DeathToMasons ago


trypanon ago

As difficult as it is, try not to feel too guilty about it. If you're only 29-30 then you were born into a system literally designed to manipulate you into not knowing about this stuff. From birth they have purposely tried to hypnotize you and have you under their control. Give yourself some credit for breaking the spell.

My heart and soul were shattered into a million pieces when I realized this is actually happening. That was 6 months ago. Since then I feel that I have become stronger than ever before. From the remnants of my old self it's as if I have been reborn with the heart of a fucking god. My soul is on fire and burning to end this cycle. Apathy isn't even an option anymore.

From this moment forward is when we start anew. Never again will we allow this to occur. We can take pride in that at least.

findingaway ago

The Aware Foundation Inc. on facebook has a posting of a possible sex trafficking scam for ages 14 and over. Here is the link for the ad for teenagers to make some extra money:

eyeVoated ago

If there's an army of cannibalistic satanic murderers crawling all over the planet, you can bet your bottom fiat dollar they're evolved enough to select and press the downvote button.

Xpol ago

Someone said this on another post that you have to think how many different groups need bodies.

ginx2666 ago

Ten black and latina teens

Oh would you look at that, I don't give a flying fuck.

yourtruthseeker ago

PizzaGate could be a really awesome way to tie in cannibalism to the whole idea.

Freemasonsrus ago

The thing that's frustrating is that they are trying to tie this into racism when that's not what this is in this instance. If they'd dig a little they'd understand that there won't ever be large scale coverage of missing kids in DC area, even though the the amount of missing kids in this area is statistically an anomaly. Some of this is going to be rooted in the fact that we have plenty of IC peeps within the MSM who are involved and who want this subject not to be breeched.

concernedaboutitall ago

I agree.

26Zapatosnuevos ago

There is an ad about human trafficking and how to spot it. It's all around us we just have to notice and watch for it. And then report it. So I have to wonder is there a way to spot a Satanist A man or woman involved in human sacrifice?

LaDonnaRae ago

I am in the D.C. area, so I am kind of tied up at the moment. Please let us know what you find out.

rickman ago

Of course they're silent. The media have shut down the idea there is any child sex trafficking involving pizza or politicians to protect people in high places. They start mentioning all these missing girls and people might start wondering. Start asking questions about how exactly pizzagate was debunked.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Satanic Season of Sacrifice Starts Tomorrow: Can we find some kind of Satanic Ritual Calendar so we can correlate spikes in missing children? deleted by user

e-traiu ago

This is so got damn fucked up! Truth, its faaar Stranger than fiction :/

Fedup0813 ago

I am no shill nor am I trying to distract any conversation. I do my own research, on any topic I feel of interest to my own existence. As for your intelligence quotient number, that's great. However I suggest you work on and raise your numbers in critical thinking.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

OVER 9000!!!

concernedaboutitall ago


LaDonnaRae ago

There was just a 16-year-old autistic female kidnapped and held for six days, sent from home-to-home to be raped by multiple men. An Uber driver saved her. She was from Maryland. Further, there have been two house explosions in Rockville, Maryland in as many weeks. Something is definitely going on.

Fedup0813 ago

Morojax, What are you talking about? Who's a shill?

shoosh ago

Maybe their family members will show up at the upcoming demonstration in D.C.
Maybe it would help spread the education of p-gate.

ArthurEdens ago

Good for Teen Vogue reporting on this. I'm very sad for those poor girls

MyNameIsLuka ago

And works of "art" will be sold to hide the money. Maybe a few ridiculously expensive parties will be "catered".

thatguyiam ago

Oh shit that's how they do the exchange? Worthless POS art selling for a ton?

squarcle ago

And this is the likely reason Modern Art sells for a ton. It's so easy for the super-rich & connected to launder money. They have various avenues at their disposal.

MyNameIsLuka ago

That and $20 worth of food at a gala going for $20k per plate. It's completely unregulated. It's freaking madness.

quantokitty ago

That's a freakin' lot! Think maybe we should get together and strategize on how to make the media take notice. Maybe decide on a couple of links or subjects and complain in MSN and WashPo and on other outlets about these not being covered. What do you all think?

HeavyBrain ago

Thats how we know the girls are propably white.

ZunarJ5 ago

HeavyBrain - the ones who get the most publicity are the one whose own parents/families may have been involved in their disappearance for financial gain. Read into that as you wish.

FckPizza3 ago

:( this just breaks my heart.. just the thought of what these girls are probably going through just breaks me down....

