Millennial_Falcon ago

rule 1: what does boston marathon bombing have to do w/ pizzagate?

contrarianism ago

If I may offer an opinion: George Webb is revealing the corruption spider web of which pizzagate is only one thread.

JB Ramsey clearly related to PG. Satanism clearly related. Korbel's location in Denver is not coincidence. Checkout the Denver airport's NWO murals. That area is an epicenter.

TimesUp ago

Wow. I just looked up D'Estree's faculty page, and here are the courses he teaches!

INTS 4987: Forced Labor & Human Trafficking INTS 4928: Torture INTS 4935: International Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict (IHL/LOAC) INTS 4936: International Law and Human Rights INTS 4955: Human Trafficking Clinic INTS 4969: National Security Law

(from his listing on University of Denver Website):

chickyrogue ago

wow ... who hands are all over that one ?

ancient rumor billy clintoon