DarkMath ago

Don't worry these guys are shilling. That's a conversation I had earlier with BlueChampagne who kept calling me "James".

SimonRothschild1 you have been here 3 days. Go read me comments and find out

1) How long I've been here

2) What specific comment of mine made you think I am James Alefantis.

Sound good? Thanks.


jangles ago

Be obviously not ja

BlueChampagne ago

equineluvr ago

That would be the same poster who INSISTED that Jews are NOT involved. LMAO!!

DarkMath ago

I remember you. You're the Nazi guy who keeps trying to blame "The Jews(tm)" for anything bad that's ever happened in American History ever.

Do you know sending fake Nazis here is a great way for CTR to destroy our credibility?

equineluvr ago

I'm not a Nazi, you idgit! Learn to read.

You are 100% J damage control; that's obvious!

DarkMath ago

"Learn to read"

Thanks guy who could recognize one of the most famous Rap Songs in American History.

Where the fuck do you live that you hadn't heard 2 Live Crew before?

I gotta know. Ulambator?

sensitive ago

@SimonRothschild1 deleting per rules 1 and 3. If you keep doing this, we have to ban you. Which would be a shame.

equineluvr ago

WOW. Thanks for posting this. I stopped reading that thread early on and never would have seen it.

It looks like someone has been OUTED.

DarkMath ago

Lol that's funny. Sorry I'm not James Alefantis.

I'm just a boring plain poor white heterosexual male. You know, what Killery calls a Deplorable.


equineluvr ago

Heteros don't post the vile homo crap you posted in that "conversation."

I never said you were JA. You've been outed as a homo freak, though, that's for sure. That fits nicely with your J apologia.

DarkMath ago

"Heteros don't post the vile homo crap"

LOL. That's a quote from 2 Live Crew. Holy shit.


No wonder this investigation is going nowhere. You're a complete fucking idiot.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Wow man I do recall you stating that James Alefantis "is an innocent guy caught up in this mess"

DarkMath ago

I don't think I said innocent. If I did please paste in the link.

What I said was there isn't enough information to condemn James Alefantis. That's different than saying he's innocent of guilty.

Please tell me you understand that.

MostPostersAreShills ago

There isnt enough evidence to convict him. But you did say he was innocent I bet I can find it.

DarkMath ago

Please find it so I can correct it.

What I think is happening though is you're not familiar with the fact someone is "innocent until proven guilty".

Does that ring any bells?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Yeah but thats the law. We arent talking about the law. We know that James Alefantis is guilty of some crime. Whether or not we have enough evidence to prove it does not make him an innocent man. It only makes him so in a court of law sense.

DarkMath ago

" in a court of law sense."

I'm perplexed why you would want to waste time on evidence that could never be used in a court of law.

It it can't be used in court then it's a waste of time. Those were the instructions from FBIAnon who, duh, works at the FBI and if this goes to trial will need evidence that can be used in court. Hearsay just won't cut it. Sorry I don't make the rules.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Do you think James Alefantis is a pedophile?

DarkMath ago

I think you mean to say is do I think James Alefantis has ever sexually assault a minor.

I have no evidence he ever did that. He could have. I just don't have evidence he did.

Clearly the guy is a little too fond of underage boys given his avatar on Instagram is the 16 year old boy lover of Emperor Hadrian who many consider the de facto God of pedophilia.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Ayy at least you admitted it. Maybe you arent a shill after all.

DarkMath ago

I'm no shill. We just need to be precise when expressing our opinions given the highly charged words involved.

I think the way this elite house of cards come down is through what George Webb is discovering relating to Huma and Hillarys Heroin Ratline from Pakistan.

Then there's the doping of Congressional routers by the Awan brothers.

There are so many crimes involved here. I think when those crimes are prosecuted and people are put in jail only then will we learn the full story of Comet Ping Pong.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Do you have a twitter?

DarkMath ago

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

MostPostersAreShills ago


Thats me bro just a regular ass nigga

DarkMath ago

Do you still think I'm a shill?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Idk maybe. I really do think a large majority of posters are shills. Too much of the same bullshit threads being pushed. And even that one thread which showed that this website was blocked from Google. They are surely interested in influencing this board.

DarkMath ago

I'm not a shill. Go read my 2000+ comments.

Btw way I have a twitter account but it doesn't have my name on it. But thanks for showing me yours. Looks like you're a pretty clean and fit hombre.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Thanks man you seem like a good guy too now.

Psalm144-1 ago

What are you suggesting here?

equineluvr ago

Did you read that exchange? It speaks for itself.

Psalm144-1 ago

Go look at his comment history and posts... Why would a shill (or JA for that matter) act/post in that manner?

BlueChampagne ago

Copypasta most of the time, cointelpro.

You should read the whole thread.

DarkMath ago

I think I hurt BlueChampagne's feelings. I tore him a larger ass-hole than I normally do.

Again Blue, I'm sorry I made your ass bleed. Put some neosporin on it and some ice and call me in the morning.


BlueChampagne ago

Your anal fixation is indicative of abuse James. Were you abused?

DarkMath ago


First up, that quote was from one of the best and most famous Rap Anthems of all time which goes by the name of "Me So Horney":


I suggested you watch it because your absurd belief the American government would never do something as evil as 9/11 and your subsequent admission your Chinese made me think your unwarranted faith in the American government is similar to a prostitute staying with an abusive pimp.

Me So Horny is about Hos.

BlueChampagne ago

Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle

bopper ago

I prefer the KJV.

DarkMath ago

Who trains your mind for reality? You might want to get your money back.

If you can read all 2000+ of my comments and still think I'm a shill then.......you'll need to learn to read English better.

Psalm144-1 ago