BabylonFalls ago

Foods that contain aborted foetus

PEPSI BEVERAGES: • All Pepsi soft drinks • Sierra Mist soft drinks • Mountain Dew soft drinks • Mug root beer and other soft drinks • No Fear beverages • Ocean Spray beverages • Seattle's Best Coffee • Tazo beverages • AMP Energy beverages • Aquafina water • Aquafina flavored beverages • DoubleShot energy beverages • Frappuccino beverages • Lipton tea and other beverages • Propel beverages • SoBe beverages • Gatorade beverages • Fiesta Miranda beverages • Tropicana juices and beverages

NESTLE PRODUCTS: • All coffee creamers • Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

KRAFT - CADBURY ADAMS PRODUCTS: • Black Jack chewing gum • Bubbaloo bubble gum • Bubblicious bubble gum • Chiclets • Clorets • Dentyne • Freshen Up Gum • Sour Cherry Gum (Limited) • Sour Apple Gum (Limited) • Stride • Trident

CADBURY ADAMS CANDIES: • Sour Cherry Blasters • Fruit Mania • Bassett's Liquorice All sorts • Maynards Wine Gum • Swedish Fish • Swedish Berries • Juicy Squirts • Original Gummies • Fuzzy Peach • Sour Chillers • Sour Patch Kids • Mini Fruit Gums • Certs breath mints • Halls Cough Drops


redditsuckz ago

Whats in the Beer?

Whats in the soft drinks?

Whats in the Coffee?

Whats in the Wine?

Whats in the Soap at Aipocere Soap in the Pajama Factory?

Whats in the Tomato Sauce at Comet Ping Pong? - Toigo Farms

Whats in the meat?

The beings that run this earth are not human and the food and drinks are not made for you because YOU ARE THE FOOD and you are the are the "cattle"...

joey4track ago

Man. It might not be that crazy of an idea to test just what exactly is in those CPP sauces.

User2060 ago

naturalnews is not a 100% trustworthy, although it did happen a few times they had something's not GLP. But this Soylent Green thing....I'd like major proof because I got nauseated, I drink some mountain dew code red occasionally...although, it's manufactured in my country so things might be different. I'm a chemist and I can analyze something as simple as the content a can of code red mountain I am forced to do it on the job outside working hours...ugh, just no way.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavouring chemicals

Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems." These receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells. HEK stands for human embryonic kidney cells. These cells, originally came from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus in the early 1970s. Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors and currently owns 113 patents on their discoveries. Senomyx collaborates with seven of the world's largest food companies to further their research and to fund development of their technology.

3047934 b

User2060 ago

What can you do, it was done in 1970, when people still used coathangers. The tongue is one of the least comprehended sense of the human being, MSG is bad because too much glutamate all of a sudden disturbs the balance of a lot of chemicals in the brain. Hell, the withdrawal from benzodiazepines when used for a long time is caused by the glutamate storm that is caused by the sudden lack of GABA-A natural agonists to regulate it. I do not find this diabolical and the Planned Parenthood doctored videos are just that, doctored videos, it's okay, at least that foetus that was aborted can be useful for humans., Although stem cells should be used for much more important (and are used) and urgently needed things their magic (I say this as I am amazed at how nature works, why do these cells know what to do, the biological code makes computer code a joke. Bush was wrong with banning stem cell research and see Dubya these days, it looks like he's back on coke or something big time, or just brain damage. I bet it'll be so ironic the day he has his Alzheimer's or Dementia cured by stem cells, of course he only banned them to make his base content with him, the evangelical base he called crazies in private (I think Ari Fleischer was caught hot miking saying something like that.)

The budget of Parental Parenthood on abortions is 2%. If they weren't there, you wouldn't know that SYPHILLIS is back and apparently pretty strongly in the northeast of the U.S. and thank you, now in Canada, the province over New England/New York, Quebec has a resurgence of syphillis that is out there. It's back because of those states that make it impossible to too hard for teenagers who develop into wanting to have sex, like it or not, this is how humans are built, and I'm speaking of normal sex, not Alenfantis "sex". When I was in grade 8th, there was a condom dispenser in the bathroom. No ink was wasted on screaming it was wrong. Too many kids still will have sex together without protection or just do other things just as pleasurable as coitus, my first real girlfriend didn't mind that when we had no condom...the possibilities were still quite there, we all learned about this in sex ed that things consider "preliminaries" can actually be the only thing done to express love with each other and you can get a woman to love you a hell lot with that organ that has all those complex receptors on them that have chain reactions that interact extremely quickly with the brain.

ArthurEdens ago

Do the analysis. You owe it to yourself and the public

User2060 ago

I did it, and the only thing bothers me still is the aluminum of the cans themselves getting in the liquid itself, as it is a softdrink, it is highly acidic, and I don't know if they stay around long enough to get aluminum in them even if I drank 6 cans a day for years to get Alzheimer's or such, which Aluminum is a very likely culprit or part of the culprits. No biological products except high fructose corn syrup as said on the can was found in my analysis using mass spectrometry. Although these are canned in Canada, maybe that could be a reason, but that's the only caveat I can think of.

