Schade ago

Julian Assange appeared on Sean Hanity at 4:07PM EST, While the voice was easy to be spoofed the evidence provided to outside of simply the broadcast has been deemed legit proof of life. Assange is still alive and these files are Julians & Wikileaks to distribute as such, has terminated our release. A copy of the proof of life we received will be provided to the public shortly.

The release system will be kept in place if ever required to be used in the future.


yea this deffinitely sounds like total bullshit: fishy site claiming to release...another halfassed interview..then some vague story about evidence that we cant confirm.

antiracistNew ago

.. Regarding Assange on Hannity, I'd like to remind you all that audio Photoshop was recently invented.

can_of_wurms ago

Audio photoshop is nowhere near the quality necessary to pull off an interview like this without sounding like garbage; it gives the impression of a poorly clipped soundboard. Even Deepmind's Wavenet voice generation isn't at human parity yet. Give it 5-10 years before the PTB has the ability to spoof entire interviews.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Government tech is typically 5-10 years ahead of consumer tech, though I don't doubt the authenticity of this interview.


Also this

We are (excuse my english) fucked. It's like an earthquake has shook the ground since 2008 and now the tsunami is on it's way. Inevitable. We need to take cover.

sofakingtodd ago

"Julian Assange will be on Sean Hanity any moment. If he appears on the broadcast the release system will be terminated."

Freed0mFighter ago

Again, i don't think it's him.