Godwillwin ago

Everyone with a twitter account, tweet the link and in your 140 characters be sure to write something about the Americans getting away with it

VieBleu ago

Thanks for the update, but what a sad, sad state of affairs. Really awful.

NotTooLate ago

This article has more detail if it can be believed. No names though. This needs to be answered.


Information received at Senatus indicates the involvement of "foreigners" and sophisticated logistics made up of helicopters, restaurants in Petion-Ville and boats. The two "whites" who promised between US $ 300 and $ 500

Sordid, the affair known as "sexual slavery" of girls in the press continues to provoke uproar and indignation. "According to the first information provided to Senator Renel Senatus," there are aliens who have been caught in the act of sexual exploitation of children in a hotel on the Arcadin Coast. The police arrested them and rescued the children. "

"The authorities have spoken to us," says Senatus. "They say they have videos or we see [the whites] in full sexual intercourse with the children at this hotel."

The president of the Senate Justice Committee on Sunday "went to the DCPJ to check this information because I know that in Haiti, after the arrest of some vagrants, there are authorities calling to release them. I did not want this to happen, so I moved to go 'ser ber an', "he yelled yesterday morning on the radio.

Arrived [to the DCPJ], he continues, "I actually found 31 children in the corridor. They are children between the ages of 13 and 17, "said the senator, who expressed doubts about the age of these girls, some of whom say they are 20 years old, have children or care for their parents.

"Some of the children say they were taken to the hotel because they had to attend a party on a boat," the senator said, adding that the girls "say that the 'white' Said he could travel with them and change their lives. They do not understand why they were arrested and not white. " "Nou paka pran zandolit e kite rat kap manje kann lan" denounced the Vice President of Social Affairs and Family Rights, perplexed at the absence of the owner of the hotel of the Cote des Arcadins to the DCPJ while 'He did not' cooperate with the police '.

In a joint operation by the DCPJ, the Port-au-Prince Public Prosecutor's Office and the Minors' Protection Brigade, a dozen "traffickers" were arrested, a sum of Haitian and American money discovered, but also a laptop Saturated with child pornography videos, featuring several of these young children. The police also seized a quantity of alcohol, sachets of marijuana, cocaine and sexual upstrokes (sòs pwa).

The investigation that ultimately resulted in this strike was underway for weeks now say the authorities. If in the press and on social networks, one speaks of "sexual slaves", the substitute commissioner of the government Myrlande Dupuis Preveau, speaks of "trafficking of human being".

Traffickers, "continues Ms. Preveau," participate in this act called "human trafficking, which begins from the age of 14 until the age of 18. We returned to Port-au-Prince with these 33 minors. They were there to be used sexually and otherwise. "

A driver also stopped by the police. If he denies any involvement in this matter, the girl who accompanied him asserts that he is his boyfriend. "If you say I'm your boyfriend, you want to condemn me, you want to send me to jail?" "Replied the man who said he had received 4,000 gourdes for the trip from Petion-Ville to Kaliko Beach, Arcahaie.

HashTagFU ago

The idiot that wrote this has a real problem with incorrect comma usage.

Organizations Denounce Release of Child, Sex Trafficking Suspects

Two civil society organizations concerned with human trafficking denounced the release of individuals involved in the sex-trafficking operation, that freed 31 girls being held at the Kaliko Beach Club last month.

dskies ago

We need a list of every wannabe celebrity that ever asked for support in helping the people of Hati. Ask them to respond to this shit or find another scam to feel self important about.

Piscina ago

If this isn't proof that pedophiles and human traffickers are protected by powerful people, I don't know what is.

VieBleu ago

The owner of that hotel "refused to cooperate". Oh really? He can just refuse, eh? Law enforcement in Haiti is obviously non existent.

Rmm ago

hollywood where is your movie about this?

Bolux ago

Tweet,email ,call Mr Gowdy.

cantsleepawink ago

Well done for keeping an eye on that.

crystalclearme ago

Had enough? Before pizzagate we probably wouldn't have remembered to follow up on this story , right? Would have had a nice warm feeling ... well we DO KNOW NOW. So let's demand some ANSWERS and NAMES. Rain HOLY HELL on them

Mad_As_Hell ago

Okay now I'm really fucking mad. How many times must the people of Haiti be victimised and revictimised? Where are all the virtue signalling celebrities like Sean fucking Penn when you need them? Where did all the money well-meaning regular folks raised after the earthquake go? And what of their tax dollars too via USAID and the like? Is it all in the pockets of HRC's cronies? It is beyond disgusting what they've done to that country, they've taken the Haitians' self-sufficiency, well-being, dignity, and as if that wasn't enough, the innocence (and in some cases lives) of their children too.

crystalclearme ago

Head on over to their FB Page and let us rain holy hell on them. Let's demand names and answers for what the hell happened.