ArthurEdens ago

Wow, I'm impressed that you followed through. I'm glad to hear no soylent greenish ingredients. I've heard that alumimum can alzheimer theory from a family member a long time ago and didn't know that's a thing. Aside from that all that carbonated water can give osteoporosis pretty bad I've heard. Thanks for analyzing that! Still impressed!

User2060 ago

I always follow through, especially regarding what I can do. I just renovated a second guest room in the house, installed a number padlock on a door and already had planned to build a little analytics lab nothing can be synthesized, at least nothing complicated, in there. I have a mass spectrometer when the university I went to, in the chemistry dept. they were selling old equipment to people with the order of canada chemists license which people get after passing their program there. As for the arthrosis dangers of carbonated softdrinks, like I said I like my code red Mountain Dews (the lime ones, like all lime softdrinks, do contain something that is bad) it's maybe one can a day or less. I drink a lot of pomegranate juice, obviously it's not the grenade shaped bottles which are small and 5 bucks each, it also contains grape juice to cut it, but I drink a lot more of that especially on really hot days like today.

At least for Canada, Pepsi made Mountain Dew contains no biological products except the corn syrup. Sorry to all addicted to fearporn. There's a lot of evil out there but also a lot of fake news, there was fake news before it became popular on MSM to say so and everyone who's been on the internet for at least 10 years knows how to navigate and shun the pitfalls.

ArthurEdens ago

I slam a couple of those grenade pom juices when I feel a cold or flu coming on. Works everytime. A little old chinese lady told me that tip.

You're right, lots of fear flags out there. Your lab sounds great. Keep up the solid work, sir.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavouring chemicals

Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems." These receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells. HEK stands for human embryonic kidney cells. These cells, originally came from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus in the early 1970s. Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors and currently owns 113 patents on their discoveries. Senomyx collaborates with seven of the world's largest food companies to further their research and to fund development of their technology.

mysecretidentity ago

This is bullshit there is no fetus cells in any of that food only ever the first cell was real iirc since then it's been clones and I think they use it for testing not as an ingredient

Catchthem ago

He is shilling you..

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems." These receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells.[1] HEK stands for human embryonic kidney cells. These cells, originally came from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus in the early 1970s.[2] Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors and currently owns 113 patents on their discoveries. Senomyx collaborates with seven of the world's largest food companies to further their research and to fund development of their technology.

MyNameIsLuka ago

It's strange that "umami" has suddenly become a thing in the food world. I mean, I'm a trained chef and was practically born in a restaurant. This is a weird phenomenon in my opinion.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Umami (/uˈmɑːmi/), or savory taste, is one of the five basic tastes (together with sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness). It has been described as brothy or meaty. People taste umami through taste receptors specific to glutamate.

BabylonFalls ago

Pro-lifers drop boycott after Pepsi disavows use of aborted fetal-cells

User2060 ago

Washington Time was founded by the Moonies. It's a ragtag tabloid.

Dressage2 ago

Go get a real job after you learn how to spell, shill!

ChallengeAssumptions ago

@dressage2 wow what's your problem bot?

Dressage2 ago

I despise lowly paid shills. Some day you will have karma bite you in your ass.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

You're a bot without a conscience though, so... Who cares?

eyeVoated ago

Lolz! You made my day with that comeback :)

Fedup0813 ago

Great report. I'm going to start digging into this tid bit. thank you.

BabylonFalls ago

Thank you Sir.

NoBS ago

Censorship has a cost. Since they have no moral compass, legacy media needs to protect human traffickers for their masters. Grab media by the pussy and chuck 'em to hell!

Touchdown50 ago

Sacrificed to satan

BabylonFalls ago

Foods that contain aborted foetus

PEPSI BEVERAGES: • All Pepsi soft drinks • Sierra Mist soft drinks • Mountain Dew soft drinks • Mug root beer and other soft drinks • No Fear beverages • Ocean Spray beverages • Seattle's Best Coffee • Tazo beverages • AMP Energy beverages • Aquafina water • Aquafina flavored beverages • DoubleShot energy beverages • Frappuccino beverages • Lipton tea and other beverages • Propel beverages • SoBe beverages • Gatorade beverages • Fiesta Miranda beverages • Tropicana juices and beverages

NESTLE PRODUCTS: • All coffee creamers • Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

KRAFT - CADBURY ADAMS PRODUCTS: • Black Jack chewing gum • Bubbaloo bubble gum • Bubblicious bubble gum • Chiclets • Clorets • Dentyne • Freshen Up Gum • Sour Cherry Gum (Limited) • Sour Apple Gum (Limited) • Stride • Trident

CADBURY ADAMS CANDIES: • Sour Cherry Blasters • Fruit Mania • Bassett's Liquorice All sorts • Maynards Wine Gum • Swedish Fish • Swedish Berries • Juicy Squirts • Original Gummies • Fuzzy Peach • Sour Chillers • Sour Patch Kids • Mini Fruit Gums • Certs breath mints • Halls Cough Drops
