. I can now but I barely downvoat if I disagree with something. Which when someone says something stupid to discredit or divert or downvoat the convo its always a red flag.

So how do these trolls/shills get to? Obviously they just circlejerk each other. Its quite easy to manipulate voats and appear legit.

Puttitout_Is_Fat ago

shills don't just abuse voat, they run voat and code voat. they silence dissent and ban users who won't be silenced.

clowntrash ago

Yes we do. One of the biggest shills "AreWeSure" played like he was on our side and was suggesting that we ignore certain things...then I clicked his comment history and it was extremely obvious what was going on. I haven't seen this much racism, repeat articles from lame websites and anti-trump stuff ever. It used to be non stop brand new news with deep roots and hard evidence...since Pegasus was discussed and everyone got distracted with Seamen and the guy that was trying to sell shirts to profit, it's just the same old YouTube links and Instagram posts. I'll keep fighting for what's right but this site has become overrun and the revolution seems like it's showing some fatigue.

ItsMeMilo ago

I trust them, they seem legit. No one can be this crazy by accident.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

My theory the shill accounts created here are actually bots.

BlueChampagne ago

Shall we give Turing a ring and find out?

BlueChampagne ago

A true warrior is always armed with the three things: the radiant sword of pacification; the mirror of bravery, wisdom, and friendship; and the precious jewel of enlightenment.

Psalm144-1 ago

Ding ding ding

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

How did they find this John Podesta comment?

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

One way to determine is the age of the accounts, I came over on around Nov. 30 2016 when Reddit shut down the Pizzagate thread.
Of course it is not an absolute method BUT does assist in determining if they are here for nefarious reasons.

SonicHedgehog ago

Seems like a legit observation BlueChampagne made... Why was it deleted? Since some people speculate the mods are involved, wouldn't it remain if it was a diversion?

BlueChampagne ago

MKUltra OCTOPUS is why it was deleted.

DarkMaths ago

Probably David Brock.

44NJ9 ago

He's not dead yet? Wonder how many baby blood transfusions he got?

DarkMath ago

Where'v you been DarkMaths? How are things?

I haven't seen you around in, let me check, 15 days! You decided to show up today to help us save children from being raped, save black people from getting hooked on Hillary and Huma's Heroin, and help us out bringing pscyopaths in government to justice.

That's so nice of you!

ThePuppetShow ago

You know what to do. You have voting power, so do I.

DarkMath ago

He Blue I want to apologize again for treating you so harshly.

I know your hearts in the right place. You like me believe Pizzagate is real. We disagree about 9/11. Let's not let that destroy what we have in common which is bringing this massive demonic clown pageant down.

What'd ya say Blue?

Will you accept my apology?

Psalm144-1 ago

Whats with all the attacks on you @darkmath latey? I read the "me so horny" bit and its a non-story. Who cares, it was a joke and I am with you entirely on your explanation. I just find the whole thing weird. And who the fuck is "darkmathS"? Are they trying to trick people into thinking they are you? That just odd...

DarkMath ago

I'm not sure. I actually think BlueChampagne was a real person. The issue was/is he's Chinese and I don't think Chinese derive the same enjoyment out of busting people's balls as poor white heterosexual males do.

All I know is God's on our side and I've learned in the past few days Trump is starting to depose witnesses. It looks like they are going to bring this thing down after all.

Psalm144-1 ago

Exactly. I have a dang bible verse as my user name but even still I enjoy busting ones balls too, its the American Way! Lol! From my observation it seems very suspicious to me anyone who is questioning your legitimacy here on Voat. You have been a staple here for a while now and looking at your comments and post history I just dont see how you could possibly have any nefarious agenda. The fact that you are willing to say (time and time again) things like "1) raping children

2) stealing organs

3) getting rich selling crack and heroin to poor black people

and finally

4) creating the world's first and largest mass snuff film in lower Manhattan on 9/11" shows me that you DO have a good heart and you want justice like all of us genuine people do!

I saw a comment recently about the "litmus test" to help determine a shill or not. It was something along the lines that one must acknowledge/admit shadiness surrounding the following events: Kennedy, 9/11, Sandy Hook, PG.... Do you agree with this? I personally think it is SOOOO obvious that all these 4 "events" are clearly shady. thoughts?

DarkMath ago

JFK yes.

