Vindicator ago

@SimonRothschild: Rule 1, 2 and 3. Apparently, you feel no need to follow the submission guidelines for v/pizzagate research posts. EVERY claim must be sourced. You must clearly state your premise and how it is relevant to the investigation of the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite. All video links must be clearly described.

You also misappropriated information from Wikipedia's Senomyx article, implying fetal cells are used as flavoring in Pepsi. The article clearly states the cells were not used in flavorings. You are now banned for continually violating subverse submission guidelines, as well as posting false information.

DarkMath ago

Dude why are you shilling for child rapists and organ harvesters?

These aren't "reptiles" they're greedy human beings. That's it. It's been happening for the past 2000 years. Rich people like fucking over poor people.

It's human nature evidently. I've never been rich enough to tell otherwise.

minusco2 ago

China Town is Henry Kissingers favourite film.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

Forget it Jake, it's China Town.

ThePuppetShow ago

Unbelievable with the timing on this and the "lawsuits".

SageInAllFields ago

So strange you should mention lawsuits.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

I have a mole on the centre of my back. In China that is interpreted as a heavy burden, so your symbology carries accuracy on the genetic level.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

I think you mean the page of swords but nevermind.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago


equineluvr ago

"Take a look at this speculation"

Clones are copies, so explain the variation please.

SimonRothschiId ago

The variation is the solving of disharmonious genome sequences.

ThePuppetShow ago

Bullshit. You used Photoshop for the trail of his deleted comment. CTR or higher up?

SimonRothschiId ago

By any other name.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

You should investigate it yourself, you will come to the same conclusion.

The study of melatonin/melanin and DMT is research related to growth acceleration.

Dressage2 ago

Great post!! You are right, this is pizzagate not just a slime ball at CPP.