Catchthem ago


ChallengeAssumptions ago

What about this post is shilling?

Catchthem ago

They work in teams.. Now it are BabylonFalls and PhlebotomyConspiracy First it was David Seaman, than Brittany Pettibone, than they where pushing MK Ultra, than it was the Jews, and now its canibalism... Look at the deleted submissions (corner right down) Than you will untherstand..

ChallengeAssumptions ago

You sound like a bot.

Catchthem ago

Duhhh... Have a look here what they do

ChallengeAssumptions ago

You are a bot?

Catchthem ago

Yes i see, you are one off the Shill-Team.. Fuck You and your Pedo Loving friends

ChallengeAssumptions ago

You are literally a bot with no conscience though, your assessment is invalid.

Catchthem ago

Yeah look at you spamming here So FUCK YOU SHILL!

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Yeah look at you spamming here So FUCK YOU SHILL!

Catchthem ago

You are literally a bot with no conscience though, your assessment is invalid.

Catchthem ago

You are a bot?

Catchthem ago

You sound like a bot.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

You are literally a bot with no conscience though, your assessment is invalid.

Catchthem ago

Yes i see, you are one off the Shill-Team.. Fuck You and your Pedo Loving friends

jangles ago

You are helping the elite and soros by pushing the only pedos notion of pizzagate. @challengeAssumptions, if the original author is an intellect

Catchthem ago

WTF are you talking about? Read this post and my posts carefully and look also at the links There was a complete Shill-team flooding VOAT today. And now you are saying i am helping the elite and Soros?? What are you saying? I exposed the Shills shilling..

jangles ago

Not all posts are shill

Catchthem ago

Look here they are together shilling again.. Now after seen that also, if you than still cant see what i mean. I can not help you..

jangles ago

I see, thanks for having extra eyes, I hare arguing the science of cloud seeding and indicators for wind pattern analysis withe these Chemtrail kooks