9/11 yes.

PG yes

You left out:

Boston Marathon Yes:

Oklahoma City Yes: search youtube, men were caught with detonation cord in the parking garage just before the bombing. Epic fail. Oops.

Sandy Hook maybe.

Why maybe? I don't know. I just haven't seen a good explanation pointing to a conspiracy. Do you know of any? I could go either way. Sandy Hook could be disinfo to discredit other conspiracies about thing that did happen like Claude d'Estree at the Boston Marathon.

Psalm144-1 ago

I have not looked into OKC enough to formulate and educated opinion on the matter. Sandy Hook on the other hand REEKS like a hoax. Just look into one of the alleged slain childrens' father "Robbie Parker". This is dude is obviously a crisis actor as are seemingly all the other people that were wandering around aimlessly in the minutes after the alleged shooting. Also, absolutely ZERO med-evac helicopters at the scene of a crime scene where over 20 people had just been shot?! Just review all the news/aerial chopper footage and there is SO MUCH out of place and weird as hell stuff going on. There are countless other oddities surrounding this "event" as well (medical examiner interview/FBI data does NOT account for the deaths/stifled independent researchers/Heavilty redacted crime scene info/etc.)

DarkMath ago

What about the kids who were killed? Aren't they real?

If so then how would they know Adam Lanza was about to go postal?

BlueChampagne ago

No you Nazi handler piece of shit.

DarkMath ago

Nazi? Where did that come from?

How did you go from 2 Live Crew and 9/11 to Nazi?

Those aren't even on the same continent dude.

BlueChampagne ago

I know you are a nazi you stupid fuck. I was part of the program.

DarkMath ago

"I was part of the program."

The program? Wtf. Are you high right now?

Try to be rational for 30 seconds and explain what your point is.

BlueChampagne ago

You are a NAZI.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Why did you pick "blue champagne" when blue koolaid seems more your style?

BlueChampagne ago

Well funny you should mention that. Blue champagne is a reference to the CO2 content of Blue Blooded people, such as myself.

With regards to LSD... Yes you are close. Did you know that the alkaloid of DMT is actually a neurotransmitter like LSD 25 and 5-MEODMT, psylocin A + B and all psychadelic drugs because the definition of psychadelia is a neurotransmitter that the metabolite itself thereof creates a kaleidoscopic vision of geometric proportions in the pea and pea or whatever attachment to the pineal gland there is with light cones OR rods also depending on genetics, and depending on genetics the chromosomal filtration of certain neurotransmitters within these rods or cones which also illustrate in the visual cortex apparently?

DarkMath ago

And you are a fruit cake.

Bro, you need to provide evidence if you're going to call me a nazi.

I've been here 4 months. I eat Nazis for breakfast. I've kicked many a nazi off /v/pizzagate.

You need to stop being lazy and go read my comment history.

BlueChampagne ago

Yes call me manna nazoid.

DarkMath ago

"manna nazoid"

I am so confused right now.

If you'd like to have a rational conversation with me then great. I said I was sorry. I apologize for busting your balls. You didn't deserve that.

But if you want to keep being this way I'm gonna say good bye.

ThePuppetShow ago

Trolling 101

2impendingdoom ago

maybe he confused you with someone else

BlueChampagne ago

I am the manna and you are the nazoid. Ja?

DarkMath ago

Good bye.

BlueChampagne ago

:) Bye Bye

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Hey Guys, what'd I miss?

BlueChampagne ago

You are one of my favorite actors.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

True. Likewise if an old head, but newer registrant, lightly misses a rule in a post that was purely positive and foundational to research here, don't be a dick like wecanshill and delete the account while not answering a simple question about the post.

Yes I am talking about the post asking folks to leave the date of the story in the title if it is an old one. I got shit on for that.

And yes I have been here since day one.

MysticMa ago

Same here, just didn't reg... an yes I too got jumped w/ no exp!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agreed with you 😁

SonicHedgehog ago

thanks :)

quantokitty ago

Seemed a good point. Was wondering what happened.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

Check it out That's remarkable. How did they find this John Podesta comment?

SimonRothschiId ago

quantokitty ago

True enough.

mooteensy ago

Thanks for pointing this out. Wish there was something we could do.

44NJ9 ago

You are doing something. Keep talking. You stop, they win.