Psychanaut ago

please share the link. 3 times on this page people have suggested that as if everyone commonly knows exactly where this facebook page is. That's just not how it is. Where is the link to the page. You seem to know it off the top of your head. Can you share that with the little people who are not savvy like you are? I have no clue where you are going on their Facebook page, but I sure would like to pile on too. So just let us know.

crystalclearme ago

I am terribly sorry- It was late and I was FUMING angry and trying to archive and get links to share in a Voat post. I think we should ask Operation Underground Railroad for clarification https://www.facebook.com/OURrescue I am also asking the writer Samuel Maxime https://www.facebook.com/Samuel-Maxime-439049996207978/ who wrote the articles to whom we should write and/or call .

GivenyaThunderc00kie ago

This is a blatant disregard for human life. I have no words for the sadness and disgust that this makes me feel, because those words don't even come close.

Freemasonsrus ago

This is sickening. Remember that GW talked to the guy at that hotel who said the Americans that were caught were on a flight the next morn back to states and left in such a hurry that they didn't even pay their hotel bill. Names!! WE WANT THE FUCKING NAMES. At the time he would not tell GW the names of those hotel guests who were caught and fled. Time to revisit this issue. And then, let's buy a fuckin billboard.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Isn't that convenient.

Foreign participants in the trafficking were not even held or arrested according to numerous accounts. Of the nine Haitian nationals who were arrested, by Wednesday, March 15, 2017, none were still in police custody. Many civil society organizations across different sectors have expressed outrage since learning of the sting, that freed 31 girls, of at least, 14 minors, and the lack of justice which ensued.

Pretty typical results. the HRC WJC cabal gets to skate.

dFrog ago

What the flying fuck? Is this Deep State pushback?

doubletake ago

GEORGE WEBB SCORES AGAIN. He predicted nothing would come of it. Pretty powerful connections.

Day 101 - DynCorp Harvest, Why Killing Is Good Business, Part 1


NotTooLate ago

Yep - and that Glenn Beck asset that tweeted out all leading right up to it needs to be outed.

MolochHunter ago

what a fucking disgrace this planet is

lynn1314 ago

I feel the same way.

crystalclearme ago

Head on over to their facebook and ask them about it. Now we know the pattern we need to hold some feet to fire and get some answers.

Psychanaut ago


crystalclearme ago

I am terribly sorry- It was late and I was FUMING angry and trying to archive and get links to share in a Voat post. I think we should ask Operation Underground Railroad for clarification https://www.facebook.com/OURrescue I am also asking the writer Samuel Maxime https://www.facebook.com/Samuel-Maxime-439049996207978/ who wrote the articles to whom we should write and/or call . It may absolutely be misunderstanding but appears someone or a group of someones needs to answer WTF happened

anonOpenPress ago

Remember this on the upcoming march signs!!

11-11 ago

Made me cry

NotTooLate ago

What happened to the whole Glenn Beck debacle and that OUR rescue group? It was all BS

unbiased_researcher ago

Yep. Makes sense now.

Baxterbaxter ago

This is so wrong. Haiti is infested with swamp creatures.

Antonius ago

It is a pure swamp.

Typical 3rd world country.

Annon365 ago

Except the people who are profeting from the damage are not even from there. They are 3rd world for a reason , they are being exploited

NotTooLate ago

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (sentinel.ht) – Two civil society organizations concerned with human trafficking denounced the release of individuals involved in the sex-trafficking operation, that freed 31 girls being held at the Kaliko Beach Club last month.

The Director of the National Committee Against Human Trafficking (CNLTP), Ely Thelot, in a Thursday press release said “the arrested were caught in the act and in view of the seriousness of their act, they should have been tried and sentenced so that victims can be repaired.”

Foreign participants in the trafficking were not even held or arrested according to numerous accounts. Of the nine Haitian nationals who were arrested, by Wednesday, March 15, 2017, none were still in police custody. Many civil society organizations across different sectors have expressed outrage since learning of the sting, that freed 31 girls, of at least, 14 minors, and the lack of justice which ensued.

The Support Group for Returnees and Refugees (GARR) also released an official statement denouncing the release of the suspected traffickers without having been tried.

In the CNLTP statement, Director Thélot expressed his dismay by the release of the traffickers without having been judged in advance and called for the opening of a parliamentary investigation to clarify the circumstances in which these people were released.

It was also recalled in the release that Haiti is very vulnerable to human trafficking and that more efforts must be made to protect the vulnerable people. “This is an issue that should be among the priorities of the next government,” he added.

crystalclearme ago

I can't find the CNLTP statement easily online but still looking. I think we all ought to head on over to FB page and start asking questions and demanding names and answers.

Psychanaut ago


crystalclearme ago

There are a few - but I think Operation Underground Railroad is in best position to answer don't you? https://www.facebook.com/OURrescue