Clinker ago

You can have sex with American children who are prostituted by their foster, adoptive or sometimes natural parents but you can't torture them to death. For that you need a kid with no paper trail that you import from a 3rd world country.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

This woman is my hero.

LightSource ago

Poverty and parentless children from the earthquake

Freemasonsrus ago

I'd assume it's just easy pickings, a corrupt govt that turns a blind eye, and geographically desirable to the U.S.

banenya ago

Yes, I'm sure they are "hot" for some of them. When it comes to human sacrifice, black babies are the choice which could also increases the demand. Most desirable for sex are white, blond, blue-eyed, or at least they command the most money.

NotTooLate ago

I did a post on this Friday night.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Foods that contain aborted foetus

PEPSI BEVERAGES: • All Pepsi soft drinks • Sierra Mist soft drinks • Mountain Dew soft drinks • Mug root beer and other soft drinks • No Fear beverages • Ocean Spray beverages • Seattle's Best Coffee • Tazo beverages • AMP Energy beverages • Aquafina water • Aquafina flavored beverages • DoubleShot energy beverages • Frappuccino beverages • Lipton tea and other beverages • Propel beverages • SoBe beverages • Gatorade beverages • Fiesta Miranda beverages • Tropicana juices and beverages

NESTLE PRODUCTS: • All coffee creamers • Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

KRAFT - CADBURY ADAMS PRODUCTS: • Black Jack chewing gum • Bubbaloo bubble gum • Bubblicious bubble gum • Chiclets • Clorets • Dentyne • Freshen Up Gum • Sour Cherry Gum (Limited) • Sour Apple Gum (Limited) • Stride • Trident

CADBURY ADAMS CANDIES: • Sour Cherry Blasters • Fruit Mania • Bassett's Liquorice All sorts • Maynards Wine Gum • Swedish Fish • Swedish Berries • Juicy Squirts • Original Gummies • Fuzzy Peach • Sour Chillers • Sour Patch Kids • Mini Fruit Gums • Certs breath mints • Halls Cough Drops


*63074197 b *

unbiased_researcher ago

Also, in terms of organ harvesting, melanin is worth roughly 10x the price of gold :-/

bopper ago

Joe Biden's wife is on the Board of Trustees of Save the Children, here's their Haiti operation.

She's the "Board Chair" as of February 2017.

Another politician helping to "save the children" is Helle Thorning-Schmidt, CEO, former Prime Minister of Denmark.

She's the one Obama was allegedly flirting with and Michelle was bummed about it.

She's also a member of the ECFR and member of the board of trustees for International Crisis Group (since 2016). This group is involved with the Clinton Foundation (link below).

Small world, I feel like a real pleb.

Conclusion. Old movers and shakers never go away, they just join NGO's and non-profits to help children. Apparently.

Sermo_Ludere ago

Great additions.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Foods that contain aborted foetus

PEPSI BEVERAGES: • All Pepsi soft drinks • Sierra Mist soft drinks • Mountain Dew soft drinks • Mug root beer and other soft drinks • No Fear beverages • Ocean Spray beverages • Seattle's Best Coffee • Tazo beverages • AMP Energy beverages • Aquafina water • Aquafina flavored beverages • DoubleShot energy beverages • Frappuccino beverages • Lipton tea and other beverages • Propel beverages • SoBe beverages • Gatorade beverages • Fiesta Miranda beverages • Tropicana juices and beverages

NESTLE PRODUCTS: • All coffee creamers • Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

KRAFT - CADBURY ADAMS PRODUCTS: • Black Jack chewing gum • Bubbaloo bubble gum • Bubblicious bubble gum • Chiclets • Clorets • Dentyne • Freshen Up Gum • Sour Cherry Gum (Limited) • Sour Apple Gum (Limited) • Stride • Trident

CADBURY ADAMS CANDIES: • Sour Cherry Blasters • Fruit Mania • Bassett's Liquorice All sorts • Maynards Wine Gum • Swedish Fish • Swedish Berries • Juicy Squirts • Original Gummies • Fuzzy Peach • Sour Chillers • Sour Patch Kids • Mini Fruit Gums • Certs breath mints • Halls Cough Drops


sore_ass_losers ago

Utter B.S.! I'm sick of reading this kind of nonsense posted here by people with low reading comprehension. Read your original source again carefully. Articles about this are written in almost a lawyerly fashion:

"You choose to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies."

When you eat/drink this swill you are imbibing flavoring agents manufactured using devices to measure the flavor that are made using human fetal flavor bud cells. I think this is disgusting also, there are alternate approaches, but you are not actually being a cannibal.

V____Z ago

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles picture on jimmycomet's Comet Ping Pong Instagram with the comments section clearly visible.

Now if you look at the comments section, dr.nwo says: "Whip up a Haitian special, extra cheese"

druhill007 ago

INB4 SHILL - listen bro they're just chatting like normal friends would I don't understand how you people can take something as simple as cheese and turn it into kiddy diddling. Can you even find Haiti on your flat earth map LOLZzzz


V____Z ago

It wasn't "us people", it was the FBI who found that on the "dark web" people are indeed using these same terms, like Podesta and Statfor use, to refer to raping, or pictures of, children. The earth isn't flat.

Take it up with the FBI.

TheTuringTester ago

You do realise @druhill007 is a bot, right?

druhill007 ago

Lol damnit. One bad joke and I've been ruined 😂😂😂😂

bopper ago


bopper ago

Go back to your other bot thread, bot.

V____Z ago

You think you and your 21 minute long account are going to convince anyone that a bot is making these comments?

TheTuringTester ago

My account /thegodhead is banned from pizzagate.

druhill007 ago

Ahhh I was trying to be funny!!!!!!!

druhill007 ago


Inb4 shill = this is what a shill would say

mysecretidentity ago

Not quite

V____Z ago

DANGIT i never understood what that meant b4. So sorry man, i squashed your funny! I shall hang my head for the remainder of the night.

druhill007 ago

Loll!! Took me ages to figure that one out too. Ahhh it's all good. I don't know how actual shills do it. The thought of actually ruining someone's day with a comment like that was terrifying

V____Z ago

It's all good! I didn't even remember that comment.

bopper ago

Dude. I think you hit the wrong target lol. Maybe try again?

TheTuringTester ago

Shut up bot.

druhill007 ago

Nooooooooo I was joking!!! Inb4 shill = what a shill would say

druhill007 ago


bopper ago

I thought you turned traitor :) I had to google Inb4 and I was still confused ha ha!

druhill007 ago

Hahah ah if I ever post like that again and it's not a joke just know that illuminati took me down and stole it lollll

bopper ago
